来る12月11日(月)、東京大学武田ホールにて、本領域後援の第24回 Tokyo RNA Club が開催されます。Joshua Mendell博士、Samie Jaffrey博士、Chuan He博士など、RNA研究の第一人者が一堂に会し、最新の知見を紹介していただく予定です。参加費は無料です。(※懇親会ではシニアの方から1000円のカンパをお願いしております。)
鈴木 勉
13:20 Opening Remark
13:30 Samie Jaffrey (m6Am epitranscriptome)
14:00 Masato Yano (Qki5)
14:20 Kotaro Tsuboyama (Argonaute movement)
14:40 Joshua Mendell (lncRNA NORAD)
15:10 Coffee
15:40 Jay Shin (Single cell)
16:10 Koichi Ogami (NEXT function)
16:30 Takashi Yamano (CRISPR)
16:50 Kensuke Ishiguro (rRNA methylation)
17:10 Chuan He (epitranscriptome)
17:40 Closing Remark
17:50 Social Hour
Tokyo RNA Club aims to facilitate interactions between local (especially young) researchers and leading RNA scientists from around the world. We invite Prof. Joshua Mendell (Univ of Texas Southwestern Medical Center), Prof. Samie Jaffrey (Cornell Univ.) and Prof. Chuan He (Chicago Univ.) and others who are top scientists in the field of RNA biology. Free of charge.
Date: Monday, December 11, 2017
Time: 13:20~18:00
Venue: Takeda Hall (In Asano campus in Univ of Tokyo)
Tsutomu Suzuki
Shinichi Nakagawa
Tetsuro Hirose