File accession File format Output type Experiment accession Assay Biosample term id Biosample term name Biosample type Biosample life stage Biosample sex Biosample Age Biosample organism Biosample treatments Biosample subcellular fraction term name Biosample phase Biosample synchronization stage Experiment target Antibody accession Library made from Library depleted in Library extraction method Library lysis method Library crosslinking method Library strand specific Experiment date released Project RBNS protein concentration Library fragmentation method Library size range Biological replicate(s) Technical replicate Read length Mapped read length Run type Paired end Paired with Derived from Size Lab md5sum dbxrefs File download URL Assembly Platform Controlled by File Status Audit WARNING Audit INTERNAL_ACTION Audit NOT_COMPLIANT Audit ERROR ENCFF661TYX fastq reads ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF218BOC 235900763 Gene Yeo, UCSD e69e8a3d728dc8792d43bed477598aec SRA:SRR5111839 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF558NTZ/ released ENCFF734UEC fastq reads ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF147JYD 187212648 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7450ec2dbd5c00774cba29993c2a6e2c SRA:SRR5111838 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF558NTZ/ released ENCFF147JYD fastq reads ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF734UEC 210459987 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3a9dc57a54596810c3a58aada4e1bacf SRA:SRR5111838 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF333DTJ/ released ENCFF218BOC fastq reads ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF661TYX 266966804 Gene Yeo, UCSD d43a7134abda446bf406f7e713d3560d SRA:SRR5111839 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF333DTJ/ released ENCFF565CEU bam alignments ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF218BOC, ENCFF661TYX 264367602 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa5183e07a074e8fac92753dc8d70b8f hg19 released ENCFF453YOD bam alignments ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF147JYD, ENCFF734UEC 199950194 Gene Yeo, UCSD d16cc03ef2a8556643de382faadbbc97 hg19 released ENCFF524PYO bam alignments ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF218BOC, ENCFF661TYX 261663602 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7287cf3fa083dc4af4059b5965c75cac GRCh38 released ENCFF923ZPC bam alignments ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF147JYD, ENCFF734UEC 198188581 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f8f354fd14c6bbe559f586028e1fa10 GRCh38 released ENCFF281ELS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF453YOD 10962672 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0993dc83da313b8691457871f5f0275d hg19 released ENCFF591LPY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF565CEU 13702381 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0517dea34d52c011c492494a34bf6b82 hg19 released ENCFF450IVA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF453YOD 11382985 Gene Yeo, UCSD 14c84afd1e73b5579b4aa1367e96bc40 hg19 released ENCFF619APF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF565CEU 14389401 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42f9c36b61d436368ad4440db2b2d19d hg19 released ENCFF242QQJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF923ZPC 10910857 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7741c86ffb26bcc98060dd788374a47b GRCh38 released ENCFF979RKC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF524PYO 13643938 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1454cc34e4f3330265d8a0bada14fe2e GRCh38 released ENCFF569LQN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF923ZPC 11327583 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8268f50c1ba20af1ac24ced7ead1aa07 GRCh38 released ENCFF435YMY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF524PYO 14299969 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca0d905ce8ea65235e2ad9adbbc037c1 GRCh38 released ENCFF697CMV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF453YOD, ENCFF887NON 961318 Gene Yeo, UCSD e9d63d144a5741fd225e4ca987d10452 hg19 released ENCFF333KPU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF565CEU, ENCFF887NON 1292689 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3667dba581bc36645a36f04e5a15809a hg19 released ENCFF669TNM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF394DDJ, ENCFF923ZPC 966669 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d5db800b54206d18ed853e33b24d8bf GRCh38 released ENCFF606RXB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF394DDJ, ENCFF524PYO 1298930 Gene Yeo, UCSD d40929b5486352bb37d4cb652981eaae GRCh38 released ENCFF392HLM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF333KPU 2209047 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5d916a63504f25c0fc3719ce05ba9be8 hg19 released ENCFF393WWU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF697CMV 1718444 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63755b0f5ba6ea9b09bdf5543acc4e1f hg19 released ENCFF118WWO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF606RXB 2226649 Gene Yeo, UCSD 335af0b96dd81e786763e3486935afc6 GRCh38 released ENCFF022DCK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR584TCR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF669TNM 1728630 Gene Yeo, UCSD 799ee7d986eafcdef2604cc297fa7a1c GRCh38 released ENCFF917GQR fastq reads ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF116QDH 400983454 Gene Yeo, UCSD 66cbd78d453d57e26d87f9da9d387de0 SRA:SRR5111494 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF057LEI/ released ENCFF795IGM fastq reads ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF349ZAH 305796673 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1400f238b7ad0196f221ac67dcc5ed8c SRA:SRR5111495 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF057LEI/ released ENCFF349ZAH fastq reads ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF795IGM 329236538 Gene Yeo, UCSD f70a6e6227da6e48921606f1bcbe3907 SRA:SRR5111495 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF169EQC/ released ENCFF116QDH fastq reads ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF917GQR 429706640 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0dd47fcaedaa691dbcd69b356c082ad5 SRA:SRR5111494 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF169EQC/ released ENCFF222FBC bam alignments ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF116QDH, ENCFF917GQR 237306466 Gene Yeo, UCSD be284b312981a99534729c8a2f0ab3cf hg19 released ENCFF059QDI bam alignments ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF349ZAH, ENCFF795IGM 160981896 Gene Yeo, UCSD cc80b889890d37cb925005d0bff07229 hg19 released ENCFF846XXE bam alignments ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF349ZAH, ENCFF795IGM 158892736 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76c9924688e1781092c4da922e54d1cc GRCh38 released ENCFF159MVB bam alignments ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF116QDH, ENCFF917GQR 234950666 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3494983f0f35c091e40937edc648f028 GRCh38 released ENCFF608LUC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF059QDI 7790754 Gene Yeo, UCSD c9e68faceef240ebffc65d5597045823 hg19 released ENCFF079XEB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF222FBC 13596056 Gene Yeo, UCSD e3fe2ae9fd7d0b27e8419114ff85f097 hg19 released ENCFF914PEF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF059QDI 8144361 Gene Yeo, UCSD e4860fd0d8020cf6441488b7e06543e0 hg19 released ENCFF830EEK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF222FBC 14129463 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7de3c3b715c8ecaa259c85ecac809b9f hg19 released ENCFF801MSL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF159MVB 13535820 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8fc76297eb6e3b2f00dfef6244362488 GRCh38 released ENCFF901JTH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF846XXE 7749636 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11bf8e4ec52ec831c4336619c2cda61a GRCh38 released ENCFF127SBH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF159MVB 14045910 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3a07fa41abf2fdbd467eb8ef33bde5f6 GRCh38 released ENCFF349CWI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF846XXE 8074772 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10ed76ff4305c2aefaefbeb9948696a3 GRCh38 released ENCFF257VRQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF175TON, ENCFF222FBC 1171260 Gene Yeo, UCSD 08e0f44277e0718ba8f8d25438e734a0 hg19 released ENCFF744EQP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF059QDI, ENCFF175TON 746213 Gene Yeo, UCSD c7a2b2e65af41cc5f614663f8b73c640 hg19 released ENCFF402AIE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF068LVA, ENCFF159MVB 1183698 Gene Yeo, UCSD 81e3ea1bf8e05243099b4e3a8284198b GRCh38 released ENCFF618ZPP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF068LVA, ENCFF846XXE 749886 Gene Yeo, UCSD f3b7448122b79de6e3acb98aa5e0b851 GRCh38 released ENCFF669QSB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF257VRQ 2402277 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62b7ac7230bca15d8a46acf4b9131a85 hg19 released ENCFF249CGM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF744EQP 1320482 Gene Yeo, UCSD 88e4ed006ba6cdc31317958eb0f96549 hg19 released ENCFF086AMC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF402AIE 2424758 Gene Yeo, UCSD a9e7ce41f9bb41a1daf21917af6207a3 GRCh38 released ENCFF658CJG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR365NVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF618ZPP 1324970 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7d3d0f629ce20027b72f2e4f6c5fcfca GRCh38 released ENCFF108KYH fastq reads ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF145LAT 542513813 Gene Yeo, UCSD 19cb36c6ae1a1cea0c29397da4f514d3 SRA:SRR5111933 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF228JKT/ released ENCFF815JMM fastq reads ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF053TCK 679221483 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65a5a3aab5f4ea472b578c311f4f49b8 SRA:SRR5111934 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF228JKT/ released ENCFF053TCK fastq reads ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF815JMM 713747952 Gene Yeo, UCSD afc0380cd893f4b2628f59f9ca50703d SRA:SRR5111934 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF145LAT fastq reads ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF108KYH 571783794 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ee851749e296b3eedf4e2a3f6b2de64 SRA:SRR5111933 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF581RBS bam alignments ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF108KYH, ENCFF145LAT 362176375 Gene Yeo, UCSD db30cfbeffcbe0f0d4083e9f6be79f13 hg19 released ENCFF568HWB bam alignments ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF053TCK, ENCFF815JMM 318140440 Gene Yeo, UCSD 878e74a8f958be630b116a270b798772 hg19 released ENCFF294FZI bam alignments ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF108KYH, ENCFF145LAT 351662298 Gene Yeo, UCSD 57a844c9b40f770a206bf7306a3f3919 GRCh38 released ENCFF063MVN bam alignments ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF053TCK, ENCFF815JMM 303559229 Gene Yeo, UCSD 136dedd296ac4b5d52563f8dde6ac764 GRCh38 released ENCFF020CTE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF581RBS 19075100 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2586b2d118a978a9f33765b8a4e42d9b hg19 released ENCFF870EKX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF568HWB 17310111 Gene Yeo, UCSD 36146e0eedd5c5d19258b25be92a4929 hg19 released ENCFF332RLS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF581RBS 19819958 Gene Yeo, UCSD aed985f828b2626293dda513b1ecf2ee hg19 released ENCFF156NTC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF568HWB 17991597 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca02a942ce40854c37c8c9b82872d2bb hg19 released ENCFF355URY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF294FZI 18499022 Gene Yeo, UCSD f533e909080c0df20a74e12c025239da GRCh38 released ENCFF701ABR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF063MVN 16791275 Gene Yeo, UCSD c11627a8b3b1dec37b6f2edb61cb0f17 GRCh38 released ENCFF220AMQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF294FZI 19445384 Gene Yeo, UCSD 564a7e54e8680d6da4a9a2c88e2dc7fc GRCh38 released ENCFF580LAY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF063MVN 17431707 Gene Yeo, UCSD 719ec2cbddcc6638680b0ef50f8464b1 GRCh38 released ENCFF243GNO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536YVM, ENCFF581RBS 1847719 Gene Yeo, UCSD 97c098c8645985b94eada51d564f0a93 hg19 released ENCFF043TCO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF536YVM, ENCFF568HWB 1427618 Gene Yeo, UCSD 39eb98dd98f394ce89c85b09b974490b hg19 released ENCFF402DTY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF294FZI, ENCFF497KTD 1819898 Gene Yeo, UCSD e0a02aa83a30cab4899b3a0878996f19 GRCh38 released ENCFF507IRG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF063MVN, ENCFF497KTD 1373328 Gene Yeo, UCSD a10a040327abd06d487a370777e76030 GRCh38 released ENCFF347INC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF243GNO 3742360 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3879330c74b3b33e54f2dd3a8593e959 hg19 released ENCFF996ZNV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF043TCO 2396239 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2759d0aafa9112b057be00461aec8827 hg19 released ENCFF998MHJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF507IRG 2324952 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51dde0f5f85236b207582f0a55c2662c GRCh38 released ENCFF365GQC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR539ZTS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF402DTY 3696037 Gene Yeo, UCSD 00c843c287fec0d2239cf1558181ef55 GRCh38 released ENCFF241ABH fastq reads ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF906PLZ 622172338 Gene Yeo, UCSD e6c1a5742e9799186ceaf3f224b1e9fc SRA:SRR5112132 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF847HXV/ released ENCFF483TJU fastq reads ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF765OCP 593427646 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ee853d2b65437ae9f71bd088a68ac72 SRA:SRR5112131 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF847HXV/ released ENCFF765OCP fastq reads ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF483TJU 640066228 Gene Yeo, UCSD b51541997ed7b40afa7d154259f4390d SRA:SRR5112131 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF635VEP/ released ENCFF906PLZ fastq reads ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF241ABH 667962593 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5272ea3eca0a45787c2f921623764cbb SRA:SRR5112132 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF635VEP/ released ENCFF160ZHG bam alignments ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF241ABH, ENCFF906PLZ 110824371 Gene Yeo, UCSD 45b8206258cd314b0f12c4921cf8e2cb hg19 released ENCFF821NNN bam alignments ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF483TJU, ENCFF765OCP 203022645 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ec5074270555eefb0566c19535e57d0 hg19 released ENCFF722JFH bam alignments ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF483TJU, ENCFF765OCP 195981725 Gene Yeo, UCSD b58edffa17ef6dd2cafebed56e342909 GRCh38 released ENCFF134IIH bam alignments ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF241ABH, ENCFF906PLZ 104477436 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c2f5f44911eba821f3aa90933ce1b05 GRCh38 released ENCFF009PAA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF160ZHG 5358817 Gene Yeo, UCSD abc8d6fc209fd9b837a2570fcc98ec8a hg19 released ENCFF927YPS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF821NNN 12036965 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6747f473c3774f363fcfdb011a3d3d7d hg19 released ENCFF532KFY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF160ZHG 5517883 Gene Yeo, UCSD c7e712cbc8dc48c87ec59899c59a54d3 hg19 released ENCFF585HPQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF821NNN 9358938 Gene Yeo, UCSD f678f3879cea151ab6721a75ca8b67ff hg19 released ENCFF900ABY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF722JFH 8920030 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b2e28219a44af643b6cc9afb387245d GRCh38 released ENCFF325BSW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF134IIH 5106183 Gene Yeo, UCSD 86a553fbfad7576e7decfee5ca19941e GRCh38 released ENCFF333DNO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF722JFH 9120053 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b3f72e095049c660fd364b36f77016d GRCh38 released ENCFF038OXX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF134IIH 5272635 Gene Yeo, UCSD 685290d052bd398a65f5e2e7170ee496 GRCh38 released ENCFF716SCR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF818JLM, ENCFF821NNN 938315 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b19b7b6936c426014d7adbc6ce2c09c hg19 released ENCFF515WRY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF160ZHG, ENCFF818JLM 553490 Gene Yeo, UCSD 58c731a7308d26b2446196e1c3d78fab hg19 released ENCFF087FYK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF026OKT, ENCFF722JFH 912085 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8084bf4974ba62f3b4bcbd0d228592a5 GRCh38 released ENCFF506LVL bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF026OKT, ENCFF134IIH 529851 Gene Yeo, UCSD e43cc9fad730fe3c6fd2c424617f2e16 GRCh38 released ENCFF814JGB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF515WRY 1043256 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42d75c443786f5f5ac4552c55ca0d16e hg19 released ENCFF378YBS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF716SCR 1678199 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7753b5c30656d16fb4e5af8edb36eb12 hg19 released ENCFF589NWW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF506LVL 998168 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42f643836b25758d74237f0a820e1b0d GRCh38 released ENCFF817NNY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR820DQJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF087FYK 1640795 Gene Yeo, UCSD 27b8550f8822d86ead81ade7bb817658 GRCh38 released ENCFF136TZL fastq reads ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF385LMB 587553920 Gene Yeo, UCSD cbf26d22bbe5792d64d40d08137422f3 SRA:SRR5111390 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF832UNJ/ released ENCFF305KBN fastq reads ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF255JDZ 785924085 Gene Yeo, UCSD 45b9bdecf394fdf885f160819bc7fbf6 SRA:SRR5111389 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF832UNJ/ released ENCFF255JDZ fastq reads ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF305KBN 823063684 Gene Yeo, UCSD b53d0ba4e73e711a40551b89a6bd5085 SRA:SRR5111389 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF591UZM/ released ENCFF385LMB fastq reads ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF136TZL 595856876 Gene Yeo, UCSD 939ece25edd7d24f4fe022c71e816cfa SRA:SRR5111390 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF591UZM/ released ENCFF662GNC bam alignments ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF255JDZ, ENCFF305KBN 232427136 Gene Yeo, UCSD c700afcdbdc096295ab14051276eea9e hg19 released ENCFF468ZMC bam alignments ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF136TZL, ENCFF385LMB 287324557 Gene Yeo, UCSD 31877b312672f1984bd6edc30defd449 hg19 released ENCFF821QWP bam alignments ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF136TZL, ENCFF385LMB 281183084 Gene Yeo, UCSD b074515224672fd8f46501a031775d57 GRCh38 released ENCFF130LEJ bam alignments ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF255JDZ, ENCFF305KBN 227004553 Gene Yeo, UCSD 405c8f0638e2383be051fc47f2be3449 GRCh38 released ENCFF757XSC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF662GNC 12074749 Gene Yeo, UCSD adec6322c9b106fb1741ab33f49f4655 hg19 released ENCFF971FWU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF468ZMC 15241366 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c4583dc9c57575247d324c712d37b24 hg19 released ENCFF982ATU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF662GNC 12729746 Gene Yeo, UCSD 38d18d4077c4f0421d9d056e67dd5ca6 hg19 released ENCFF449HWV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF468ZMC 15807721 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9e87ba3149752f37fe6570728e651099 hg19 released ENCFF525AOF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF130LEJ 11905466 Gene Yeo, UCSD cb691f579d007000fcd3edc4c3a980b6 GRCh38 released ENCFF232SDJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF821QWP 15066982 Gene Yeo, UCSD 96d7ff65f28b9530da1c006e12d8f1fd GRCh38 released ENCFF864WUG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF130LEJ 12534404 Gene Yeo, UCSD 04dc6338bf121851881a7afb16ca8a23 GRCh38 released ENCFF084TRE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF821QWP 15608497 Gene Yeo, UCSD 08e4b19c5594895dc153e3fa8e8baff3 GRCh38 released ENCFF727RJA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF468ZMC, ENCFF942TNV 1376939 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0ad2365ef14a55f304e94e8156ac2f3 hg19 released ENCFF041HMB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF662GNC, ENCFF942TNV 1141765 Gene Yeo, UCSD cfbdb05ae4d9b8ad5ba1b08d572ee750 hg19 released ENCFF135TAD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF222NYJ, ENCFF821QWP 1380022 Gene Yeo, UCSD e50e4eaf50249d2191b4d0d8620d5888 GRCh38 released ENCFF962CKJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF130LEJ, ENCFF222NYJ 1134826 Gene Yeo, UCSD 193254f8c8ac81cf605deb42fbf0b17c GRCh38 released ENCFF227VPH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF041HMB 2386076 Gene Yeo, UCSD f8f1a7716f4c26218b416e23773628e5 hg19 released ENCFF239NBV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF727RJA 2845829 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e01435a0e0f57d576637d66bc00fa72 hg19 released ENCFF297FFH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF962CKJ 2374254 Gene Yeo, UCSD 378ea084d3f7d03f9dc4b474a319e948 GRCh38 released ENCFF877NAI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR303OQD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF135TAD 2849531 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9fd6dc948ee74cff05c25a284a52be96 GRCh38 released ENCFF041HAI fastq reads ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF290QYC 848898366 Gene Yeo, UCSD 73260130fcf86e2cc089686e7ed74619 SRA:SRR5111330 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF314GJB/ released ENCFF701NLR fastq reads ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF830OQL 958429866 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0e73ee7073e64c08e3dc58395596deed SRA:SRR5111331 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF314GJB/ released ENCFF290QYC fastq reads ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF041HAI 879762623 Gene Yeo, UCSD 69484f027e1496d5c38e9f6ae73f7e0c SRA:SRR5111330 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF018HDR/ released ENCFF830OQL fastq reads ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF701NLR 987830997 Gene Yeo, UCSD efac80b166b91792d44d0c71c29c723c SRA:SRR5111331 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF018HDR/ released ENCFF727MET bam alignments ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF701NLR, ENCFF830OQL 376515842 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5d885247f594eb49e582639e934f611 hg19 released ENCFF636DUC bam alignments ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF041HAI, ENCFF290QYC 279063189 Gene Yeo, UCSD 24c58da878d1144bf28d7918f339e3b8 hg19 released ENCFF337RLS bam alignments ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF041HAI, ENCFF290QYC 271323795 Gene Yeo, UCSD d86dd359479a215cdac1801d48075819 GRCh38 released ENCFF455DRN bam alignments ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF701NLR, ENCFF830OQL 366886405 Gene Yeo, UCSD 03f4caffdcb56814c7accb8f12fb7f5f GRCh38 released ENCFF677MAD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF727MET 18588336 Gene Yeo, UCSD 191958db8020eb67e8973683dd1aa74d hg19 released ENCFF352XMI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF636DUC 14750383 Gene Yeo, UCSD c1ba259b32f1a58ae8e106381c65c58e hg19 released ENCFF467LDJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF727MET 19343193 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f0ce88e574558c349fab5213dc47140 hg19 released ENCFF286MJI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF636DUC 15347150 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa34c0e1ab8c17b069784a89c9734556 hg19 released ENCFF512THN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF455DRN 18263605 Gene Yeo, UCSD 230497955176e000b2ebb794b81924f8 GRCh38 released ENCFF694JFS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF337RLS 14495030 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6968a0b160e1c094733096c8514718da GRCh38 released ENCFF456IVU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF455DRN 19012642 Gene Yeo, UCSD afcd7d45a53fb64f1d841770fc9fa7c0 GRCh38 released ENCFF340LSX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF337RLS 15080323 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ce4f1677c5edc51fa6eec9fd56998c1 GRCh38 released ENCFF007DHU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF424DIC, ENCFF636DUC 1508830 Gene Yeo, UCSD 481ca8ba0ca9ffd1e82a807526dfd687 hg19 released ENCFF564IUM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF424DIC, ENCFF727MET 2037111 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90ea1e7789b3f41baca58fc4bf65096f hg19 released ENCFF293KBS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF455DRN, ENCFF984WTC 2024638 Gene Yeo, UCSD b8a7dbb847dc780e0c4cd5f33a323dc6 GRCh38 released ENCFF297MTE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF337RLS, ENCFF984WTC 1491152 Gene Yeo, UCSD 27263a41c26d8e49e100b2eb8ab145d5 GRCh38 released ENCFF616DRD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF564IUM 4059997 Gene Yeo, UCSD 138df94d350ec860f2d35a8c41461d3b hg19 released ENCFF109SMA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF007DHU 3104596 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd81bf6b643ea95653f1c1d6b3b2f956 hg19 released ENCFF007SZX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF293KBS 4038315 Gene Yeo, UCSD b066e9285abf7710aec121abb9594784 GRCh38 released ENCFF325WWS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR258QKO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF297MTE 3070020 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7628275352cbfa02810a71350a4262a2 GRCh38 released ENCFF238BOS fastq reads ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF510RNY 478312518 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3deaebbfa3bab34b453f420cb5866075 SRA:SRR5111719 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF418SOC/ released ENCFF116KYR fastq reads ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF413RCX 552394445 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65b2969e55f84ce6793e3996439db05b SRA:SRR5111718 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF418SOC/ released ENCFF413RCX fastq reads ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF116KYR 565600765 Gene Yeo, UCSD 908b87625525628b294df60d7dbf7afd SRA:SRR5111718 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF245WDH/ released ENCFF510RNY fastq reads ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF238BOS 488496590 Gene Yeo, UCSD 60929ea65fc624e4b0196263929ceb32 SRA:SRR5111719 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF245WDH/ released ENCFF846CJI bam alignments ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF238BOS, ENCFF510RNY 140807573 Gene Yeo, UCSD 12e213ca73f0bf470e0ec4f0404a54fb hg19 released ENCFF301IKV bam alignments ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF116KYR, ENCFF413RCX 207124200 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51022588c70f469a6319d81869b976cd hg19 released ENCFF445FRC bam alignments ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF238BOS, ENCFF510RNY 131436250 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b49d1c31b9b255297b9e1d4ea568048 GRCh38 released ENCFF845MNN bam alignments ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF116KYR, ENCFF413RCX 200702300 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9c8f09a08c28fde733151c64413b5a3d GRCh38 released ENCFF642SST bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF846CJI 6110856 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3d9046d3226bf8edf7916f845d9ab833 hg19 released ENCFF746LFQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF301IKV 8503412 Gene Yeo, UCSD 368ce1f4981a19ced9f0d3c2c98a5a04 hg19 released ENCFF028SVZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF301IKV 11719899 Gene Yeo, UCSD 603bb7279db570f73d9a34d942d1f051 hg19 released ENCFF241EWR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF846CJI 6472310 Gene Yeo, UCSD 45ee21f20e5c13455eb59f7f13660a0a hg19 released ENCFF697MVO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF845MNN 8332417 Gene Yeo, UCSD 39f57b6a98f03a74665e5e6b7f27932a GRCh38 released ENCFF050FPH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF445FRC 5831671 Gene Yeo, UCSD e4cb47c59734961638e8f44192943587 GRCh38 released ENCFF513KIB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF845MNN 8676371 Gene Yeo, UCSD ddec0ab793abae80244605180f26ba28 GRCh38 released ENCFF262GIM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF445FRC 6163447 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4fe0e798e3885c9ed43e083e738ef4b8 GRCh38 released ENCFF507AKH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF301IKV, ENCFF325PKM 1087993 Gene Yeo, UCSD 070634cac00d2a82e7ddf331b316eb7e hg19 released ENCFF634UAJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF325PKM, ENCFF846CJI 808654 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff891f1ded93def8aa6ebc0640131b6b hg19 released ENCFF162KHT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF445FRC, ENCFF703NSH 768602 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0e11c9c300700ca2822dfb394fb551a6 GRCh38 released ENCFF803KPC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF703NSH, ENCFF845MNN 1070514 Gene Yeo, UCSD e5bb796e1932ea6971197bd6fbd9512c GRCh38 released ENCFF430GFT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF507AKH 1893203 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21bb2cdc9a2e107f9cd24f80a3d6a0e0 hg19 released ENCFF263FVL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF634UAJ 1466729 Gene Yeo, UCSD e1cdfa3aeef63122987dead87a65cfdb hg19 released ENCFF168DFB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF803KPC 1864782 Gene Yeo, UCSD 13652e93b22c25e6be7b27e9be24c3aa GRCh38 released ENCFF134SKQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529GSJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF162KHT 1406064 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4026702e90ad685c97b6f29114ea85f GRCh38 released ENCFF334ONA fastq reads ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF506XBB 314230820 Gene Yeo, UCSD c857995f9b7dc3d82f17544df2061581 SRA:SRR5112453 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF864EZE/ released ENCFF470BUR fastq reads ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF896KIF 368057514 Gene Yeo, UCSD b21e7e985cd128333d89428ccb7dcbb2 SRA:SRR5112454 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF864EZE/ released ENCFF506XBB fastq reads ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF334ONA 334041865 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa37a86329a1270b62913b6f00a0f018 SRA:SRR5112453 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF699JUE/ released ENCFF896KIF fastq reads ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF470BUR 390114486 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90bfd81546257d6bf2ba5e0bbd458495 SRA:SRR5112454 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF699JUE/ released ENCFF827FAW bam alignments ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF334ONA, ENCFF506XBB 238625686 Gene Yeo, UCSD 241f58e440faa733705dbdd1693e3671 hg19 released ENCFF405BRH bam alignments ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF470BUR, ENCFF896KIF 296013712 Gene Yeo, UCSD 768a31acbe4ec80824fb10765f3aace9 hg19 released ENCFF712SXL bam alignments ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF470BUR, ENCFF896KIF 290764689 Gene Yeo, UCSD eecc44aa25ff262eefb2ea42d3899041 GRCh38 released ENCFF396BVL bam alignments ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF334ONA, ENCFF506XBB 234219764 Gene Yeo, UCSD 53934329b3599c27abbad54ef30e6791 GRCh38 released ENCFF690BRU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF827FAW 14221178 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5655fd0bf16fff30461a4837deca184f hg19 released ENCFF224OZW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF405BRH 16507452 Gene Yeo, UCSD aef7acd0e70b3d759a03bf5a1d9fae4c hg19 released ENCFF281QMA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF405BRH 17542439 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8457f4c0655a3fb20daf060de9f2a284 hg19 released ENCFF143UZQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF827FAW 14753804 Gene Yeo, UCSD dbda344825bdcaca1820a69026eaf930 hg19 released ENCFF579HWA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF396BVL 14147150 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c9aa6bc585bd01478de4bf00a6a5442 GRCh38 released ENCFF206WBW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF712SXL 16417831 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6ef077505702dc7ad077591710ee2135 GRCh38 released ENCFF373IVQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF396BVL 14653531 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6e46a2522accfce212dcbe2b3dcbe7d GRCh38 released ENCFF665PCI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF712SXL 17164382 Gene Yeo, UCSD 71ef5224d2800b3ce0734965bb85c2de GRCh38 released ENCFF392CBU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF405BRH, ENCFF869ACG 1474265 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7bc1594bdadf206c35fceec87c5768b7 hg19 released ENCFF052VSB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF827FAW, ENCFF869ACG 1127673 Gene Yeo, UCSD e58c5e6f38f8d682cc847ab845f1e9c6 hg19 released ENCFF125YXW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF048VBN, ENCFF712SXL 1477782 Gene Yeo, UCSD eafdd159ab86228307273ff5019f8688 GRCh38 released ENCFF485BRZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF048VBN, ENCFF396BVL 1129989 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd4055be91bb9f90e6dfd65235b51fa4 GRCh38 released ENCFF419ZVO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF052VSB 2312533 Gene Yeo, UCSD 00a3b3f66766b201786fdec4cdef9679 hg19 released ENCFF990IRK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF392CBU 2862978 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4a9dbfdbeff2722f97e1487f9c4e43f0 hg19 released ENCFF113JDM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF125YXW 2884087 Gene Yeo, UCSD e8ed58498f9dcc5627028c159724acb8 GRCh38 released ENCFF018YNA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR000SSH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF485BRZ 2311999 Gene Yeo, UCSD 639852838c621d9508eef340d3393164 GRCh38 released ENCFF955OGW fastq reads ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF681RRF 616275678 Gene Yeo, UCSD be22a5628b02caf2766e765a4b74ea8f SRA:SRR5111923 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF215LAB/ released ENCFF435TFT fastq reads ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF897MPT 739702687 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8dfbea1493d4c7c4f9b9c296ddae6019 SRA:SRR5111922 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF215LAB/ released ENCFF897MPT fastq reads ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF435TFT 773885493 Gene Yeo, UCSD e151a8576cb859b150aba1bb3ad72fdd SRA:SRR5111922 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF554SKU/ released ENCFF681RRF fastq reads ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF955OGW 673482222 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21dbe30ee2a84a2ea1cc89e71a5d963f SRA:SRR5111923 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF554SKU/ released ENCFF157TJP bam alignments ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF435TFT, ENCFF897MPT 64421114 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3965ccc6aee598d534d0e8c8797c8597 hg19 released ENCFF350ANF bam alignments ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF681RRF, ENCFF955OGW 163258174 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8734e5fa5c7b5f9113ead4f66d17b21e hg19 released ENCFF588XPN bam alignments ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF681RRF, ENCFF955OGW 156391498 Gene Yeo, UCSD da6abf1c5c56a795096b072e5c084414 GRCh38 released ENCFF348UPB bam alignments ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF435TFT, ENCFF897MPT 63194139 Gene Yeo, UCSD 268b35755dd29a203c1553c7271b497f GRCh38 released ENCFF722NAD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF157TJP 3659234 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4d26c801e0fe2bfa823a5eddf19afbe1 hg19 released ENCFF360KVK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF350ANF 7214382 Gene Yeo, UCSD 990ca15fa0c140aeede449160a95f83c hg19 released ENCFF751JSR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF157TJP 3895559 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5355f89f2d75a6e980569cc7ee0fde4d hg19 released ENCFF889GSE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF350ANF 10034802 Gene Yeo, UCSD 252a488c05b6f70b91182e96f51e2fb3 hg19 released ENCFF958SCV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF348UPB 3616609 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c7609c17d27be171a8489a7876c1282 GRCh38 released ENCFF265MNS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF588XPN 7014571 Gene Yeo, UCSD 96a726fc84dac0df0d4bbe1341e87cec GRCh38 released ENCFF704VCA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF348UPB 3848012 Gene Yeo, UCSD 98f890e1ad13de3a4806fec3f4d81f9b GRCh38 released ENCFF274LYE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF588XPN 9668632 Gene Yeo, UCSD d5912833872eb4c6110dcb5177d5957c GRCh38 released ENCFF464HWD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF157TJP, ENCFF562FIX 660346 Gene Yeo, UCSD a1734f9b5462facecfff822fbbbdacf2 hg19 released ENCFF709ENB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF350ANF, ENCFF562FIX 937580 Gene Yeo, UCSD 905400a3ef5fb5d20ee07bda7668b86b hg19 released ENCFF578TMK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF348UPB, ENCFF824LSN 655857 Gene Yeo, UCSD 888bb3e06bb80249dc9fd0a90704d313 GRCh38 released ENCFF263QPA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF588XPN, ENCFF824LSN 910937 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10baa837f54d5dfe6e0c33b91ac1b5cb GRCh38 released ENCFF377TSD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF464HWD 1266566 Gene Yeo, UCSD e63c58d0622ca4cde7f2daba93e850b4 hg19 released ENCFF499ZJU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF709ENB 1615334 Gene Yeo, UCSD 135356152c12a591fe2e912253a24072 hg19 released ENCFF261EWN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF578TMK 1261151 Gene Yeo, UCSD 409b070ef431bd97be4f079713f3a2d3 GRCh38 released ENCFF175IFY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663NRA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF263QPA 1574522 Gene Yeo, UCSD f89de9602104b270ce218d4e5a759f13 GRCh38 released ENCFF729MSV fastq reads ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF578OMQ 129790738 Gene Yeo, UCSD a717400024c5150e7985ac764ad36277 SRA:SRR5111692 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF611KBN/ released ENCFF605JFT fastq reads ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF619RHU 258558045 Gene Yeo, UCSD a4c27565fb7a141391ffa39760c8c1ad SRA:SRR5111691 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF043KVQ/ released ENCFF619RHU fastq reads ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF605JFT 250818570 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b682fe704672bd75a4eaf8e28addb41 SRA:SRR5111691 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF611KBN/ released ENCFF578OMQ fastq reads ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF729MSV 134807215 Gene Yeo, UCSD 94a4819539360efc9fc18ecec2c8cb41 SRA:SRR5111692 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF043KVQ/ released ENCFF106PSH bam alignments ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF605JFT, ENCFF619RHU 212340512 Gene Yeo, UCSD 517cdd295857aee9a3e7b7e86c1f70b1 hg19 released ENCFF632LPF bam alignments ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF578OMQ, ENCFF729MSV 116163262 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8680c51278c4ac8d0395766f5c7a7598 hg19 released ENCFF558CNE bam alignments ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF578OMQ, ENCFF729MSV 116204911 Gene Yeo, UCSD 820754c503143512fe7d112b84e21fb3 GRCh38 released ENCFF743ZXA bam alignments ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF605JFT, ENCFF619RHU 213070478 Gene Yeo, UCSD 66537149cae19741880addc497dfbfd5 GRCh38 released ENCFF850SVN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF106PSH 13190264 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89a354a6b90e85946e9a4a26b58a0188 hg19 released ENCFF137MKV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF632LPF 6669098 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89537cace126a5c8cc198ae7935c74db hg19 released ENCFF459OEQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF106PSH 13575344 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6eb77efbecbf94c509de75061bbe47e hg19 released ENCFF546FQZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF632LPF 6944405 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff9b7073c72560293539733ee864f7c4 hg19 released ENCFF379FWK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF558CNE 6690361 Gene Yeo, UCSD 00f06cafa97819d87d3eedd3fadba931 GRCh38 released ENCFF550GIT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF743ZXA 13267303 Gene Yeo, UCSD 414e2d04ffbd828561ba2fd606a5e384 GRCh38 released ENCFF924VSG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF743ZXA 13649044 Gene Yeo, UCSD 03fe176a87bde693006b10c83f6cc278 GRCh38 released ENCFF663IBZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF558CNE 6966547 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3f578ba0b8c6d7642be3fc1b1081e375 GRCh38 released ENCFF774EDY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF106PSH, ENCFF586AZF 1046900 Gene Yeo, UCSD bca198a0975feba82cb4a8bb954e3a25 hg19 released ENCFF913UPA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF586AZF, ENCFF632LPF 620674 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6449aac8ccbea4dc2f43040baff2e6cd hg19 released ENCFF944XFZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF160TWL, ENCFF743ZXA 1062684 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc11098a54e096c6871d4769af91bfe0 GRCh38 released ENCFF593CEQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF160TWL, ENCFF558CNE 625105 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9e3195413c11cbeef118c93a5591cedf GRCh38 released ENCFF420KON bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF774EDY 1817938 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7ffa61c21581e4c82d5ce0434c7288b hg19 released ENCFF771UQF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF913UPA 1170189 Gene Yeo, UCSD d5fd9c8b20d399ca147d99c90a2e89f2 hg19 released ENCFF063OHJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF944XFZ 1840628 Gene Yeo, UCSD 74fa659180648979bae3f4afa8d8641c GRCh38 released ENCFF744KOY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR513NDD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF593CEQ 1178691 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89a7eba3ad921e64ca48770b6c4e2390 GRCh38 released ENCFF149VKG fastq reads ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF877FZZ 568200651 Gene Yeo, UCSD c34419f5ffd2bb7dd94c4bc9d307b252 SRA:SRR5111051 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF489IRY/ released ENCFF839INY fastq reads ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF852NUQ 400358666 Gene Yeo, UCSD e8883d0c1ad0ef48a5aac5539e11e7e3 SRA:SRR5111052 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF489IRY/ released ENCFF877FZZ fastq reads ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF149VKG 519086304 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9417866bde90f9b940786f93f5ea8599 SRA:SRR5111051 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF645ZNG/ released ENCFF852NUQ fastq reads ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF839INY 361091030 Gene Yeo, UCSD 28fc3fd1cd3eb0b78d37f5f7efa71f94 SRA:SRR5111052 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF645ZNG/ released ENCFF384EMH bam alignments ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF839INY, ENCFF852NUQ 156147688 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3dde8e0d4de3be2448ffbf5bbdadfb73 hg19 released ENCFF479GVM bam alignments ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF149VKG, ENCFF877FZZ 270157532 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c1458ee1cdda39bcbe95c399f2feb91 hg19 released ENCFF862LPP bam alignments ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF149VKG, ENCFF877FZZ 264984540 Gene Yeo, UCSD 160b14ddba0645eba5f8ed1c423febdb GRCh38 released ENCFF790KXQ bam alignments ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF839INY, ENCFF852NUQ 154665089 Gene Yeo, UCSD efe0639879400d02cc43491cdb0941a1 GRCh38 released ENCFF771UIV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF384EMH 2061557 Gene Yeo, UCSD a99f70821800e7a12e194d84525d4889 hg19 released ENCFF769VDH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF479GVM 5442792 Gene Yeo, UCSD 13578db1f39ae28dd28a52b6faac9ef9 hg19 released ENCFF902LYL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF384EMH 2145902 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34832dfc2adb8dbaa3e7ece38cc779b9 hg19 released ENCFF247XFK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF479GVM 5630440 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0af68e44752cc0f117bdef401b29139c hg19 released ENCFF308FEZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF862LPP 5370983 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89874a09d99e9b725f9ac01f18089d5c GRCh38 released ENCFF349JHA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF790KXQ 2062211 Gene Yeo, UCSD f82580709a555902593d815c0e2e27e6 GRCh38 released ENCFF494YYE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF862LPP 5558424 Gene Yeo, UCSD 39c732e0ac4ba4d507eb11c418ac0aee GRCh38 released ENCFF533YVA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF790KXQ 2151242 Gene Yeo, UCSD 39c9dc1ac54eff82d4c75973d2f35b78 GRCh38 released ENCFF257SMG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF112GWP, ENCFF384EMH 98068 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc31106b8edfb0274cfa6009d3166ab2 hg19 released ENCFF270MTA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF112GWP, ENCFF479GVM 366616 Gene Yeo, UCSD cc1ab5a1fd581c787c60826ac11946af hg19 released ENCFF496SLO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF568SAI, ENCFF790KXQ 96758 Gene Yeo, UCSD 32d96eab0f841f3e229273d2767125b7 GRCh38 released ENCFF062YKQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF568SAI, ENCFF862LPP 358524 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa0709bd1ab46b334ff26b582c87454b GRCh38 released ENCFF408VMJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF257SMG 231602 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3557b409c6c62a0b40d852e18ff5e368 hg19 released ENCFF572GUG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF270MTA 635715 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6602fc6a044bf2a88b624d0ddde38377 hg19 released ENCFF121GFV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF062YKQ 625487 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5817db581aa91651025cae3eac9d5493 GRCh38 released ENCFF945PHT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR081JYH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF496SLO 231267 Gene Yeo, UCSD 147f4f926fda0ee336c67c5dc4df7b4d GRCh38 released ENCFF378HIP fastq reads ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF975SKP 307000331 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9c32dbdb76a0ff2a265a5776cd16b259 SRA:SRR5111724 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF486ZOM/ released ENCFF792GSE fastq reads ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF343JQN 393763161 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3dfe61213bf772fe4913ae6dd1f6cff3 SRA:SRR5111725 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF486ZOM/ released ENCFF343JQN fastq reads ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF792GSE 440550063 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3cf90ff79a5e52e922314fd08d06f748 SRA:SRR5111725 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF939HBM/ released ENCFF975SKP fastq reads ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF378HIP 352126891 Gene Yeo, UCSD 95a613ed5860211d14fbce6855bdbd1c SRA:SRR5111724 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF939HBM/ released ENCFF319LAK bam alignments ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF343JQN, ENCFF792GSE 441155984 Gene Yeo, UCSD 73e48711eb49aed5d0394fd9b12d2b58 hg19 released ENCFF689MJF bam alignments ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF378HIP, ENCFF975SKP 357617170 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72b5200bf1a20984912fa35304e17c08 hg19 released ENCFF987VDX bam alignments ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF378HIP, ENCFF975SKP 361287564 Gene Yeo, UCSD 69bc10b6fd2cb649cf35a6d377b99c8e GRCh38 released ENCFF558FAR bam alignments ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF343JQN, ENCFF792GSE 442043254 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0c8535f4842d28b3b44fc4bee55255e4 GRCh38 released ENCFF850LZX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF689MJF 19693441 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9860eee4c054db9c78080b235300a634 hg19 released ENCFF937DLK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF319LAK 23411307 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c8ea409954948accf40385037da00a7 hg19 released ENCFF093BES bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF689MJF 20361942 Gene Yeo, UCSD 046426e64b67bf038797d4f4f2ba9f32 hg19 released ENCFF250KIT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF319LAK 24151963 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21bd6319c699ffc120f7a60b8e655851 hg19 released ENCFF582YLB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF558FAR 23888747 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0a423304627ef08d30c1a0a165da973d GRCh38 released ENCFF984QHA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF987VDX 19914517 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3fcb2c7b706e6dadd48c300210fc4fda GRCh38 released ENCFF160MVU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF558FAR 24606269 Gene Yeo, UCSD 28c20bddcf227c0b73234c5263426dc6 GRCh38 released ENCFF494DYW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF987VDX 20572773 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3d321a05f0b8a96b46725668181cc22f GRCh38 released ENCFF687LRO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF319LAK, ENCFF365IYY 2325850 Gene Yeo, UCSD 450d7888164c33f5e3d138eb2f1b4ced hg19 released ENCFF576DYQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF365IYY, ENCFF689MJF 1931233 Gene Yeo, UCSD 96bb7f77743714cbf07a24b0b08dad13 hg19 released ENCFF167VAS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF947MAG, ENCFF987VDX 1974533 Gene Yeo, UCSD dacbdefb4f7533357ce2c8745654bc75 GRCh38 released ENCFF996MYF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF558FAR, ENCFF947MAG 2364513 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3da77096fca85b31b33164b8d93ad586 GRCh38 released ENCFF554UWY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF576DYQ 3699363 Gene Yeo, UCSD 43afef290edb94804f74be2ed331acd3 hg19 released ENCFF057BFH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF687LRO 4376250 Gene Yeo, UCSD 594b885f2704e9f8b3392e67df67b127 hg19 released ENCFF991SQO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF996MYF 4442145 Gene Yeo, UCSD 250997f2bd719f2ef1aa46abc393c36f GRCh38 released ENCFF548ACI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR534YOI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF167VAS 3777200 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c96ea47bf3b174172e5553aac50b280 GRCh38 released ENCFF992HTJ fastq reads ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF667IWN 446945165 Gene Yeo, UCSD 326fbdf1f71f33c792ab38dbcbfa9b39 SRA:SRR5112290 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF971JKG/ released ENCFF782ZSQ fastq reads ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF438QZI 459769026 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f996c42adf216f11635b5f5bf838dd7 SRA:SRR5112289 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF971JKG/ released ENCFF667IWN fastq reads ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF992HTJ 469948651 Gene Yeo, UCSD 731bf8119032fa217822db16ed68ebfc SRA:SRR5112290 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF216XJE/ released ENCFF438QZI fastq reads ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF782ZSQ 485367022 Gene Yeo, UCSD d96fc6b72a727bc777e7db1560f941c4 SRA:SRR5112289 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF216XJE/ released ENCFF826HOQ bam alignments ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF438QZI, ENCFF782ZSQ 230580680 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d4497830d52e6926ec53a52cfa2d865 hg19 released ENCFF492LNE bam alignments ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF667IWN, ENCFF992HTJ 233579844 Gene Yeo, UCSD a3d76b3e0636e4a01616b6fdfb38c3e7 hg19 released ENCFF162LAM bam alignments ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF438QZI, ENCFF782ZSQ 222832940 Gene Yeo, UCSD d7e6a0797e4f2ad62c53416fd0c293e3 GRCh38 released ENCFF553EAL bam alignments ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF667IWN, ENCFF992HTJ 217531030 Gene Yeo, UCSD 17bfec9387d3972fe54bc161f3a3aba3 GRCh38 released ENCFF054ENI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF826HOQ 12058112 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7b30c84863c6e5a51636cbdbb7af6faf hg19 released ENCFF837TPV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF492LNE 12614147 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62e213b507e766eb9319faeb7b35b1e2 hg19 released ENCFF358GUT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF492LNE 13124572 Gene Yeo, UCSD 44cb788bccb11ccee98d02523ebdab1b hg19 released ENCFF986LSQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF826HOQ 12559190 Gene Yeo, UCSD e6da9c5c7e6e7521f3c6c1b78bb8839f hg19 released ENCFF022MZM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF162LAM 11794526 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67e16e8fa63710be672519d6eaa039b3 GRCh38 released ENCFF017KKV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF553EAL 11982886 Gene Yeo, UCSD d5fc5903585c10b05e100a17e3b14ef0 GRCh38 released ENCFF802ALB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF162LAM 12262336 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9689fbe452418ff8e7121e1024d13e79 GRCh38 released ENCFF790YXZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF553EAL 12456415 Gene Yeo, UCSD aba6706a1b217dd6851567be31bed6a3 GRCh38 released ENCFF432FVJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF034NUD, ENCFF826HOQ 1272990 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55b844a222198e0c9918eb410d04fa8e hg19 released ENCFF099PFC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF034NUD, ENCFF492LNE 1134752 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0e1daf30074305440bb1c486a0a71f7b hg19 released ENCFF401XTL bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF252ZZN, ENCFF553EAL 1075881 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92971608c5b8b17119de6c6d32994d25 GRCh38 released ENCFF411WKH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF162LAM, ENCFF252ZZN 1259041 Gene Yeo, UCSD e44c500533bc80aff5707d3dae06b2d5 GRCh38 released ENCFF898EQT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF099PFC 2393089 Gene Yeo, UCSD 25170cd6708ee4bd590733f2c390720f hg19 released ENCFF103HVH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF432FVJ 2564332 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c827b7bed90e9f583a74aa81b10897f hg19 released ENCFF809OXJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF401XTL 2270174 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d319109ba26bed829b20aea21259e53 GRCh38 released ENCFF367CBZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR923NKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF411WKH 2536968 Gene Yeo, UCSD c0c09e3b981d4d4e428855703e385bb0 GRCh38 released ENCFF073ILV fastq reads ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF307CXZ 840358613 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f6119c91efcd9a035f451d464434f48 SRA:SRR5111908 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF018AVT/ released ENCFF541YAM fastq reads ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF521GGC 888201159 Gene Yeo, UCSD e3d119ce258533831e50ca55f0f91764 SRA:SRR5111907 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF018AVT/ released ENCFF521GGC fastq reads ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF541YAM 930254311 Gene Yeo, UCSD 654d7e460883b4465a4b5aeb4e353e11 SRA:SRR5111907 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF004HVL/ released ENCFF307CXZ fastq reads ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF073ILV 874787017 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2dd1a35ca7adb6501e41a62c28ba91d1 SRA:SRR5111908 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF004HVL/ released ENCFF637FTL bam alignments ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF073ILV, ENCFF307CXZ 183949047 Gene Yeo, UCSD b41bc262f394304fa08f8314487dbcd3 hg19 released ENCFF434GPP bam alignments ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF521GGC, ENCFF541YAM 441174255 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba19928f863b19508852b44735c5c7b3 hg19 released ENCFF233UZH bam alignments ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF521GGC, ENCFF541YAM 429724209 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5be2825b974a31333ef19b5376a4dc37 GRCh38 released ENCFF773TEA bam alignments ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF073ILV, ENCFF307CXZ 179884940 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9c9fd042ce988c3de3c31108e3982677 GRCh38 released ENCFF204MHI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF434GPP 21094638 Gene Yeo, UCSD 217bf0ddb64e14dac1eaf58e95365aaf hg19 released ENCFF700GQU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF637FTL 10130133 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63a357723f09cca4e934954b9248469d hg19 released ENCFF517LEW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF637FTL 10705637 Gene Yeo, UCSD 224e590700359b58c834f22ea8a6dee4 hg19 released ENCFF661XXP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF434GPP 22043727 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4a8cfd23647695b36c55c755a5c01a5d hg19 released ENCFF353HQK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF773TEA 9990257 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3f967c46ce73ebb8bc5e9bb00f60a2f6 GRCh38 released ENCFF043IMA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF233UZH 20777003 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c7cc2e1ada3c7cb2a62e4113b60bd67 GRCh38 released ENCFF200MRU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF773TEA 10543906 Gene Yeo, UCSD c52fc7ee9993dab6b30a285689735f9a GRCh38 released ENCFF150EWC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF233UZH 21683594 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c6b2b4bd22f3e7e4750964b70167f24 GRCh38 released ENCFF840QVA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF059NAB, ENCFF434GPP 2441376 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa94eed7b1b0ad6075917b342a9fcdbb hg19 released ENCFF602ZLI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF059NAB, ENCFF637FTL 1128176 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e49b5e329660dbba172fef42b2bde45 hg19 released ENCFF516OAW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF773TEA, ENCFF826DXS 1114429 Gene Yeo, UCSD 99d0fa11c960dfe155e6f45d5b76ac35 GRCh38 released ENCFF314RBZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF233UZH, ENCFF826DXS 2421382 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5c4a9c4712513cb7172b8a7e41805a5 GRCh38 released ENCFF121SZH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF602ZLI 2375472 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3d5a671678bd97730df2705d6bf28201 hg19 released ENCFF171GUD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF840QVA 4714292 Gene Yeo, UCSD df36229b79a5c5eaeefbc3b66c200aac hg19 released ENCFF414EPW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF314RBZ 4681263 Gene Yeo, UCSD 854353d6ddb9ea1fba830ade06d1ca1c GRCh38 released ENCFF816ATW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR653HQC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF516OAW 2348886 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21ac229ae0ef56d41e44d5ce0e5a8d77 GRCh38 released ENCFF407UHQ fastq reads ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF453KFP 689212669 Gene Yeo, UCSD ab3464d6280b40668c9abce04e81ebdf SRA:SRR5111169 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF356BGH/ released ENCFF754DEC fastq reads ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF004CIG 642889988 Gene Yeo, UCSD bc988c5b546cb89153eb9e85d8c19c86 SRA:SRR5111168 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF369YVX/ released ENCFF004CIG fastq reads ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF754DEC 607961240 Gene Yeo, UCSD e771405395865b5fe968c8fd7e4edcee SRA:SRR5111168 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF356BGH/ released ENCFF453KFP fastq reads ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF407UHQ 723058388 Gene Yeo, UCSD d368a1391ec8b464a6639474022b84e4 SRA:SRR5111169 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF369YVX/ released ENCFF229GCX bam alignments ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF407UHQ, ENCFF453KFP 657185701 Gene Yeo, UCSD 158b399ceb8736db4352dfcbf77a7917 hg19 released ENCFF443NQT bam alignments ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF004CIG, ENCFF754DEC 431014278 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5bdcc422bbc664c9f72b6938f9a59ef hg19 released ENCFF252SPM bam alignments ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF407UHQ, ENCFF453KFP 634440382 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc01bbe891c091174a31facb70f16f88 GRCh38 released ENCFF055MTP bam alignments ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF004CIG, ENCFF754DEC 412067128 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1720a913fe749f594f8647a60c485521 GRCh38 released ENCFF322HSE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF443NQT 19887808 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd48735e884660e87500b0c9c9f5cc2e hg19 released ENCFF005DOM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF229GCX 28486624 Gene Yeo, UCSD e489a4a4a00d677538c2b5725814cfd3 hg19 released ENCFF088YQX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF443NQT 20984395 Gene Yeo, UCSD ab9e6ab17fa9eab48b3e238c62191e9e hg19 released ENCFF782KQY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF229GCX 29824424 Gene Yeo, UCSD f9069828ddc1f5b0c1a491f03664af0a hg19 released ENCFF815COD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF252SPM 27824408 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a1797e9b3201b97de41fcd2facb1fa3 GRCh38 released ENCFF082MII bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF055MTP 19271672 Gene Yeo, UCSD 00ee4f83dd338ac819a9bc99668e9bc8 GRCh38 released ENCFF814SQP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF055MTP 20085208 Gene Yeo, UCSD 501adb6e93d1955656950259d3bfa5b0 GRCh38 released ENCFF082LOD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF252SPM 28715459 Gene Yeo, UCSD f11ac5bcc3a5d3fbc1620976f4b00ce3 GRCh38 released ENCFF870HZF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF016TIF, ENCFF443NQT 1941998 Gene Yeo, UCSD dfabf7ec60a164b8a21cd7bf530895fb hg19 released ENCFF220ECM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF016TIF, ENCFF229GCX 2626098 Gene Yeo, UCSD a850b2d9c233181378d3ce5c26c6f50f hg19 released ENCFF581BHC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF055MTP, ENCFF156KLS 1918120 Gene Yeo, UCSD 916c66a6d5eaf090ca2b4d0de95483d0 GRCh38 released ENCFF825AVT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF156KLS, ENCFF252SPM 2616539 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e846a7313ffebb4ff8333847b780d81 GRCh38 released ENCFF307ODB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF870HZF 3882791 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b44b97a43f4ca9bc979fd979cb96656 hg19 released ENCFF117KLF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF220ECM 4990401 Gene Yeo, UCSD e236a1effaabd4c296142077cdf46a91 hg19 released ENCFF066ALT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF581BHC 3833363 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8588aa3b47102c8cf16e8085fad6b702 GRCh38 released ENCFF625DWV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR135VMS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF825AVT 4983561 Gene Yeo, UCSD b1ceb3fb6f97f5614e35ac3ff0b337ea GRCh38 released ENCFF490GBA fastq reads ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF454UOS 683634302 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6b6ad651f237ac36d72ad3ac38661ae9 SRA:SRR5111723 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF826QWS/ released ENCFF441XUV fastq reads ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF727KTZ 706322937 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e725db2c6dfed3cbc596ea48988e43b SRA:SRR5111722 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF826QWS/ released ENCFF727KTZ fastq reads ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF441XUV 755890953 Gene Yeo, UCSD e9e2ef17f2418b5f1eda538f69251b4e SRA:SRR5111722 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF671ZYB/ released ENCFF454UOS fastq reads ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF490GBA 736768033 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7452ef89b019b8a2db4d51cb66446d1 SRA:SRR5111723 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF671ZYB/ released ENCFF381UFF bam alignments ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF441XUV, ENCFF727KTZ 166174623 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2ef0b571fff00f82748992956831d64 hg19 released ENCFF201YNC bam alignments ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF454UOS, ENCFF490GBA 466592951 Gene Yeo, UCSD f0c8fab45be7cd14a356c86cdc806eb1 hg19 released ENCFF499JDZ bam alignments ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF454UOS, ENCFF490GBA 454495870 Gene Yeo, UCSD 09fbc46885a40976cc3910b68d1f10cb GRCh38 released ENCFF061QCD bam alignments ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF441XUV, ENCFF727KTZ 156880206 Gene Yeo, UCSD 98b4059e253bc2f2248b7aec4e90f555 GRCh38 released ENCFF035LGQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF381UFF 9445677 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c5f0fdc73ffe5352537496ea3aa867e hg19 released ENCFF741ZOS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF201YNC 21585597 Gene Yeo, UCSD e1f956b9a8909b27d9737337af0d0170 hg19 released ENCFF036SRS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF381UFF 10004757 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4bb2766e2c28039126e26837a665427a hg19 released ENCFF519LOW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF201YNC 22845142 Gene Yeo, UCSD 654f931da3460c6c7cc190e73efe3dc6 hg19 released ENCFF657AOS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF061QCD 9078356 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba9e49d709351e4728ae61313c8cd08b GRCh38 released ENCFF206TXR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF499JDZ 21210115 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4d7c5be16ea9a4d6b6fca245f30f40f7 GRCh38 released ENCFF483AFJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF499JDZ 22423138 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02d6ca27fd880a54b5082c918e86132e GRCh38 released ENCFF115BKF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF061QCD 9491728 Gene Yeo, UCSD 61e71c215a53c319ae501d7ebec07774 GRCh38 released ENCFF511ZTQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF056AWB, ENCFF201YNC 2345059 Gene Yeo, UCSD c063a0df0ed10076ac253e8493e56bc7 hg19 released ENCFF955RUR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF056AWB, ENCFF381UFF 1624744 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0fe8c64f614f89fda7784fa435bc7f49 hg19 released ENCFF128MQR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF499JDZ, ENCFF723JLV 2330348 Gene Yeo, UCSD e06bc4638bd93afa039069ce016d10f9 GRCh38 released ENCFF714YXE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF061QCD, ENCFF723JLV 1566631 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42239765810ecda4abb405cbaee967d3 GRCh38 released ENCFF021EVP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF955RUR 3239050 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5d683fcde80398fe23172f2f8127cdd7 hg19 released ENCFF327OME bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF511ZTQ 4463436 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0cfd5f640db83f109836dcc6774b9892 hg19 released ENCFF857JEW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF128MQR 4435031 Gene Yeo, UCSD dcc2046146eb69b3678c31acb86f2bd1 GRCh38 released ENCFF958ZJB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR527DXF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF714YXE 3136173 Gene Yeo, UCSD bc410afc6c7ceb66e24fa80bd7e1db66 GRCh38 released ENCFF039NQM fastq reads ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF865ZYB 706331264 Gene Yeo, UCSD 05ba1c23ebb98f337cb7a9f6cdcb7f6b SRA:SRR5112287 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF161GQY/ released ENCFF172XZS fastq reads ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF989AWZ 633896686 Gene Yeo, UCSD f8c959c7f0d27355a7d40ea3358e3860 SRA:SRR5112288 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF161GQY/ released ENCFF865ZYB fastq reads ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF039NQM 725968320 Gene Yeo, UCSD f9ff6e3df431a1d3b9052ff19253dd64 SRA:SRR5112287 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF491CRL/ released ENCFF989AWZ fastq reads ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF172XZS 648039759 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd1886a22b53c6f62130b59b072a8247 SRA:SRR5112288 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF491CRL/ released ENCFF581UJN bam alignments ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF039NQM, ENCFF865ZYB 309568095 Gene Yeo, UCSD d293453376f6e03a18d983a230699379 hg19 released ENCFF679AXS bam alignments ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF172XZS, ENCFF989AWZ 272484431 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4cf8edb8d7cb6854c7bf5a2d33c8ec91 hg19 released ENCFF207XKP bam alignments ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF039NQM, ENCFF865ZYB 299668040 Gene Yeo, UCSD 177d12b6479b64beae20a9096d63b9ef GRCh38 released ENCFF764UJQ bam alignments ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF172XZS, ENCFF989AWZ 260931326 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e3f3f962919a8872a7e181c6cf5a219 GRCh38 released ENCFF979NID bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF581UJN 15282820 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5cfa0dacbf3cfa2e64d12a50a919ae40 hg19 released ENCFF927ZQS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF679AXS 14550345 Gene Yeo, UCSD a97f06e4be2e750c568c9ff78c7ce21c hg19 released ENCFF647KPG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF581UJN 15929020 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0035c531729b55cae86f2eda433dd7fd hg19 released ENCFF487LYC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF679AXS 14927635 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9c75b0b91344fdde92d42eec044afea3 hg19 released ENCFF637FLJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF207XKP 14931166 Gene Yeo, UCSD f3400af5b6a33a188a837a87d48f9751 GRCh38 released ENCFF902TPE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF764UJQ 14150040 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07d349391c10aeb9cbf09695d3c667fa GRCh38 released ENCFF397OKO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF764UJQ 14519239 Gene Yeo, UCSD a3f7a548599bc60462ba9d50de4d45bd GRCh38 released ENCFF930GWN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF207XKP 15581308 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e51d424c8bf8f65c86e61e5c44eae7a GRCh38 released ENCFF756YND bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF039AMW, ENCFF581UJN 1604141 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5619b23a771500ba40f8a672921dd284 hg19 released ENCFF028MVM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF039AMW, ENCFF679AXS 1489911 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68b932c5b0c4b5d40d398ab6dccb16ee hg19 released ENCFF957KNE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF207XKP, ENCFF986QCU 1571917 Gene Yeo, UCSD d8ac8cf0bc70edd806fef4bff4c5c283 GRCh38 released ENCFF801OMV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF764UJQ, ENCFF986QCU 1451531 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7aa39d440bb2bd8e3f41183c7d2bf3ee GRCh38 released ENCFF694HBX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF028MVM 3077332 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02449ab215280e25e6fe4107889cfa62 hg19 released ENCFF032ESQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF756YND 3286864 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2778fc46b1fb594ab1d2eae338f56dc5 hg19 released ENCFF112VQE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF957KNE 3230462 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b6f660afb3942e1a3bfcad60a22af69 GRCh38 released ENCFF774XBL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR921SXC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF801OMV 3004186 Gene Yeo, UCSD c44cfd351e8ec02d7f4573e55ccdf730 GRCh38 released ENCFF246ZNB fastq reads ENCSR679NKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF586LZV 571712070 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1fd06a53ebfda8fb775ea225f4e8b688 SRA:SRR5111968 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF586LZV fastq reads ENCSR679NKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF246ZNB 542425061 Gene Yeo, UCSD bccdd08615ff849ea05c60b0c82b96ab SRA:SRR5111968 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF776GPK bam alignments ENCSR679NKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF246ZNB, ENCFF586LZV 462709029 Gene Yeo, UCSD b856d723d10ddff636641f7c9c27a462 hg19 released ENCFF848GHI bam alignments ENCSR679NKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF246ZNB, ENCFF586LZV 473079354 Gene Yeo, UCSD 918584951c2f5b10f1efb2e21d963f4a GRCh38 released ENCFF305KSU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR679NKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF776GPK 22106443 Gene Yeo, UCSD bc8bbe02effef500ac388d8d9d199992 hg19 released ENCFF171EBM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR679NKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF776GPK 22786030 Gene Yeo, UCSD f71f71c0e2d6b158a3948114798f121c hg19 released ENCFF795SCL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR679NKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF848GHI 22644692 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0eef7358156088aa89aeccffde919945 GRCh38 released ENCFF729JDN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR679NKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF848GHI 23334080 Gene Yeo, UCSD e1295aece35fb0d176d8828ec1ac2016 GRCh38 released ENCFF933ORH fastq reads ENCSR454EER eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF584YFH 516253590 Gene Yeo, UCSD 73d245833f798a67f42a1788832833b5 SRA:SRR5111599 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF584YFH fastq reads ENCSR454EER eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF933ORH 540708199 Gene Yeo, UCSD a2c755d8a5b71b892fce07fbb6fc79cd SRA:SRR5111599 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF413OBS bam alignments ENCSR454EER eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF584YFH, ENCFF933ORH 411758158 Gene Yeo, UCSD 024e3f26e5a95fe2c5fd68c3f2bf294d hg19 released ENCFF697LPT bam alignments ENCSR454EER eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF584YFH, ENCFF933ORH 428616678 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7922ee3e10c49da9b5ca6a8b5223e8f7 GRCh38 released ENCFF301ZAC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR454EER eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF413OBS 19770353 Gene Yeo, UCSD 57756dfb341c4232f3dc8d7289de9cf1 hg19 released ENCFF078XFM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR454EER eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF413OBS 20401425 Gene Yeo, UCSD a67ae1ed06804a40e0f9700c52a90577 hg19 released ENCFF890YWF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR454EER eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF697LPT 20761145 Gene Yeo, UCSD ac556edffd7c9cc03d6a85894f589338 GRCh38 released ENCFF939CDY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR454EER eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF697LPT 21428041 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11ab04f2b01444f97f2364dc085f3b15 GRCh38 released ENCFF290RMT fastq reads ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF914VHS 718602926 Gene Yeo, UCSD cfd8004d71093022947aa1ac86218216 SRA:SRR5111994 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF725ITK/ released ENCFF505DQW fastq reads ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF243EOW 624500081 Gene Yeo, UCSD 96643f374696c56eedf9965b70620028 SRA:SRR5111995 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF725ITK/ released ENCFF914VHS fastq reads ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF290RMT 767241673 Gene Yeo, UCSD b3ce669cad70be1ae603f7c7d8eeed5e SRA:SRR5111994 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF934XSG/ released ENCFF243EOW fastq reads ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF505DQW 677326065 Gene Yeo, UCSD e9037b4bbd0c9e2995a2910deaaf8334 SRA:SRR5111995 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF934XSG/ released ENCFF259KQL bam alignments ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF243EOW, ENCFF505DQW 112493338 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51e9bc3e646574b37b9dff2d70f14398 hg19 released ENCFF606WSU bam alignments ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF290RMT, ENCFF914VHS 702981303 Gene Yeo, UCSD cb821f3f9d2872c464968201b73b8d6d hg19 released ENCFF251DMV bam alignments ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF290RMT, ENCFF914VHS 677421772 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9fb5984d86020e30295c09505ab0c0f4 GRCh38 released ENCFF604NYA bam alignments ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF243EOW, ENCFF505DQW 335372244 Gene Yeo, UCSD a9abf39a06a666599fd524fa6b8d9f0d GRCh38 released ENCFF239WVK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF259KQL 5549564 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6025eae8b884de86b196a55a0cacdc54 hg19 released ENCFF755MFB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF606WSU 31373532 Gene Yeo, UCSD 31504ede27e33fa529cab9d0a0624bef hg19 released ENCFF812FTP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF606WSU 32585550 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4f0110fef9b197cf4b6e33fb2d09fed hg19 released ENCFF237MHV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF259KQL 5732723 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e2e2306a4d2cd5c8a15266c74d0fabe hg19 released ENCFF987ZLP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF604NYA 16940158 Gene Yeo, UCSD e11a6543882beaafc11157c4adbb517b GRCh38 released ENCFF637HML bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF251DMV 30522120 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ae523c8c6f49129fad01782fd58edb5 GRCh38 released ENCFF726ABM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF604NYA 17451659 Gene Yeo, UCSD 75e28757e55e278a8afd58c704e6aa57 GRCh38 released ENCFF156RRX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF251DMV 31619666 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6635df021447a46227288f841177f927 GRCh38 released ENCFF450VBG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF259KQL, ENCFF764ZUP 490809 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7cb2288c9b0980fea5826c1ac16fd065 hg19 released ENCFF683KLO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF606WSU, ENCFF764ZUP 2662972 Gene Yeo, UCSD f77f7911efae94889d7a786b3ccd3ee4 hg19 released ENCFF564VOC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF132SLV, ENCFF604NYA 1516800 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7eac1b364414849abb28aa6b1461aae9 GRCh38 released ENCFF637HZJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF132SLV, ENCFF251DMV 2605480 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3f29420f2e078b11f7c93abdd9e568ae GRCh38 released ENCFF286KRK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF450VBG 934563 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02af17665f72b8090591a8cea5fee1ff hg19 released ENCFF423IWN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF683KLO 5071386 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f7d5efe18746766751ca860be32285e hg19 released ENCFF631WUL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF564VOC 3099096 Gene Yeo, UCSD 29844a48f2e47f4ad24d62d0f3a549ec GRCh38 released ENCFF573SHW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR725ARB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF637HZJ 4968907 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d8dbd5efa7e84e595c02606beb495f2 GRCh38 released ENCFF170KCT fastq reads ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF493EKO 372245208 Gene Yeo, UCSD ac3ee22d4a1ab424a860475bbe968630 SRA:SRR5111600 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF210JCS/ released ENCFF425NCO fastq reads ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF466HWF 378140705 Gene Yeo, UCSD d81664ec2a6493849ea28176cc834222 SRA:SRR5111601 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF210JCS/ released ENCFF493EKO fastq reads ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF170KCT 379968695 Gene Yeo, UCSD 478a4d3e309f04a06c3237f7cfc021d0 SRA:SRR5111600 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF466HWF fastq reads ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF425NCO 385581452 Gene Yeo, UCSD bc1c87345e85726babb321f28a80f25d SRA:SRR5111601 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF119DJS bam alignments ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF170KCT, ENCFF493EKO 274497718 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ed877c3f1213143257e8d182a55ccc5 hg19 released ENCFF174FBV bam alignments ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF425NCO, ENCFF466HWF 326518857 Gene Yeo, UCSD 12edb59de5f8957274199ce0addae4fe hg19 released ENCFF701TPG bam alignments ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF425NCO, ENCFF466HWF 315225685 Gene Yeo, UCSD db3d57751d5baafd95a8ce382bd71e91 GRCh38 released ENCFF948AOR bam alignments ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF170KCT, ENCFF493EKO 259182068 Gene Yeo, UCSD 223d23b06ea540d966151d51cfc33209 GRCh38 released ENCFF892KAG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF119DJS 14205752 Gene Yeo, UCSD d25162ea7782b72e068079db85cca445 hg19 released ENCFF679ADZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF174FBV 16487533 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5bb746b4954df55a8e8d1e308fac272d hg19 released ENCFF992STI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF119DJS 14993816 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63fa41a9d79367ee549a92b87fbf4285 hg19 released ENCFF935WLO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF174FBV 17210775 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8232f46ab9e17f1a04445645b62c7f4d hg19 released ENCFF964TKW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF948AOR 13692820 Gene Yeo, UCSD 70225a59e221150e9ac0289e5045ce04 GRCh38 released ENCFF433CWN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF701TPG 16126018 Gene Yeo, UCSD a566826e1de5055aecb1d6817a13a5f9 GRCh38 released ENCFF696ORH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF948AOR 14437813 Gene Yeo, UCSD a3ef1ac442325276bbf7be8188b42a9b GRCh38 released ENCFF684MFT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF701TPG 16821616 Gene Yeo, UCSD 00b18d4225f3c5891aa3f6104da33330 GRCh38 released ENCFF873FZT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF119DJS, ENCFF806EIK 1211007 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8811638cfffb5518865032962207a2f9 hg19 released ENCFF792HYY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF174FBV, ENCFF806EIK 1457281 Gene Yeo, UCSD 116779217f484ebb2e7b7da6e45034b3 hg19 released ENCFF518MSP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF429YHX, ENCFF948AOR 1189346 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68960cbd14812cd8c91e6c157e7c593e GRCh38 released ENCFF707BGL bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF429YHX, ENCFF701TPG 1446317 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f0a8900ce2f3f4f67cded7071131d9e GRCh38 released ENCFF053DWE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF792HYY 2800297 Gene Yeo, UCSD 73506269ce2e9d3817b202a40d31ab1d hg19 released ENCFF299YME bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF873FZT 2319187 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c39f46168c7b9bafa35b4236f4768b2 hg19 released ENCFF911ITL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF518MSP 2276982 Gene Yeo, UCSD d7496124a48f737c2870974fe150084e GRCh38 released ENCFF107ESG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456ASB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF707BGL 2778805 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c95985d08530bcb4aea711d0ce374d8 GRCh38 released ENCFF228JKT fastq reads ENCSR687GJH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF015EIO 781517039 Gene Yeo, UCSD bdc75c8abdad738e741fd20ac69ae9ba SRA:SRR5111972 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF015EIO fastq reads ENCSR687GJH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF228JKT 707894953 Gene Yeo, UCSD a27a2832b27b562608e0314add67bf9d SRA:SRR5111972 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF536YVM bam alignments ENCSR687GJH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF015EIO, ENCFF228JKT 701880530 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8b9955f69d7b0c61a136883e23b5be0c hg19 released ENCFF497KTD bam alignments ENCSR687GJH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF015EIO, ENCFF228JKT 716050878 Gene Yeo, UCSD 48f91c4e7346e1930cde1b25ac962a1d GRCh38 released ENCFF421ZLE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR687GJH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536YVM 31844594 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4d9abffd40dc17f713088735416accc9 hg19 released ENCFF332OGT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR687GJH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536YVM 33038582 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5a5136ccee8ebd0f2ffaf66ea24a6c9f hg19 released ENCFF509QCQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR687GJH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF497KTD 32458548 Gene Yeo, UCSD 24b9bc78497a05a61736c08ae82e6306 GRCh38 released ENCFF003UEN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR687GJH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF497KTD 33677547 Gene Yeo, UCSD db5d9b73aa5b5f71741475861291b091 GRCh38 released ENCFF185ZHX fastq reads ENCSR496UBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF231PYQ 1010236153 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd48b536e858c19825259e6b08b2ed5c SRA:SRR5111673 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF231PYQ fastq reads ENCSR496UBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF185ZHX 1058161736 Gene Yeo, UCSD af49569b4162633febc9d571d4447ac5 SRA:SRR5111673 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF865PNX bam alignments ENCSR496UBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF185ZHX, ENCFF231PYQ 1135006783 Gene Yeo, UCSD 427cf7c70f0a7b14dffb6547ee755acf hg19 released ENCFF359HHB bam alignments ENCSR496UBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF185ZHX, ENCFF231PYQ 1158614861 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0af213a857faf8e49ba14d684fa51afa GRCh38 released ENCFF874XJB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR496UBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF865PNX 50243728 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0c346d1ee4c8206c43c174f3bc4890d0 hg19 released ENCFF293CBE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR496UBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF865PNX 51740250 Gene Yeo, UCSD af5b1e144d3a2359026ecb889d6a3ed1 hg19 released ENCFF212RSI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR496UBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF359HHB 51325494 Gene Yeo, UCSD 102ae660dcb778d3e1aefe740433c5dd GRCh38 released ENCFF077NTL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR496UBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF359HHB 52865153 Gene Yeo, UCSD b20692548c67e8f48515ad3f7d857799 GRCh38 released ENCFF318QPN fastq reads ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF912UMI 276144703 Gene Yeo, UCSD f00b75c090f6991c88ea1e6c84c043ee SRA:SRR5111429 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF337AFM/ released ENCFF507QFP fastq reads ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF358LEO 319809254 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8580e39ce3bc786d4419b325e1b7f511 SRA:SRR5111430 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF337AFM/ released ENCFF358LEO fastq reads ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF507QFP 329977086 Gene Yeo, UCSD d731767789972da0832e2908c5081bce SRA:SRR5111430 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF370RMU/ released ENCFF912UMI fastq reads ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF318QPN 276556472 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d51703bfe213656336ff44cbc8c1ada SRA:SRR5111429 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF370RMU/ released ENCFF955MLC bam alignments ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF318QPN, ENCFF912UMI 150322650 Gene Yeo, UCSD ea4d736f1831450a363e811ee8c7752b hg19 released ENCFF231UPL bam alignments ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF358LEO, ENCFF507QFP 189226980 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3b9ad0859ed4183a432782b52762c4cf hg19 released ENCFF807GZY bam alignments ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF318QPN, ENCFF912UMI 143463859 Gene Yeo, UCSD d0663933d531ed6123dcc1e9cde44fd1 GRCh38 released ENCFF410PJY bam alignments ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF358LEO, ENCFF507QFP 182845552 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ec03b21e6bea4fdb6ee0e2373ba3ed7 GRCh38 released ENCFF444WDD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF955MLC 7640446 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2efc81b531059379809298aba1fe484a hg19 released ENCFF560LTF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF231UPL 11578903 Gene Yeo, UCSD 346162e65aec6560aa7a09bfe1ba5102 hg19 released ENCFF595XZB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF231UPL 11965883 Gene Yeo, UCSD f19cf140cc8a36c20f1c58f0ecd3385c hg19 released ENCFF130FUM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF955MLC 7981912 Gene Yeo, UCSD fba34872431931375942f7af0310b49f hg19 released ENCFF600LVO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF410PJY 8667841 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd8975d60ddfdcafdda19a9f749b9478 GRCh38 released ENCFF092NFG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF807GZY 7399267 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7e153fe5ad1cfbb31b3ad43ad426b12f GRCh38 released ENCFF936CMP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF807GZY 7730932 Gene Yeo, UCSD c1e664f1fb84b939ced2bc4b76d6b92c GRCh38 released ENCFF554ZOU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF410PJY 8962545 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6fd71cf7d1fd5b2a7ca04ea8b64ec2d1 GRCh38 released ENCFF642VTG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF231UPL, ENCFF514RHC 928999 Gene Yeo, UCSD 490546bdb36441440883908665adb147 hg19 released ENCFF075FPZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF514RHC, ENCFF955MLC 814517 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e6684fe2247fa659528924534873e29 hg19 released ENCFF654YLH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF037LUF, ENCFF410PJY 908651 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89ea4301f451e761faa3da5e60f312ae GRCh38 released ENCFF515JTZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF037LUF, ENCFF807GZY 790212 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34feb051daf2e305561d9c104be2a0c0 GRCh38 released ENCFF647LHK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF075FPZ 1462797 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd5a803a5f56a2022af774711db218c4 hg19 released ENCFF207WMH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF642VTG 1647300 Gene Yeo, UCSD f647523a588cc3211e51f406742e941b hg19 released ENCFF693UEN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF654YLH 1617394 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0df92feedc840130c52bebaab703f24c GRCh38 released ENCFF274KBX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331MIC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF515JTZ 1421934 Gene Yeo, UCSD 54369eba82ce3f634136f306178d9f84 GRCh38 released ENCFF614VTZ fastq reads ENCSR499ZCU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF831COI 373134886 Gene Yeo, UCSD 854acffe868b3673bcbb632e42de204e SRA:SRR5111688 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF831COI fastq reads ENCSR499ZCU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF614VTZ 378611536 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ba3b1718c157e3a8215b3a8688ad37c SRA:SRR5111688 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF445NNG bam alignments ENCSR499ZCU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF614VTZ, ENCFF831COI 206856875 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02202079e42637a797a61ba25a4c7ba5 hg19 released ENCFF467FPH bam alignments ENCSR499ZCU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF614VTZ, ENCFF831COI 207421798 Gene Yeo, UCSD 69f8413bd53619a2b11ef8acabc2ccf5 GRCh38 released ENCFF773PUP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR499ZCU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF445NNG 9827601 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7f495d1005be0b6a218cce626da664fd hg19 released ENCFF241ORF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR499ZCU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF445NNG 10093087 Gene Yeo, UCSD 981451f04a125dfc42a197b3b4b40a27 hg19 released ENCFF711WPF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR499ZCU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF467FPH 9881451 Gene Yeo, UCSD ae240029e61b3c05db4604e6c7bdb3ad GRCh38 released ENCFF294BNR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR499ZCU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF467FPH 10142748 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7551952b6f33e673d7fba7cf0cbd16e7 GRCh38 released ENCFF017BEN fastq reads ENCSR925TYQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF376PZO 599153418 Gene Yeo, UCSD fcb7ef0e8e56710b962c79846f6704f4 SRA:SRR5112273 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF376PZO fastq reads ENCSR925TYQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF017BEN 611222050 Gene Yeo, UCSD f8708115fbca7896a475b43097033374 SRA:SRR5112273 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF913MGS bam alignments ENCSR925TYQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF017BEN, ENCFF376PZO 301549603 Gene Yeo, UCSD 201a59575e0dee8842701601b29cf10b hg19 released ENCFF563VJQ bam alignments ENCSR925TYQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF017BEN, ENCFF376PZO 301881301 Gene Yeo, UCSD b8e40468a84b60d5d66a36a89cf42aba GRCh38 released ENCFF222JZO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR925TYQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF913MGS 13987864 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6809729939dab5a04dc0086d852cfb2c hg19 released ENCFF914MGN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR925TYQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF913MGS 14527806 Gene Yeo, UCSD 387115d3e2e6112c906e210d37303ecc hg19 released ENCFF160TSX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR925TYQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF563VJQ 14032547 Gene Yeo, UCSD e0ad6bf6911d09ccc6f223c4449814be GRCh38 released ENCFF772TJM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR925TYQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF563VJQ 14554000 Gene Yeo, UCSD d31ff68a4f8303377b1e608716e73fee GRCh38 released ENCFF029VYS fastq reads ENCSR095SIV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF076AKR 413993898 Gene Yeo, UCSD d16186e7b7fe208739c622bc42d1b9ed SRA:SRR5111084 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF076AKR fastq reads ENCSR095SIV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF029VYS 416970710 Gene Yeo, UCSD 680f3847a8f6adc3d0950d004a58d01d SRA:SRR5111084 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF015FBQ bam alignments ENCSR095SIV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF029VYS, ENCFF076AKR 275088640 Gene Yeo, UCSD a8c549267d03b986609bff6f061d8d53 hg19 released ENCFF240QBZ bam alignments ENCSR095SIV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF029VYS, ENCFF076AKR 276248925 Gene Yeo, UCSD b3439a757533fac8c5ac88d22b04d86b GRCh38 released ENCFF799FGP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR095SIV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF015FBQ 13067572 Gene Yeo, UCSD a9a556339339b2568f3692eb689a2be5 hg19 released ENCFF590KYU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR095SIV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF015FBQ 13580766 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad1b5b97d3e2ef897e4e85674f02999a hg19 released ENCFF549AEN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR095SIV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF240QBZ 13136138 Gene Yeo, UCSD 47e7059d036468fff6cbcac4c0d14b2d GRCh38 released ENCFF792STI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR095SIV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF240QBZ 13655355 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c6382ad5b557e5a172ac7a61aa34703 GRCh38 released ENCFF300XRU fastq reads ENCSR643JMB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF382BPZ 681120997 Gene Yeo, UCSD 95981ba16db56fb2289f932c0e85af7b SRA:SRR5111895 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF382BPZ fastq reads ENCSR643JMB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF300XRU 645695828 Gene Yeo, UCSD 448fe069eb51abbab674efa6ccc809f6 SRA:SRR5111895 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF647EHU bam alignments ENCSR643JMB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF300XRU, ENCFF382BPZ 785316346 Gene Yeo, UCSD a77470874b53e30b815fee245282e167 hg19 released ENCFF635FQJ bam alignments ENCSR643JMB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF300XRU, ENCFF382BPZ 790823640 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9b734a85035b95590c87d65c05b623dc GRCh38 released ENCFF603RBW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR643JMB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF647EHU 32972697 Gene Yeo, UCSD f69986d97574f6bba3de5bfe4d70efa5 hg19 released ENCFF129GZF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR643JMB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF647EHU 33674828 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ebddd1633182c1cf311fd76c282467a hg19 released ENCFF840PPW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR643JMB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF635FQJ 33505528 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8d7de3a29157e8a73f8a8150b615d770 GRCh38 released ENCFF558HAM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR643JMB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF635FQJ 33836437 Gene Yeo, UCSD b01717484cea1590840b4537e770e886 GRCh38 released ENCFF064SDM fastq reads ENCSR399CBP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF870VFV 341033717 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f740f2d3b004a4377718e218bf73648 SRA:SRR5111534 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF870VFV fastq reads ENCSR399CBP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF064SDM 341691041 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5fe1c4224141ad28648e8aaf2e8773be SRA:SRR5111534 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF981KYA bam alignments ENCSR399CBP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF064SDM, ENCFF870VFV 187410929 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80f07b18c1a75aeaad339d66f7ba94a6 hg19 released ENCFF999MGM bam alignments ENCSR399CBP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF064SDM, ENCFF870VFV 188968425 Gene Yeo, UCSD 721f231b082b1255494deac0d00a15ab GRCh38 released ENCFF760WXW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR399CBP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF981KYA 9634524 Gene Yeo, UCSD 69867b5e08a5f93cc1dc29240fb8d994 hg19 released ENCFF846MTA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR399CBP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF981KYA 10114090 Gene Yeo, UCSD 39dd0213a8c61600dee68846ba9a5a56 hg19 released ENCFF431MOD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR399CBP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF999MGM 7435102 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a62611fb11f5125559554d8f18adcbc GRCh38 released ENCFF237XYU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR399CBP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF999MGM 10205431 Gene Yeo, UCSD 883432bb59bc01d34bd87a5f2c6aa60b GRCh38 released ENCFF868SVO fastq reads ENCSR653CNZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF895IJH 538150914 Gene Yeo, UCSD b493a852b33afb675dd7347de37881b1 SRA:SRR5111921 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF895IJH fastq reads ENCSR653CNZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF868SVO 545124383 Gene Yeo, UCSD 642c1ce2a6ac27d098e1e9f5c6a0c6e0 SRA:SRR5111921 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF252UPV bam alignments ENCSR653CNZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF868SVO, ENCFF895IJH 476916958 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8554ab014c7fd70cc9feb5156d384dba hg19 released ENCFF053BXG bam alignments ENCSR653CNZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF868SVO, ENCFF895IJH 479319146 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c2b9b06264753efa6a00a139da3c9de GRCh38 released ENCFF367IMM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR653CNZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF252UPV 20362993 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9308e835d08310f8bae706857f3c3da4 hg19 released ENCFF334CSX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR653CNZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF252UPV 21051773 Gene Yeo, UCSD e6a6808d826ae3605c21859fc273c129 hg19 released ENCFF277JPO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR653CNZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF053BXG 20495923 Gene Yeo, UCSD f03164f7260ad813df7b6fe09f7f0724 GRCh38 released ENCFF908IFQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR653CNZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF053BXG 21187502 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65cc5c38be43fca5b0f912d97e33be53 GRCh38 released ENCFF523LSW fastq reads ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF932LRA 219232500 Gene Yeo, UCSD 86799d45457338aa8c8a24b45e609b9e SRA:SRR5111034 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF397TYS/ released ENCFF114WDK fastq reads ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF385QVY 171151030 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7b45d5546ade42f7c01792e72ccfdaf9 SRA:SRR5111033 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF397TYS/ released ENCFF932LRA fastq reads ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF523LSW 224743481 Gene Yeo, UCSD f31305aacef280c9aadfbfead6b50be1 SRA:SRR5111034 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF270EUA/ released ENCFF385QVY fastq reads ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF114WDK 171289149 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6bb1cbc0b2cd56419c6132b9aa64e9a9 SRA:SRR5111033 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF270EUA/ released ENCFF974XMI bam alignments ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF114WDK, ENCFF385QVY 43188613 Gene Yeo, UCSD bf57758235fb0cd778b16276c37947d0 hg19 released ENCFF840JWJ bam alignments ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF523LSW, ENCFF932LRA 60529231 Gene Yeo, UCSD 50e299cfd5db9f5ff546a8c6396f6882 hg19 released ENCFF635ASG bam alignments ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF523LSW, ENCFF932LRA 58001335 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6d50e650eec63205faf6ecd02599a140 GRCh38 released ENCFF281FSP bam alignments ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF114WDK, ENCFF385QVY 40490745 Gene Yeo, UCSD b6ca64fc5003cb16ff0081672bd89a49 GRCh38 released ENCFF306DPG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF974XMI 2698825 Gene Yeo, UCSD 61f635bc9705d189054799d9c22c1b0c hg19 released ENCFF322GTP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF840JWJ 3404512 Gene Yeo, UCSD 97bfcb627eb3bac67dc1b25680dcca42 hg19 released ENCFF679UNR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF840JWJ 3571928 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76fcb9e94df2c2fc73c1ea87aa2d93c9 hg19 released ENCFF413LUN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF974XMI 2829371 Gene Yeo, UCSD b185209e339cce14f48ceb9c5f6eb3b2 hg19 released ENCFF141SNV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF635ASG 3301945 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6017be16e6304b3623cc9492c6fa706b GRCh38 released ENCFF937KCE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF281FSP 2586671 Gene Yeo, UCSD f7a48616b66a44a6f12c2802ff06f97b GRCh38 released ENCFF060XOS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF281FSP 2719875 Gene Yeo, UCSD c61a1bdb477b83af2a99f60112f49df5 GRCh38 released ENCFF945CZJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF635ASG 3459259 Gene Yeo, UCSD d51b81fa241b5d67d7953c4a1c0b7309 GRCh38 released ENCFF175EIG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF310FMZ, ENCFF974XMI 106088 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b6c253fd04949eee9e709a75eaa7ea3 hg19 released ENCFF873TSY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF310FMZ, ENCFF840JWJ 137449 Gene Yeo, UCSD 256c80596c0f063330033ca39d99cfa9 hg19 released ENCFF450LWH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF281FSP, ENCFF600AGC 98364 Gene Yeo, UCSD acb17d2c0d0e3fe8008a21b33a48e3ac GRCh38 released ENCFF384NHH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF600AGC, ENCFF635ASG 130948 Gene Yeo, UCSD c1279a6b33c5cfc6f22ce1cbec56b8ad GRCh38 released ENCFF624FKF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF175EIG 307336 Gene Yeo, UCSD e862b8e95a4bdf0013c14c0d45606555 hg19 released ENCFF891WAN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF873TSY 312089 Gene Yeo, UCSD 368503e44a6ab36c2d7969e616751354 hg19 released ENCFF615BWP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF384NHH 360641 Gene Yeo, UCSD 82e5444dc1f650ce94edc3a09c0f6613 GRCh38 released ENCFF943MLE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR059CWF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF450LWH 291678 Gene Yeo, UCSD 777ddffaaa02acc2e09608e1bb0ca0f8 GRCh38 released ENCFF811LOQ fastq reads ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF514SOO 675048844 Gene Yeo, UCSD 462d6888b39edb9ae173e7bcbc2e01a0 SRA:SRR5111546 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF838LHV/ released ENCFF457GXO fastq reads ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF513BPQ 487298522 Gene Yeo, UCSD 806eccef0cbc4f8d9ad698098957aa92 SRA:SRR5111547 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF838LHV/ released ENCFF514SOO fastq reads ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF811LOQ 722521389 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5aa099127fcb1364c8637a8b89a17c80 SRA:SRR5111546 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF988APT/ released ENCFF513BPQ fastq reads ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF457GXO 513552701 Gene Yeo, UCSD 04d8ede9c57c5005f7069e56cb1d89e8 SRA:SRR5111547 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF988APT/ released ENCFF994CFH bam alignments ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF514SOO, ENCFF811LOQ 83919732 Gene Yeo, UCSD ed371b766f4d94f47ab77d1da6d5877d hg19 released ENCFF908VRY bam alignments ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF457GXO, ENCFF513BPQ 87607209 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5687326d2b80add2aa5fd7ca02f625f7 hg19 released ENCFF228FAK bam alignments ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF457GXO, ENCFF513BPQ 82870040 Gene Yeo, UCSD f5926631b22675e5e6fd1ebe3cb8c3b4 GRCh38 released ENCFF416HFS bam alignments ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF514SOO, ENCFF811LOQ 81907404 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2184c69a223c52f2d49fd53b5a6a242 GRCh38 released ENCFF514FZF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF994CFH 4302379 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9ccd47108364048fd2bcb7c5dccce6ea hg19 released ENCFF974INA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF908VRY 4438782 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3985e272fd58d183a1242c8c8246bcc5 hg19 released ENCFF830DRY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF994CFH 4438747 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8d1b9c7241a9485f27819169bf8969bb hg19 released ENCFF719WCP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF908VRY 4556883 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3052067a64654145a02bc9a5ce776520 hg19 released ENCFF098VAP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF416HFS 4247069 Gene Yeo, UCSD b968eae47316cee7759ae1e62085b55d GRCh38 released ENCFF762NHP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF228FAK 4295191 Gene Yeo, UCSD 205ad449da64f4c10f90a2323323abb0 GRCh38 released ENCFF470VNT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF416HFS 4326596 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7a589e1dd3989ca478dcf98a48d22096 GRCh38 released ENCFF211CBI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF228FAK 4403801 Gene Yeo, UCSD 024e9df37c7e260560f332e6bf7b1ec5 GRCh38 released ENCFF033IXH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF402KQE, ENCFF994CFH 966908 Gene Yeo, UCSD e7fce2c08fe503b6163d8459ad219378 hg19 released ENCFF978MMK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF402KQE, ENCFF908VRY 856070 Gene Yeo, UCSD bad67f18031caad19d655ab3c1708581 hg19 released ENCFF790BKB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF416HFS, ENCFF723IPF 958423 Gene Yeo, UCSD e3e1d25f9b892ae5b4f5b0edbad28595 GRCh38 released ENCFF443VTY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF228FAK, ENCFF723IPF 828571 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f48f8cbe323705a74f7b0556d10ada2 GRCh38 released ENCFF400IPB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF033IXH 1703089 Gene Yeo, UCSD de95700d1e17d8d05e6769f78ef9891a hg19 released ENCFF702PLE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF978MMK 1534214 Gene Yeo, UCSD baaca166538393dedc6e72c15a5fee68 hg19 released ENCFF401JKW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF790BKB 1689471 Gene Yeo, UCSD e33c0d3aedc747ab5c829a25617df6ad GRCh38 released ENCFF017WSJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR406OOZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF443VTY 1491540 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5fb0d7ae5f6450b36d604b7f5fabaf5 GRCh38 released ENCFF126HSC fastq reads ENCSR895TTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF598EKW 817955176 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e5615c05db2782905e86f2696326b3a SRA:SRR5112238 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF598EKW fastq reads ENCSR895TTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF126HSC 742235903 Gene Yeo, UCSD 186dd7c4128c3589bb3641181f258734 SRA:SRR5112238 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF021LLL bam alignments ENCSR895TTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF126HSC, ENCFF598EKW 824514138 Gene Yeo, UCSD d69fff9c7697a3f6b851364e64bc18e4 hg19 released ENCFF734JUL bam alignments ENCSR895TTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF126HSC, ENCFF598EKW 835102437 Gene Yeo, UCSD a43e3c21e398c091e6514816c3e5e895 GRCh38 released ENCFF245GQM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR895TTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF021LLL 35445044 Gene Yeo, UCSD 949de222a65b266e0bfa134a9a702268 hg19 released ENCFF496GNO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR895TTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF021LLL 35953031 Gene Yeo, UCSD d37fb2d513dd875db5ffd513d4452278 hg19 released ENCFF059GAD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR895TTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF734JUL 35839153 Gene Yeo, UCSD 47a0624ca4386f278450d7660087160e GRCh38 released ENCFF032POO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR895TTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF734JUL 36333400 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2da52b68949a0cf8d411cf5bbe4aba19 GRCh38 released ENCFF339KXC fastq reads ENCSR869TOB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF586BVD 727874340 Gene Yeo, UCSD 24e7cac09f6dcd9fdd239479d1c46394 SRA:SRR5112191 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF586BVD fastq reads ENCSR869TOB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF339KXC 697801469 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef9c19a297bd882ed5ecb41805f968ef SRA:SRR5112191 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF283DWL bam alignments ENCSR869TOB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF339KXC, ENCFF586BVD 387952197 Gene Yeo, UCSD 955cdf411c314c23940cc00d14107aea hg19 released ENCFF292NQE bam alignments ENCSR869TOB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF339KXC, ENCFF586BVD 393118356 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad62cecbb6ad905bd863a6e56a8d3593 GRCh38 released ENCFF428CCS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR869TOB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF283DWL 18050095 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a4d25da9ed892f33ac91f7baf3c5d35 hg19 released ENCFF497CCO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR869TOB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF283DWL 18817180 Gene Yeo, UCSD 77c6b4242f1d4a2debd0206b98e21a57 hg19 released ENCFF555JVP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR869TOB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF292NQE 18338085 Gene Yeo, UCSD f209807dfca68d3f65fd3bcff10f8608 GRCh38 released ENCFF683XOT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR869TOB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF292NQE 19106214 Gene Yeo, UCSD 441b4744e661a10b97435d4636fe1f70 GRCh38 released ENCFF992GNI fastq reads ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF869UXX 209757505 Gene Yeo, UCSD d82e15425a5445c45153b76700674a9e SRA:SRR5111368 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF772NLB/ released ENCFF702GTT fastq reads ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF722QLW 217759591 Gene Yeo, UCSD 05cda5b80257024c20d607cf4c392bb1 SRA:SRR5111367 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF772NLB/ released ENCFF869UXX fastq reads ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF992GNI 215384195 Gene Yeo, UCSD ce959b35fc62a635723d799e4c4fedb1 SRA:SRR5111368 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF673XBX/ released ENCFF722QLW fastq reads ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF702GTT 217078849 Gene Yeo, UCSD 342e0d4a611f94331aa0044286fccfca SRA:SRR5111367 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF673XBX/ released ENCFF352PAK bam alignments ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF702GTT, ENCFF722QLW 118049047 Gene Yeo, UCSD c4e9e031fc206f22da1050eb75d0f436 hg19 released ENCFF855AZI bam alignments ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF869UXX, ENCFF992GNI 120526784 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1da70c64f46b29b4332496bd05d02055 hg19 released ENCFF040BYE bam alignments ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF869UXX, ENCFF992GNI 120477441 Gene Yeo, UCSD a18c2060678f8f159daf8da395a34414 GRCh38 released ENCFF483VLR bam alignments ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF702GTT, ENCFF722QLW 117600462 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d55e01ca0c6f57bd9f93c86b458bae5 GRCh38 released ENCFF616ZLK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF352PAK 9107760 Gene Yeo, UCSD 81f9bc2cc7c6b12095db0d742f01e17d hg19 released ENCFF645GQJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF855AZI 8461082 Gene Yeo, UCSD 60228ddd8812df27101f4d3f537214e9 hg19 released ENCFF467KAQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF352PAK 9447413 Gene Yeo, UCSD ed2278f0111bf040744e20e5c8facc15 hg19 released ENCFF645FKC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF855AZI 8865342 Gene Yeo, UCSD f29d61ed454166c97c0a0fa643ea8b0a hg19 released ENCFF183UGH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF040BYE 8470108 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6cdb44d916b2865059eb531d6e25831b GRCh38 released ENCFF706GBT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF483VLR 9088647 Gene Yeo, UCSD f21606f9d46ea904367efb95c8168753 GRCh38 released ENCFF016DAZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF040BYE 8867319 Gene Yeo, UCSD f9bd22cde6f5876ee542d1f1d3acfdcc GRCh38 released ENCFF841WFK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF483VLR 9421480 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5b05b577ce4efdd7660e1fd568361da GRCh38 released ENCFF581RVY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF855AZI, ENCFF976CQJ 911672 Gene Yeo, UCSD 212d15626a53abd20db2f238feac8745 hg19 released ENCFF363PGR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF352PAK, ENCFF976CQJ 920181 Gene Yeo, UCSD f6f3f0af56da25fb31e8bef451ef983b hg19 released ENCFF232FWK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF072CLZ, ENCFF483VLR 924715 Gene Yeo, UCSD d23578162e968742700e84993bb4693b GRCh38 released ENCFF744CKU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF040BYE, ENCFF072CLZ 917577 Gene Yeo, UCSD 368f5a930a50fbaf4179606b2a6e7c46 GRCh38 released ENCFF344PIE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF581RVY 1861436 Gene Yeo, UCSD 638daefa9f4098e14867b45a48f16788 hg19 released ENCFF483JLM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF363PGR 1604885 Gene Yeo, UCSD 916c768d55dcf1b0fa6e38fc2fef4bf4 hg19 released ENCFF782HSL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF232FWK 2001532 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34faea22cdb1e26ac243c7f0e7840122 GRCh38 released ENCFF319QWS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR279UJF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF744CKU 1872379 Gene Yeo, UCSD d090166b3269d8745bd49ec6a2cf6ab2 GRCh38 released ENCFF325PJW fastq reads ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF442CAN 665390954 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9eb6df5eb07af3fc96f5d5659b72bf80 SRA:SRR5111817 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF767CEO/ released ENCFF538MPL fastq reads ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF814HAY 662260603 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7bb35e7a9d973f371716e4fded49118b SRA:SRR5111816 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF767CEO/ released ENCFF814HAY fastq reads ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF538MPL 642669811 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8956839ffe33533f3af1b45040bb8280 SRA:SRR5111816 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF089OYZ/ released ENCFF442CAN fastq reads ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF325PJW 648991933 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2dbc40db1a92cfe662f287d5fcbfa65 SRA:SRR5111817 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF089OYZ/ released ENCFF043RMT bam alignments ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF325PJW, ENCFF442CAN 424507577 Gene Yeo, UCSD a864ce93e83161b0e3d034ac0fae3ae1 hg19 released ENCFF370ROE bam alignments ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF538MPL, ENCFF814HAY 448587934 Gene Yeo, UCSD b3ee66a9d33c5eeeca9b6091db849bf3 hg19 released ENCFF115CKY bam alignments ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF325PJW, ENCFF442CAN 415794083 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7215a0e18b793e07f52c98971c56182 GRCh38 released ENCFF057MVG bam alignments ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF538MPL, ENCFF814HAY 439450900 Gene Yeo, UCSD f0e5cf8ce728dd6abc41fd552fd467b6 GRCh38 released ENCFF735BFL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF370ROE 22050055 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad35b865d9a1531a2ed6d21a3284c1a8 hg19 released ENCFF316ABR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF043RMT 20552583 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3f3c11a9bacfab2fc83385eb5b422dda hg19 released ENCFF067JFA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF043RMT 21174910 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34f645c4c9a0d92c5f1815646c438f4e hg19 released ENCFF834GXD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF370ROE 22754728 Gene Yeo, UCSD 19d3ba92a34f4f2037ebf2a7664a140d hg19 released ENCFF136FUR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF115CKY 20288090 Gene Yeo, UCSD e313532ce16b24fdaf447ff0cfa86b10 GRCh38 released ENCFF806QVQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF057MVG 21764634 Gene Yeo, UCSD b7a56abb05816c8b6db9f5206593226e GRCh38 released ENCFF565KZA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF057MVG 22491753 Gene Yeo, UCSD 236961b2eff40ff8fb9e209222d00b93 GRCh38 released ENCFF351MIX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF115CKY 20923707 Gene Yeo, UCSD f4e2dda078270737bc9ccd525bc93e11 GRCh38 released ENCFF726GRF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF043RMT, ENCFF615TJD 1855182 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9aa9214ecfc1e2a5df55a0ead10fb939 hg19 released ENCFF952TOI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF370ROE, ENCFF615TJD 1987749 Gene Yeo, UCSD f235142488e71e079ff3fabaa1e86ce0 hg19 released ENCFF114YWP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF057MVG, ENCFF568BOI 2008469 Gene Yeo, UCSD d0291f5416921ef4976bda38afd91399 GRCh38 released ENCFF854GBT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF115CKY, ENCFF568BOI 1874724 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5938a54b4b9a8d66ba6de657ba08ee64 GRCh38 released ENCFF808XUD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF952TOI 3812027 Gene Yeo, UCSD eac3ad8b58f0fe6cd4e57766d5f99e8f hg19 released ENCFF316ZTK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF726GRF 3596657 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4896acb9e6f18291205193271b0e1e79 hg19 released ENCFF606WPI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF114YWP 3861009 Gene Yeo, UCSD c997cbbef53aee32c924de6890b6a3df GRCh38 released ENCFF003PBU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR589YHM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF854GBT 3637185 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e3b8bf7df082c1109e57d16b54831dd GRCh38 released ENCFF424ZQP fastq reads ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF509YYT 224312310 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72872dbbcdaa9a9b9b34742bc065733d SRA:SRR5111408 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF720COV/ released ENCFF364XWE fastq reads ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF410KLG 499207603 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9095e9afdfdb1d08f1424e4e2a207d64 SRA:SRR5111409 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF720COV/ released ENCFF509YYT fastq reads ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF424ZQP 207045130 Gene Yeo, UCSD cf160b523261794f5748a38921ec8177 SRA:SRR5111408 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF892UQR/ released ENCFF410KLG fastq reads ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF364XWE 464439323 Gene Yeo, UCSD 32daf12c78aa4e395b5bcde80cfb264e SRA:SRR5111409 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF892UQR/ released ENCFF282DMO bam alignments ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF424ZQP, ENCFF509YYT 61787113 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2671a52931d0328f32127b55173c3286 hg19 released ENCFF379DSY bam alignments ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF364XWE, ENCFF410KLG 125424141 Gene Yeo, UCSD 167092d62adc362ab9f9f0737c52d397 hg19 released ENCFF484XJQ bam alignments ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF424ZQP, ENCFF509YYT 60130994 Gene Yeo, UCSD f142da35a1603c9c835c9c42118988af GRCh38 released ENCFF372XJQ bam alignments ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF364XWE, ENCFF410KLG 122334295 Gene Yeo, UCSD a64c2bd81431204c6379b24567afcc61 GRCh38 released ENCFF656FVZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF379DSY 6570383 Gene Yeo, UCSD dfa8922ce9447f2f400de7401fc21220 hg19 released ENCFF103IUP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF282DMO 3756398 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e188e54e65f5fc492658af36aba5406 hg19 released ENCFF902LYR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF379DSY 6801877 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2283c6ae9d1959c98b43931542484034 hg19 released ENCFF296QFP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF282DMO 3912674 Gene Yeo, UCSD fcab01844b13a3f98eb18b05525b5f84 hg19 released ENCFF917IBY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF484XJQ 3709705 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f3c5773b572071da9599b164e04dcd0 GRCh38 released ENCFF196IVQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF372XJQ 6469250 Gene Yeo, UCSD 855df7f384f847a8b0fef504f045bc65 GRCh38 released ENCFF711GSR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF484XJQ 3859912 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7434f82142c3f4956ea27860a746625f GRCh38 released ENCFF701JYH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF372XJQ 6690693 Gene Yeo, UCSD 825f9b24ab1c92781b38ac0f6aefb2f9 GRCh38 released ENCFF943BFF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF282DMO, ENCFF419JON 193429 Gene Yeo, UCSD ac1420e67d3c2ba5f13e0b9610d232ae hg19 released ENCFF004XHQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF379DSY, ENCFF419JON 666159 Gene Yeo, UCSD 26a298666b439bc693bb86143444707e hg19 released ENCFF331KTS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF372XJQ, ENCFF651VHA 656107 Gene Yeo, UCSD b17fdcf2e431a2e106104be4c4ca4398 GRCh38 released ENCFF570HZI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF484XJQ, ENCFF651VHA 189006 Gene Yeo, UCSD f9420a7cdebe751eee7e96c6100e8ddd GRCh38 released ENCFF229XVK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF004XHQ 1272073 Gene Yeo, UCSD a11ae00cc0ec72224f6530a345b1c9cd hg19 released ENCFF298PPE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF943BFF 471873 Gene Yeo, UCSD 351b06c52e3d1a148b8634d340637629 hg19 released ENCFF654ODX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF570HZI 463200 Gene Yeo, UCSD e459a1e4782a09512d025fef467f54e3 GRCh38 released ENCFF694JOA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301UQM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF331KTS 1255348 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9adae2c2ee4b73c8f71fc9507cea119f GRCh38 released ENCFF412NAX fastq reads ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF824RQD 466390567 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07f292d26fa2565374d0d303a69369b6 SRA:SRR5111607 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF495ZOZ/ released ENCFF585YOO fastq reads ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF526EKC 449469907 Gene Yeo, UCSD 453ba6c5a831b364a9886bff7db224db SRA:SRR5111606 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF495ZOZ/ released ENCFF526EKC fastq reads ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF585YOO 489041386 Gene Yeo, UCSD e940175269d90c3400fe3515fae71f3b SRA:SRR5111606 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF535YZW/ released ENCFF824RQD fastq reads ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF412NAX 507813120 Gene Yeo, UCSD 647d4722ae72018349511eccbddb4294 SRA:SRR5111607 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF535YZW/ released ENCFF958RKH bam alignments ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF412NAX, ENCFF824RQD 694094065 Gene Yeo, UCSD 44f43557a30ee35d6bd22ca36d37224c hg19 released ENCFF415JAG bam alignments ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF526EKC, ENCFF585YOO 595010252 Gene Yeo, UCSD 60fe8b5817f24464d1379993f1a4eba3 hg19 released ENCFF098RFI bam alignments ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF412NAX, ENCFF824RQD 687571531 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02e637ce82916f4a246296acc50838d0 GRCh38 released ENCFF889XJU bam alignments ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF526EKC, ENCFF585YOO 589544633 Gene Yeo, UCSD b63b2ed14e607381178c143fa81be266 GRCh38 released ENCFF271DXJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF958RKH 31660930 Gene Yeo, UCSD b119559981686785054b6fc04e617cc6 hg19 released ENCFF587ENP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF415JAG 28514814 Gene Yeo, UCSD 41ca273ad24d2a42797ca9e4b105f495 hg19 released ENCFF676EJB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF958RKH 33207482 Gene Yeo, UCSD 87cc6ab4c4d8d269b5cbba298ad39568 hg19 released ENCFF244WAP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF415JAG 29908593 Gene Yeo, UCSD e4126023797807052901b636b81dd10c hg19 released ENCFF814ZTD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF098RFI 31491564 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2ffa4f0094b2b42f0ef92e11fbd460d0 GRCh38 released ENCFF062BOK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF889XJU 28345188 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2cbbb8df5e6509ab58c928f9f3ade2d GRCh38 released ENCFF831OQK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF098RFI 33021716 Gene Yeo, UCSD 669a5ee180b157ab1783c0e7b011f6d7 GRCh38 released ENCFF635JLZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF889XJU 29707088 Gene Yeo, UCSD cf6cd47b4d59e98d55b69af48cd7bc3a GRCh38 released ENCFF821QFO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF415JAG, ENCFF715OWV 2699776 Gene Yeo, UCSD 469863bc1204ad43d293db0485a9ccc4 hg19 released ENCFF857MJR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF715OWV, ENCFF958RKH 3150994 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65b0090de1ced20fc2ceefadf85fb500 hg19 released ENCFF623LPT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF098RFI, ENCFF184AQO 3167322 Gene Yeo, UCSD edcb5ff788606c89b8bf3be2d91e7244 GRCh38 released ENCFF353RQP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF184AQO, ENCFF889XJU 2704047 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6f874797d8d2d20306b47d58d067dd0a GRCh38 released ENCFF026RUN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF821QFO 5020319 Gene Yeo, UCSD 407626e53788da26a403e9913cf4ab6b hg19 released ENCFF654XEU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF857MJR 5689280 Gene Yeo, UCSD 891e6636fad17ba640f5acc2f6694f72 hg19 released ENCFF417LIC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF623LPT 5718735 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4f1e8d1838d6dfa4da56401d33f0339 GRCh38 released ENCFF302RDD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438KWZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF353RQP 5033234 Gene Yeo, UCSD 35dee123f1ea884b4a878533e8377f1f GRCh38 released ENCFF408YYK fastq reads ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF875THF 561738831 Gene Yeo, UCSD cb36e8a925c99655cbc77fe690f79071 SRA:SRR5112406 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF122YZY/ released ENCFF924IHY fastq reads ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF203JSP 552462449 Gene Yeo, UCSD e268b7f6ec7effe9f195aa7a28bd851e SRA:SRR5112405 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF122YZY/ released ENCFF203JSP fastq reads ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF924IHY 549093340 Gene Yeo, UCSD a620f301e4a2ac2a437e2841c6811f1e SRA:SRR5112405 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF308SPS/ released ENCFF875THF fastq reads ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF408YYK 560034263 Gene Yeo, UCSD d7224ffa7265d7162e606c48bb9e674a SRA:SRR5112406 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF308SPS/ released ENCFF608XEX bam alignments ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF408YYK, ENCFF875THF 433302180 Gene Yeo, UCSD dbc131b9614f536390307f72af303a8c hg19 released ENCFF636BMJ bam alignments ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF203JSP, ENCFF924IHY 243694992 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0f7fac543e48f4ff82bd1b93977eb7f hg19 released ENCFF938CFK bam alignments ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF203JSP, ENCFF924IHY 232127809 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ea7fba173a74c96fcd67af62d37cd57 GRCh38 released ENCFF989NBF bam alignments ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF408YYK, ENCFF875THF 420229071 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c7beba18e37f7b5c455f65911cdb361 GRCh38 released ENCFF484RUT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF608XEX 22602780 Gene Yeo, UCSD c8d50781e97ecac3ec71f19d204d1e6d hg19 released ENCFF955SIM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF636BMJ 13356405 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1dff81bffaf2b64299a029ce7f756ae3 hg19 released ENCFF516OSP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF608XEX 23970504 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3bf88135fb8e62e720db0002751ef833 hg19 released ENCFF318QEW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF636BMJ 14146637 Gene Yeo, UCSD e765cf62366f40be12a1226525c227aa hg19 released ENCFF680ZUK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF989NBF 22143517 Gene Yeo, UCSD 00871b72d3b015b0f3afdb01757dafd1 GRCh38 released ENCFF058BLU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF938CFK 12949103 Gene Yeo, UCSD a2854dc4d9fc98adbbfaf4b7f7d8a9e8 GRCh38 released ENCFF329QOR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF938CFK 13536370 Gene Yeo, UCSD b61e37e666080360fd630c99863a09bd GRCh38 released ENCFF583VFV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF989NBF 23115012 Gene Yeo, UCSD 178b6a9bb7bfcc893551307b42498412 GRCh38 released ENCFF136HXF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF608XEX, ENCFF816DYE 1796671 Gene Yeo, UCSD 17fda2a792011063a42fd0fb7581a533 hg19 released ENCFF425PPQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF636BMJ, ENCFF816DYE 1107220 Gene Yeo, UCSD 093325c732ee7adff140ea79032c66e0 hg19 released ENCFF760VJY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF037JOL, ENCFF989NBF 1773396 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c77204438042395bf2e006e9d017f37 GRCh38 released ENCFF938ROF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF425PPQ 1891812 Gene Yeo, UCSD 31a5022fd794cd5b9fc578ef8be6d944 hg19 released ENCFF414DIO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF136HXF 3595324 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76905a2a3ad7ac73bd4d7be38a3df818 hg19 released ENCFF005VLT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF760VJY 3554938 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76f0334253d2a21e64615a617353dc82 GRCh38 released ENCFF350QMY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF438KND 1837826 Gene Yeo, UCSD df0d9ed6f994676e4163cb91b2ec8347 GRCh38 released mismatched status ENCFF733BEV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR022BVV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF037JOL, ENCFF938CFK 1071255 Gene Yeo, UCSD a655754b8bf9f4fcca64fa2a857edbad GRCh38 released ENCFF822GVL fastq reads ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF617MDS 308217726 Gene Yeo, UCSD 592286b610019ffdd8141d66bd1bdf73 SRA:SRR5112335 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF163HDX/ released ENCFF315AQY fastq reads ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF981KZD 565706966 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e2fb96a17cac95f468ae233fe6fab2b SRA:SRR5112334 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF526FTD/ released ENCFF617MDS fastq reads ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF822GVL 333790711 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd261d12172002b226fa62a949600d78 SRA:SRR5112335 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF526FTD/ released ENCFF981KZD fastq reads ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF315AQY 535616287 Gene Yeo, UCSD 18c7e8351e821016475e60ff3a7fb420 SRA:SRR5112334 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF163HDX/ released ENCFF849HII bam alignments ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF617MDS, ENCFF822GVL 291406087 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d2410822dc3596916a6e3150820402e hg19 released ENCFF862AWU bam alignments ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF315AQY, ENCFF981KZD 588857001 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef4fcc7a7a2f12325ac6f95bd7bc0bca hg19 released ENCFF056KWN bam alignments ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF617MDS, ENCFF822GVL 289603602 Gene Yeo, UCSD f3b17f00c564d48c180221423eb5e65c GRCh38 released ENCFF857OFG bam alignments ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF315AQY, ENCFF981KZD 583823198 Gene Yeo, UCSD b9cec018d298d4a71334c66ff4c02ea1 GRCh38 released ENCFF295QPY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF862AWU 30592037 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42e306f6bc939f9fc8f1618748332d06 hg19 released ENCFF199CPK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF849HII 17999956 Gene Yeo, UCSD a4bfdd83687d3a4c4f1b65253b192bcb hg19 released ENCFF681EDG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF862AWU 31817273 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a375b6d580e8abfcc9d19b610447326 hg19 released ENCFF565CQA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF849HII 18905291 Gene Yeo, UCSD 66a907b60299345d8340caaf6cf1cf38 hg19 released ENCFF464KFB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF056KWN 17968849 Gene Yeo, UCSD aed1b8b8831669341db0559b2b611883 GRCh38 released ENCFF210JXR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF857OFG 30468943 Gene Yeo, UCSD e01a84bebb42d7b29e3c58a8bac1cddd GRCh38 released ENCFF823MPG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF857OFG 31640551 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6ab26791b7feb88419a9a48a946dfbc8 GRCh38 released ENCFF214QPY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF056KWN 18845418 Gene Yeo, UCSD c35c761c10d387fc54b64778e71b8410 GRCh38 released ENCFF221WOF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF839ZIO, ENCFF862AWU 2792900 Gene Yeo, UCSD e0c02eb5e942613b18a8b7e6a1405dbe hg19 released ENCFF919FIY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF839ZIO, ENCFF849HII 1464237 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9c17d833a992d561109edb0854e21847 hg19 released ENCFF960OTE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF857OFG, ENCFF949MMS 2813835 Gene Yeo, UCSD 96836599ce0a939abd3be69985c8401a GRCh38 released ENCFF417EZT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF056KWN, ENCFF949MMS 1475596 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7d5df92e44dd8dcc428b8225a754a9b2 GRCh38 released ENCFF788NZP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF221WOF 5214927 Gene Yeo, UCSD c7b1c31cd203af9921452f1e5c08ce9c hg19 released ENCFF130CRL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF919FIY 2345886 Gene Yeo, UCSD 094e9a85f1b7211db754872352ef2140 hg19 released ENCFF784TOV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF960OTE 5251454 Gene Yeo, UCSD e451cc0f8092718e8bb9f29ca97334e0 GRCh38 released ENCFF285AWF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR965DLL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF417EZT 2364143 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02aab37d27194c82ce0feb8b404c24b3 GRCh38 released ENCFF077YYE fastq reads ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF447CPA 136745573 Gene Yeo, UCSD d44b503103cbdb5f791cd7f3be3ba42b SRA:SRR5111622 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF394FLG/ released ENCFF789FCB fastq reads ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF931PJS 285532797 Gene Yeo, UCSD 56972d644fbe2a84c3fd4b2269245b7d SRA:SRR5111621 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF394FLG/ released ENCFF931PJS fastq reads ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF789FCB 286567959 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d2302f485e7f9d7d18ceaf58cea4fd3 SRA:SRR5111621 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF770WMT/ released ENCFF447CPA fastq reads ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF077YYE 137670753 Gene Yeo, UCSD 346ff3f8374a2517f67421d24131e2ce SRA:SRR5111622 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF770WMT/ released ENCFF302CUU bam alignments ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF789FCB, ENCFF931PJS 223583036 Gene Yeo, UCSD bb9328a6ec5c649f3182a0333825a02f hg19 released ENCFF542LDV bam alignments ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF077YYE, ENCFF447CPA 158848122 Gene Yeo, UCSD 102661c3cef0d3751067138f2f375cc8 hg19 released ENCFF149XNS bam alignments ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF077YYE, ENCFF447CPA 153874122 Gene Yeo, UCSD cc89ae37289ae5ac0aa0b3f89d08d0f8 GRCh38 released ENCFF937IVH bam alignments ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF789FCB, ENCFF931PJS 218229576 Gene Yeo, UCSD dbab116c179a79bc9c020098cd881894 GRCh38 released ENCFF856RRP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF542LDV 9856499 Gene Yeo, UCSD 98fa1557643d03fce3ee50553ae74417 hg19 released ENCFF899CLF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF302CUU 13456083 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ebc1d0cd590658bf3b6d334d9a21641 hg19 released ENCFF461OLQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF542LDV 10342738 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9af686f4c41935bfd2e93d1b873d807f hg19 released ENCFF514XIM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF302CUU 13928467 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b1a30e35754541f07bea6836881cc3b hg19 released ENCFF120PTS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF149XNS 9662696 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2917f5932e1b01952b0f969c41ee2fc GRCh38 released ENCFF249SJD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF937IVH 13253907 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f5326cc31c707c7d11ec1f36f0d880a GRCh38 released ENCFF493RTH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF149XNS 10023145 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7095f41f59daa5c8731ba36656b3944b GRCh38 released ENCFF974CLY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF937IVH 13721488 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0dae89047c5daf17b71a81f3894acea2 GRCh38 released ENCFF939AMV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF182OOU, ENCFF302CUU 1045371 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6968bae0c17257de7594bce8f7b23273 hg19 released ENCFF090BZK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF182OOU, ENCFF542LDV 862432 Gene Yeo, UCSD bfb65f9a8cf7e0f5ac08d35300507612 hg19 released ENCFF728JKU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF149XNS, ENCFF294TTP 856710 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1878ff81c7982bb9e63657470ac5f945 GRCh38 released ENCFF986KGV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF294TTP, ENCFF937IVH 1048625 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4d99e8863fd9ebfa15eae46f74eb1b50 GRCh38 released ENCFF882BNF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF939AMV 1788079 Gene Yeo, UCSD eed4e1851e1aaf188899992592e5f246 hg19 released ENCFF435SBL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF090BZK 1527118 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7f4271fadce62a47ffcebb9ba8021876 hg19 released ENCFF732TWX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF728JKU 1523049 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9115aca5e012ae80c99e235493c884ee GRCh38 released ENCFF666GUD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR468FSW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF986KGV 1795567 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e860930377312431bb786f8c220b45d GRCh38 released ENCFF900NQN fastq reads ENCSR309GHK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF413QVJ 255224518 Gene Yeo, UCSD 56b2d9a6d5935f6f3d33aa5b4a6954ec SRA:SRR5111412 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF413QVJ fastq reads ENCSR309GHK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF900NQN 289346842 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8e990499381d3a17d187190ee7d50b1c SRA:SRR5111412 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF836AYV bam alignments ENCSR309GHK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF413QVJ, ENCFF900NQN 246997835 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0c9ac0c0f2aeebbd7ede1bbefe761338 hg19 released ENCFF091VTP bam alignments ENCSR309GHK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF413QVJ, ENCFF900NQN 250633013 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5800ddcf43388a4ad2b73562baebaf60 GRCh38 released ENCFF539ISA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR309GHK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF836AYV 13760998 Gene Yeo, UCSD c61647b993a054fcad521a3b09cc9af6 hg19 released ENCFF129RTI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR309GHK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF836AYV 14199379 Gene Yeo, UCSD bcf3cfeeb93672cb9e7a13822e9e0d29 hg19 released ENCFF815MIN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR309GHK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091VTP 13954157 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b2ef8fc59c89a8bb8983f345494329c GRCh38 released ENCFF583PLK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR309GHK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091VTP 14376724 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07abe1b97cfeaef72eae84febb2670ff GRCh38 released ENCFF085PRU fastq reads ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF447XXS 492267795 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e18d0968708cae92d5390229c21ac01 SRA:SRR5112259 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF727FEM/ released ENCFF669MVS fastq reads ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF718RWU 563814069 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ee10fbb3f10283bd8fa57be47776b02 SRA:SRR5112258 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF727FEM/ released ENCFF447XXS fastq reads ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF085PRU 518578586 Gene Yeo, UCSD 12a0c8929fcdfe86da8ee74346d835be SRA:SRR5112259 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF312KNQ/ released ENCFF718RWU fastq reads ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF669MVS 600511932 Gene Yeo, UCSD cc0a9e009b8f16829ef90cd78ce2d9fb SRA:SRR5112258 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF312KNQ/ released ENCFF925OBE bam alignments ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF669MVS, ENCFF718RWU 66492806 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7b7835002701fcfe4978588569bafaed hg19 released ENCFF116ASC bam alignments ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF085PRU, ENCFF447XXS 51823003 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2e317f4f119864a54ecbfd7a8d2a9582 hg19 released ENCFF189PHS bam alignments ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF669MVS, ENCFF718RWU 63589316 Gene Yeo, UCSD b7df2388373b06a95683c3f76a8d1458 GRCh38 released ENCFF061HNX bam alignments ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF085PRU, ENCFF447XXS 50375064 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2219d493709e5dfd80057fa7d60bd6ba GRCh38 released ENCFF273POY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF925OBE 3083034 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67d3235b467530ec9573f31d1631c416 hg19 released ENCFF075KBV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF116ASC 2533868 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9dbd3d013ccfaf393d8862cd543e6959 hg19 released ENCFF162ZNS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF116ASC 2679836 Gene Yeo, UCSD dba7dc2c627c83b48f29685ca84150fa hg19 released ENCFF406GRV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF925OBE 3271354 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb6a44221d3e9e400f4e4ef54e48c6df hg19 released ENCFF261PBE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF061HNX 2489370 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52ce252bdbc07073eca91ec3d7eddede GRCh38 released ENCFF774EOF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF189PHS 2993312 Gene Yeo, UCSD 376eea3a4b606cb834c0509a852e0d9a GRCh38 released ENCFF721DQT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF061HNX 2631073 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62b09647d1db74010c696e40c0fe3aff GRCh38 released ENCFF711EEJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF189PHS 3154116 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2d3535e2af77671d069458f27931136a GRCh38 released ENCFF472CCD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF082JCZ, ENCFF116ASC 1085104 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8a067585a81d2b9c8fb71e773f1048d0 hg19 released ENCFF454ZHL bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF082JCZ, ENCFF925OBE 818528 Gene Yeo, UCSD 26cd8703bddd5797ae150e64a049ba1e hg19 released ENCFF348TAB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF061HNX, ENCFF949QUQ 1069027 Gene Yeo, UCSD 921516c6a726ec46766280f7588611cc GRCh38 released ENCFF736HGJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF189PHS, ENCFF949QUQ 792538 Gene Yeo, UCSD e3c783e8703e350cfe29cf718cd1ca68 GRCh38 released ENCFF805JUH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF472CCD 1937127 Gene Yeo, UCSD e4b3d3bed0baf8a92d0a98e76e3fead0 hg19 released ENCFF979BSQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF454ZHL 1514515 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11ffcaf94a0dad0e0e27fbc800aeb0a7 hg19 released ENCFF895JLP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF736HGJ 1474493 Gene Yeo, UCSD 25e0c650213dda3c1bc8652fdd6fab2a GRCh38 released ENCFF987EOP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR916SRV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF348TAB 1917762 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6f043380b4b26bba2ecb34a426384d7 GRCh38 released ENCFF159ZFD fastq reads ENCSR696PRX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF595YFZ 979213806 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7a6f7a2632889c7a60c63f6f5b127a08 SRA:SRR5111971 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF595YFZ fastq reads ENCSR696PRX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF159ZFD 948323621 Gene Yeo, UCSD 32755d4b973d0c331cb2c696fe2c497b SRA:SRR5111971 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF713BCH bam alignments ENCSR696PRX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF159ZFD, ENCFF595YFZ 912144871 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2a6b7f00f1602330dd75a8e0d2af89e hg19 released ENCFF273HDK bam alignments ENCSR696PRX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF159ZFD, ENCFF595YFZ 920305584 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5b93be3f8834533d648b1cb1d94e996 GRCh38 released ENCFF268ZWV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR696PRX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF713BCH 36907691 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ee98924ee3aa43f1c78a215ea583563 hg19 released ENCFF430BUF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR696PRX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF713BCH 38273357 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ca4887f3aea615eb3f7f3fe611cb9c8 hg19 released ENCFF703VEL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR696PRX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF273HDK 37206293 Gene Yeo, UCSD 33a5f54ede85bd2e18c90d0da04ccd31 GRCh38 released ENCFF082RVJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR696PRX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF273HDK 38569521 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d5dee61e77f9ebe93f8127ea31677b0 GRCh38 released ENCFF372THP fastq reads ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF634ATL 400379551 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd40234698848ec8f887eafb52d61b16 SRA:SRR5112009 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF317QOW/ released ENCFF044HRW fastq reads ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF520MEC 358190874 Gene Yeo, UCSD ccb418e8c8bf91961c8365ab5612f82f SRA:SRR5112010 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF317QOW/ released ENCFF634ATL fastq reads ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF372THP 444913113 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7a5d3d6541e6125d7b8ef7aebf35320e SRA:SRR5112009 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF057SJT/ released ENCFF520MEC fastq reads ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF044HRW 413139079 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd4d25ff0ea833c0143e2717dc95b50d SRA:SRR5112010 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF057SJT/ released ENCFF189QBX bam alignments ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF372THP, ENCFF634ATL 222733512 Gene Yeo, UCSD b774f1c46fdffa4f82a37c5273f1a06f hg19 released ENCFF215OMD bam alignments ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF044HRW, ENCFF520MEC 328976645 Gene Yeo, UCSD 78f2032dcb9e6712dbcf6d05fd50bc54 hg19 released ENCFF864GYL bam alignments ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF044HRW, ENCFF520MEC 327903384 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec61d034fe7136dadda1075b57eb0664 GRCh38 released ENCFF985HWL bam alignments ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF372THP, ENCFF634ATL 221907602 Gene Yeo, UCSD 84550dbb87015e66e0eace30dacf3cb5 GRCh38 released ENCFF962KBK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF215OMD 17476742 Gene Yeo, UCSD dec786c14fb9ed4ea2f6041c83c178ab hg19 released ENCFF297XFG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF189QBX 13665781 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0a9d5a4e84021e4efea80a327df0db10 hg19 released ENCFF036RER bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF189QBX 14197676 Gene Yeo, UCSD d7b431b63e2b649b1ab7fcf2b8ff3c3a hg19 released ENCFF958URO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF215OMD 18277550 Gene Yeo, UCSD e529ad258aa63852ba62bf83831f2de4 hg19 released ENCFF699OHP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF985HWL 13678740 Gene Yeo, UCSD b142a1eb763038e79c5827d86b211e06 GRCh38 released ENCFF189QNM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF864GYL 17543092 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6b01223df17981c053a6d52799ed7f10 GRCh38 released ENCFF784AYX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF864GYL 18322155 Gene Yeo, UCSD a08e97c3c98a087785ac03c4eb98bed3 GRCh38 released ENCFF624FSB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF985HWL 14188586 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d195f70a887db97d6fb78d0fda317bb GRCh38 released ENCFF739CHZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF135DTM, ENCFF215OMD 1479061 Gene Yeo, UCSD 45336593b04adce4c4e42cf5333616e6 hg19 released ENCFF968DUU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF135DTM, ENCFF189QBX 985302 Gene Yeo, UCSD 478dbb23547195edf44dd79138336332 hg19 released ENCFF913GBH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF471ZFP, ENCFF864GYL 1493542 Gene Yeo, UCSD bca51db6e8bc6b05d17d0232630140b9 GRCh38 released ENCFF710NXQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF471ZFP, ENCFF985HWL 988625 Gene Yeo, UCSD caea065e77ece6f37d0027e1f43a6ac1 GRCh38 released ENCFF371BCM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF968DUU 1705912 Gene Yeo, UCSD bb100a06261f4233a320bf74e1da0b6d hg19 released ENCFF004VCQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF739CHZ 2972342 Gene Yeo, UCSD a4b5912cce0f35bed372b061aaa1ef70 hg19 released ENCFF457EAG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF710NXQ 1709060 Gene Yeo, UCSD 816bb0c3686f9ec105cf0488adc6dd9a GRCh38 released ENCFF381DKU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR736AAG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF913GBH 2996689 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ca692242495b391955a1fdc8d5e4561 GRCh38 released ENCFF820EYG fastq reads ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF878YBB 564806439 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4d73384890c73d2e49a69ff940f965f SRA:SRR5112302 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF698YHW/ released ENCFF082JRS fastq reads ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF899HPH 533557445 Gene Yeo, UCSD be143a1a0204152a34e14b3f4aa3716c SRA:SRR5112301 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF698YHW/ released ENCFF899HPH fastq reads ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF082JRS 552721389 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c2ffc17c6aace14166a84e90a970ffe SRA:SRR5112301 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF598NHN/ released ENCFF878YBB fastq reads ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF820EYG 585612838 Gene Yeo, UCSD c8c7cbac4629c349fdc7c7153c0cf1c3 SRA:SRR5112302 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF598NHN/ released ENCFF663LQH bam alignments ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF820EYG, ENCFF878YBB 915341226 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd36b06b8903367c8a749748590b2be3 hg19 released ENCFF488ZWQ bam alignments ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF082JRS, ENCFF899HPH 823669088 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9bfcf1d5e6462caccd554265b4472156 hg19 released ENCFF734RGL bam alignments ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF820EYG, ENCFF878YBB 904928669 Gene Yeo, UCSD 29a9d1300ddb51a0a86013b4b59f711d GRCh38 released ENCFF402QLV bam alignments ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF082JRS, ENCFF899HPH 812534271 Gene Yeo, UCSD e76a9b60169ec24c9becb7c15a2f0cb0 GRCh38 released ENCFF880FIG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF663LQH 45252234 Gene Yeo, UCSD f7f6b47c20a6d3cadbfa2e8ac2011193 hg19 released ENCFF646ISN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF488ZWQ 42589247 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca566a76cb06f2b192b4b9fce0418798 hg19 released ENCFF686AAU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF663LQH 46051157 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3af4c86f2ce5cac0b02a7d90c81869e9 hg19 released ENCFF022ERA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF488ZWQ 43354428 Gene Yeo, UCSD be6827f3ff243e9d0a57aea9d7d5a07a hg19 released ENCFF598CPP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF402QLV 42195209 Gene Yeo, UCSD a8fa033620f9ab790d9a247177c0fb66 GRCh38 released ENCFF705VVX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF734RGL 44983603 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2ae7dff105d8b97f73e558fd01c75e6 GRCh38 released ENCFF818JEX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF734RGL 45727886 Gene Yeo, UCSD ed4edeb63222e063fbdc5336375146f3 GRCh38 released ENCFF492OEQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF402QLV 42933417 Gene Yeo, UCSD b90ac56e7448e0c6d9e97d1b9c992b02 GRCh38 released ENCFF801ARQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF140UJJ, ENCFF488ZWQ 3456826 Gene Yeo, UCSD 067cbcfce05967b1f4582514479ad2f3 hg19 released ENCFF273BVZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF140UJJ, ENCFF663LQH 3575528 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5420683227f194080cccaacee5012836 hg19 released ENCFF871RJA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF402QLV, ENCFF842FRH 3474673 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3a2c38e92c662167d190b8c713ba1c5c GRCh38 released ENCFF893FMD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF734RGL, ENCFF842FRH 3608420 Gene Yeo, UCSD bc978a67b92fd75c29742a7ae1daf9a4 GRCh38 released ENCFF021GVX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF273BVZ 6368660 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7e281d34e342d2698a7712ff0c741033 hg19 released ENCFF657TKX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF801ARQ 6198893 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5d3d779e22eac5a908e2c9b45654fb6 hg19 released ENCFF782ZNC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF893FMD 6429767 Gene Yeo, UCSD a64be28df36faa02e9bdd90dff417fb5 GRCh38 released ENCFF370VYY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR943MHU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF871RJA 6233933 Gene Yeo, UCSD c35b4186961cb750c62854078302c6df GRCh38 released ENCFF271URZ fastq reads ENCSR722LZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF599GSZ 579463937 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72901a29b4131bcf5a91d47d9685962b SRA:SRR5111998 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF599GSZ fastq reads ENCSR722LZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF271URZ 558515146 Gene Yeo, UCSD bc3eca5f8833388f720ac12ec8bc865d SRA:SRR5111998 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF729BOP bam alignments ENCSR722LZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF271URZ, ENCFF599GSZ 458476357 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b12dc22a2d1330a419d067a53518b13 hg19 released ENCFF234QSA bam alignments ENCSR722LZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF271URZ, ENCFF599GSZ 460708799 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80f213b9fc90f5bd719edd4804f49a6c GRCh38 released ENCFF469KLO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR722LZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF729BOP 22487254 Gene Yeo, UCSD 30108fe162819a302f4e082511eb81e4 hg19 released ENCFF161QNF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR722LZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF729BOP 23259191 Gene Yeo, UCSD 111c7b95c761891f64dd352e0fed063e hg19 released ENCFF999RGE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR722LZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF234QSA 22738983 Gene Yeo, UCSD bf711086ea643ea0b60d150a31244c0d GRCh38 released ENCFF048AYC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR722LZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF234QSA 23483890 Gene Yeo, UCSD 79b2db73584be6ce1861b4714dc8cffc GRCh38 released ENCFF305FQD fastq reads ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF251DNT 314198174 Gene Yeo, UCSD 871af8bb63cc992c78cd05aec768143b SRA:SRR5112148 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF271URZ/ released ENCFF480LCY fastq reads ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF084WXF 482474529 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ee6de7f2c0dd9fcb7684951e4f67d7a SRA:SRR5112147 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF271URZ/ released ENCFF084WXF fastq reads ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF480LCY 508628908 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8de883f0fa84943d38805e00f06e841d SRA:SRR5112147 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF599GSZ/ released ENCFF251DNT fastq reads ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF305FQD 331157744 Gene Yeo, UCSD 14aa80d6bdb70eaec1c7f41d764fff6c SRA:SRR5112148 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF599GSZ/ released ENCFF106RNO bam alignments ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF251DNT, ENCFF305FQD 466292681 Gene Yeo, UCSD d5fb2f9dc124c6d8bd1f13767829e2ac hg19 released ENCFF926RLW bam alignments ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF084WXF, ENCFF480LCY 702720717 Gene Yeo, UCSD 220d91dcc953d830c1e6ad4bf3088e08 hg19 released ENCFF859CZM bam alignments ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF251DNT, ENCFF305FQD 461334307 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0a6e13471514b5b3d1e6347229a582de GRCh38 released ENCFF513VDW bam alignments ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF084WXF, ENCFF480LCY 695749812 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7426497b44234cb459dbe59da72baacc GRCh38 released ENCFF042JPC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF106RNO 23125798 Gene Yeo, UCSD 83e1510a49519d4706429fbab9513433 hg19 released ENCFF078LTR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF926RLW 33208253 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4db425775d6fcb06e4898fd822d31a5 hg19 released ENCFF330WYG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF106RNO 24473134 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8a2d1840acdbffe3d88426579cf1db3a hg19 released ENCFF471LMN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF926RLW 35143069 Gene Yeo, UCSD b87a98c8c40f28929b8a1e4c0c7afda2 hg19 released ENCFF106ZUH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF513VDW 33089609 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a1ee0df9c8801073503a2659692c1e0 GRCh38 released ENCFF477YRW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF859CZM 23014423 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f3586d9698bf84c62c237fd27666109 GRCh38 released ENCFF449NFO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF859CZM 24275811 Gene Yeo, UCSD 56787a0b48c9a0732117e5a6d7a2d76b GRCh38 released ENCFF084JPG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF513VDW 34884759 Gene Yeo, UCSD 48ab69ce87e022532706f6cfcd715ef6 GRCh38 released ENCFF043QXI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF106RNO, ENCFF729BOP 1827390 Gene Yeo, UCSD 963f72e173da1f34fca9b55f9e075fce hg19 released ENCFF379UQU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF729BOP, ENCFF926RLW 2545242 Gene Yeo, UCSD 79c2c549c619bf41a83e374d5c643089 hg19 released ENCFF050YWD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF234QSA, ENCFF859CZM 1842941 Gene Yeo, UCSD f9aadb4bbaae8cccb0155197c90239c5 GRCh38 released ENCFF647ZVB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF234QSA, ENCFF513VDW 2571290 Gene Yeo, UCSD abce60063c001c43800a79c4a828ede5 GRCh38 released ENCFF708YRH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF043QXI 3514805 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc5164fc6710ccd86b79fbf5edb9f7dc hg19 released ENCFF370JHA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF379UQU 4707096 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5a8cd69c45b37223bb13cc84b565652a hg19 released ENCFF775WUQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF050YWD 3548361 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2bbd839b161b4156c704860b5acd1fc5 GRCh38 released ENCFF072FRJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR840DRD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF647ZVB 4750875 Gene Yeo, UCSD d1f15bebc1b04813e9db5f3b2daac8d8 GRCh38 released ENCFF384LLO fastq reads ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 48 paired-ended 1 ENCFF145OZZ 1338106701 Gene Yeo, UCSD 392e1665454559e1c1bb2eb4f6abf77a SRA:SRR5111721 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF487SZW/ released ENCFF089LNF fastq reads ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 48 paired-ended 1 ENCFF253HOY 740630685 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2713985a75007f9cc0ff70828808d4e0 SRA:SRR5111720 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF487SZW/ released ENCFF145OZZ fastq reads ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 2 ENCFF384LLO 1345982593 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7d61a0a0dd3174a910813f6fa85a01a1 SRA:SRR5111721 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF300GEY/ released ENCFF253HOY fastq reads ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 2 ENCFF089LNF 752890701 Gene Yeo, UCSD 09622e925de451ad2c422fca5aa6230f SRA:SRR5111720 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF300GEY/ released ENCFF881JZG bam alignments ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF089LNF, ENCFF253HOY 1086654903 Gene Yeo, UCSD db8a25f76c76398f74721f8f693b6717 hg19 released ENCFF439LWC bam alignments ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF145OZZ, ENCFF384LLO 1661211309 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0060b7269f53aeed25624b92dca20682 hg19 released ENCFF197OBL bam alignments ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF145OZZ, ENCFF384LLO 1653906440 Gene Yeo, UCSD a52fd6c5b6e44dbc38122223307072d0 GRCh38 released ENCFF025YVA bam alignments ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF089LNF, ENCFF253HOY 1083070558 Gene Yeo, UCSD af4dd185c25bb1acccd99968c6c20379 GRCh38 released ENCFF145GGH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF881JZG 53111567 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10319673f7b5c15451e48bc9e27cb7bb hg19 released ENCFF496BVF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF439LWC 78870115 Gene Yeo, UCSD 97408f56ceee331713cd046d0a3542de hg19 released ENCFF451BJT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF439LWC 82897133 Gene Yeo, UCSD 53d36b63d6508b3328a81325ce38fd3d hg19 released ENCFF588ALN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF881JZG 55952545 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c0680f79a38b27f73566f8e4b2a928b hg19 released ENCFF701SGQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF025YVA 53059194 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ea9a9e342db4c8dae2f2d8f63b8b00d GRCh38 released ENCFF824KTJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF197OBL 78703773 Gene Yeo, UCSD fbe5eb2ac2636b4754cf565ab83dae00 GRCh38 released ENCFF235IOB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF025YVA 55837778 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89ce78ee1fc1d0a5d63537d1c2a7c056 GRCh38 released ENCFF274WHB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF197OBL 82650602 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e3ce3f8bcb14286b9be7c1da9299829 GRCh38 released ENCFF960NDY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF439LWC, ENCFF710NVK 6032436 Gene Yeo, UCSD f8c62193a5de09c65b5f0b00c4f2aba8 hg19 released ENCFF014BXV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF710NVK, ENCFF881JZG 4618595 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7e8a34b227e87738b9a930598cf58f7 hg19 released ENCFF408HQB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF025YVA, ENCFF188FGR 4686575 Gene Yeo, UCSD b746dd789803d26b1bd0efab98a3be99 GRCh38 released ENCFF638WUB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF188FGR, ENCFF197OBL 6099290 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21dc2b83fe565fb0206577f5baab9b83 GRCh38 released ENCFF755NIP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF014BXV 7923301 Gene Yeo, UCSD 513cff5615e5bece8d7c35f04e69be45 hg19 released ENCFF382TQQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF960NDY 9949768 Gene Yeo, UCSD e45f579b6d3ac2bf5dc9bdbb49a94fa1 hg19 released ENCFF901WKP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF638WUB 10089993 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e30cc5075b2417a941307afd51fcd73 GRCh38 released ENCFF016LPW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR520BZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF408HQB 8039253 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8794f327d1740a3580dacbb272743612 GRCh38 released ENCFF332NKK fastq reads ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF893VXG 299451401 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4256ff4ae1f58a51ba519d96e47631c6 SRA:SRR5111488 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF837BRE/ released ENCFF359KSX fastq reads ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF488GID 219611451 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef5dccb19a1dffb556f97dab5eda1333 SRA:SRR5111487 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF837BRE/ released ENCFF893VXG fastq reads ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF332NKK 289854055 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4577a0f353865a00212fc572d03a3c87 SRA:SRR5111488 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF130FRI/ released ENCFF488GID fastq reads ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF359KSX 208479557 Gene Yeo, UCSD c4dc0cf33818d1c3394044949f6d7557 SRA:SRR5111487 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF130FRI/ released ENCFF812IPR bam alignments ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF332NKK, ENCFF893VXG 455811933 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6025f077b3e903c2a1bc6bcb21a54ea7 hg19 released ENCFF032HWP bam alignments ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF359KSX, ENCFF488GID 245600469 Gene Yeo, UCSD da8d66b1ec88073337f3fc4c35301115 hg19 released ENCFF803QKO bam alignments ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF332NKK, ENCFF893VXG 444725623 Gene Yeo, UCSD e823609256962a240b7a2009b0dc4b76 GRCh38 released ENCFF547AHN bam alignments ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF359KSX, ENCFF488GID 240233397 Gene Yeo, UCSD 43b78e4d7b1da86c10b1c42c72b97dc5 GRCh38 released ENCFF919LKK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF032HWP 15335521 Gene Yeo, UCSD 45664020464e6f6db99e9b1806999bf0 hg19 released ENCFF933OSZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF812IPR 20536058 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7d6a55be1790679e7830bc53350f170a hg19 released ENCFF822CXV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF032HWP 16174338 Gene Yeo, UCSD bce802cf1e809baea43ade6d19214b9e hg19 released ENCFF023OLB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF812IPR 21493290 Gene Yeo, UCSD fbfe751854a3ce311d79878359b564ec hg19 released ENCFF266KGE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF547AHN 15107122 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67899d2f3883259df9517ddfa1dd0e39 GRCh38 released ENCFF556BWC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF803QKO 20246889 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4fe1a32d2cb1e44f3fafd782fbbff019 GRCh38 released ENCFF679YWY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF803QKO 21178135 Gene Yeo, UCSD 94d441a10fe1c4abcb0f813bb4c4384d GRCh38 released ENCFF842LPQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF547AHN 15932542 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16e01328874e76a8fd6de1bdf4bc58cd GRCh38 released ENCFF074AQN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF124RDW, ENCFF812IPR 1824776 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec20b911cdc48cc2aee94db7f49c0877 hg19 released ENCFF322DXB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF032HWP, ENCFF124RDW 1466577 Gene Yeo, UCSD e44e691672c40d4d2abb7a7500474c21 hg19 released ENCFF454MWQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF190ITO, ENCFF803QKO 1817055 Gene Yeo, UCSD 901001dae2dd3ec3d05bf7c4dc880b98 GRCh38 released ENCFF514GGZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF190ITO, ENCFF547AHN 1459492 Gene Yeo, UCSD cdb2dd4ee1930030778963aa7489559c GRCh38 released ENCFF282VHP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF322DXB 3113820 Gene Yeo, UCSD d687d88801018bed40d49f25c71f8f4f hg19 released ENCFF176BGN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF074AQN 3686167 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d2f3c191d9be8e83fa7f974bf60c5be hg19 released ENCFF307HNT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF454MWQ 3676046 Gene Yeo, UCSD f98ec67c77756d1f8bf8e7353fc3689d GRCh38 released ENCFF082XYR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR339FUY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF514GGZ 3099178 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80ef017c7b6e4ac674182d378d2cf556 GRCh38 released ENCFF568MYZ fastq reads ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF357DPL 587791245 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c346284eab1c45139ac22a1ad921448 SRA:SRR5112076 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF489GBW/ released ENCFF479BNC fastq reads ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF431PMM 772380381 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0ea8f33cfbcc9163c22cba1a6f943d4a SRA:SRR5112077 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF489GBW/ released ENCFF357DPL fastq reads ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF568MYZ 580634504 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1d26115544109bb6f6517524f648548 SRA:SRR5112076 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF500NQE/ released ENCFF431PMM fastq reads ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF479BNC 761662829 Gene Yeo, UCSD 38c73c819800f58fa791e3278a52d880 SRA:SRR5112077 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF500NQE/ released ENCFF286FBL bam alignments ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF431PMM, ENCFF479BNC 671354878 Gene Yeo, UCSD 05520be36daecd15c4393f66f09a32b7 hg19 released ENCFF409NUO bam alignments ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF357DPL, ENCFF568MYZ 311308108 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad4c88a32fe5eedfff1401b8b43d5021 hg19 released ENCFF702XFC bam alignments ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF431PMM, ENCFF479BNC 652065969 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec71766c799f269c8657675c4d94d740 GRCh38 released ENCFF245KXT bam alignments ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF357DPL, ENCFF568MYZ 303452632 Gene Yeo, UCSD 129e94be4472cec7ca466e009636b382 GRCh38 released ENCFF781BNR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF409NUO 19434023 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6f649463be35066d6484fe3df764e0d2 hg19 released ENCFF526RKP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF286FBL 34952973 Gene Yeo, UCSD cb07324d62c9b57917fee4551f57029d hg19 released ENCFF824VQC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF286FBL 36116251 Gene Yeo, UCSD ebdf2ff78d8a49ec2c4d89675bc97181 hg19 released ENCFF657PVX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF409NUO 19994643 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1815af487afd5a83f92bd3c56156a231 hg19 released ENCFF742FIR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF245KXT 19071559 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8aaf5a874099434b30e4d9a68b5603c9 GRCh38 released ENCFF163SPX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF702XFC 34283326 Gene Yeo, UCSD 207686469a07cc3bd06e2a6bfd4fdd79 GRCh38 released ENCFF991DQV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF245KXT 19629354 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c8fafd11ecda9cf0f990bbe30837645 GRCh38 released ENCFF360ESL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF702XFC 35439739 Gene Yeo, UCSD d365afe240b2ad8eb56b87138cc8e606 GRCh38 released ENCFF460MRE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF409NUO, ENCFF950TBS 2078981 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7faaae1ca027d3d7f76d43395d0c1491 hg19 released ENCFF535COB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF286FBL, ENCFF950TBS 3589694 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b4ecf74ed7400d30c5ae26c9b52282c hg19 released ENCFF340GPD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF160LFR, ENCFF702XFC 3572214 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6aa3f5ed65e30b6e31dd67168c2cd291 GRCh38 released ENCFF841BJF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF160LFR, ENCFF245KXT 2063551 Gene Yeo, UCSD 24cab6070a2a849f9942579692a0ddeb GRCh38 released ENCFF963MRY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF460MRE 4007726 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e56883858d720b3ae3eb0b8b331113b hg19 released ENCFF569JRG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF535COB 6357450 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9e6fcea819d01d72b75e88b9fd96fd40 hg19 released ENCFF889CSO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF340GPD 6340295 Gene Yeo, UCSD e8f0b91406de95cbd0fa7b20607cf4f6 GRCh38 released ENCFF397SJF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR786TSC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF841BJF 3984805 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6b6e3ab8838495f45be90109544bf59d GRCh38 released ENCFF594KTU fastq reads ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF404HFW 374012270 Gene Yeo, UCSD fdc1d600c6d6af0153d3e01f6bd2ac03 SRA:SRR5111446 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF992TBP/ released ENCFF827BFL fastq reads ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF326NZD 336593809 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d954052d607044906e4d6938750e80d SRA:SRR5111447 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF992TBP/ released ENCFF404HFW fastq reads ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF594KTU 413922501 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b28534e52151d3205365013a0602672 SRA:SRR5111446 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF011MOY/ released ENCFF326NZD fastq reads ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF827BFL 358993502 Gene Yeo, UCSD 006c8a82a7ea5f0fa8833ea113a37d4b SRA:SRR5111447 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF011MOY/ released ENCFF616GRZ bam alignments ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF326NZD, ENCFF827BFL 214087723 Gene Yeo, UCSD dacc93f948da3b0aee0bf87468b4fe46 hg19 released ENCFF856RPN bam alignments ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF404HFW, ENCFF594KTU 198807585 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8454b24e7d62cdc95326b4bf4f0dc6dc hg19 released ENCFF561IQK bam alignments ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF326NZD, ENCFF827BFL 211785747 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6ee9f3733097dd513182fadabfd51436 GRCh38 released ENCFF831HXN bam alignments ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF404HFW, ENCFF594KTU 197482017 Gene Yeo, UCSD 444164366984c7004f78f5efb08426ec GRCh38 released ENCFF493TIB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF856RPN 11699183 Gene Yeo, UCSD 721907f0f14454d4bd8e948acc518d9d hg19 released ENCFF829UWY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF616GRZ 12084538 Gene Yeo, UCSD f308146a9592e57e9e592281c66ee5b7 hg19 released ENCFF758DOK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF616GRZ 12554737 Gene Yeo, UCSD 15319566cd196b3aa873c492c51890ca hg19 released ENCFF875IVC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF856RPN 12079067 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe9b7164f009006e14794fa43ea5cb7c hg19 released ENCFF487FFF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF831HXN 11662974 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1255d92a14fb05e50afd5e8ba3f7c643 GRCh38 released ENCFF164JNM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF561IQK 11979706 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5d6857b0b6a81abaf3e578588be60c3d GRCh38 released ENCFF164YTL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF561IQK 12443881 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1178c8d1e588411d363a9c0f36ac0861 GRCh38 released ENCFF004UFF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF831HXN 12033211 Gene Yeo, UCSD 74c8d502acaa539734133b96d4ee9077 GRCh38 released ENCFF762HNV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF487CAF, ENCFF856RPN 943676 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ce60e0236d6ba6022c7a7c376a4c005 hg19 released ENCFF763TTY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF487CAF, ENCFF616GRZ 1002298 Gene Yeo, UCSD cb797cf108c62daf7d1ec24c121347bf hg19 released ENCFF617RDI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF541PUU, ENCFF831HXN 943630 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3bd690537fa5e45fa84e1f2155b012b5 GRCh38 released ENCFF411BTZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF541PUU, ENCFF561IQK 1001725 Gene Yeo, UCSD 81dca46638deeba9d09ff2257871128b GRCh38 released ENCFF647SDV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF763TTY 1709399 Gene Yeo, UCSD 48e55f5fc42bf2c59634ae16947721bc hg19 released ENCFF061IZO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF762HNV 1622575 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3cc6e61e32712a990b9b6fe6142a93e1 hg19 released ENCFF748GQF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF617RDI 1623223 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4eca16796c904121e4f97fdcbbb669d8 GRCh38 released ENCFF431IPU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR334QFR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF411BTZ 1707637 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9e4cf1d046f0718180a7fb664d768d63 GRCh38 released ENCFF916HAS fastq reads ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF459WIT 297956571 Gene Yeo, UCSD 071014d5835fff47a3d133f592519bed SRA:SRR5112163 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF439RMU/ released ENCFF794YIP fastq reads ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF917QVW 213612718 Gene Yeo, UCSD ffd276d0e4bd8af56ac78bc77602e265 SRA:SRR5112164 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF439RMU/ released ENCFF459WIT fastq reads ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF916HAS 311553326 Gene Yeo, UCSD 50e256bc56ba0ec794c6a98688e1c9c4 SRA:SRR5112163 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF436NGE/ released ENCFF917QVW fastq reads ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF794YIP 227898481 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0fde250d1f7c74c7801c413fbca1c4cb SRA:SRR5112164 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF436NGE/ released ENCFF763NGW bam alignments ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF459WIT, ENCFF916HAS 286193271 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63faf10586788612236e1603eead5152 hg19 released ENCFF925HAH bam alignments ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF794YIP, ENCFF917QVW 164916692 Gene Yeo, UCSD e8db7cf462d0bcb25f26e2043b8c00dc hg19 released ENCFF756VXR bam alignments ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF459WIT, ENCFF916HAS 273670168 Gene Yeo, UCSD 30707e5c052f1a4333303ef8cfe145eb GRCh38 released ENCFF284RSI bam alignments ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF794YIP, ENCFF917QVW 159563748 Gene Yeo, UCSD 047001835a045663b48958f3dd0490c4 GRCh38 released ENCFF661GMQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF763NGW 14965176 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2a8802a1ea2686a8dc7809c360d03d6 hg19 released ENCFF011FOO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF925HAH 7753989 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63f830d7ed9aef1c5acfae6878f6e1fe hg19 released ENCFF291ZHD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF925HAH 7912636 Gene Yeo, UCSD d94a1ea06ccb1a46feef90a15e041aea hg19 released ENCFF902IPB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF763NGW 15253487 Gene Yeo, UCSD 99b9de6e1bf3b1c3f2ba334263edf3b3 hg19 released ENCFF780ZPW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF284RSI 7608084 Gene Yeo, UCSD bbfaaffd20f71985ab309f2e359e1a5c GRCh38 released ENCFF612EYL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF756VXR 14501093 Gene Yeo, UCSD a11b320aacdee47809888716868029a0 GRCh38 released ENCFF905RXQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF756VXR 14768483 Gene Yeo, UCSD b853e7a3a2a9b3ebaaaff807b38d41f4 GRCh38 released ENCFF476USO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF284RSI 7746312 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0a41fc6ae99782c19b82262d3d52e1b GRCh38 released ENCFF976KYV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF362UUB, ENCFF763NGW 1237030 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d0828c4cc8b0c7f225a8202df0eb940 hg19 released ENCFF381VVY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF362UUB, ENCFF925HAH 732490 Gene Yeo, UCSD 20814f4d2354cd7993aa51989739d332 hg19 released ENCFF246BGL bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF244QMW, ENCFF284RSI 719710 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2d4c7a564195e5a65ba9e80d8a913cdf GRCh38 released ENCFF909VPB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF244QMW, ENCFF756VXR 1217343 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc41841ed6ffe43606574a36e8a7e297 GRCh38 released ENCFF727NEF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF381VVY 1361968 Gene Yeo, UCSD 04790e271b059ee00d9cdc3e1cfb67a8 hg19 released ENCFF316QQL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF976KYV 2120209 Gene Yeo, UCSD f377399500f2bbcef943048fc9ab6725 hg19 released ENCFF457EXU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF909VPB 2087468 Gene Yeo, UCSD a3cd6e3d5c56fc7a6646e6bbe0deeaf7 GRCh38 released ENCFF838WUR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861GYE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF246BGL 1340036 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1fb4ca2460c628907fb3ef6583ee89de GRCh38 released ENCFF857CKQ fastq reads ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF681SRL 709756299 Gene Yeo, UCSD f694f382524e46588e36ee778cca0066 SRA:SRR5112352 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF456RUG/ released ENCFF476NYI fastq reads ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF049UNM 658834837 Gene Yeo, UCSD 29df20d5c36dc84d4e3aba611cc8d8d0 SRA:SRR5112353 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF456RUG/ released ENCFF681SRL fastq reads ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF857CKQ 660233492 Gene Yeo, UCSD e0802753048c478d18c5b78364ffda40 SRA:SRR5112352 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF465JRJ/ released ENCFF049UNM fastq reads ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF476NYI 623738900 Gene Yeo, UCSD 753792ccd457d59f85bc01e6c678c69c SRA:SRR5112353 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF465JRJ/ released ENCFF876ONV bam alignments ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF049UNM, ENCFF476NYI 409365999 Gene Yeo, UCSD f52277907f49d3220dfe91aa4b7a1b7b hg19 released ENCFF305FNR bam alignments ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF681SRL, ENCFF857CKQ 333154891 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9803a7cf55501589b4948f125ccb0cb5 hg19 released ENCFF527CKN bam alignments ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF049UNM, ENCFF476NYI 403944443 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3abab65a099c7ec9eb1aa9a02427da0a GRCh38 released ENCFF580PEL bam alignments ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF681SRL, ENCFF857CKQ 329072318 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9cc57e71850436d412e7ed8dfbcf1ee8 GRCh38 released ENCFF959CKO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF876ONV 22578774 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21426c8ca8c9f2d0a689180e8cf6149d hg19 released ENCFF490VDU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF305FNR 20245354 Gene Yeo, UCSD 01f7f2001142cd45218d491dfe76556b hg19 released ENCFF373HXL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF876ONV 23034710 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0eee30df48f4b58b3d7433079885ef36 hg19 released ENCFF236UCB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF305FNR 20933599 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b921b4edc60fd38b1af4dcdb986e4cf hg19 released ENCFF992LYC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF527CKN 22406986 Gene Yeo, UCSD eebaaf50d3842682fef913d45c86ca47 GRCh38 released ENCFF485HPD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF580PEL 20105123 Gene Yeo, UCSD cf98a63c2851d356c0e7da063e7e25d7 GRCh38 released ENCFF371SYJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF527CKN 22835468 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6ac4be6ce5aff4beb1db37f2da32e0b6 GRCh38 released ENCFF769CBK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF580PEL 20791485 Gene Yeo, UCSD 91bc562d8ccc3a00532e7e4bbdf6c132 GRCh38 released ENCFF515SVK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF194SFB, ENCFF876ONV 2017031 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c7ef643faba93b3ce73cdb231358c2a hg19 released ENCFF029CYV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF194SFB, ENCFF305FNR 1729253 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07df6386c4d19b6831a219c47f8c2a7e hg19 released ENCFF401RUI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF580PEL, ENCFF894PGH 1739318 Gene Yeo, UCSD 30ef3592c8bf5e35c6dd24f34bc6f821 GRCh38 released ENCFF124ZON bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF527CKN, ENCFF894PGH 2024878 Gene Yeo, UCSD c236b7000f613413e46022482d4ddc30 GRCh38 released ENCFF154QAS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF515SVK 3253498 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3d9f1c5997be0b9e1ad48ac0a2607f40 hg19 released ENCFF735GLT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF029CYV 2860093 Gene Yeo, UCSD a28326b903a88f7436059395219be969 hg19 released ENCFF998DQS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF124ZON 3263344 Gene Yeo, UCSD f405daac2e844a80fd274f438b266d65 GRCh38 released ENCFF649XQE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993FMY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF401RUI 2874496 Gene Yeo, UCSD bad7e41aff0eec507e5ecb0d85380804 GRCh38 released ENCFF464GUK fastq reads ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF632XDW 382212753 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2e5e34aedccb0a40fc6b8bedc76ba2d5 SRA:SRR5111793 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF656XSL/ released ENCFF202EFD fastq reads ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF246PWB 268645626 Gene Yeo, UCSD 08aaee9e1e431c5a746d5e248b2fd636 SRA:SRR5111794 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF656XSL/ released ENCFF246PWB fastq reads ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF202EFD 289219525 Gene Yeo, UCSD 54af20d4400851365fea997353909177 SRA:SRR5111794 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF574XRV/ released ENCFF632XDW fastq reads ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF464GUK 413280668 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3a9618b2efc1a645f236ff8d7ce4708c SRA:SRR5111793 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF574XRV/ released ENCFF021CNP bam alignments ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF464GUK, ENCFF632XDW 338142886 Gene Yeo, UCSD f3252d979cdf7514fd22843b596e6be8 hg19 released ENCFF128IDP bam alignments ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF202EFD, ENCFF246PWB 158381662 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65d01d92df087eb877456979f5e1db12 hg19 released ENCFF438ULK bam alignments ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF464GUK, ENCFF632XDW 334707580 Gene Yeo, UCSD cdf684ef8aeafc4cb86492563259db25 GRCh38 released ENCFF474WKB bam alignments ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF202EFD, ENCFF246PWB 156604294 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2a5577ab74d7b7ec4ee59f287e6ca24 GRCh38 released ENCFF009YUT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF021CNP 19427605 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8fa3cdf04ceb4be9772aad29da879ccd hg19 released ENCFF779LCF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF128IDP 8440278 Gene Yeo, UCSD 293992fa09cb1db1e9e3e7f9fa909bf4 hg19 released ENCFF728ANU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF021CNP 19841991 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8cf15c9c60f6761f7592e75521898376 hg19 released ENCFF395BRB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF128IDP 8794164 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42a24df2b67513ed61ae7d6f348dfa2c hg19 released ENCFF411CQJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF474WKB 8382319 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07b4f47caa13d028d7dfb644809b2320 GRCh38 released ENCFF180FBO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF438ULK 19325507 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0614942eb80a02c34f4e614c81f7902e GRCh38 released ENCFF798VRH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF438ULK 19740731 Gene Yeo, UCSD b64be355dde3ba0c787e3e1b46dcfb23 GRCh38 released ENCFF188CRN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF474WKB 8737909 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0c21523a9e18a689c94cbf988d39f95b GRCh38 released ENCFF225IXQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF128IDP, ENCFF350VUK 645418 Gene Yeo, UCSD df688a86a81ebef4f9e7f5500b3afaf0 hg19 released ENCFF381LFD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF021CNP, ENCFF350VUK 1381626 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9919cd1d133ed408aa0143a42d9e1c3e hg19 released ENCFF862XEI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF474WKB, ENCFF594ZPR 644763 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5cfe603bdc8db9fda2577ef4acb0aee8 GRCh38 released ENCFF356JSO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF438ULK, ENCFF594ZPR 1386680 Gene Yeo, UCSD 043661d11e678b093877ac0bc38d4f66 GRCh38 released ENCFF469LWT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF381LFD 2261056 Gene Yeo, UCSD 738a93e243caa09a95e402a3f729fd04 hg19 released ENCFF581MNQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF225IXQ 1230177 Gene Yeo, UCSD c78d36454e579317016c7b31ad4bbce4 hg19 released ENCFF595KXG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF356JSO 2271066 Gene Yeo, UCSD 87a83e6a85fe8ffa89c148b0fb76f1ad GRCh38 released ENCFF311LTM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571ROL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF862XEI 1232294 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e09ad3a0cbbc4b42ee2a84fd383caab GRCh38 released ENCFF776RIU fastq reads ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF632XBD 256745659 Gene Yeo, UCSD 39cdfe3bbbf0a080354b44e61a8a46c3 SRA:SRR5111573 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF017BEN/ released ENCFF982ZPQ fastq reads ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF559MWF 444922977 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16015f6f51e64595007fd7f56060c729 SRA:SRR5111574 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF017BEN/ released ENCFF632XBD fastq reads ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF776RIU 277589014 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b034f41ad3174d125ac4e8a10b70636 SRA:SRR5111573 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF376PZO/ released ENCFF559MWF fastq reads ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF982ZPQ 486955848 Gene Yeo, UCSD c0737dba57f4f8cf4bbb3ca32c19800e SRA:SRR5111574 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF376PZO/ released ENCFF374XWQ bam alignments ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF632XBD, ENCFF776RIU 285634856 Gene Yeo, UCSD 934918809f4457fc0f71d6b50c4d72af hg19 released ENCFF833PXB bam alignments ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF559MWF, ENCFF982ZPQ 454137674 Gene Yeo, UCSD 99bf2398850a9394668b9a250647ffbc hg19 released ENCFF696TJG bam alignments ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF632XBD, ENCFF776RIU 281087236 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90f076337383dcf8b7afc5804d924761 GRCh38 released ENCFF664EPV bam alignments ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF559MWF, ENCFF982ZPQ 446923955 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5dccdb1fe94a77df8f6137825eac9564 GRCh38 released ENCFF618XPJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF833PXB 22613056 Gene Yeo, UCSD 695ac6b8d21af6f6cd77dcad6310bbf6 hg19 released ENCFF639ESC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF374XWQ 16166757 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9b4571f8139e154d80bf8d4bf795264f hg19 released ENCFF210EIS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF374XWQ 16738204 Gene Yeo, UCSD e86ecc2e98895ef8ac1cf6ade8555a9b hg19 released ENCFF553SIV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF833PXB 23472046 Gene Yeo, UCSD f901447d83ed3a4eb2fead1d7e8271d8 hg19 released ENCFF526BKN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF664EPV 22417613 Gene Yeo, UCSD 765a24fb17c60dead8c47ad4ae82b7c6 GRCh38 released ENCFF985WYO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF696TJG 15823338 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07a15f60ce1cc4ee97e35197a0ddd330 GRCh38 released ENCFF137IAG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF696TJG 16362370 Gene Yeo, UCSD f9430a0f2963ebd093171340bca86191 GRCh38 released ENCFF642LZT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF664EPV 23232369 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7239cbfbe6544afb255ce0ea6aec6a7f GRCh38 released ENCFF609IXO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF374XWQ, ENCFF913MGS 1375186 Gene Yeo, UCSD de7e419e927e28f0c78fb627ad46080a hg19 released ENCFF287KWV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF833PXB, ENCFF913MGS 1985413 Gene Yeo, UCSD c099028919a5f16c6ceee568f6bfa8e2 hg19 released ENCFF205JTY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF563VJQ, ENCFF664EPV 1994849 Gene Yeo, UCSD 01e4116898f798c2f096a480e5a14119 GRCh38 released ENCFF373NZF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF563VJQ, ENCFF696TJG 1383836 Gene Yeo, UCSD d89b5ce3a54d80ccc686a779452e6ced GRCh38 released ENCFF708IPL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF287KWV 3973918 Gene Yeo, UCSD c35bdb7e36ae0c57dd3760e005e0d4d9 hg19 released ENCFF282DBV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF609IXO 2309102 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc36c3b3078d2a2a2d450bd1663f4f6e hg19 released ENCFF265TZW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF205JTY 3989538 Gene Yeo, UCSD cdb6d36994af9ea73259ec163e5ec3ab GRCh38 released ENCFF320HAO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR432XUP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF373NZF 2313671 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a5902f7c282d82c9938784e28a44074 GRCh38 released ENCFF628QLB fastq reads ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF007VAP 338026352 Gene Yeo, UCSD 17c9394b415b77ee4f2c4d70704ceddd SRA:SRR5111143 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF997VKX/ released ENCFF690PXO fastq reads ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF412TCD 492178192 Gene Yeo, UCSD beec88e4a8935b7b63797458e751120d SRA:SRR5111142 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF997VKX/ released ENCFF412TCD fastq reads ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF690PXO 565044269 Gene Yeo, UCSD c0cc54ce0df0397fa63640be107661b5 SRA:SRR5111142 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF012GQR/ released ENCFF007VAP fastq reads ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF628QLB 377526605 Gene Yeo, UCSD b476f1bb89ef32e896a9b047d638f8d5 SRA:SRR5111143 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF012GQR/ released ENCFF918RID bam alignments ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF412TCD, ENCFF690PXO 17869373 Gene Yeo, UCSD c70de4a085c0b5c17774d7958501dce1 hg19 released ENCFF287EUA bam alignments ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF007VAP, ENCFF628QLB 9860415 Gene Yeo, UCSD cdad9394ad696a2ec641f3d55548e5fc hg19 released ENCFF951GRM bam alignments ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF007VAP, ENCFF628QLB 8923742 Gene Yeo, UCSD e8783917f30fc4a5daef9ed848d2648d GRCh38 released ENCFF943MCZ bam alignments ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF412TCD, ENCFF690PXO 16764668 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe5cf59e336515dc3cbc745e1e40652b GRCh38 released ENCFF418FMB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF918RID 960002 Gene Yeo, UCSD 807ad2911bb6fb1daccf58fba2d5d4a0 hg19 released ENCFF905IAJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF287EUA 498924 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3f53157aac29cec53e3cece998494a8d hg19 released ENCFF404ACO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF918RID 1021621 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2adc990998a3df8fbc13d706dc12cd15 hg19 released ENCFF083SYX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF287EUA 666534 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca04ad9f211c3e4251fcd317d50c6523 hg19 released ENCFF272WVO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF951GRM 471810 Gene Yeo, UCSD b283d7d92d732938b249ece1c628b40d GRCh38 released ENCFF963DCK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF943MCZ 930857 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6352ae73609eb56d6a5d2c93eb96b14e GRCh38 released ENCFF619XEH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF951GRM 647818 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4e268f2641b069c134c57790273d61b GRCh38 released ENCFF072GRP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF943MCZ 1015635 Gene Yeo, UCSD 50356d8824f8985e536162a4f34a8658 GRCh38 released ENCFF979XAE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF257CGL, ENCFF918RID 62047 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ec174f5b0c770a62a53fde94e9f259c hg19 released ENCFF710IZS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF257CGL, ENCFF287EUA 35175 Gene Yeo, UCSD a09a891ce23412fe3c37d3f41e0ece42 hg19 released ENCFF787NKL bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF166ZIY, ENCFF943MCZ 60237 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2d577cdd45750ecca359120058939506 GRCh38 released ENCFF058ORL bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF166ZIY, ENCFF951GRM 32782 Gene Yeo, UCSD ead3999dd2ac7848014a556ee4378206 GRCh38 released ENCFF457VMC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF710IZS 172820 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1bdfc6ef63f3d41f95d3b4337f0e4bd9 hg19 released ENCFF884YGW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF979XAE 241136 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7bc74114a2d151586613dfd085b11b9c hg19 released ENCFF802OIB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF787NKL 235743 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d380b7f61d3946aab25d7761cdb4b79 GRCh38 released ENCFF682VXY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121GQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF058ORL 180598 Gene Yeo, UCSD 05bbb8949a6d0e465c7e697a3418b558 GRCh38 released ENCFF864EZE fastq reads ENCSR820GBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF699JUE 535034131 Gene Yeo, UCSD cdd908e56430c73f91fc3736787ebcb7 SRA:SRR5112130 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF699JUE fastq reads ENCSR820GBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF864EZE 516889795 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5e2cc3daa06aa011e4dd015f898563a SRA:SRR5112130 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF869ACG bam alignments ENCSR820GBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF699JUE, ENCFF864EZE 409248667 Gene Yeo, UCSD 513abbd06e7b1c36119c62c22a566006 hg19 released ENCFF048VBN bam alignments ENCSR820GBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF699JUE, ENCFF864EZE 410928939 Gene Yeo, UCSD 797a38aeedbba4513bbf87b42a3977e1 GRCh38 released ENCFF076TJQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR820GBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF869ACG 23622825 Gene Yeo, UCSD 985632de732dab78d3c3d73d39949df4 hg19 released ENCFF266KVU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR820GBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF869ACG 24323395 Gene Yeo, UCSD bde5cae766d79da0a9cae7c9da7d33b3 hg19 released ENCFF266WBL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR820GBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF048VBN 23898689 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1421ac6790c0295ee1ba01fa9794d82f GRCh38 released ENCFF457TVS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR820GBM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF048VBN 24585687 Gene Yeo, UCSD 85f6c0a3452e9e7e85c19cec875405e5 GRCh38 released ENCFF161YHF fastq reads ENCSR811FFO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF897LLL 576653887 Gene Yeo, UCSD 40acefc2e0e3c8108d679f024bbceb45 SRA:SRR5112110 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF897LLL fastq reads ENCSR811FFO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF161YHF 556968594 Gene Yeo, UCSD f7227abb78c8b7f6be0c1aaddd4bf76e SRA:SRR5112110 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF847OPT bam alignments ENCSR811FFO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF161YHF, ENCFF897LLL 433373745 Gene Yeo, UCSD 33f75ea81c2060436208e20505602473 hg19 released ENCFF948CVQ bam alignments ENCSR811FFO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF161YHF, ENCFF897LLL 435081648 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b3774912e06565b4888b45407669b05 GRCh38 released ENCFF135HYO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR811FFO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF847OPT 21515795 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72c0ec88f736f62a32dbe0e94e6db619 hg19 released ENCFF020ZSX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR811FFO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF847OPT 22307170 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd9aeb1327295ea29e2633ce4dfbebba hg19 released ENCFF160DFZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR811FFO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF948CVQ 21652879 Gene Yeo, UCSD e395056a3b33fc870fd059421841b290 GRCh38 released ENCFF133OWC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR811FFO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF948CVQ 22431037 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4fba36887a42c96cf51451bb60de1b9d GRCh38 released ENCFF156ZDE fastq reads ENCSR049GND eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF939YLN 603769534 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ecb1e7855e7c08494db78ed3234869e SRA:SRR5112450 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF939YLN fastq reads ENCSR049GND eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF156ZDE 571254758 Gene Yeo, UCSD eeabcd7b6a0d1a3d6aa72e5022765940 SRA:SRR5112450 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF045UZN bam alignments ENCSR049GND eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF156ZDE, ENCFF939YLN 760922023 Gene Yeo, UCSD b7b33e37ab5a34b989b2e957ad32cbe0 hg19 released ENCFF825YLL bam alignments ENCSR049GND eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF156ZDE, ENCFF939YLN 765099748 Gene Yeo, UCSD 08411e0e3bba436e7ce9a44915f0cd2b GRCh38 released ENCFF154OPM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR049GND eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF045UZN 33800122 Gene Yeo, UCSD d400160e397bef4dfe86f6da4ef6a5f9 hg19 released ENCFF327HWM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR049GND eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF045UZN 34670353 Gene Yeo, UCSD a0b2a0bb9ecd78988748718f0c88d7a3 hg19 released ENCFF566CFJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR049GND eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF825YLL 34045895 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e5f381c4f73f9fab5ca0ca96c533d13 GRCh38 released ENCFF989JBA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR049GND eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF825YLL 34913036 Gene Yeo, UCSD 124ebb772ed3a518efd1154c00200e5b GRCh38 released ENCFF354GQD fastq reads ENCSR167OYL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF431GGI 483040510 Gene Yeo, UCSD d720ad7b2abb6fa845e170a40e4920fa SRA:SRR5111204 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF431GGI fastq reads ENCSR167OYL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF354GQD 463174332 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3cdcf745f8ea8dc7da12eb8f874c8473 SRA:SRR5111204 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF543YCY bam alignments ENCSR167OYL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF354GQD, ENCFF431GGI 361295166 Gene Yeo, UCSD 725c471c8cce52168e59bb539049db6e hg19 released ENCFF774RKG bam alignments ENCSR167OYL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF354GQD, ENCFF431GGI 363090317 Gene Yeo, UCSD e7a706875b33bfbba4bc7a4d1f6070a7 GRCh38 released ENCFF178GMB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR167OYL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF543YCY 17216776 Gene Yeo, UCSD 365f0071913f9208a1d7a40029286d89 hg19 released ENCFF358QQZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR167OYL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF543YCY 17655678 Gene Yeo, UCSD e203d035cc845c0f5ee0303042979a42 hg19 released ENCFF635IJV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR167OYL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF774RKG 17329620 Gene Yeo, UCSD 612576ffe7673ca1ee464d5d3fd09050 GRCh38 released ENCFF259IKG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR167OYL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF774RKG 17780342 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8eb6519bd71a82733e64ef286c41b3c3 GRCh38 released ENCFF431WVH fastq reads ENCSR881RJL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF159ANK 650545521 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8014fecc7dcd8e645aff71c1e3f797ec SRA:SRR5112211 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF159ANK fastq reads ENCSR881RJL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF431WVH 621471460 Gene Yeo, UCSD c98884bcf6fef866bbea49c63020cdbe SRA:SRR5112211 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF067EPR bam alignments ENCSR881RJL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF159ANK, ENCFF431WVH 294275730 Gene Yeo, UCSD 239aa4eeb2365c82ac72e78f6ba48ff0 hg19 released ENCFF536KJC bam alignments ENCSR881RJL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF159ANK, ENCFF431WVH 299886386 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5eea7d66fb0b17c1031d92b80a5d2c6e GRCh38 released ENCFF192VLG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR881RJL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF067EPR 14254668 Gene Yeo, UCSD b39fcfc3c8dba23d7b00e0781704ddf3 hg19 released ENCFF838NWM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR881RJL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF067EPR 14864871 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5249d00e31185ccb7d7e607f1e2eba86 hg19 released ENCFF370VFC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR881RJL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536KJC 14599821 Gene Yeo, UCSD 18a2823f9c0b789bcfdf2fea7e57ef1c GRCh38 released ENCFF194GKN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR881RJL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536KJC 15197595 Gene Yeo, UCSD 521146698b18a14522930ecbd22e99b3 GRCh38 released ENCFF179OBF fastq reads ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF358YCG 745927900 Gene Yeo, UCSD d5898f58ba194c9f80481af4c945cd1d SRA:SRR5111704 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF126HSC/ released ENCFF451TDR fastq reads ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF873UBU 798373972 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6bafff79743fdd4cbae66eccee48b2f3 SRA:SRR5111703 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF126HSC/ released ENCFF358YCG fastq reads ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF179OBF 751905617 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76d72921d5e8feba9ec3cb9de9ce5b1b SRA:SRR5111704 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF598EKW/ released ENCFF873UBU fastq reads ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF451TDR 808715561 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9effa9c6f2cd39215c3b7df8a13ab67e SRA:SRR5111703 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF598EKW/ released ENCFF265BFS bam alignments ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF451TDR, ENCFF873UBU 1043843867 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f9df4514599194962f8dc3d7de2fa15 hg19 released ENCFF556QBW bam alignments ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF179OBF, ENCFF358YCG 939415383 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e59b45a682668711f7e28702c7cb1c5 hg19 released ENCFF600AXE bam alignments ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF451TDR, ENCFF873UBU 1008378571 Gene Yeo, UCSD 82a597f23f6fea345486f3f2b557013d GRCh38 released ENCFF699QMT bam alignments ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF179OBF, ENCFF358YCG 895895686 Gene Yeo, UCSD c9b056b2fb4bc535cf3fec62b6713e59 GRCh38 released ENCFF848JIF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF556QBW 45210273 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7493bc49c36952fe884b1fa96395668 hg19 released ENCFF013JLF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF265BFS 48877459 Gene Yeo, UCSD 61a7562f112f67e7e74e83841e4da068 hg19 released ENCFF557XZB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF556QBW 46419849 Gene Yeo, UCSD c1ee808d8f7758219d18a0ee1b2f1426 hg19 released ENCFF956IWG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF265BFS 50207503 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1317c8df45a363eac26b4d2d4c0dfcb2 hg19 released ENCFF475UFB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF600AXE 47680471 Gene Yeo, UCSD f95b916a4aec3a02753040909e8a5ff6 GRCh38 released ENCFF479OSQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF699QMT 43676175 Gene Yeo, UCSD 93c4f26a846d8bdeba94e50757a9a8d7 GRCh38 released ENCFF781IEY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF600AXE 48915601 Gene Yeo, UCSD 71a636f4aa08cc11b3bae99c92ef6b96 GRCh38 released ENCFF319BFO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF699QMT 44781061 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9b9aebbf866774375eab10c570ba124a GRCh38 released ENCFF187DUQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF021LLL, ENCFF556QBW 4231875 Gene Yeo, UCSD f0ef42ebe1e4cee844c2dd9a61f5cb95 hg19 released ENCFF699DTX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF021LLL, ENCFF265BFS 4608724 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f60e4e347865c87c3ef2eafc414078e hg19 released ENCFF935UME bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF600AXE, ENCFF734JUL 4564442 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c3cd766fa619725681e814679f45cd9 GRCh38 released ENCFF572VUS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF699QMT, ENCFF734JUL 4156122 Gene Yeo, UCSD ed797a6cda1489b23f08bb5bc717d0b8 GRCh38 released ENCFF990PJC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF187DUQ 7585019 Gene Yeo, UCSD 36d48afd0a4cfa4165f26b293f7f06ce hg19 released ENCFF277PGA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF699DTX 8192632 Gene Yeo, UCSD 110f24b1605df640639cd04aa472e3d4 hg19 released ENCFF637DYJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF935UME 8129575 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1395a52cf9d926fc486b06038aa1c8fc GRCh38 released ENCFF471YGE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506UPY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUGP2-human ENCAB433XTU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF572VUS 7458159 Gene Yeo, UCSD acad1a1bd9dd913f7f0448f550b0265b GRCh38 released ENCFF004KTT fastq reads ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF205KCE 383993780 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a184759e9670babcfc681b7e68c0e2e SRA:SRR5112064 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF608BOA/ released ENCFF191BRO fastq reads ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF956CKP 526201314 Gene Yeo, UCSD acb1426d6bd6ecfff4fbb7611ee0d2cd SRA:SRR5112065 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF608BOA/ released ENCFF956CKP fastq reads ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF191BRO 609061854 Gene Yeo, UCSD ea982304326c4a0407ce73ec762d0439 SRA:SRR5112065 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF742KQJ/ released ENCFF205KCE fastq reads ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF004KTT 454176863 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42662b56b18cd11f3d7b72f89089522e SRA:SRR5112064 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF742KQJ/ released ENCFF070XXP bam alignments ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF004KTT, ENCFF205KCE 358068524 Gene Yeo, UCSD f5e46d6ca4830b075fd1aa4eb0f857e6 hg19 released ENCFF716VUM bam alignments ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF191BRO, ENCFF956CKP 427506588 Gene Yeo, UCSD db7fe80cb94462085f85b65b94280ceb hg19 released ENCFF830ZKB bam alignments ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF191BRO, ENCFF956CKP 419897839 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9616891dc9881efabfff93c4d20c2fc3 GRCh38 released ENCFF949QUY bam alignments ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF004KTT, ENCFF205KCE 356282358 Gene Yeo, UCSD 114e366d8288daa80db3352cd38ba8ee GRCh38 released ENCFF148WUD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF070XXP 18827315 Gene Yeo, UCSD c71684ff791b920403627b65146a3781 hg19 released ENCFF934VOI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF716VUM 20642169 Gene Yeo, UCSD b296dfa6a0dbda428af4948e24688dd3 hg19 released ENCFF279FKC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF716VUM 21106079 Gene Yeo, UCSD f9700044cca6ed95183dcc4c59bd69cd hg19 released ENCFF738GHM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF070XXP 19297224 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4b9cc969d19b8f41ed6273911cefe79 hg19 released ENCFF089JTT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF830ZKB 20379118 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2d8ae3e18eff7da808c28e0bcdc3083 GRCh38 released ENCFF915SJY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF949QUY 18808321 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9b5b5bb7114b1e0e0d52e034959ffe4d GRCh38 released ENCFF122DCP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF949QUY 19261962 Gene Yeo, UCSD e72c9dd532296604cadbbb63de321cd7 GRCh38 released ENCFF149LXR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF830ZKB 20807981 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc546ba57f1111891a74d16690ece92b GRCh38 released ENCFF464GTB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF589FSV, ENCFF716VUM 1824370 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8627c23d81f0e429b6aa7ef5708c7e7b hg19 released ENCFF678MSG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF070XXP, ENCFF589FSV 1526623 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2ec92f86ce1211c598ca5353748a0dfd hg19 released ENCFF704PUC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF047HSP, ENCFF830ZKB 1825150 Gene Yeo, UCSD c8e3065e16151778c8d72f9a4eabc639 GRCh38 released ENCFF352KYI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF047HSP, ENCFF949QUY 1541429 Gene Yeo, UCSD f836ea2cf93b851f2a97ec76c5e9698b GRCh38 released ENCFF784HKJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF464GTB 2875626 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe1b1e7356654efc904afb2dbe54ff87 hg19 released ENCFF935NXO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF678MSG 2441304 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9ebdc2c01ceceb28981122566d883af7 hg19 released ENCFF690NJZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF352KYI 2459837 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5d0a21c1478d69ec5b8123cb3f5310d6 GRCh38 released ENCFF405KWZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR774RFN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF704PUC 2882928 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62e5a0f1ecb9f32cebce49ecc5ac6775 GRCh38 released ENCFF841ZMA fastq reads ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF444ZHJ 861430807 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a47936cdb8ff3b6ed8b896b77622ce2 SRA:SRR5112403 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF304ECY/ released ENCFF444ZHJ fastq reads ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF841ZMA 926399929 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2673501da63db54dc2cccdf16ef8c73 SRA:SRR5112403 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF016MTU/ released ENCFF731KNX fastq reads ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF838SXG 587897706 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02934172a63438cf8e72b255722645b8 SRA:SRR5112404 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF304ECY/ released ENCFF838SXG fastq reads ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF731KNX 633834170 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2dc535983b5e2fd9ea3f894acc2c990f SRA:SRR5112404 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF016MTU/ released ENCFF071ZJE bam alignments ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF444ZHJ, ENCFF841ZMA 383109593 Gene Yeo, UCSD 448743068aa630b5cedb97f88b8890a7 hg19 released ENCFF457IKB bam alignments ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF731KNX, ENCFF838SXG 358867758 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8378ebc3a7e4ffd2c31c2b92f95cccd8 hg19 released ENCFF025VQL bam alignments ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF444ZHJ, ENCFF841ZMA 369139143 Gene Yeo, UCSD 314105abb690e68633dda34adf6036aa GRCh38 released ENCFF138FXS bam alignments ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF731KNX, ENCFF838SXG 340619519 Gene Yeo, UCSD 25c76b1df9bbc7ee44ca78a6c6994227 GRCh38 released ENCFF131GXP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF071ZJE 19402448 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2bd697e3932b17f0dd4de31fd4b19658 hg19 released ENCFF285KVV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF457IKB 18329815 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1486caedb63fdd021d4b477a53d4b79a hg19 released ENCFF352SYT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF457IKB 18935716 Gene Yeo, UCSD be24efdf2d70309f00a940b40be26ef6 hg19 released ENCFF861WKP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF071ZJE 20535015 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f578c3b0262969a9dc09e25f7d3fe88 hg19 released ENCFF683SQV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF138FXS 17712984 Gene Yeo, UCSD 29d7d521803aa1c5622b22edbf571d07 GRCh38 released ENCFF442XFF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF025VQL 18906495 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f1ca5e67fd19d85288a30b21c421d53 GRCh38 released ENCFF890DWK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF138FXS 18292541 Gene Yeo, UCSD ee4b63cc89f241e27274b526fc9794b7 GRCh38 released ENCFF928PFE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF025VQL 20006964 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e4cdfb34f4672000da8eeb90c13f4f4 GRCh38 released ENCFF047YUZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF232YSX, ENCFF457IKB 1697121 Gene Yeo, UCSD b9d96e916d5b211947a4b6f73abd29c4 hg19 released ENCFF500HBQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF071ZJE, ENCFF232YSX 2146786 Gene Yeo, UCSD 97354bbacfbc0eaaf65bca6b4caa4b54 hg19 released ENCFF355UYF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF025VQL, ENCFF838MYV 2116205 Gene Yeo, UCSD b3e6a2150fb3710552788f6d03e4fe3b GRCh38 released ENCFF933CZY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF138FXS, ENCFF838MYV 1656695 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0ba5236c493fea1e86134817732809b9 GRCh38 released ENCFF317PCG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF047YUZ 2793330 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6b545e524a9ceec2b721bd00453f8847 hg19 released ENCFF843UUO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF500HBQ 4246237 Gene Yeo, UCSD fbdc9bf0e1616cfcc585a70e6fcd699f hg19 released ENCFF209YSK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF355UYF 4200200 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9e9e9234e02f8b0136ab9d262adbbde1 GRCh38 released ENCFF064FLX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018RVZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF933CZY 2734828 Gene Yeo, UCSD a66f22ad762006548f32f83689c266e9 GRCh38 released ENCFF057LEI fastq reads ENCSR619RLC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF169EQC 398462385 Gene Yeo, UCSD e528843ef9b2e19a27c9c0a20cc299cf SRA:SRR5111861 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF169EQC fastq reads ENCSR619RLC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF057LEI 385775278 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba0bebe67d8a1bce92ce458de7a44404 SRA:SRR5111861 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF175TON bam alignments ENCSR619RLC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF057LEI, ENCFF169EQC 164500383 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa2b035e15ffc549607fab3b2bccf357 hg19 released ENCFF068LVA bam alignments ENCSR619RLC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF057LEI, ENCFF169EQC 164677799 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7de2b63364ee48bd108eae39575fbc86 GRCh38 released ENCFF673NIM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR619RLC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF175TON 9531425 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76818678730141062e8358c1a8349d55 hg19 released ENCFF373CDK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR619RLC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF175TON 10080362 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd642ee69e5f27155df7cdb8afd88ba4 hg19 released ENCFF665TWY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR619RLC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF068LVA 9575190 Gene Yeo, UCSD a814bae67f3410dfbde3b0f914d12b0c GRCh38 released ENCFF489NNT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR619RLC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF068LVA 10116789 Gene Yeo, UCSD 96ee87b28a03f449b34e6008402a5855 GRCh38 released ENCFF374BGY fastq reads ENCSR459ONR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF302HGT 366222309 Gene Yeo, UCSD f19f2223ac9b45f238f4742bc7579795 SRA:SRR5111612 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF302HGT fastq reads ENCSR459ONR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF374BGY 349709529 Gene Yeo, UCSD f92d8e1eaddff9168ad6e80b6b08cc61 SRA:SRR5111612 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF381PFB bam alignments ENCSR459ONR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF302HGT, ENCFF374BGY 372934464 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5272526808f1398044aaf3bcf098ad67 hg19 released ENCFF355NYZ bam alignments ENCSR459ONR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF302HGT, ENCFF374BGY 375040262 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4cabf0705a6b84c59614a9b9fbbcd3d0 GRCh38 released ENCFF572VPO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR459ONR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF381PFB 18710267 Gene Yeo, UCSD cebb05d1e4508eca9a78974f661d0c30 hg19 released ENCFF072DMY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR459ONR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF381PFB 19174961 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16b961ee30380cde1fb4f692ccd56d9c hg19 released ENCFF934TYZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR459ONR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF355NYZ 19010142 Gene Yeo, UCSD cc85509c4c18ec2f20eec8c490a679e9 GRCh38 released ENCFF021ZKT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR459ONR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF355NYZ 19282484 Gene Yeo, UCSD f7b5fb2783dcf132fde9d5228a23b528 GRCh38 released ENCFF277PAA fastq reads ENCSR411IMJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF508IIT 354558075 Gene Yeo, UCSD 673afa5fe5cc15b4222471f4aa4d0e54 SRA:SRR5111567 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF508IIT fastq reads ENCSR411IMJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF277PAA 339392669 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5261642fe1d6f86ddf3785e25921d634 SRA:SRR5111567 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF161OXR bam alignments ENCSR411IMJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF277PAA, ENCFF508IIT 208400292 Gene Yeo, UCSD cfdf484e0715a9f30fbb41dab9f3e5bc hg19 released ENCFF497DMS bam alignments ENCSR411IMJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF277PAA, ENCFF508IIT 209549671 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c8aa724035bd811433815f4b36ab5c9 GRCh38 released ENCFF331TPL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR411IMJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF161OXR 12361607 Gene Yeo, UCSD e149c023c961ea35fbc0cffc3f4a7f4e hg19 released ENCFF702MEX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR411IMJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF161OXR 12892790 Gene Yeo, UCSD d7b0164c2efdb123d9fe6fcd42b6d3ac hg19 released ENCFF410ICZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR411IMJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF497DMS 12449663 Gene Yeo, UCSD d07adc809fc0a6ee90823455a76a5df5 GRCh38 released ENCFF717CBD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR411IMJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF497DMS 12978703 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe746246884f60cbc4502f38beb365a6 GRCh38 released ENCFF060FDD fastq reads ENCSR354KAS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 51 paired-ended 1 ENCFF555OUH 315615240 Gene Yeo, UCSD b42f533a81adde5655b110edd05e80ed SRA:SRR5111474 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF555OUH fastq reads ENCSR354KAS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF060FDD 305731645 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5b35512b786d91e90a25e000796b65c SRA:SRR5111474 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF538YHY bam alignments ENCSR354KAS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF060FDD, ENCFF555OUH 275072921 Gene Yeo, UCSD aea0a929bee608c83c7bd9578b9f5c32 hg19 released ENCFF019JFZ bam alignments ENCSR354KAS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF060FDD, ENCFF555OUH 276777147 Gene Yeo, UCSD 47f5d6e3e8f6b4604cbfbbca0a48f968 GRCh38 released ENCFF993RTG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR354KAS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF538YHY 13407637 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6942484fd7544232e544e46922f5644 hg19 released ENCFF157EHU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR354KAS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF538YHY 13739984 Gene Yeo, UCSD ab7934c80de8d0f7d0bb044c2561a46d hg19 released ENCFF748LOT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR354KAS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF019JFZ 13503225 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34f1d722903770aa3e792597df79fc64 GRCh38 released ENCFF377LKH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR354KAS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF019JFZ 13833408 Gene Yeo, UCSD 30701524631acf3931a7f38785c6aec4 GRCh38 released ENCFF678FPJ fastq reads ENCSR333PZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 51 paired-ended 1 ENCFF805EWQ 363468325 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3586a04ef681ca30ebc00bcf8dec8f37 SRA:SRR5111439 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF805EWQ fastq reads ENCSR333PZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF678FPJ 349880760 Gene Yeo, UCSD f41fbd3c299e6f2c6be9b1d6a0075d93 SRA:SRR5111439 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF482VTM bam alignments ENCSR333PZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF678FPJ, ENCFF805EWQ 161478242 Gene Yeo, UCSD 20e2178c8b6ac905bdee9c4bc4402a1f hg19 released ENCFF269QNL bam alignments ENCSR333PZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF678FPJ, ENCFF805EWQ 164987973 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd0d5c683f4f9a680890c0be1743f567 GRCh38 released ENCFF854LHZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR333PZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF482VTM 6656000 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3af0d101dd35f4f564732cc818ff1c55 hg19 released ENCFF818TBT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR333PZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF482VTM 6854339 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8bfd1ae4cf08e944ac6b7a08403850f6 hg19 released ENCFF048JJS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR333PZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF269QNL 6788969 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72e5ab9e72a4032e4f86b7a31486e0ff GRCh38 released ENCFF625OCH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR333PZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF269QNL 6999368 Gene Yeo, UCSD ea2003852a6e11d14aa2733c92be8d53 GRCh38 released ENCFF558NTZ fastq reads ENCSR924OLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF333DTJ 262653422 Gene Yeo, UCSD a4f5c9914636e7f2d48709d17f536ff3 SRA:SRR5112274 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF333DTJ fastq reads ENCSR924OLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF558NTZ 279034614 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89045e8239e49354d2c45dce9027bfa3 SRA:SRR5112274 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF887NON bam alignments ENCSR924OLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF333DTJ, ENCFF558NTZ 194633255 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5fcfdecb90c27c628e2ca8480ab0fb69 hg19 released ENCFF394DDJ bam alignments ENCSR924OLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF333DTJ, ENCFF558NTZ 195666723 Gene Yeo, UCSD 27603aa8ecc3ada33b4df8fa2586dd25 GRCh38 released ENCFF947JGK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR924OLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF887NON 9250936 Gene Yeo, UCSD fca53e62c2985e9432f2a9904a3aaae9 hg19 released ENCFF607TDB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR924OLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF887NON 9686003 Gene Yeo, UCSD aad07e56eccee1509f602ce789c0b2e7 hg19 released ENCFF936VVM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR924OLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF394DDJ 9383338 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7d7c38498076e285dbf610ee9d1795e2 GRCh38 released ENCFF250LFZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR924OLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TARDBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB057RGG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF394DDJ 9729062 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63c5fa3093642a6b0190ed6acbb40563 GRCh38 released ENCFF439RMU fastq reads ENCSR746ZSV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF436NGE 370676300 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9bcec0a8b8f4d73ffa4816b89984ec29 SRA:SRR5112040 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF436NGE fastq reads ENCSR746ZSV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF439RMU 336550291 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9518896f120e82871c4544ffaa7ad6b0 SRA:SRR5112040 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF362UUB bam alignments ENCSR746ZSV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF436NGE, ENCFF439RMU 210242689 Gene Yeo, UCSD 40a6befa194945d4ebaf1a9ab354b8b3 hg19 released ENCFF244QMW bam alignments ENCSR746ZSV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF436NGE, ENCFF439RMU 213974515 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89b943058bacf81c5d6efda8e28c174a GRCh38 released ENCFF782EGF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR746ZSV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF362UUB 10444898 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ed7768f45454ec6d56ae478f29192c7 hg19 released ENCFF314BSZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR746ZSV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF362UUB 8114472 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7d0b498133444bbf119c39631caac673 hg19 released ENCFF708NYA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR746ZSV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF244QMW 10668188 Gene Yeo, UCSD 867505bd557cade90877a6f7a20e44a3 GRCh38 released ENCFF255JRN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR746ZSV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LIN28B eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF244QMW 10942434 Gene Yeo, UCSD c6fdf7c82b2f625c1042e44c91a3a73d GRCh38 released ENCFF582HAW fastq reads ENCSR777PDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF908SIL 1112003871 Gene Yeo, UCSD 49a7b6ac771e1b1af488eee7fe3b0e80 SRA:SRR5112066 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF908SIL fastq reads ENCSR777PDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF582HAW 1161896541 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0a638c8f4d27f08768dee376142c7491 SRA:SRR5112066 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF624JXG bam alignments ENCSR777PDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF582HAW, ENCFF908SIL 1118893910 Gene Yeo, UCSD f6d12e905683307552dff6aa46d50c6a hg19 released ENCFF977BAJ bam alignments ENCSR777PDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF582HAW, ENCFF908SIL 1143232487 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8015b5c9ea603a85762470f6c12a3b55 GRCh38 released ENCFF475DWO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR777PDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF624JXG 45370897 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba8f00ac78a18f03ebe05f266558c62d hg19 released ENCFF492HFL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR777PDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF624JXG 46505381 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1691b700c0892d71f547a1977149223e hg19 released ENCFF599CTL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR777PDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF977BAJ 46201686 Gene Yeo, UCSD 38f377e01e6d2e3268fe4965dd1ec6f9 GRCh38 released ENCFF705VUW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR777PDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF977BAJ 47350330 Gene Yeo, UCSD ffc44b4d9a6532aec38aed69c06acf76 GRCh38 released ENCFF825NBG fastq reads ENCSR445LJH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF469MCT 811811943 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba884f336dde75370b9b8a3ce0049f27 SRA:SRR5111585 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF469MCT fastq reads ENCSR445LJH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF825NBG 738154378 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e7059048dfce67c9c1daaac3b1fe2a8 SRA:SRR5111585 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF774GNF bam alignments ENCSR445LJH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF469MCT, ENCFF825NBG 615832792 Gene Yeo, UCSD eed8a59cf6c0610e560c6273666a77b5 hg19 released ENCFF228NIC bam alignments ENCSR445LJH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF469MCT, ENCFF825NBG 632328776 Gene Yeo, UCSD ddaa7c1e2b8f7751fd76c0862e3d6f1f GRCh38 released ENCFF652DDU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR445LJH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF774GNF 28902084 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90e4bb597412549a61bf7b82a59a4d2c hg19 released ENCFF954QHQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR445LJH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF774GNF 29637369 Gene Yeo, UCSD 109f6a7faa13671f257afb4dba6cfb2f hg19 released ENCFF112XIJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR445LJH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF228NIC 29678569 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9558c9c4e02cbb1c6c4095b38f1a01e5 GRCh38 released ENCFF856LAP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR445LJH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF228NIC 30432585 Gene Yeo, UCSD a0977e6000319095c30737c8898ee82c GRCh38 released ENCFF222RBX fastq reads ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF084CWF 445603406 Gene Yeo, UCSD 939eebe69d88c4e129aadc686d34e10f SRA:SRR5111416 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF036XAD/ released ENCFF249GEL fastq reads ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF569ESD 357262112 Gene Yeo, UCSD 82f911211bdd9bfe221d8abb3cd42d1b SRA:SRR5111417 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF036XAD/ released ENCFF084CWF fastq reads ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF222RBX 498650963 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92ea829e4b27c444dddd8799878e16e2 SRA:SRR5111416 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF189CPD/ released ENCFF569ESD fastq reads ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF249GEL 374811119 Gene Yeo, UCSD bffdc3bf023fe51711356438b69df1b4 SRA:SRR5111417 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF189CPD/ released ENCFF318ITR bam alignments ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF084CWF, ENCFF222RBX 566472655 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4c457feb0260fc0d709ee8b74c25fe8 hg19 released ENCFF062APM bam alignments ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF249GEL, ENCFF569ESD 460437950 Gene Yeo, UCSD c119e03f6a9ee258142076cd2131ba37 hg19 released ENCFF755DUB bam alignments ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF084CWF, ENCFF222RBX 572682968 Gene Yeo, UCSD f3f05be23036c0caca5c08be203f3720 GRCh38 released ENCFF059KEP bam alignments ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF249GEL, ENCFF569ESD 454344101 Gene Yeo, UCSD 033482590441cd2f181a1cd5cb51e01e GRCh38 released ENCFF901KXE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF062APM 23778459 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c96e1faf89ea3e41ad73f3ad3d26b2b hg19 released ENCFF553KUR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF318ITR 29393171 Gene Yeo, UCSD 18424ed0f90634d62926c69b76946df3 hg19 released ENCFF811WVR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF062APM 24499758 Gene Yeo, UCSD dda6a01cfe1a96604f0127d872d2b7a4 hg19 released ENCFF600LTQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF318ITR 30296107 Gene Yeo, UCSD 82620b624eaa471f6452ee4937a2c783 hg19 released ENCFF929VHK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF059KEP 23614050 Gene Yeo, UCSD 37c122208f048933ee12be8dbceeae07 GRCh38 released ENCFF083IKP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF755DUB 29718889 Gene Yeo, UCSD f6b94b16dd32710d1d0b020f28a00114 GRCh38 released ENCFF651VRQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF059KEP 24326826 Gene Yeo, UCSD 829cf02119f50acb813a80ad2c1d253b GRCh38 released ENCFF542NOA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF755DUB 30610391 Gene Yeo, UCSD d0e9979e8a82772fcd9dbaa5da2b7c5f GRCh38 released ENCFF078SCZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF062APM, ENCFF753HXO 2384872 Gene Yeo, UCSD 284fb5e33ff24e8d9c130cb743fbf6a8 hg19 released ENCFF295GHA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF318ITR, ENCFF753HXO 2929488 Gene Yeo, UCSD 83591c19b493c56804be05462f73a191 hg19 released ENCFF769KHX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF059KEP, ENCFF076WAG 2399783 Gene Yeo, UCSD a54cf41bc1d99df523d2a2117fa072fc GRCh38 released ENCFF545ZWD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF076WAG, ENCFF755DUB 3011719 Gene Yeo, UCSD bf3b2d1bd0d7a275c5aaf050b690fec0 GRCh38 released ENCFF329PEQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF295GHA 5578102 Gene Yeo, UCSD f60118412bd2e3e121fcb522b48dcf90 hg19 released ENCFF980HNZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF078SCZ 4632263 Gene Yeo, UCSD 59c512e035aee3c886b70972f923f5e6 hg19 released ENCFF633PBX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF545ZWD 5714930 Gene Yeo, UCSD 73f967e4133189bc0a82eea8f1f20424 GRCh38 released ENCFF357MQS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR328LLU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF769KHX 4662302 Gene Yeo, UCSD 75a1c214daa4a4a0df821cb4127a6cb4 GRCh38 released ENCFF585EFC fastq reads ENCSR438NCK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF583UFX 557473013 Gene Yeo, UCSD a29b7a1bf4e78a54f205cf782855b247 SRA:SRR5111578 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF583UFX fastq reads ENCSR438NCK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF585EFC 525311448 Gene Yeo, UCSD e2636308338dfcf83e6a17e77bc2e7cb SRA:SRR5111578 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF603FCS bam alignments ENCSR438NCK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF583UFX, ENCFF585EFC 519031282 Gene Yeo, UCSD e21e7bf492d35e5dc22a5d3737f67dea hg19 released ENCFF895BNM bam alignments ENCSR438NCK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF583UFX, ENCFF585EFC 531641297 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7a78de0b55eed7232837a6f63add8ae9 GRCh38 released ENCFF136NZL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438NCK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF603FCS 22581004 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2162fec6c31a890f44922cb5f26367e2 hg19 released ENCFF302OCV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438NCK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF603FCS 22853583 Gene Yeo, UCSD e8d6d860d90123bdb957e1ef8496c78c hg19 released ENCFF476HFB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438NCK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF895BNM 23105375 Gene Yeo, UCSD a575ac621f3f783dcbd0b115aab59621 GRCh38 released ENCFF556EQK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438NCK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF895BNM 23361653 Gene Yeo, UCSD 53901298a5e2625a01117ba426bce1ed GRCh38 released ENCFF456KCB fastq reads ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF718IXR 493974849 Gene Yeo, UCSD b6204299b5ad795cd6612be4fe35056d SRA:SRR5112149 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF832HQP/ released ENCFF185GGV fastq reads ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF192XSY 515608321 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8a03ef096eae87dfebcabcce9e056055 SRA:SRR5112150 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF832HQP/ released ENCFF192XSY fastq reads ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF185GGV 488939437 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3a7953210499a8ec23c12a30a5b86c24 SRA:SRR5112150 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF612XKJ/ released ENCFF718IXR fastq reads ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF456KCB 473985035 Gene Yeo, UCSD 289e4f9eb4b6dabc825c9b3e1ef735b9 SRA:SRR5112149 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF612XKJ/ released ENCFF981SIK bam alignments ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF456KCB, ENCFF718IXR 814234462 Gene Yeo, UCSD 436e9a94013177dd77213fc167fc2693 hg19 released ENCFF730OHC bam alignments ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF185GGV, ENCFF192XSY 742865589 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e077473d66965e3816fae23ebfba5e9 hg19 released ENCFF420FTB bam alignments ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF456KCB, ENCFF718IXR 795529568 Gene Yeo, UCSD 811ec402a0da9eac48cfd47bf87fae86 GRCh38 released ENCFF701ZSE bam alignments ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF185GGV, ENCFF192XSY 725130147 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92fe04353c46a01ba6f47b7de7cfc81c GRCh38 released ENCFF702WRF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF730OHC 37736775 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a7467f905668be6b6ac55aaaea39bfc hg19 released ENCFF499RET bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF981SIK 39920732 Gene Yeo, UCSD c274d9743df2515982b5ea8601d39bd4 hg19 released ENCFF863MSD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF730OHC 39347622 Gene Yeo, UCSD c8c1b0d3e004d64d69bdb019a1687868 hg19 released ENCFF035UXQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF981SIK 41199531 Gene Yeo, UCSD d8ad1336a50ba5618c363b98e452e4a1 hg19 released ENCFF846YVU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF420FTB 39333618 Gene Yeo, UCSD 194be970045b9ba3101b33344523e25e GRCh38 released ENCFF060WSO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF701ZSE 37139931 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8601c1bb4142c0c919d4ef5cb8c8b091 GRCh38 released ENCFF552FVV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF420FTB 40018391 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6fe1995423a147593d54e73db4e29e2f GRCh38 released ENCFF034THM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF701ZSE 38710608 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5202b3d8744026c126f785b04c7654c4 GRCh38 released ENCFF603JTU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF743PLU, ENCFF981SIK 3904934 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92d6d4e2206d76ca0bc3d77481c86b28 hg19 released ENCFF063BTH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF730OHC, ENCFF743PLU 3839627 Gene Yeo, UCSD db805d827a1839d741350438f338c99a hg19 released ENCFF383ZAQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF062LCG, ENCFF420FTB 3894570 Gene Yeo, UCSD aea83b95d45eae63acf31ed58e7f0922 GRCh38 released ENCFF899ZEH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF062LCG, ENCFF701ZSE 3820713 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10273f3b924359b0a2fb815cae75227f GRCh38 released ENCFF213AZD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF603JTU 7078269 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52f43e75b2abe3e27f362ab8192a2aac hg19 released ENCFF209XXY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF063BTH 6967296 Gene Yeo, UCSD a8ce7efa48cb4573e82993c7c35b1266 hg19 released ENCFF206XUM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF899ZEH 6973236 Gene Yeo, UCSD 64046e93d73bfbd4a5ecd51ffd84ad53 GRCh38 released ENCFF878VIO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR841EQA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF383ZAQ 7069919 Gene Yeo, UCSD d485bd1d00691e8b5f6b16656c22960c GRCh38 released ENCFF036ZJT fastq reads ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF063MAF 768286741 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0c61bf124ddea6aa2c7bc271210eef44 SRA:SRR5111339 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF492WZW/ released ENCFF363ZXR fastq reads ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF900YPE 644634229 Gene Yeo, UCSD 020ee81c47064d54547c89a4b8707b14 SRA:SRR5111338 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF492WZW/ released ENCFF063MAF fastq reads ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF036ZJT 775320147 Gene Yeo, UCSD 836f36ecf9d72c576bec8c796a819a11 SRA:SRR5111339 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF802HAI/ released ENCFF900YPE fastq reads ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF363ZXR 652810861 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1507061b0c74883656c9af76f6fa9749 SRA:SRR5111338 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF802HAI/ released ENCFF379LAL bam alignments ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF036ZJT, ENCFF063MAF 207845843 Gene Yeo, UCSD 963d35d5674c8658af19043db9a7fc6d hg19 released ENCFF477PBU bam alignments ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF363ZXR, ENCFF900YPE 254448798 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5166b7ea6a45899dd95f4e275947875 hg19 released ENCFF095KWC bam alignments ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF036ZJT, ENCFF063MAF 202465453 Gene Yeo, UCSD f474ab2494b3349783f408ee7348b8ff GRCh38 released ENCFF173BOO bam alignments ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF363ZXR, ENCFF900YPE 247704209 Gene Yeo, UCSD 14e87f480670ff87f489641dfbfac9a7 GRCh38 released ENCFF809CSI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF379LAL 11488567 Gene Yeo, UCSD bbcb566bda84f1a98b8912871fa7fe4a hg19 released ENCFF480NTZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF477PBU 13392438 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3651511868043cd44ff5e1bf4ef382f9 hg19 released ENCFF252JLE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF379LAL 11909530 Gene Yeo, UCSD 85aa32ea0c9bf977d016f2a321120d74 hg19 released ENCFF788GEX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF477PBU 13948449 Gene Yeo, UCSD 821403c192fd519ee8febbb3e29e9ff1 hg19 released ENCFF177LYJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF173BOO 13259421 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e860d46b5831e19f5c5651c5fd1388a GRCh38 released ENCFF378VIS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF095KWC 11325222 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd93753bbf69a2aa8acfba9746200c43 GRCh38 released ENCFF716HYU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF095KWC 11731305 Gene Yeo, UCSD 83f39f92511c977774161d235137a08c GRCh38 released ENCFF009QOP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF173BOO 13792867 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51c09d7e403fa9b999d41ba5a542ec0a GRCh38 released ENCFF013ZHF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF379LAL, ENCFF503WPM 1339023 Gene Yeo, UCSD d86889480d55b2a06af5c3c55ab7d884 hg19 released ENCFF658CBT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF477PBU, ENCFF503WPM 1332347 Gene Yeo, UCSD c171737e50dafa4f87e00f160c522bdc hg19 released ENCFF498SRM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF173BOO, ENCFF735PKL 1329190 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7a773f99024205b61be5c543c3bc48cb GRCh38 released ENCFF788PZS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF095KWC, ENCFF735PKL 1336726 Gene Yeo, UCSD e607899a3464bc4b3b4815f86730c10f GRCh38 released ENCFF220ERG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF013ZHF 2689911 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5fa5551f085c6e21519c239bb9812aa0 hg19 released ENCFF686EKJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF658CBT 2687751 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c98add82642d6a492d6a6d01e75cec1 hg19 released ENCFF707MUI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF788PZS 2683897 Gene Yeo, UCSD c1c1d15798b9cd1fb4b07a76d8791449 GRCh38 released ENCFF115VOI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267OLV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF498SRM 2679747 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3c214d026f0385b739696e874ee3a3c GRCh38 released ENCFF661RIY fastq reads ENCSR812PBU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF101JTN 505044685 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3254ee494a99acb100ba251ed1ec1c05 SRA:SRR5112107 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF101JTN fastq reads ENCSR812PBU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF661RIY 455374612 Gene Yeo, UCSD f82dd64c08a40b3f5d90c5f03d07abab SRA:SRR5112107 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF481AIY bam alignments ENCSR812PBU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF101JTN, ENCFF661RIY 189019763 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0dd2092db7c07caf01ba54ed2e2745f5 hg19 released ENCFF114ELO bam alignments ENCSR812PBU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF101JTN, ENCFF661RIY 189553947 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad6538bfc9aa4c02257bd529eda5a7cc GRCh38 released ENCFF350QSA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR812PBU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF481AIY 7926073 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef8c6f522f85963f041b81487b7d9f19 hg19 released ENCFF799UBV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR812PBU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF481AIY 8305868 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8840b7c689324ea723355d8c3e570727 hg19 released ENCFF880JXN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR812PBU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF114ELO 8046792 Gene Yeo, UCSD 519cb73fbcda0f55ac48431085dbdad5 GRCh38 released ENCFF164MAC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR812PBU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF114ELO 8366373 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67753ac15e64123270c9163cec4dc72d GRCh38 released ENCFF397TYS fastq reads ENCSR038TMA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF270EUA 370228329 Gene Yeo, UCSD beaae542cbbd184c6738481bb0521eb9 SRA:SRR5112433 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF270EUA fastq reads ENCSR038TMA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF397TYS 340775151 Gene Yeo, UCSD f018febe2d4bb960d2b962f0cef861a8 SRA:SRR5112433 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF310FMZ bam alignments ENCSR038TMA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF270EUA, ENCFF397TYS 165060892 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9db1b620b051354701f96cd3fcb0bed8 hg19 released ENCFF600AGC bam alignments ENCSR038TMA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF270EUA, ENCFF397TYS 166034673 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7e62f91a519d0a40d4d257971a6fbf57 GRCh38 released ENCFF058ZJG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR038TMA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF310FMZ 6778127 Gene Yeo, UCSD 901db82ed388059b9a01e0c3fd217fc0 hg19 released ENCFF014PFO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR038TMA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF310FMZ 7038070 Gene Yeo, UCSD 06e8acd4ac24dcc0e07b3e4647e63a86 hg19 released ENCFF541LWG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR038TMA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF600AGC 6867976 Gene Yeo, UCSD da77e33d91c3e407078da30a9593b0e8 GRCh38 released ENCFF617GDR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR038TMA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SBDS eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB894TLT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF600AGC 7119584 Gene Yeo, UCSD 293ad24471572ee6f84d221a62c68e43 GRCh38 released ENCFF854MYE fastq reads ENCSR110XNS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF483JSE 344674348 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd8ac00f1fb1aa0c7e37361f8c127d55 SRA:SRR5111117 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF483JSE fastq reads ENCSR110XNS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF854MYE 329796789 Gene Yeo, UCSD d65dbe6f7a8878c1816000db5ca1e72f SRA:SRR5111117 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF205PBQ bam alignments ENCSR110XNS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF483JSE, ENCFF854MYE 160807337 Gene Yeo, UCSD e69384aaec65016c5241cffa1a94daba hg19 released ENCFF536WIF bam alignments ENCSR110XNS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF483JSE, ENCFF854MYE 163191939 Gene Yeo, UCSD af2342b59ee93284e96132a1cc1f0a4a GRCh38 released ENCFF389NBF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR110XNS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF205PBQ 12448808 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4816592f6893fed4cbd21756422a942d hg19 released ENCFF184MNE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR110XNS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF205PBQ 12766433 Gene Yeo, UCSD bfa8f98f54fc07ae3744dcb3ca9ddd52 hg19 released ENCFF825RPQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR110XNS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536WIF 12910120 Gene Yeo, UCSD c0244660a4d718640637afa9dd8e98d6 GRCh38 released ENCFF169YBI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR110XNS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536WIF 13266480 Gene Yeo, UCSD c665bbff3d2c03ab0ed94432cecae778 GRCh38 released ENCFF412YDY fastq reads ENCSR497ANA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF357SNM 456955797 Gene Yeo, UCSD b99bba474d8c0e1999e5efb8f2aaff5b SRA:SRR5111674 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF357SNM fastq reads ENCSR497ANA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF412YDY 429903776 Gene Yeo, UCSD 447d245bfdd3ebe2784651c208535252 SRA:SRR5111674 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF823ZZZ bam alignments ENCSR497ANA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF357SNM, ENCFF412YDY 481757731 Gene Yeo, UCSD 30330bb929c375f277af3008cb781dc2 hg19 released ENCFF885KNL bam alignments ENCSR497ANA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF357SNM, ENCFF412YDY 484618336 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c01aa1b3cb640076157d35f8ceacf9f GRCh38 released ENCFF005TOO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR497ANA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF823ZZZ 23475697 Gene Yeo, UCSD 028ab2e67b68799ed9ba274bcb857b8b hg19 released ENCFF638TZT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR497ANA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF823ZZZ 23867321 Gene Yeo, UCSD 94bb43f91e47f66c89876baabe867006 hg19 released ENCFF109ZAY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR497ANA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF885KNL 23571253 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a24ca7e0d436bda4faaa3d366d1efe0 GRCh38 released ENCFF533EON bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR497ANA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF885KNL 24219662 Gene Yeo, UCSD d8a51c9b84e5cde90ad409e35cd104ca GRCh38 released ENCFF389NRU fastq reads ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF315KYY 224748701 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5685413c3ebe1bed3b2801f512b5fa83 SRA:SRR5111597 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF018ESM/ released ENCFF169FPF fastq reads ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF024KBB 247990206 Gene Yeo, UCSD 40652c8022dc9f1284ae6fe7a6c83922 SRA:SRR5111598 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF018ESM/ released ENCFF024KBB fastq reads ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF169FPF 258863048 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02e67bb76f941732cb02629be1dd3836 SRA:SRR5111598 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF589IKK/ released ENCFF315KYY fastq reads ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF389NRU 234390109 Gene Yeo, UCSD af3e3b250046f64c0cf27a47710661c0 SRA:SRR5111597 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF589IKK/ released ENCFF854QQW bam alignments ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF024KBB, ENCFF169FPF 244170681 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd86719cbe7de01a2754a94e9b7d9bfd hg19 released ENCFF259AUE bam alignments ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF315KYY, ENCFF389NRU 241594288 Gene Yeo, UCSD f86d55dc62514f99f27be51b9dded506 hg19 released ENCFF379LZD bam alignments ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF315KYY, ENCFF389NRU 239582027 Gene Yeo, UCSD f4dbc8328b5754397aef179ec7a0b4cf GRCh38 released ENCFF050PTL bam alignments ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF024KBB, ENCFF169FPF 241505505 Gene Yeo, UCSD a9018f081a2990e7c4b45daa9467d3c0 GRCh38 released ENCFF329VCJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF854QQW 14993617 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1375b82abd7952c23df82fcf6736b87e hg19 released ENCFF168OOY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF259AUE 14440220 Gene Yeo, UCSD b16367ed39db453cc12e35448e813d91 hg19 released ENCFF251TWP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF854QQW 15935761 Gene Yeo, UCSD dae9d5fd85437a0c2964907a5cc192bb hg19 released ENCFF426AJD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF259AUE 15635604 Gene Yeo, UCSD b7a212e42465fdf01a7015d89fd849cd hg19 released ENCFF100HQU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF050PTL 14889628 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2dd88b49236579e931d83ad2e20a548 GRCh38 released ENCFF868FLU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF379LZD 14280808 Gene Yeo, UCSD e701aba0641050ab1b58f01f2828808f GRCh38 released ENCFF243GOY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF379LZD 15456671 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5d8ee10f1f3f61d0763d4100de303954 GRCh38 released ENCFF895QHH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF050PTL 15807973 Gene Yeo, UCSD 86ad8bb483bd88459672edf605f40d3c GRCh38 released ENCFF016LSY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF030ZRP, ENCFF854QQW 1553727 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2e2f24d859af412c899611889c35598e hg19 released ENCFF462KTW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF030ZRP, ENCFF259AUE 1602363 Gene Yeo, UCSD 36ed49d615488faa6a757d6918b421e2 hg19 released ENCFF005PKK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF379LZD, ENCFF532ADX 1608245 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ad29e63383fefbd785bed408f24b8ac GRCh38 released ENCFF327FBF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF050PTL, ENCFF532ADX 1558444 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff7b5d5e551a7c71d520b649b3ad8257 GRCh38 released ENCFF892XDU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF016LSY 3018196 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8d1d348cc275b8ad5ee014d1d7776320 hg19 released ENCFF706HGN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF462KTW 3028686 Gene Yeo, UCSD 66325c08da345022640b9841cc645dca hg19 released ENCFF100CFV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF327FBF 3025618 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51682cc8f607d5592d6bd3d005275526 GRCh38 released ENCFF295POA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR412NOW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF005PKK 3037360 Gene Yeo, UCSD 18a413ed16c30636d8b357e222930556 GRCh38 released ENCFF300RXV fastq reads ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF349HRX 569276249 Gene Yeo, UCSD e15cd30b159a87093bd516d6c17d44e0 SRA:SRR5111819 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF258APN/ released ENCFF956CPQ fastq reads ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF728OEM 455032443 Gene Yeo, UCSD d55bda6b6cb0476ea63313f793fc82fa SRA:SRR5111818 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF258APN/ released ENCFF728OEM fastq reads ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF956CPQ 456457871 Gene Yeo, UCSD 066b371705743299d90dfb58ab579e7f SRA:SRR5111818 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF708EUI/ released ENCFF349HRX fastq reads ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF300RXV 574090020 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9465d6b1f1b534c7bcf207bda28a49d2 SRA:SRR5111819 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF708EUI/ released ENCFF429MXX bam alignments ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF728OEM, ENCFF956CPQ 226053699 Gene Yeo, UCSD 43bc5ec79407f044bb8566d66ec00aa4 hg19 released ENCFF816LYN bam alignments ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF300RXV, ENCFF349HRX 137823359 Gene Yeo, UCSD a08e92afb6443214a8c3b70bbe3557cd hg19 released ENCFF853HTH bam alignments ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF728OEM, ENCFF956CPQ 218897889 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2769795ebbcd04cd5ad3d9b22e398a43 GRCh38 released ENCFF941QMM bam alignments ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF300RXV, ENCFF349HRX 130407818 Gene Yeo, UCSD b2cd5ab7e9148aaa2d77144d28ebd989 GRCh38 released ENCFF591UBR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF429MXX 12237021 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51c579c558185f4af864273be4e96449 hg19 released ENCFF590AHU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF816LYN 6065426 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9684271a11a64b0dc5a5cea0dc2b911d hg19 released ENCFF546OJL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF816LYN 6186821 Gene Yeo, UCSD 26e1bf9e73f6716cd2905006346cefba hg19 released ENCFF275EAZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF429MXX 12525030 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4b682a0075f84b014e1468d5dffe265 hg19 released ENCFF964HSA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF853HTH 11830693 Gene Yeo, UCSD a1b4e1e50d12dfb4f1723c9834c3aee2 GRCh38 released ENCFF513URC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF941QMM 5829832 Gene Yeo, UCSD e4e33c7c3630d8e04ae2d86a931fa42e GRCh38 released ENCFF494KCY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF941QMM 5954359 Gene Yeo, UCSD 781573c38f0a19149265057174259083 GRCh38 released ENCFF553BGD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF853HTH 12091316 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55f02b333d1c2a1837680e48dcb96a64 GRCh38 released ENCFF882KLS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF429MXX, ENCFF737MAB 1142347 Gene Yeo, UCSD eed935d191a3c537a904d9d10e7bbb44 hg19 released ENCFF089NRQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF737MAB, ENCFF816LYN 827897 Gene Yeo, UCSD afd590a34a9d71d7d60d823f7bd0f84b hg19 released ENCFF186QJV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF369GNR, ENCFF853HTH 1119636 Gene Yeo, UCSD f273b3c52863c958465858ada4de3406 GRCh38 released ENCFF579FWN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF369GNR, ENCFF941QMM 794467 Gene Yeo, UCSD 75825298285359399aaf2b1a8702ab2a GRCh38 released ENCFF174JYZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF429MXX, ENCFF737MAB 1949212 Gene Yeo, UCSD b7005bef2346a162e74a403e778ffa78 hg19 released ENCFF435HVG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF089NRQ 1491268 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0132b3ce39e1dd3efed829e79c23c4a1 hg19 released ENCFF819APR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF186QJV 1914665 Gene Yeo, UCSD 12f55f16a594fc95e5ef60a28c285fb9 GRCh38 released ENCFF029CXE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR580MFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF579FWN 1437307 Gene Yeo, UCSD 54731ba41ebdf89c6c949ffb094c4f89 GRCh38 released ENCFF203QLK fastq reads ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF489KHB 278779379 Gene Yeo, UCSD 44b73e01c9c1c8c43f4971c398e1ff1e SRA:SRR5111660 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF335AAR/ released partially characterized antibody ENCFF428EQH fastq reads ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF479LMB 260760386 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1aa9751835216c463c69ca1bf888f71d SRA:SRR5111659 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF335AAR/ released partially characterized antibody ENCFF489KHB fastq reads ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF203QLK 307523992 Gene Yeo, UCSD 677889012d1fed10ba8d20a55bc80518 SRA:SRR5111660 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF278YMV/ released partially characterized antibody ENCFF479LMB fastq reads ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF428EQH 287060270 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8918b4d9dc87bd86d82a282d750f6d40 SRA:SRR5111659 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF278YMV/ released partially characterized antibody ENCFF971UIV bam alignments ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF428EQH, ENCFF479LMB 197033505 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2063e97a064909e93a33561ced764ad hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF814PRA bam alignments ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF203QLK, ENCFF489KHB 225638571 Gene Yeo, UCSD a1e9b3b21c7da38f35551fdcc6428e8f hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF103YGT bam alignments ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF428EQH, ENCFF479LMB 194129263 Gene Yeo, UCSD c903eeeb9edb652797d483fa524d80cf GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF776LCS bam alignments ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF203QLK, ENCFF489KHB 222282358 Gene Yeo, UCSD 58091316ab3b127df7b076b5ea0d9cf2 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF783GHE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF814PRA 11004774 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4699b86acc1298a5c025a9bb78893b9a hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF560MQW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF971UIV 9616853 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0bfedbfccfc7e5e7df5ed2ca3ee9bc28 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF854VZT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF814PRA 11512613 Gene Yeo, UCSD f8b088e6d892566c2a82eab7da510b43 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF712AXS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF971UIV 10206147 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0a41b350943a7f8e11282b54384f9426 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF178OEW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF776LCS 10844108 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1162cf2dc2144e6e3dbedd19db681a40 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF514MIJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF103YGT 9556497 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b418dd88bc235f6a8e2054293cd68e3 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF790RZY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF776LCS 11425268 Gene Yeo, UCSD 002801654ace3b13efc6561731491676 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF703WIA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF103YGT 10110407 Gene Yeo, UCSD eee3fb606dbb7fece5e1b2eff3a2b550 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF412LLG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF971UIV, ENCFF987MIH 676373 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0e74a7a21160de64d24ae555905da68 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF334AHJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF814PRA, ENCFF987MIH 697967 Gene Yeo, UCSD 88553d97eed8517ce8a250a42fce11fd hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF981BTK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF103YGT, ENCFF465FAY 676201 Gene Yeo, UCSD 17bfa530649d7196a93634506698a652 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF030ESU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF465FAY, ENCFF776LCS 696664 Gene Yeo, UCSD e68e71d6efdb7dbf4b79c6dbb212dd96 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF509CIC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF412LLG 1214139 Gene Yeo, UCSD afe9e9b8873163ef7ab98f2a3b7b2bb8 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF047GPM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF334AHJ 1267749 Gene Yeo, UCSD 524718e12faa4bf9f100132e27918531 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF446XEO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF981BTK 1213852 Gene Yeo, UCSD 60fe628ce581ac640149f28ae7906db6 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF103CZR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR489RJI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF030ESU 1265705 Gene Yeo, UCSD 32702ee733642b39a7a07fed5f1bf4d8 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF215LAB fastq reads ENCSR528HOM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF554SKU 618268797 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42aeddb280e33168ec2145448dbb598e SRA:SRR5111737 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF554SKU fastq reads ENCSR528HOM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF215LAB 623228963 Gene Yeo, UCSD b910aed9a6e7b519b336126fd479deab SRA:SRR5111737 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF562FIX bam alignments ENCSR528HOM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF215LAB, ENCFF554SKU 357790704 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2d757eb3ed75b43c501ca9cae7a8658c hg19 released ENCFF824LSN bam alignments ENCSR528HOM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF215LAB, ENCFF554SKU 364237434 Gene Yeo, UCSD ae6980048b991bfa64224a1d7735a6f4 GRCh38 released ENCFF464BYU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR528HOM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF562FIX 16030534 Gene Yeo, UCSD addeab1e37855b9ebc0d4fbad0dde1a6 hg19 released ENCFF164CXV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR528HOM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF562FIX 16677477 Gene Yeo, UCSD f281fe5e9e80d75373f23517a50068de hg19 released ENCFF291LRJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR528HOM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF824LSN 16370671 Gene Yeo, UCSD 56d75669fe31aea44f4028e68c3a7741 GRCh38 released ENCFF846GLP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR528HOM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZRANB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB099IOB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF824LSN 17012260 Gene Yeo, UCSD b73db2e204ed7ce115569a697332be98 GRCh38 released ENCFF507XFA fastq reads ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF770UHE 386409998 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec72772ee5969b5f467addf9522ae5b8 SRA:SRR5111160 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF998PYJ/ released ENCFF074MHP fastq reads ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF419BEO 444468606 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ec00de2410cb83dcdd61189161107e4 SRA:SRR5111161 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF998PYJ/ released ENCFF419BEO fastq reads ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF074MHP 482368365 Gene Yeo, UCSD ce9174cf12365c38cad0b2d0abe3a244 SRA:SRR5111161 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF025IVF/ released ENCFF770UHE fastq reads ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF507XFA 420400483 Gene Yeo, UCSD 96063517c09062124a5858a0e6ac4408 SRA:SRR5111160 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF025IVF/ released ENCFF244MEN bam alignments ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF507XFA, ENCFF770UHE 447734887 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c6cdf03a25a75f5ed5ca808b39c258e hg19 released ENCFF134AZF bam alignments ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF074MHP, ENCFF419BEO 416951011 Gene Yeo, UCSD 69572b94ea81209fcf14cd33fc4f134c hg19 released ENCFF205BLM bam alignments ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF507XFA, ENCFF770UHE 443669666 Gene Yeo, UCSD f75683e4e3ed9be13d2c2236c67f8647 GRCh38 released ENCFF672HFP bam alignments ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF074MHP, ENCFF419BEO 411738366 Gene Yeo, UCSD 976fecb3d4c0699355d72fbfeb2b7994 GRCh38 released ENCFF016DQE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF134AZF 20867490 Gene Yeo, UCSD 23877c6a1aa0a62eaa70f6a20d18abd4 hg19 released ENCFF782SZB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF244MEN 21723541 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4626239a3856f41143eb8158f0fcd51e hg19 released ENCFF493OBW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF134AZF 21598611 Gene Yeo, UCSD 12e854228f828919628fb0f279b30454 hg19 released ENCFF322FCO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF244MEN 22621394 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3925e03393c8c49f400158f9a6064da3 hg19 released ENCFF319EMF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF672HFP 20799734 Gene Yeo, UCSD e017656f256eed0dd34f89897f0feb92 GRCh38 released ENCFF095PCI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF205BLM 21626262 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8bcc8cf35befb0d11069f577050d45b1 GRCh38 released ENCFF763OWE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF205BLM 22536041 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5a0b926f416019448b01745bc9a3071e GRCh38 released ENCFF044RKN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF672HFP 21519725 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4cfdef717841ba6f33cee1b33802b059 GRCh38 released ENCFF646XFI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF244MEN, ENCFF849APG 2105964 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5ab7d84e1818cbcc6b56bf237bf6ff6 hg19 released ENCFF156PFJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF134AZF, ENCFF849APG 2012991 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e7b2f9d243a12861f2fba4d38e32c92 hg19 released ENCFF923IAU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF205BLM, ENCFF818CAZ 2125164 Gene Yeo, UCSD 97a12fa1a9c38185411b5486b42519bb GRCh38 released ENCFF098XUM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF672HFP, ENCFF818CAZ 2031017 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8973ab969c014ad503d64fbd4754a348 GRCh38 released ENCFF552FSY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF646XFI 4090653 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16aca587ddf5ffadd7c908cdb6899de4 hg19 released ENCFF801PCX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF156PFJ 4095481 Gene Yeo, UCSD 452726c8ab4201c37e0dfe9c0df41bb6 hg19 released ENCFF159RSW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF923IAU 4123015 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4302000bdf4e0f5605767a78cee9bf4d GRCh38 released ENCFF446YMK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR121NVA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF098XUM 4131785 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8fa30803e8c2d46158de9f83827b66c5 GRCh38 released ENCFF993PJL fastq reads ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF981HCW 661858101 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55f914f30fd90254c7466b2349e369db SRA:SRR5111433 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF033PHB/ released ENCFF608PYH fastq reads ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF982VMX 640068261 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d35bf1693e7a9dc07e6b45c576777b2 SRA:SRR5111432 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF033PHB/ released ENCFF982VMX fastq reads ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF608PYH 602603147 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0765c2352169cad6ab48d2ac634430fc SRA:SRR5111432 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF881RLL/ released ENCFF981HCW fastq reads ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF993PJL 619710496 Gene Yeo, UCSD 502bb2301ac7c76edcf203e1bbe5ff23 SRA:SRR5111433 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF881RLL/ released ENCFF667RGK bam alignments ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF981HCW, ENCFF993PJL 218117941 Gene Yeo, UCSD d7f61193ccd4349ba5bb2268714db6bd hg19 released ENCFF592WBX bam alignments ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF608PYH, ENCFF982VMX 189219180 Gene Yeo, UCSD c1350d38a29f63dfee8a000387455405 hg19 released ENCFF187TFA bam alignments ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF981HCW, ENCFF993PJL 214053628 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16773c8aecfc704bb95a7118ce1ed09a GRCh38 released ENCFF890INR bam alignments ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF608PYH, ENCFF982VMX 185218942 Gene Yeo, UCSD 79d6ce35bdb6bcec2b9508b9c460bfc7 GRCh38 released ENCFF934SOU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF592WBX 11555126 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc6e77a21ba6ae07ec45e1690f363798 hg19 released ENCFF460NIL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF667RGK 12796392 Gene Yeo, UCSD 95d477f13c7a6d0a02472ad1c77eff90 hg19 released ENCFF105WKX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF667RGK 13410635 Gene Yeo, UCSD 66afe55e99d7a84586999dfe2fabafc1 hg19 released ENCFF645LBT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF592WBX 12216473 Gene Yeo, UCSD f846c4158b6c03234e64d7ede74bdd4e hg19 released ENCFF606EBQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF187TFA 12667900 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52ecef59ffd2f740849f1ca0cd0d7301 GRCh38 released ENCFF788ONQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF890INR 11415768 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0039f6d401b104c1d1732acb8347eb85 GRCh38 released ENCFF381PFP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF187TFA 13268767 Gene Yeo, UCSD a571b3a46e3a0f9531d3929d5049fea0 GRCh38 released ENCFF106GLP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF890INR 12061031 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c1536b129920f61470cfae8ab57032e GRCh38 released ENCFF090ERH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF324BWK, ENCFF592WBX 848415 Gene Yeo, UCSD 29fccb125c23e0129181c33e79fe638f hg19 released ENCFF094JTJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF324BWK, ENCFF667RGK 1011685 Gene Yeo, UCSD 321a112ee6b8fdf85facf005a613b9db hg19 released ENCFF295HMO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF890INR, ENCFF975KYG 840032 Gene Yeo, UCSD c305a84d90a7f21e2bc5cb1a55982440 GRCh38 released ENCFF089HRM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF187TFA, ENCFF975KYG 1007062 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7197f36172bb7a226637dbb26cf56903 GRCh38 released ENCFF877VRP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF090ERH 1490009 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68381f2ee9cb6c914d74113eafbc0441 hg19 released ENCFF361OCP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF094JTJ 1728495 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c4b97bd8dfbcfb10db10cef71a6f4b2 hg19 released ENCFF229AZH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF295HMO 1479398 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a5efb50cd64f4132e58b8c01e29681c GRCh38 released ENCFF802PHH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR316SZJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF089HRM 1722541 Gene Yeo, UCSD a541d616dac953d96e24fefb3b5d70c7 GRCh38 released ENCFF019TEQ fastq reads ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF689XJE 180911529 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68bbc499a1467d7acbf362fec69b53c6 SRA:SRR5112367 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF905RDN/ released ENCFF989UNR fastq reads ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF273VIJ 304856661 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f00d93501dcdac5c78879520833897b SRA:SRR5112366 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF905RDN/ released ENCFF689XJE fastq reads ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF019TEQ 183114870 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f5c3992c22a98dcba1f38c24e96b760 SRA:SRR5112367 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF960RXN/ released ENCFF273VIJ fastq reads ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF989UNR 311485092 Gene Yeo, UCSD a4a34d393f18507d693ad1bf8e73e8af SRA:SRR5112366 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF960RXN/ released ENCFF517FVN bam alignments ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF273VIJ, ENCFF989UNR 309738700 Gene Yeo, UCSD a329cc7f3777b8b8a110db4439265b0a hg19 released ENCFF247DQN bam alignments ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF019TEQ, ENCFF689XJE 201771366 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52e1133753e9b36e83f8a5d9679e1fa7 hg19 released ENCFF765BPN bam alignments ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF019TEQ, ENCFF689XJE 196651656 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e2a1340c6464b46560898d93cdaf028 GRCh38 released ENCFF659RKW bam alignments ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF273VIJ, ENCFF989UNR 299561120 Gene Yeo, UCSD e37e0eb9dc0b0577f4275d4bb5f68629 GRCh38 released ENCFF616KCQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF517FVN 16669650 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0f9cd365315cd387f84e2ce31442e57 hg19 released ENCFF172FTR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF247DQN 11574052 Gene Yeo, UCSD f12d867a2d2099193e2c61faf6646fce hg19 released ENCFF105HCP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF247DQN 12046037 Gene Yeo, UCSD cad6b6bf1dd29877e6e79fc1378c7e33 hg19 released ENCFF536XRN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF517FVN 17370941 Gene Yeo, UCSD 425ff984aa24f34d38a27f898d14b49a hg19 released ENCFF617YCT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF765BPN 11233457 Gene Yeo, UCSD 32844f0a5e1acc2bc86d0d4951f92c08 GRCh38 released ENCFF799AHI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF659RKW 16303416 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5ee04c221686da868abd64600b56fb1 GRCh38 released ENCFF258TKH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF765BPN 11820653 Gene Yeo, UCSD 27e9b7c853b5d7447d92a9a6143ef370 GRCh38 released ENCFF967LWB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF659RKW 16955358 Gene Yeo, UCSD a3002dfa55a049f536aeb263ac012606 GRCh38 released ENCFF262NXW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF247DQN, ENCFF982TFI 1012464 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2da4bf866daf21193d166147004d66dc hg19 released ENCFF200AWX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF517FVN, ENCFF982TFI 1490141 Gene Yeo, UCSD 48f4d6408ef0950fe54e47965f8b872f hg19 released ENCFF594PWG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF765BPN, ENCFF791AGL 1004814 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72adf8690b9f4f44c62100b4a08964f8 GRCh38 released ENCFF894KLP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF659RKW, ENCFF791AGL 1476599 Gene Yeo, UCSD 285869acb6a7c1968c013cd1d63ccc32 GRCh38 released ENCFF780LWA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF262NXW 1771700 Gene Yeo, UCSD d6cba9dbbc1d69c175d4b8b4e799380e hg19 released ENCFF088RLJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF200AWX 3127164 Gene Yeo, UCSD 94a53ec9f80d6dc5116845869eff005b hg19 released ENCFF764BOF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF594PWG 1760764 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67873a870a6bce0a93a74dcd06e270e9 GRCh38 released ENCFF022TVE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR981WKN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF894KLP 3099749 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b4e1d84507cdcd93d60169320a82118 GRCh38 released ENCFF893QVN fastq reads ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 48 paired-ended 1 ENCFF820BWG 677121973 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6ebefb766bfe589610e3ac5a75869baf SRA:SRR5112456 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF504YTU/ released ENCFF604VPQ fastq reads ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 48 paired-ended 1 ENCFF710AFX 694733105 Gene Yeo, UCSD 20b0597db234765783635f296d5427e7 SRA:SRR5112457 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF504YTU/ released ENCFF710AFX fastq reads ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF604VPQ 678625887 Gene Yeo, UCSD 080e99fb2da8a450a5883c700bb7d81f SRA:SRR5112457 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF441RYK/ released ENCFF820BWG fastq reads ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF893QVN 641635534 Gene Yeo, UCSD da2b16649ed776a1355d53dfd2b9f309 SRA:SRR5112456 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF441RYK/ released ENCFF314LSF bam alignments ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF820BWG, ENCFF893QVN 601044085 Gene Yeo, UCSD e37958bdd0d043197e174bfe04253ce8 hg19 released ENCFF900OHV bam alignments ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF604VPQ, ENCFF710AFX 715845827 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6e02489846615a0f471ae2c0e4aee06 hg19 released ENCFF080VML bam alignments ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF820BWG, ENCFF893QVN 591462457 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7b5fb3b8d46334fa3b3e69ba325aaffb GRCh38 released ENCFF581EBE bam alignments ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF604VPQ, ENCFF710AFX 705216844 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f93b62f30002a5b0f82ad2a5674a10c GRCh38 released ENCFF794KQT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF314LSF 32097057 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b589a2fed2337c36764c80aed10bd36 hg19 released ENCFF017ZEM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF900OHV 35867680 Gene Yeo, UCSD b828561b32ea89ef7bf49300c62730c4 hg19 released ENCFF248YBJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF314LSF 33645871 Gene Yeo, UCSD fb85c95a4ad4ba32b139f4334dd3b229 hg19 released ENCFF262IWZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF900OHV 37766947 Gene Yeo, UCSD 44969abe77a6e6510aaacb98621f650a hg19 released ENCFF093IND bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF080VML 31957653 Gene Yeo, UCSD 35952287f4bcb8bc7aa938886bb6f2d3 GRCh38 released ENCFF873ZAY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF581EBE 35621049 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9ab21f26b8295732d58f9064e9a5e46a GRCh38 released ENCFF782ZMF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF581EBE 37375203 Gene Yeo, UCSD 82af9365f785a1868dfcad5cb019666c GRCh38 released ENCFF940BFP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF080VML 33393895 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80d5a8cb9d5f7722ddc9f14ba2d9fa45 GRCh38 released ENCFF509PKA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF314LSF, ENCFF644ZWS 3354538 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2e04a78d96a759a792e17a01d0e92f7b hg19 released ENCFF673MNH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF644ZWS, ENCFF900OHV 3776388 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2619d7c94b7580d9182628d3a200dbe1 hg19 released ENCFF674TKN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF080VML, ENCFF910OEJ 3377447 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b68b96dc9bcc72e6e53e07b4adb5c68 GRCh38 released ENCFF348TPU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF581EBE, ENCFF910OEJ 3809419 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c8f51aa39504e5dbc9577a190d6a044 GRCh38 released ENCFF399NDL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF673MNH 6799988 Gene Yeo, UCSD d512f6ebf358d4d698ada38dfa783db0 hg19 released ENCFF202HXA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF509PKA 6202632 Gene Yeo, UCSD bf3eb3986e5dec903ebc6a63381e09f1 hg19 released ENCFF031JPO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF348TPU 6874089 Gene Yeo, UCSD cca32ad0c1b42cb9a88ccabf6cc811d9 GRCh38 released ENCFF125CWQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR057DWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF674TKN 6236342 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f5fe1d3e0ca489f9f6af87eda1272c7 GRCh38 released ENCFF113HCY fastq reads ENCSR195IWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF739MOT 780962710 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e03d21654eb1960ba04c10f7f1ac902 SRA:SRR5111233 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF739MOT fastq reads ENCSR195IWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF113HCY 736733335 Gene Yeo, UCSD ccb7b19f509024216fd5a3baefd5202e SRA:SRR5111233 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF327VQR bam alignments ENCSR195IWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF113HCY, ENCFF739MOT 666093445 Gene Yeo, UCSD 338095af68817515915b87af5433412d hg19 released ENCFF407HUR bam alignments ENCSR195IWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF113HCY, ENCFF739MOT 682622466 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e7d99df78f97a71b3fbc19cfb232ef6 GRCh38 released ENCFF696XDE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR195IWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF327VQR 29841444 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10abeb1abc4cc368495f47ebea065ca8 hg19 released ENCFF755IBA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR195IWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF327VQR 30779456 Gene Yeo, UCSD b762fffcc3869492461fffeff6de9174 hg19 released ENCFF689NNO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR195IWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF407HUR 30943211 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9aeb9d9d7d90c2e0d47f422d9602f3c4 GRCh38 released ENCFF480NVQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR195IWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF407HUR 31927946 Gene Yeo, UCSD 98292aecd4381036cdd88ec4d3555b96 GRCh38 released ENCFF507IXS fastq reads ENCSR119AFY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF197INO 1203719173 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa473c9d2bf9764f12cdf71d29e12896 SRA:SRR5111148 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF197INO fastq reads ENCSR119AFY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF507IXS 1154668002 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ef1a0dcc99b5b0cb14ac9f9765998e5 SRA:SRR5111148 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF928RKY bam alignments ENCSR119AFY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF197INO, ENCFF507IXS 1002212392 Gene Yeo, UCSD 229bd563fc1954f9e6755f4650992fe0 hg19 released ENCFF367FDD bam alignments ENCSR119AFY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF197INO, ENCFF507IXS 1023220869 Gene Yeo, UCSD db83406f61bd3335eb3c48e2c98f08d0 GRCh38 released ENCFF297BGD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR119AFY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF928RKY 41653037 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3289098d6a0e1706bcdf02de6dd0fab5 hg19 released ENCFF350APU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR119AFY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF928RKY 43045422 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0bfcac0e40bc8b0e8009091cffbff8a hg19 released ENCFF882EEN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR119AFY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF367FDD 42488267 Gene Yeo, UCSD db37cbbcf0c12f6a5f12fb455f1f4416 GRCh38 released ENCFF154DNE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR119AFY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF367FDD 43900236 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3a57346843a2a15719d8c0a6e4f37d3 GRCh38 released ENCFF618ASS fastq reads ENCSR151MPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF342RNA 841432555 Gene Yeo, UCSD cafbe3a406421ff63675c42ddd3793e2 SRA:SRR5111234 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF342RNA fastq reads ENCSR151MPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF618ASS 742836065 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2c61a6b267b049b867b4eafe76c1b43 SRA:SRR5111234 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF552GHW bam alignments ENCSR151MPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF342RNA, ENCFF618ASS 887565278 Gene Yeo, UCSD 832f753d3d1bc5f06eb1c9c8626560e0 hg19 released ENCFF336UXX bam alignments ENCSR151MPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF342RNA, ENCFF618ASS 897909997 Gene Yeo, UCSD 93926f0ceaa8302541cfb9a3ee0eb3bd GRCh38 released ENCFF360QCS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR151MPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF552GHW 39762381 Gene Yeo, UCSD f048ad35dcdab6c02906e060542e7fc3 hg19 released ENCFF298MZM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR151MPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF552GHW 40291848 Gene Yeo, UCSD 43ec031696937de103bce55c82dcef6b hg19 released ENCFF009FAU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR151MPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF336UXX 40226601 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba7a100d39e9a188ad300a3f836cec0d GRCh38 released ENCFF238WUM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR151MPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF336UXX 40730560 Gene Yeo, UCSD e1357af0c5a34670aeb54e60d4a412f4 GRCh38 released ENCFF064TEN fastq reads ENCSR347MVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF381NWX 1008432994 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd27925b0604c085bfd466ec34be55de SRA:SRR5111475 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF381NWX fastq reads ENCSR347MVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF064TEN 909127120 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4159328eac329c4991f6dd0184810862 SRA:SRR5111475 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF605CQT bam alignments ENCSR347MVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF064TEN, ENCFF381NWX 1199530904 Gene Yeo, UCSD e00ac2560c4e262da615014742e9e301 hg19 released ENCFF945AUF bam alignments ENCSR347MVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF064TEN, ENCFF381NWX 1214484160 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6b87d2a4fe7e34839eb6473ba69d5447 GRCh38 released ENCFF088VVN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR347MVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF605CQT 52480183 Gene Yeo, UCSD 09915898a90c501920ad0b4e802eb611 hg19 released ENCFF303VEV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR347MVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF605CQT 54310066 Gene Yeo, UCSD 28ae8b667c168aa34300c7029e37110d hg19 released ENCFF477FDK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR347MVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF945AUF 53101689 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa9042a7de74c423dcb988ec304b4738 GRCh38 released ENCFF369PJK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR347MVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF945AUF 54947271 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1dd17b85a39082aa8e90b0c780a784c5 GRCh38 released ENCFF838LHV fastq reads ENCSR641PRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF988APT 692127515 Gene Yeo, UCSD efdeb4238c340ab60d17004cacc04411 SRA:SRR5111888 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF988APT fastq reads ENCSR641PRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF838LHV 649565796 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92b42f4285b3a495691950854490d81c SRA:SRR5111888 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF402KQE bam alignments ENCSR641PRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF838LHV, ENCFF988APT 220762186 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd8ca9513a179f5b50494ad34b723d99 hg19 released ENCFF723IPF bam alignments ENCSR641PRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF838LHV, ENCFF988APT 221921045 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2704e960ca0f3a59e1aef0929fdb7fc4 GRCh38 released ENCFF694OPV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR641PRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF402KQE 11118376 Gene Yeo, UCSD 77ffdf309f0a91667933680de6e7f98c hg19 released ENCFF511JHV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR641PRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF402KQE 11574436 Gene Yeo, UCSD 985536bdce37921828ce60f55fc9785d hg19 released ENCFF298VBU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR641PRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF723IPF 11191338 Gene Yeo, UCSD 59c3276ba360ecbf75613856c6a63fae GRCh38 released ENCFF184TPS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR641PRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUB1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB835QRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF723IPF 11644258 Gene Yeo, UCSD 372d7aff629e9a94a54ef54a23160664 GRCh38 released ENCFF489GBW fastq reads ENCSR080OLK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF500NQE 389258461 Gene Yeo, UCSD e29aea556d9b869d667a490ac392b12e SRA:SRR5111058 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF500NQE fastq reads ENCSR080OLK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF489GBW 340285935 Gene Yeo, UCSD f6c1fe4a219e05e98c930a0ebb120960 SRA:SRR5111058 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF950TBS bam alignments ENCSR080OLK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF489GBW, ENCFF500NQE 265775228 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f18d80080ed1841faaad720abbbc5ac hg19 released ENCFF160LFR bam alignments ENCSR080OLK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF489GBW, ENCFF500NQE 273515334 Gene Yeo, UCSD bbb62049609267017dc39f9ce2a0f17f GRCh38 released ENCFF641BAD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR080OLK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF950TBS 15122646 Gene Yeo, UCSD d51d9d00be9b4501557802e9060daa1c hg19 released ENCFF107PWV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR080OLK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF950TBS 15535210 Gene Yeo, UCSD 96bdb8485a234bb6f17163386e30e0d4 hg19 released ENCFF982BUX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR080OLK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF160LFR 15545484 Gene Yeo, UCSD f9b1b2ebb82054b941008476429d274f GRCh38 released ENCFF442SJM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR080OLK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF160LFR 15953013 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1decfe3f4b2c302e11b0d7e219cfe871 GRCh38 released ENCFF847HXV fastq reads ENCSR709ABG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF635VEP 648675643 Gene Yeo, UCSD 617f9f14f99bbadb1c99ac573fda8f0a SRA:SRR5111985 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF635VEP fastq reads ENCSR709ABG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF847HXV 616577189 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc5a2ceaf927b5eaca094af11bbd1871 SRA:SRR5111985 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF818JLM bam alignments ENCSR709ABG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF635VEP, ENCFF847HXV 456703101 Gene Yeo, UCSD 807bfd1bc7ea269f8c7c635ff6d65baf hg19 released ENCFF026OKT bam alignments ENCSR709ABG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF635VEP, ENCFF847HXV 465931025 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0dfbd8dc6cdd7be66524d22e3e3c3c50 GRCh38 released ENCFF579SPM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR709ABG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF818JLM 20114809 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4a9b73b307f35bf13bf50bf441fee6f4 hg19 released ENCFF464UMY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR709ABG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF818JLM 20601905 Gene Yeo, UCSD 219fbaba8ecbc5a289583215577c39b3 hg19 released ENCFF218DLM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR709ABG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF026OKT 20527155 Gene Yeo, UCSD 91e24cbbbca6cc9639bdcc915c0affa3 GRCh38 released ENCFF853LVO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR709ABG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NOL12 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB727RRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF026OKT 21015523 Gene Yeo, UCSD 459a7e9ff83f4d2c241dc9b8055d094d GRCh38 released ENCFF725ITK fastq reads ENCSR910LAN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF934XSG 701461452 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f0934bb4623e085b42a37ba4a086ac5 SRA:SRR5112286 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF934XSG fastq reads ENCSR910LAN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF725ITK 658222491 Gene Yeo, UCSD 218c5b4aa446184b099464799732c4f7 SRA:SRR5112286 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF764ZUP bam alignments ENCSR910LAN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF725ITK, ENCFF934XSG 735074992 Gene Yeo, UCSD e2ac8b53d183eb2a7f0dbb32789b4862 hg19 released ENCFF132SLV bam alignments ENCSR910LAN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF725ITK, ENCFF934XSG 746388574 Gene Yeo, UCSD bcb80fa4c963ef541d206b70f520ae43 GRCh38 released ENCFF590BBN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR910LAN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF764ZUP 33545742 Gene Yeo, UCSD 326f6cb2654d1d47c5b51cae97f7f67b hg19 released ENCFF469LMX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR910LAN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF764ZUP 34559447 Gene Yeo, UCSD c516cf7e7811ed138ea2f41a49876dcb hg19 released ENCFF528CLV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR910LAN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF132SLV 34077310 Gene Yeo, UCSD dce868571656a5ce6110fe1ffd4521d0 GRCh38 released ENCFF418JXF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR910LAN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF132SLV 35097407 Gene Yeo, UCSD defae4a15ec38984716f44e37f1e913b GRCh38 released ENCFF905RDN fastq reads ENCSR445FZX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF960RXN 765524846 Gene Yeo, UCSD 856ab29e8d5f253b4e65342cde172c74 SRA:SRR5111656 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF960RXN fastq reads ENCSR445FZX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF905RDN 702587432 Gene Yeo, UCSD ac63691b78240ba8145371cd250bc2a7 SRA:SRR5111656 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF982TFI bam alignments ENCSR445FZX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF905RDN, ENCFF960RXN 531402493 Gene Yeo, UCSD a20952f9a00d113f7d4ab32866d3f45b hg19 released ENCFF791AGL bam alignments ENCSR445FZX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF905RDN, ENCFF960RXN 542407412 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6f18a943ea5e6231cf81de8bcf3cbeb GRCh38 released ENCFF153ZZO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR445FZX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF982TFI 22696933 Gene Yeo, UCSD c87bcd2042d355d5122ce76eb4df6069 hg19 released ENCFF152FMO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR445FZX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF982TFI 23398817 Gene Yeo, UCSD b2436a83607263d07486295565e6ba8d hg19 released ENCFF207EDD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR445FZX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF791AGL 23174992 Gene Yeo, UCSD 38be9325c6ee4392c92a87a18d8d3460 GRCh38 released ENCFF665CYG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR445FZX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PTBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF791AGL 23898121 Gene Yeo, UCSD cb1255a558a131711e0214c50517f073 GRCh38 released ENCFF655OVT fastq reads ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF841ECJ 736933271 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7cce246e46a252f1de3d3684eee34ffb SRA:SRR5111739 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF035HRR/ released ENCFF631SCU fastq reads ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF047HLT 650298794 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7db3c01c40cf6d1774d9378654c36477 SRA:SRR5111738 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF035HRR/ released ENCFF047HLT fastq reads ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF631SCU 703328057 Gene Yeo, UCSD 333d80d78b70ae748e2e3d3ca6f8e87c SRA:SRR5111738 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF131CGH/ released ENCFF841ECJ fastq reads ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF655OVT 800214359 Gene Yeo, UCSD 19f32e3f467edf3d25e62659a290ad29 SRA:SRR5111739 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF131CGH/ released ENCFF176ZDX bam alignments ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF047HLT, ENCFF631SCU 742099655 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b7d424b4b9e5d5a5321704fac5fcb1f hg19 released ENCFF916BBS bam alignments ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF655OVT, ENCFF841ECJ 717327794 Gene Yeo, UCSD a091cfb7701ae7c33bd4d94bbd93986d hg19 released ENCFF184OIG bam alignments ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF655OVT, ENCFF841ECJ 692678538 Gene Yeo, UCSD be9bcc23be6cd843a7e62eef70e1fdb8 GRCh38 released ENCFF279AVU bam alignments ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF047HLT, ENCFF631SCU 696492126 Gene Yeo, UCSD 098dbc9f3705fe9e2d25fef79e2111e6 GRCh38 released ENCFF678RVK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF176ZDX 24454769 Gene Yeo, UCSD 91d68aad6174270859b4860fd0ed7bd6 hg19 released ENCFF715TOV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF916BBS 23841888 Gene Yeo, UCSD 99eb8ace5db8c2658bf649b7c7ba2212 hg19 released ENCFF087QMG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF176ZDX 25235819 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90757b95f66ef1d7506a5a2694c5d541 hg19 released ENCFF611POQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF916BBS 24710238 Gene Yeo, UCSD dbda50630965e8cf665f9641099dc1d8 hg19 released ENCFF047ZXN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF184OIG 23356783 Gene Yeo, UCSD 282aed8b3f71795584980a1655f23e1f GRCh38 released ENCFF749RQN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF279AVU 23573475 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8b6c86ec41a89ff7008f5d2fc6cbeb53 GRCh38 released ENCFF829JJE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF184OIG 24111325 Gene Yeo, UCSD 96a7fee90b65d9d0f4dc2b2ecd34bc98 GRCh38 released ENCFF048UHG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF279AVU 24242688 Gene Yeo, UCSD e6e3a2c0c3131bb73e30778cc31f7af9 GRCh38 released ENCFF526YVR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF405CXK, ENCFF916BBS 2858384 Gene Yeo, UCSD 91ec09c766ab63bfc8617a6d3afa0116 hg19 released ENCFF231IID bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF176ZDX, ENCFF405CXK 2867862 Gene Yeo, UCSD 878ad0fb7e4ce0b491663fa1300ff1bf hg19 released ENCFF210TQC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF184OIG, ENCFF409LAD 2865763 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4d5841f73f98cf5105f597217a7419d0 GRCh38 released ENCFF644FFX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF279AVU, ENCFF409LAD 2839251 Gene Yeo, UCSD 64257490f5ce75e65740acdcdedc3c2e GRCh38 released ENCFF914IQD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF526YVR 6359288 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a075c8a8d6320459d0934ad9478dfa8 hg19 released ENCFF375SSS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF231IID 6322477 Gene Yeo, UCSD b96592cd73da3a95e0c4fb4f3db75631 hg19 released ENCFF724COO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF210TQC 6371636 Gene Yeo, UCSD f56f5d8f02316d777608b4c1863e507f GRCh38 released ENCFF691NBP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR529FKI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF644FFX 6287158 Gene Yeo, UCSD 911965fc81796b96f80042357fcaf779 GRCh38 released ENCFF476ASR fastq reads ENCSR863ZGZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF967IQR 457805304 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4848698202cd3c48bdf9e7431ab1d22 SRA:SRR5112172 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF967IQR fastq reads ENCSR863ZGZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF476ASR 448758167 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f2025e39416a2a8c92750a7df89c34e SRA:SRR5112172 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF699GNU bam alignments ENCSR863ZGZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF476ASR, ENCFF967IQR 313864559 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55c5a6d169b1c3b8480c4b12d8dd6dc2 hg19 released ENCFF487BLB bam alignments ENCSR863ZGZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF476ASR, ENCFF967IQR 314008361 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8caee063fed40541cdbb88e1d1f8b98f GRCh38 released ENCFF351JZY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR863ZGZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF699GNU 15802794 Gene Yeo, UCSD e1a5c1cd6fdf6b5b6bbe64cb3992543e hg19 released ENCFF085TYL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR863ZGZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF699GNU 16436896 Gene Yeo, UCSD 557b282884bb6414487d049ae89fa906 hg19 released ENCFF987WXS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR863ZGZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF487BLB 15842576 Gene Yeo, UCSD d400911dbeedd6ca91a7da61d3dc2036 GRCh38 released ENCFF480XFE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR863ZGZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF487BLB 16459273 Gene Yeo, UCSD 61ae7a4d95d8ee4473e5f1293c5ce46a GRCh38 released ENCFF943MML fastq reads ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF357NSP 341682973 Gene Yeo, UCSD 24a9fef6711d609a2a90554a68d0a142 SRA:SRR5112291 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF006DQH/ released ENCFF151JUK fastq reads ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF029BAQ 410160944 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1aef34a9436ee8b76ed830703e74f82 SRA:SRR5112292 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF006DQH/ released ENCFF029BAQ fastq reads ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF151JUK 396562363 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6aa57339e27d13773d81f24659133658 SRA:SRR5112292 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF768GAB/ released ENCFF357NSP fastq reads ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF943MML 359731732 Gene Yeo, UCSD c48787b0b584aec14f63e044c6724eee SRA:SRR5112291 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF768GAB/ released ENCFF260CNL bam alignments ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF357NSP, ENCFF943MML 208564632 Gene Yeo, UCSD de2056059165b88acd80ae3377b3ece8 hg19 released ENCFF188BJH bam alignments ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF029BAQ, ENCFF151JUK 228374164 Gene Yeo, UCSD a68b7b00959b3ebfe988dfec35503ab8 hg19 released ENCFF969SMQ bam alignments ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF029BAQ, ENCFF151JUK 222275025 Gene Yeo, UCSD 144084e8764207d2b06c1320f1299bf5 GRCh38 released ENCFF343OME bam alignments ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF357NSP, ENCFF943MML 200586906 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34a43dc248a9e8563a48a90dc620fe18 GRCh38 released ENCFF159TMA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF260CNL 9223545 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd4bd0b0762c758acc8a3ed67af7515b hg19 released ENCFF502YJV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF188BJH 12868280 Gene Yeo, UCSD f6ecfbd4d8223cb0ea9015a296d175ed hg19 released ENCFF467TOC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF260CNL 9529729 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1df58b36d81f826f09a4853e649ee24d hg19 released ENCFF717JPQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF188BJH 13312550 Gene Yeo, UCSD fbbc2940d666ea9e8afaf6cfe0e9dca6 hg19 released ENCFF017FYD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF969SMQ 12676904 Gene Yeo, UCSD 40f211e7e7d4d38bb179476af4ec6c8c GRCh38 released ENCFF818BXB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF343OME 8984843 Gene Yeo, UCSD 74d0489b2e3464e6a401b7fa94bfc8fd GRCh38 released ENCFF294VBN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF969SMQ 13104665 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2bc4e21e622c1449befe2b769589d03 GRCh38 released ENCFF432AKR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF343OME 9265825 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42c7f989ff4106a9200bde9dde8be637 GRCh38 released ENCFF737SOJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF260CNL, ENCFF697EJY 951702 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d74ea1eb5ffef04e7115074277feeb2 hg19 released ENCFF039BKT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF188BJH, ENCFF697EJY 1153334 Gene Yeo, UCSD d13822afef160bb67881e50e019d661b hg19 released ENCFF901BYH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF057VZS, ENCFF969SMQ 1151051 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4390c4b4f19cef21298999fa836d79f0 GRCh38 released ENCFF381YRZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF057VZS, ENCFF343OME 945911 Gene Yeo, UCSD c9b19b7d48f9aa5bd283454e830f38b5 GRCh38 released ENCFF601TGO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF039BKT 2437342 Gene Yeo, UCSD caf3e8d893500f5b9b908d3317a8b0d8 hg19 released ENCFF803EEU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF737SOJ 2003899 Gene Yeo, UCSD d7f2752ec7eaa047da52e3dc2c0150bc hg19 released ENCFF565FNW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF901BYH 2434733 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0a0562dd10f419fbe5387a0379451ee2 GRCh38 released ENCFF346EYN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR930BZL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF381YRZ 1993355 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2321c8d112ace1c44f368fa72adfd007 GRCh38 released ENCFF621CZT fastq reads ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF342XLD 256674420 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8e459285c3b7d2eed433d93f8ada3499 SRA:SRR5111795 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF129UTE/ released ENCFF658VCP fastq reads ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF831UXT 361282001 Gene Yeo, UCSD 44ac671d781eb2756406fa2ec5afa0e7 SRA:SRR5111796 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF129UTE/ released ENCFF831UXT fastq reads ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF658VCP 412999189 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16b4edf7bb869996a7ee4134aef29b06 SRA:SRR5111796 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF207FLE/ released ENCFF342XLD fastq reads ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF621CZT 270248847 Gene Yeo, UCSD 01a0351b216cf277ee4887071d60c4f7 SRA:SRR5111795 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF207FLE/ released ENCFF270LHK bam alignments ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF342XLD, ENCFF621CZT 286554852 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8e2319209926d898849ad476c2016c9e hg19 released ENCFF472FBT bam alignments ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF658VCP, ENCFF831UXT 366712470 Gene Yeo, UCSD 97a13cd4613a01ccce9b8a394802a585 hg19 released ENCFF523RZH bam alignments ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF342XLD, ENCFF621CZT 282746956 Gene Yeo, UCSD 430802685e264ca343289ae522030474 GRCh38 released ENCFF426AQN bam alignments ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF658VCP, ENCFF831UXT 370077723 Gene Yeo, UCSD c1cf1bc92e6b424c0e6e2c298731d853 GRCh38 released ENCFF069PNP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF270LHK 16023404 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21076617ab76abb7f9e2ff38cef1f62f hg19 released ENCFF994QNK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF472FBT 20210052 Gene Yeo, UCSD a23d39ad4500a8e388f1deb0376a19ad hg19 released ENCFF948BMD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF270LHK 16754252 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6ad55f1895e553c4c8a0350db9a5d60e hg19 released ENCFF139PAT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF472FBT 21072879 Gene Yeo, UCSD 857e3366463ec0c73ef1cba206d0d4fa hg19 released ENCFF068NME bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF426AQN 20383777 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b2f504aaa5c1998d361d6a21f42a40d GRCh38 released ENCFF530RHM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF523RZH 15911890 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7e9ea60e294321419ab535d9e3413a1f GRCh38 released ENCFF901WPA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF426AQN 21200747 Gene Yeo, UCSD 20fbd59e86169647da0599490b54a3bc GRCh38 released ENCFF850KEG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF523RZH 16587293 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5a7185bd65a92b285cc5af15a83980b GRCh38 released ENCFF297PQZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF472FBT, ENCFF868UQK 1410249 Gene Yeo, UCSD af68fe8abfb131761496f8ffd3b18ab6 hg19 released ENCFF734NGD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF270LHK, ENCFF868UQK 1069904 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b0b0eb08b5bc0b03b927bd4e24817a7 hg19 released ENCFF933LJZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF019BLW, ENCFF426AQN 1444120 Gene Yeo, UCSD 536a5f71842890cb91f3346f641f8a34 GRCh38 released ENCFF490BSS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF019BLW, ENCFF523RZH 1066795 Gene Yeo, UCSD e82b2458105af177b5c1674b1b8ca53d GRCh38 released ENCFF949HCV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF734NGD 1786569 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec3a574f1a82f16071671beb9cee2cf9 hg19 released ENCFF355PIN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF297PQZ 2289189 Gene Yeo, UCSD f74f86b78af213cc0bc8f5a63ff4ac8a hg19 released ENCFF976FPE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF490BSS 1781074 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0462143e5a7564361c6b1c9e910f1e3f GRCh38 released ENCFF271DCB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR571VHI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF933LJZ 2329024 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa0d490869edbfab6984f67427cb0264 GRCh38 released ENCFF626LUV fastq reads ENCSR594RFP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF795SBP 1050118975 Gene Yeo, UCSD d75a5c2d46714f4b535e21b7b8b6b947 SRA:SRR5111820 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF795SBP fastq reads ENCSR594RFP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF626LUV 1022489174 Gene Yeo, UCSD 558b99e0f83d1db5177d1b7956e2f3c6 SRA:SRR5111820 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF790DUN bam alignments ENCSR594RFP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF626LUV, ENCFF795SBP 733728345 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52f5d6e17470af40610ad2b14c87a201 hg19 released ENCFF091KVP bam alignments ENCSR594RFP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF626LUV, ENCFF795SBP 739487265 Gene Yeo, UCSD 180610cf2e40dc87d07f028d85a9b565 GRCh38 released ENCFF664BQD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR594RFP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF790DUN 29508607 Gene Yeo, UCSD b305335cfa7182fec4b9dd878c2ca77f hg19 released ENCFF922SZZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR594RFP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF790DUN 30688656 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2f39d27cc4d7e1806a272d821dd8aa6 hg19 released ENCFF980WWB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR594RFP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091KVP 29770074 Gene Yeo, UCSD 46ea48bbf2250b43d549748d4c04dcbf GRCh38 released ENCFF406BSG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR594RFP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091KVP 30939224 Gene Yeo, UCSD 271d6a33440dc072f48cb173e07f5f54 GRCh38 released ENCFF289UZZ fastq reads ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF676NAG 619649595 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0dd1a2aa7eeb1e51030af056ecf3376e SRA:SRR5111883 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF413EEC/ released ENCFF651RTO fastq reads ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF947CCD 531023461 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4f97cfcbcdf65e0b973f9be11ae5841 SRA:SRR5111882 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF413EEC/ released ENCFF676NAG fastq reads ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF289UZZ 596900648 Gene Yeo, UCSD 30b680ccff47f233165a90de050aa5e0 SRA:SRR5111883 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF949DMR/ released ENCFF947CCD fastq reads ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF651RTO 510638474 Gene Yeo, UCSD 83cae1a3b793e02a929b288386d56bdd SRA:SRR5111882 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF949DMR/ released ENCFF608WLW bam alignments ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF651RTO, ENCFF947CCD 814392818 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ee57523f7dd8636586e60a96e214044 hg19 released ENCFF352QTY bam alignments ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF289UZZ, ENCFF676NAG 901054570 Gene Yeo, UCSD 505b35f7e33cb96230828f617ec14efd hg19 released ENCFF778POI bam alignments ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF289UZZ, ENCFF676NAG 883233404 Gene Yeo, UCSD e714f5979ddcfa70cb753c171da844f6 GRCh38 released ENCFF787ROO bam alignments ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF651RTO, ENCFF947CCD 796663488 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d5b194494ca5f906b9ef525d28be3c1 GRCh38 released ENCFF412OIS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF608WLW 40246878 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0754dbd54184913a085250f76a3096fb hg19 released ENCFF381KMI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF352QTY 43066717 Gene Yeo, UCSD c53510eae7141db8d39492f2e94731b7 hg19 released ENCFF603CPZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF608WLW 41205170 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3dac6742d4cd8a7b97b0f2ec31fcb7b5 hg19 released ENCFF167NEJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF352QTY 43494363 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5b828350cbde4ca142a40354f84ec4f7 hg19 released ENCFF141IVW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF778POI 42400501 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9896b03f46476766e14066edae71ba08 GRCh38 released ENCFF134SUE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF787ROO 39479532 Gene Yeo, UCSD 85c96c72d0d228080168d591e8b4001f GRCh38 released ENCFF577PBB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF787ROO 40437921 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef55e7c39748ba0948ee2e822de1f48e GRCh38 released ENCFF707HNB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF778POI 42829774 Gene Yeo, UCSD ffab7b1c599e3e8030b69f2d1f9113c9 GRCh38 released ENCFF052ABQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF352QTY, ENCFF721FKR 3833681 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b4742a73900036513d85fdc8b3df5b1 hg19 released ENCFF390ANM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF608WLW, ENCFF721FKR 3553700 Gene Yeo, UCSD f684a62dfc48668c323672e7d59cc99c hg19 released ENCFF214SWT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF778POI, ENCFF931YGS 3829912 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52a7c594d87097f23072a3c6a49f2694 GRCh38 released ENCFF738QUP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF787ROO, ENCFF931YGS 3529707 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e9c0d828e9bc8c04e88e4f044d16f87 GRCh38 released ENCFF164NCN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF390ANM 6390076 Gene Yeo, UCSD 885ff690d98da41e8965bc41343306e8 hg19 released ENCFF862UDL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF052ABQ 6806210 Gene Yeo, UCSD 713ff2231ae8c6abbe320f3a846f9bec hg19 released ENCFF610VBL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF738QUP 6363851 Gene Yeo, UCSD c8ef3e9f0414634bb9c8dac8fe7bedc1 GRCh38 released ENCFF388PCV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR628IDK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF214SWT 6814069 Gene Yeo, UCSD acd1996d22e485288cc04d07b27ec688 GRCh38 released ENCFF776RIX fastq reads ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF062JEH 615015823 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d2d4f260e1c4169611276e5a315559c SRA:SRR5111914 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF821KVN/ released ENCFF357GNY fastq reads ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF085PPS 620264398 Gene Yeo, UCSD 580e5b4af3a4cf0e715f5fc86f16398a SRA:SRR5111915 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF821KVN/ released ENCFF062JEH fastq reads ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF776RIX 586719347 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b41bfd6856645faa2d8de6b78424597 SRA:SRR5111914 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF216XJZ/ released ENCFF085PPS fastq reads ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF357GNY 589183521 Gene Yeo, UCSD f7b958cd44c4d7242ee9f787e4efbb40 SRA:SRR5111915 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF216XJZ/ released ENCFF400PVK bam alignments ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF062JEH, ENCFF776RIX 173184491 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4bce36b0840b7164e1a6c3e23ec4a4ed hg19 released ENCFF636IYL bam alignments ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF085PPS, ENCFF357GNY 204266646 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1fb43b77ade6e685102a5a5ea08c3a3c hg19 released ENCFF739BZK bam alignments ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF062JEH, ENCFF776RIX 168953896 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0ff907bf1532ce204246d2a975bb645d GRCh38 released ENCFF966HIC bam alignments ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF085PPS, ENCFF357GNY 199953076 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad1d75e61c7900ef414be26971821988 GRCh38 released ENCFF054KNB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF400PVK 8129216 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80e1ba5d0a34f1511122ae23332531fe hg19 released ENCFF135NMM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF636IYL 9676356 Gene Yeo, UCSD 47a3e601d5be396d5c789e0f90afb89c hg19 released ENCFF186VGW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF636IYL 9998310 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2be93899bb4a7a5b829b3b63a97238d hg19 released ENCFF342WGR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF400PVK 8470158 Gene Yeo, UCSD be30c57e552a27cea844e3842ccaf023 hg19 released ENCFF809WWV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF739BZK 8010508 Gene Yeo, UCSD 459eb6b19323493d8c5b5d12775fb427 GRCh38 released ENCFF173GMF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF966HIC 9587356 Gene Yeo, UCSD c30e5c13a1107eedcd04e7797372f946 GRCh38 released ENCFF512KJQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF739BZK 8275614 Gene Yeo, UCSD 38bc419965a39719c9ffa41e426d9e8e GRCh38 released ENCFF266IDC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF966HIC 9902279 Gene Yeo, UCSD e61e87f65c888a4ee0437e0c446600f9 GRCh38 released ENCFF760JZI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF400PVK, ENCFF914HZF 1226963 Gene Yeo, UCSD 462d20f7c7ed85d85318ae9e3b772262 hg19 released ENCFF410KNT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF636IYL, ENCFF914HZF 1371646 Gene Yeo, UCSD a8c49ce5d0c087d03d88a74de93444b5 hg19 released ENCFF318RDQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF333OLY, ENCFF966HIC 1359905 Gene Yeo, UCSD 877338015d4bd518f42501ae9e8aa71e GRCh38 released ENCFF040AJT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF333OLY, ENCFF739BZK 1216789 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd8dee479663efee29a21a2a75c99c73 GRCh38 released ENCFF618LHX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF760JZI 2110467 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02621144c68fa0b6d5f58fff600f7a2c hg19 released ENCFF106AHH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF410KNT 2327817 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3eef906b83f392960dbb254471571d70 hg19 released ENCFF941QIF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF040AJT 2096288 Gene Yeo, UCSD f10b3699504beea9a6bf036107799a1e GRCh38 released ENCFF865VDH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR647CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF318RDQ 2314865 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb82629e3eba7834affde88eaa291f50 GRCh38 released ENCFF487CVX fastq reads ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF616XVI 224087730 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52045309480f011460c9ec45b666f545 SRA:SRR5111303 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF277PAA/ released ENCFF390XNM fastq reads ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF179VQL 209212794 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6814aaa90fe155c48de356c1009596e6 SRA:SRR5111302 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF277PAA/ released ENCFF616XVI fastq reads ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF487CVX 248724043 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c8c01c8d8052cd9565503e86a8cc30c SRA:SRR5111303 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF508IIT/ released ENCFF179VQL fastq reads ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF390XNM 228417991 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e8d71dd0e30a8e0e6c21d6ccfcc741d SRA:SRR5111302 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF508IIT/ released ENCFF880NPI bam alignments ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF179VQL, ENCFF390XNM 150600467 Gene Yeo, UCSD 01e152360b06832ee54f5b9260b6c04c hg19 released ENCFF950NHZ bam alignments ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF487CVX, ENCFF616XVI 152850072 Gene Yeo, UCSD a87339d7b9fadaa1e406c982e8f165d8 hg19 released ENCFF039HYM bam alignments ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF179VQL, ENCFF390XNM 151450278 Gene Yeo, UCSD 545f96cdb136d3b55465c8e86104aa54 GRCh38 released ENCFF459RQT bam alignments ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF487CVX, ENCFF616XVI 153964069 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4754e71675810c735614517e076683c8 GRCh38 released ENCFF486BGJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF950NHZ 10530791 Gene Yeo, UCSD b395e16389dd2d2254322bccab4f5392 hg19 released ENCFF257DYY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF880NPI 9716283 Gene Yeo, UCSD fcf563206bf8602b810dc7c2be23f151 hg19 released ENCFF713BGN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF880NPI 9915076 Gene Yeo, UCSD f96ff1d37e3f6257565dc9b01376d9df hg19 released ENCFF478FFU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF950NHZ 10733458 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c170469134da79f93abd8585b170c58 hg19 released ENCFF016LWQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF039HYM 9789097 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b6dfb01268b3847c923693ce7affb04 GRCh38 released ENCFF486RBU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF459RQT 10610305 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd4c0ef61d7332cb4944a79de0220367 GRCh38 released ENCFF081NPT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF459RQT 10791787 Gene Yeo, UCSD caae7af1befffa7a89dee9f72cc90be3 GRCh38 released ENCFF638BKP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF039HYM 9950655 Gene Yeo, UCSD 70d8342d555d028ff35b893265e762f0 GRCh38 released ENCFF871ZJM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF161OXR, ENCFF880NPI 1107573 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90c85fdbef7010e772dcb500ac8c386a hg19 released ENCFF639OOE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF161OXR, ENCFF950NHZ 999944 Gene Yeo, UCSD 36310edc085df0aca5f7e738b924d558 hg19 released ENCFF394EQW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF039HYM, ENCFF497DMS 1127383 Gene Yeo, UCSD d672ad32c553ec6e83d1602b41bd8236 GRCh38 released ENCFF237PCI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF459RQT, ENCFF497DMS 1022266 Gene Yeo, UCSD 594766d0ad9529d5feb14410bab95257 GRCh38 released ENCFF649JBB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF639OOE 2090543 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7435b54a3e5ca50709829b0e09fc0378 hg19 released ENCFF167CYW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF871ZJM 2224830 Gene Yeo, UCSD f72a7e74694d600b7522d408b4738422 hg19 released ENCFF027VSR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF394EQW 2258943 Gene Yeo, UCSD e56d44aa01ac990705f5a0523c4d9677 GRCh38 released ENCFF323QTM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR224QWC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR2-human ENCAB069PGU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF237PCI 2128433 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7e1f9e0b56dbe3ad4da369cb46afab5b GRCh38 released ENCFF196BNM fastq reads ENCSR161TFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF269WBT 343692855 Gene Yeo, UCSD c20d2e9c19f2a13cf2483e9bd1310fd3 SRA:SRR5111208 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF269WBT fastq reads ENCSR161TFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF196BNM 328637798 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9eddf7e141ca5ee338a7c512430dfd93 SRA:SRR5111208 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF352SQG bam alignments ENCSR161TFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF196BNM, ENCFF269WBT 252959615 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb086c84b31f05dcb671ed66c70f3c7e hg19 released ENCFF151VWF bam alignments ENCSR161TFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF196BNM, ENCFF269WBT 258951951 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8acec348553d0abeb5b5f06c1432e96d GRCh38 released ENCFF111HFT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR161TFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF352SQG 12656224 Gene Yeo, UCSD fac1f8155693f87b219ba35570b1e61f hg19 released ENCFF136NDS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR161TFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF352SQG 12907375 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a40590e54300252fea50d493abdcd7b hg19 released ENCFF097ZFW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR161TFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF151VWF 13048681 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2151ce0468dc9d566ad48a86f2b939f9 GRCh38 released ENCFF471HMV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR161TFX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF151VWF 13288803 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4f97c8928a4022839a37f842a288c882 GRCh38 released ENCFF147FKV fastq reads ENCSR247PDK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF947NEA 818393627 Gene Yeo, UCSD 93840fd0f3075400ad4f327a37c07a38 SRA:SRR5111325 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF947NEA fastq reads ENCSR247PDK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF147FKV 765537857 Gene Yeo, UCSD 73c1860944dc2af84165e6f085837291 SRA:SRR5111325 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF723GEY bam alignments ENCSR247PDK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF147FKV, ENCFF947NEA 698975779 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b90fc5ecec82d04123fd9474e0051ab hg19 released ENCFF561NXC bam alignments ENCSR247PDK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF147FKV, ENCFF947NEA 707279530 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1ef788ea798903533ad1ae4a97bf346 GRCh38 released ENCFF547DPQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR247PDK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF723GEY 32596069 Gene Yeo, UCSD 59123360b12bb7e3e831dbfad7f24c8f hg19 released ENCFF459NNJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR247PDK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF723GEY 33209428 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67805161a4f4e9c323cd4416b3cb78df hg19 released ENCFF464CYN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR247PDK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF561NXC 33042098 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1126bddfcabf418997e005bd48c97e2 GRCh38 released ENCFF200KGB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR247PDK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF561NXC 33634735 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad151d72a7425013f440965bf9f77e3c GRCh38 released ENCFF767CEO fastq reads ENCSR502NKG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF089OYZ 546437813 Gene Yeo, UCSD e5680f73253d9363b930aeecda46fd39 SRA:SRR5111684 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF089OYZ fastq reads ENCSR502NKG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF767CEO 465361697 Gene Yeo, UCSD 48736622cb5b89066d05a65c9db8643e SRA:SRR5111684 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF615TJD bam alignments ENCSR502NKG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF089OYZ, ENCFF767CEO 111652126 Gene Yeo, UCSD 23b4fa2b2f4fc5382d97fe00a54edfc4 hg19 released ENCFF568BOI bam alignments ENCSR502NKG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF089OYZ, ENCFF767CEO 122454918 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4987746d9412104583869915f3dd142c GRCh38 released ENCFF290SQA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR502NKG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF615TJD 4948619 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef51f5f2846adf4463e844e331dd0195 hg19 released ENCFF998IZZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR502NKG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF615TJD 5096627 Gene Yeo, UCSD 03c7bf4701f6732aa174560ebbc42963 hg19 released ENCFF936DLT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR502NKG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF568BOI 5441885 Gene Yeo, UCSD a57692a7483d8c723cecdaa23e34a562 GRCh38 released ENCFF065NRW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR502NKG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HLTF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB902OZZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF568BOI 5566239 Gene Yeo, UCSD 06e185ca2bd35b4d35834ae2d5c348d1 GRCh38 released ENCFF273WXJ fastq reads ENCSR775UPS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF936IFL 1028851394 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca110e8cd3fbb7005b720027aaa175d7 SRA:SRR5112089 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF936IFL fastq reads ENCSR775UPS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF273WXJ 948221366 Gene Yeo, UCSD 246388c990b8ff26da0070e5fa0fc2ba SRA:SRR5112089 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF091VIF bam alignments ENCSR775UPS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF273WXJ, ENCFF936IFL 690150632 Gene Yeo, UCSD 86e849708c77bd34a62123cda375f539 hg19 released ENCFF615UKX bam alignments ENCSR775UPS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF273WXJ, ENCFF936IFL 710041518 Gene Yeo, UCSD c147ede63e6a3d534ea763edafe06fba GRCh38 released ENCFF380JVP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR775UPS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091VIF 30591411 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c4f1c00da46b88af16c8152eae6bb87 hg19 released ENCFF783CZE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR775UPS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091VIF 31501318 Gene Yeo, UCSD 75f7f50f2da6e01ff628b18f2c036b12 hg19 released ENCFF124SOF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR775UPS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF615UKX 31408365 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2231655d28005a55b37c7da1753cbb6c GRCh38 released ENCFF792JLI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR775UPS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF615UKX 32323431 Gene Yeo, UCSD f308084b6e39e02389f8e010ef8aac4e GRCh38 released ENCFF210JCS fastq reads ENCSR461LGW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF519MAY 495909129 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1901180f764870e46d0c90046b9bbe63 SRA:SRR5111613 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF519MAY fastq reads ENCSR461LGW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF210JCS 429195154 Gene Yeo, UCSD 075962a1be383509b3ae6c3c60b1585f SRA:SRR5111613 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF806EIK bam alignments ENCSR461LGW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF210JCS, ENCFF519MAY 501664572 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c9a6a8962e4f1829d5770505fa4fd8b hg19 released ENCFF429YHX bam alignments ENCSR461LGW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF210JCS, ENCFF519MAY 511955621 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6d5ce52af753d266295e2cc39c4feb67 GRCh38 released ENCFF612OKV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR461LGW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF806EIK 23631101 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2331e58144865ccbcd0d2721b04df9a hg19 released ENCFF735CEZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR461LGW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF806EIK 24444752 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0efca49117a4c15e4ddaef0d7cad80c9 hg19 released ENCFF761QQO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR461LGW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF429YHX 24082200 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7dd063fb186fb2b97a267c9d44cd77c4 GRCh38 released ENCFF135FSK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR461LGW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UPF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB730BOO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF429YHX 24900298 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff40c91fb00bf2cf273465a11b31af98 GRCh38 released ENCFF418SOC fastq reads ENCSR224SND eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF245WDH 876291946 Gene Yeo, UCSD b96b04ccc014652e9f6b18c239c35a49 SRA:SRR5111304 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF245WDH fastq reads ENCSR224SND eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF418SOC 779227325 Gene Yeo, UCSD b987e0f9d19f6a1964e9fcb7bd1b51bb SRA:SRR5111304 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF325PKM bam alignments ENCSR224SND eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF245WDH, ENCFF418SOC 897597100 Gene Yeo, UCSD e62deac63643cac5c24bdc8207feeb7e hg19 released ENCFF703NSH bam alignments ENCSR224SND eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF245WDH, ENCFF418SOC 912451694 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07e6cf2e0fb8e117b8601abadd4789b0 GRCh38 released ENCFF754IIK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR224SND eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF325PKM 40191563 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9eba7e13c64adc9e40ec307a312039b4 hg19 released ENCFF620NIR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR224SND eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF325PKM 41405771 Gene Yeo, UCSD 71dba488e7516b7a6597e30e1c128bf6 hg19 released ENCFF996RON bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR224SND eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF703NSH 40765960 Gene Yeo, UCSD ae2c54a1c5bb3bf0aa2da1cde68707af GRCh38 released ENCFF782MCB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR224SND eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DHX30 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF703NSH 42005488 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ea414625ff7f97e4d5b4474a9aa62aa GRCh38 released ENCFF495WQA fastq reads ENCSR051IXX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF492QZU 610705354 Gene Yeo, UCSD fcc68b3e4158190375d52f8ab49940a1 SRA:SRR5112452 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF492QZU fastq reads ENCSR051IXX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF495WQA 564154671 Gene Yeo, UCSD 570d0a796c5cdf8765241f030e7373dc SRA:SRR5112452 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF045FUV bam alignments ENCSR051IXX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF492QZU, ENCFF495WQA 468457574 Gene Yeo, UCSD 84cbd8970f65039a789802d6abc5f097 hg19 released ENCFF212IIR bam alignments ENCSR051IXX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF492QZU, ENCFF495WQA 474868245 Gene Yeo, UCSD bba696dbe47fa78d663db15a93c4aab7 GRCh38 released ENCFF217IRF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR051IXX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF045FUV 22268631 Gene Yeo, UCSD 921c795dc3c2f52f2fcf1a3fe89ad979 hg19 released ENCFF196XJX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR051IXX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF045FUV 23186011 Gene Yeo, UCSD f63c0c44535c086cb86bfb40717b09a5 hg19 released ENCFF421XME bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR051IXX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF212IIR 22658092 Gene Yeo, UCSD 926a33db76bec59aa1e40868d6db6e7d GRCh38 released ENCFF290PDJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR051IXX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF212IIR 23803637 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd6de5d576f55e8944e4125f3afc56b1 GRCh38 released ENCFF189FJO fastq reads ENCSR671FKF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF202HGO 967890143 Gene Yeo, UCSD a1c1afeba6726e4a88ee4525ccb72b74 SRA:SRR5111957 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF202HGO fastq reads ENCSR671FKF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF189FJO 887137675 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3dc63dd291c50346c46ca940eb85f9b2 SRA:SRR5111957 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF217NZS bam alignments ENCSR671FKF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF189FJO, ENCFF202HGO 771941304 Gene Yeo, UCSD 78bf5a2cba0fec7c351e0cd6aa0107e0 hg19 released ENCFF585BNE bam alignments ENCSR671FKF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF189FJO, ENCFF202HGO 781438876 Gene Yeo, UCSD e851080d6626fc69ede2fcb921efb1f1 GRCh38 released ENCFF363UTN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR671FKF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF217NZS 33124152 Gene Yeo, UCSD 754e7ff4c739681e92c294fc6f39a848 hg19 released ENCFF526MAE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR671FKF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF217NZS 33721694 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2ce71634d81b9835bf93a2f084be595a hg19 released ENCFF843QTA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR671FKF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF585BNE 33534980 Gene Yeo, UCSD 870a0ca470685252f737c3226be12bd6 GRCh38 released ENCFF719RVW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR671FKF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF585BNE 34111634 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0de8ad49f28415f4ad2494561cd0314e GRCh38 released ENCFF643XEW fastq reads ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF963AVW 208410788 Gene Yeo, UCSD b45618a017400ad763139ba012ce1be0 SRA:SRR5111524 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF040CHT/ released ENCFF347ARQ fastq reads ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF911CAB 274552392 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5a712de6523d85e62408da5ca874a5c9 SRA:SRR5111523 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF040CHT/ released ENCFF911CAB fastq reads ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF347ARQ 278894226 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ec762818164bc494908da90be1a34a0 SRA:SRR5111523 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF993KFQ/ released ENCFF963AVW fastq reads ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF643XEW 213749990 Gene Yeo, UCSD 22311f6433b3e95b5b41dfac2a575acb SRA:SRR5111524 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF993KFQ/ released ENCFF468CQU bam alignments ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF347ARQ, ENCFF911CAB 179677285 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa07871328b9f9dc10523b337b7f6673 hg19 released ENCFF966TSJ bam alignments ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF643XEW, ENCFF963AVW 158556960 Gene Yeo, UCSD c1c3a7cbe1bb9193d8794b4c70f2a392 hg19 released ENCFF125BMO bam alignments ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF347ARQ, ENCFF911CAB 175543050 Gene Yeo, UCSD 53b9e7c2708d6aa1d5f3a4cbe85840a8 GRCh38 released ENCFF110YDG bam alignments ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF643XEW, ENCFF963AVW 154894430 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2b8bb15df2548ea8bec9a584a06b2e6 GRCh38 released ENCFF785IEU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF468CQU 7808205 Gene Yeo, UCSD 256912c9daf8603370dccbf5eb10323f hg19 released ENCFF288HXM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF966TSJ 6797164 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0573e86574b603a03f2ad3ca87ed7f0a hg19 released ENCFF161SFC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF468CQU 8242283 Gene Yeo, UCSD 050b781f11728310f9366fd1fc5f5014 hg19 released ENCFF478LAF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF966TSJ 7039542 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3eaeb519c6d6b62cfc0636f61445fd19 hg19 released ENCFF282DDB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF125BMO 7703984 Gene Yeo, UCSD 672ae4fae27bb6a4b76fe5fdfa9de2c5 GRCh38 released ENCFF590MHG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF110YDG 6719104 Gene Yeo, UCSD 87711bec6a6d5cdfbac4e322bdcfb946 GRCh38 released ENCFF428AMR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF110YDG 6945340 Gene Yeo, UCSD c55e5746a2ae319df1b1f0c937b92838 GRCh38 released ENCFF320TDT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF125BMO 8123128 Gene Yeo, UCSD e32d1a226624f57194d81c3e9df43d20 GRCh38 released ENCFF230AER bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF410TUD, ENCFF966TSJ 516483 Gene Yeo, UCSD ffb98c7db86ad9648db7c01c80b142ec hg19 released ENCFF240MCZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF410TUD, ENCFF468CQU 773762 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8fc568eea127823956f1d831599ab390 hg19 released ENCFF588UIR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF125BMO, ENCFF263MRM 765495 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3b4aa46fac1715ab7f8a4ae857e9ec40 GRCh38 released ENCFF356SSO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF110YDG, ENCFF263MRM 511690 Gene Yeo, UCSD f399eecf172ea63bf0d50c8168b2add8 GRCh38 released ENCFF893TFI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF240MCZ 1400921 Gene Yeo, UCSD eeaff32d7decbdd8939d56e977308b4b hg19 released ENCFF189VWQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF230AER 991209 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4130f51a54828fcb212bbf6e7bc62382 hg19 released ENCFF967HTY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF356SSO 984023 Gene Yeo, UCSD d578fe401c1a4f130e452833cf2ce356 GRCh38 released ENCFF166OFV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR373ODC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF588UIR 1388328 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d7574aa666f4ee08e09f174f6e23d04 GRCh38 released ENCFF498FKK fastq reads ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF973PMP 357025768 Gene Yeo, UCSD 24158ac0f21b43114d285de621855fb6 SRA:SRR5112187 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF661RIY/ released ENCFF010GZO fastq reads ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF803FES 329198503 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b80cf15579ad15744280eb89b100308 SRA:SRR5112186 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF661RIY/ released ENCFF803FES fastq reads ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF010GZO 334714239 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a7eb129fa0c147c1b57c9bfa677983f SRA:SRR5112186 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF101JTN/ released ENCFF973PMP fastq reads ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF498FKK 377991803 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a438391cb33157be26c3c5549049bd0 SRA:SRR5112187 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF101JTN/ released ENCFF352NIP bam alignments ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF010GZO, ENCFF803FES 180966414 Gene Yeo, UCSD bc31594bdb62726b763284160fd2c3ae hg19 released ENCFF463WLQ bam alignments ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF498FKK, ENCFF973PMP 217210695 Gene Yeo, UCSD 978d33580ee6f0e2723ee806961b97e5 hg19 released ENCFF186FHG bam alignments ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF498FKK, ENCFF973PMP 207927856 Gene Yeo, UCSD cc65b928daa24c58baa5d367cbe9cc89 GRCh38 released ENCFF052ORJ bam alignments ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF010GZO, ENCFF803FES 171432053 Gene Yeo, UCSD 571878f704d3bd0b525ef4b3140dc14d GRCh38 released ENCFF552DLY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF352NIP 9053800 Gene Yeo, UCSD c0430f122f8734af692be8f020717d79 hg19 released ENCFF792BRM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF463WLQ 13144299 Gene Yeo, UCSD f23e5f438f3a81ffae99288b62e9dd44 hg19 released ENCFF482OIF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF463WLQ 13533175 Gene Yeo, UCSD c023173ce0aae34288388d2e5da5c6b7 hg19 released ENCFF692DGH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF352NIP 9251229 Gene Yeo, UCSD 04d72422041240b3050ecaccef40e31a hg19 released ENCFF094MHA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF186FHG 12805428 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc9b4946a6ac40508ca96f1a8cf76fe1 GRCh38 released ENCFF121YJC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF052ORJ 8662531 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff1442fddb5a72bfe4a5c528e3d97d67 GRCh38 released ENCFF494UNP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF186FHG 10060629 Gene Yeo, UCSD d6ef94588a66ccd15b301d5b9c0fe1b5 GRCh38 released ENCFF708WRS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF052ORJ 8897587 Gene Yeo, UCSD 812614a3401d9acb6de04e04525bfabb GRCh38 released ENCFF240CRZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF463WLQ, ENCFF481AIY 790869 Gene Yeo, UCSD c45134f2a21c9f294791e01112dae2b2 hg19 released ENCFF467LHB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF352NIP, ENCFF481AIY 642195 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72b882420e287a31319785e41123721f hg19 released ENCFF741UNZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF114ELO, ENCFF186FHG 769733 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8cca942594c6b3ccb1a3670b18f0b829 GRCh38 released ENCFF103TFM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF052ORJ, ENCFF114ELO 615114 Gene Yeo, UCSD 98b83a8aac6d7b05203854d1385f4304 GRCh38 released ENCFF437YRG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF467LHB 1158534 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d6db4f7fbba60f096c635315f956723 hg19 released ENCFF409XTN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF240CRZ 1382524 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e6681b4893c1dd48a33baa4326a705c hg19 released ENCFF780LKE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF741UNZ 1349863 Gene Yeo, UCSD 526091ea27ae14f9c6fde5ef6639ef07 GRCh38 released ENCFF501DYC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867ZVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YWHAG-human ENCAB760OWH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF103TFM 1116046 Gene Yeo, UCSD a1fa3835950b724d8c38f92de9b51278 GRCh38 released ENCFF997GSC fastq reads ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF361AWK 343908270 Gene Yeo, UCSD 591f512d347a51e68e674c8ab541cf00 SRA:SRR5112084 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF854MYE/ released ENCFF068NOP fastq reads ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF224UUW 695200682 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e585d79906ad6e3b8d0a32ae9ad0da7 SRA:SRR5112085 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF854MYE/ released ENCFF361AWK fastq reads ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF997GSC 380708280 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2dc6a1b777ceba5418951447e01e4f0 SRA:SRR5112084 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF483JSE/ released ENCFF224UUW fastq reads ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF068NOP 710513163 Gene Yeo, UCSD 537cc980e020345a250b9f3578da52bc SRA:SRR5112085 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF483JSE/ released ENCFF963VIU bam alignments ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF068NOP, ENCFF224UUW 1006528680 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5de33c458a06f17207d458cae781d61e hg19 released ENCFF804BLC bam alignments ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF361AWK, ENCFF997GSC 510941448 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76e7e5b62704e78accc6a8ee3afacb63 hg19 released ENCFF690NVV bam alignments ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF361AWK, ENCFF997GSC 529351831 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07ea091365e5a25b13d6a2019a6bc739 GRCh38 released ENCFF330OFU bam alignments ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF068NOP, ENCFF224UUW 1001251920 Gene Yeo, UCSD d078175781e7430d44c319e8712fe950 GRCh38 released ENCFF061FBN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF804BLC 28812261 Gene Yeo, UCSD dbc32229974b38a77d13badf991a0e68 hg19 released ENCFF460DOL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF963VIU 51965212 Gene Yeo, UCSD 98274ba643879e4f0396c0ff761403b8 hg19 released ENCFF870SOY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF804BLC 29850457 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02c4339cc69d746b1616a5dc01f0206d hg19 released ENCFF080DPL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF963VIU 53431636 Gene Yeo, UCSD b6163517f94311e1767e4561f66eed8d hg19 released ENCFF644TNI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF690NVV 29604737 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c94fb46ef822d8d743b4e041757cc38 GRCh38 released ENCFF877IHN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF330OFU 51818499 Gene Yeo, UCSD 57d65da2f00709327ccdf2cdbcad6dff GRCh38 released ENCFF561NYA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF690NVV 30662164 Gene Yeo, UCSD 14bf5ae2d73611c28e3f764b02e182fd GRCh38 released ENCFF706CRY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF330OFU 53258984 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a5f6284f27d469e6524c87e41457020 GRCh38 released ENCFF535MAE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF205PBQ, ENCFF804BLC 3109684 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a22e88da50cdb054bc871d929e48c12 hg19 released ENCFF604WJZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF205PBQ, ENCFF963VIU 5493192 Gene Yeo, UCSD feff74ab6f54dc1e76ca70ff999a21cb hg19 released ENCFF599CUU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF536WIF, ENCFF690NVV 3268202 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55d491e6a5dbef768b4496f64cef6c40 GRCh38 released ENCFF722RBO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF330OFU, ENCFF536WIF 5544081 Gene Yeo, UCSD 44520ea9fcf57547263fabd0f1dffb38 GRCh38 released ENCFF924ZOP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF604WJZ 8968694 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c15ad372fc2935a45f6d5b6067884be hg19 released ENCFF371UCL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF535MAE 4380094 Gene Yeo, UCSD a25a3f584f57700699eb41ff6929aed7 hg19 released ENCFF704FXH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF722RBO 9048672 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8528ae337b7aa745fab9e1e7bc426a70 GRCh38 released ENCFF002NAF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR769UEW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF599CUU 5846008 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ed334271e2fd061b33eb724e7cd4cf4 GRCh38 released ENCFF891HJO fastq reads ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF540UVX 679120201 Gene Yeo, UCSD 87568a48b7841c9dbb2632cdf6a88f0a SRA:SRR5112425 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF189FJO/ released ENCFF128ROY fastq reads ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF761ZXY 442717047 Gene Yeo, UCSD 632029adcd54b647adb7ef0c07300dcd SRA:SRR5112424 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF189FJO/ released ENCFF761ZXY fastq reads ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF128ROY 447094839 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3aea7c3352f6dc1f53d23202b59d14c1 SRA:SRR5112424 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF202HGO/ released ENCFF540UVX fastq reads ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF891HJO 698174927 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0bca1cd6c87f39cc2a294c7fd42d13a3 SRA:SRR5112425 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF202HGO/ released ENCFF903QKL bam alignments ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF540UVX, ENCFF891HJO 620673414 Gene Yeo, UCSD cfb9ac2a21e3154e546691e159aa581a hg19 released ENCFF121OYK bam alignments ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF128ROY, ENCFF761ZXY 386056921 Gene Yeo, UCSD b1d1c985c1323b2d6b7547e72bda1252 hg19 released ENCFF064QSN bam alignments ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF540UVX, ENCFF891HJO 599019546 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76b316447a62db85d7fe99d91c8427d1 GRCh38 released ENCFF307ZHU bam alignments ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF128ROY, ENCFF761ZXY 365445483 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6082ce4c358fe62b53fdbda2fd57bdfc GRCh38 released ENCFF472XVF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF903QKL 25778464 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1876107f7806bb33ce20bc9ff33369e0 hg19 released ENCFF142KYH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF121OYK 16817606 Gene Yeo, UCSD b2a9d24c5609d1c43ef7dd50be62b967 hg19 released ENCFF967TLU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF121OYK 17163475 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5a070c48742075e257280b4ef5d2e961 hg19 released ENCFF092YPS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF903QKL 26356709 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c5d8df26af7d10e8843073a8282ff70 hg19 released ENCFF528QYR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF064QSN 25157826 Gene Yeo, UCSD bf3a3218b241f22377422d4ff7f0bc01 GRCh38 released ENCFF128XPI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF307ZHU 16008771 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef84f979229cc0b85a5b818ed7c3f681 GRCh38 released ENCFF114NAX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF307ZHU 16319801 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4bc28a97c865a8bf2ede0826a1375cb GRCh38 released ENCFF728SIS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF064QSN 25690294 Gene Yeo, UCSD 089d518b49874df18179f5e2902903f3 GRCh38 released ENCFF503DBN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF217NZS, ENCFF903QKL 2514009 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa55fa40a9c0926747dfc589f6a05e08 hg19 released ENCFF136QLO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF121OYK, ENCFF217NZS 1635960 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5be4facbc24a8a39b67b93dd583b804 hg19 released ENCFF828HJF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF307ZHU, ENCFF585BNE 1593005 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f3c649d33253094534d3f8fac5461e8 GRCh38 released ENCFF177RJW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF064QSN, ENCFF585BNE 2509150 Gene Yeo, UCSD a55a3b0cd2f9bf081f72dacc6d93fcb0 GRCh38 released ENCFF465QMA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF503DBN 4901458 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5ab3117e02acc8ea9389bec5890fd8b hg19 released ENCFF845FUE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF121OYK, ENCFF217NZS 3360306 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c5948adae9e8b48df6246e5200eb7a5 hg19 released ENCFF530DLQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF177RJW 4884092 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9b139a70569a43afe4f3fe16f62143f0 GRCh38 released ENCFF776JXK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR023UHL eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF828HJF 3265229 Gene Yeo, UCSD 027835a631eafc163e31e3f7813344b3 GRCh38 released ENCFF341WEI fastq reads ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF718DYI 523928422 Gene Yeo, UCSD 104fe696dde0896b9647af5a48bbbe6f SRA:SRR5112173 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF426NRC/ released ENCFF669BXQ fastq reads ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF802XHE 413442352 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4761e919ae7d408196b037f7ec1dcd32 SRA:SRR5112174 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF426NRC/ released ENCFF802XHE fastq reads ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF669BXQ 430096346 Gene Yeo, UCSD bb0e739d3cca8f2c6da2805ee074a2f7 SRA:SRR5112174 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF284VKE/ released ENCFF718DYI fastq reads ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF341WEI 540747855 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b7c1c449c5a9e2a451bba4014da29ba SRA:SRR5112173 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF284VKE/ released ENCFF744ELJ bam alignments ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF341WEI, ENCFF718DYI 132372034 Gene Yeo, UCSD e9f26823df0ad518c41bfe38b1337405 hg19 released ENCFF825UNM bam alignments ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF669BXQ, ENCFF802XHE 266284342 Gene Yeo, UCSD dae4699240e962e57d65d0999553e510 hg19 released ENCFF714YUM bam alignments ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF341WEI, ENCFF718DYI 125791696 Gene Yeo, UCSD e29a7ce5a53079ead57b5922f17eeca8 GRCh38 released ENCFF145NQB bam alignments ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF669BXQ, ENCFF802XHE 257045320 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7944261313fdb4c01e45db030e59b188 GRCh38 released ENCFF318IOH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF744ELJ 6049068 Gene Yeo, UCSD 19d2f5020ef67d7947a0b6b79bd03216 hg19 released ENCFF487KVA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF825UNM 13729253 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4fa539ed9a1acd092a7bad7b9b9580a hg19 released ENCFF966QTN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF744ELJ 6250034 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4672c4c545521580e776a7ea3e33772f hg19 released ENCFF685VYS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF825UNM 14128488 Gene Yeo, UCSD b7b292f4333f84979600a6e6d39a568e hg19 released ENCFF472QLC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF145NQB 13433112 Gene Yeo, UCSD f0e4fdb7fc6423b47101df5c2d72bc8b GRCh38 released ENCFF735CVF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF714YUM 5845025 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd96cf56fb2e09deaeca8dd3b2980b10 GRCh38 released ENCFF071UFY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF145NQB 13794300 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67873f74db65e27d5c9b7b8daeeac4e7 GRCh38 released ENCFF911SWT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF714YUM 6033306 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca654abc50090dba1ae48ab0072faee4 GRCh38 released ENCFF315AVG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF419WYK, ENCFF825UNM 1378422 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2962a1159bd913177be13f15b343d7e hg19 released ENCFF584QHX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF419WYK, ENCFF744ELJ 1045067 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0fe78f75df42b916fd0d9742544f48e4 hg19 released ENCFF163CUI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF145NQB, ENCFF525BGY 1367964 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb2c621d9f211db8fed46f6454ad4e60 GRCh38 released ENCFF452KYY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF525BGY, ENCFF714YUM 1017389 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f10fd4a9750f68e9c7e4bbc7bf45266 GRCh38 released ENCFF984LZX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF584QHX 1827855 Gene Yeo, UCSD b3d3a2fe2e9023fb51b4ae66064f9c65 hg19 released ENCFF337XEL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF315AVG 2809866 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7904a14e7fb4347f08f9f632c1674b88 hg19 released ENCFF147YBT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF452KYY 1784864 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d19d5503956c3bf70cba2207f2d2fc5 GRCh38 released ENCFF591EQY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR845VGB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF163CUI 2779796 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4f900b0b30fdb8f67a44fe6fc51d8565 GRCh38 released ENCFF413EEC fastq reads ENCSR197NFH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF949DMR 605108282 Gene Yeo, UCSD 130f58f2ee85e408a06b8d902de3e69a SRA:SRR5111241 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF949DMR fastq reads ENCSR197NFH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF413EEC 540339675 Gene Yeo, UCSD a80c811747ba2260efa0e874d11b2536 SRA:SRR5111241 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF721FKR bam alignments ENCSR197NFH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF413EEC, ENCFF949DMR 421250016 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0ccd0505a2f4d748c43d0de7649bdd0e hg19 released ENCFF931YGS bam alignments ENCSR197NFH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF413EEC, ENCFF949DMR 422241908 Gene Yeo, UCSD 60fe80da9a56936adf8a75dd3afb8433 GRCh38 released ENCFF810KLH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197NFH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF721FKR 20450065 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21ee6392f26ae85627a5239897a26263 hg19 released ENCFF351LXK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197NFH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF721FKR 21198796 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2e8d7dfe594f59b30cc127f86ddd9dd2 hg19 released ENCFF103MMX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197NFH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF931YGS 20517482 Gene Yeo, UCSD 86f4f452f11ba0c65adb06aa44fc6546 GRCh38 released ENCFF846HLE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197NFH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHDRBS1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB974QUZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF931YGS 21261518 Gene Yeo, UCSD a387e3300bc90fb4d7b4dc06a0f44344 GRCh38 released ENCFF832HQP fastq reads ENCSR708TCY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF612XKJ 570703573 Gene Yeo, UCSD 530a9be4c3aaf36ac720c61e55ec5650 SRA:SRR5111989 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF612XKJ fastq reads ENCSR708TCY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF832HQP 502150496 Gene Yeo, UCSD cbcbd3eeef2dade349211218f7a6d225 SRA:SRR5111989 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF743PLU bam alignments ENCSR708TCY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF612XKJ, ENCFF832HQP 548795232 Gene Yeo, UCSD db37e432e2017af93e31dd964af8a83f hg19 released ENCFF062LCG bam alignments ENCSR708TCY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF612XKJ, ENCFF832HQP 559122820 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4793780137bbb082788d5c4e2a91f64b GRCh38 released ENCFF877MRP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR708TCY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF743PLU 24652930 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd18779742b795c49e7f753d08c0456b hg19 released ENCFF726CWG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR708TCY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF743PLU 25291869 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b813d0d87161c2d7a3ae71d5acc4ed0 hg19 released ENCFF021MCC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR708TCY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF062LCG 25084234 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0ce98617a8cf8665103629c7c52a9bad GRCh38 released ENCFF901PLK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR708TCY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TAF15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF062LCG 25715955 Gene Yeo, UCSD e9bbe1648c50c45df3bb3c3391e72deb GRCh38 released ENCFF818OSI fastq reads ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF208AKL 244322205 Gene Yeo, UCSD 169bc20d99109e54f640e1bf46d77dc6 SRA:SRR5112167 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF704DIO/ released ENCFF936MBM fastq reads ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF663SQD 302113263 Gene Yeo, UCSD 37e4845ac2cb3f37d3bf020452844855 SRA:SRR5112168 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF704DIO/ released ENCFF663SQD fastq reads ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF936MBM 312960699 Gene Yeo, UCSD 957e6d00c3523b7ed803ae5626ccf64c SRA:SRR5112168 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF690PIW/ released ENCFF208AKL fastq reads ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF818OSI 255710289 Gene Yeo, UCSD eebf5c9c8ec3da264e68ff680e83208a SRA:SRR5112167 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF690PIW/ released ENCFF367JCV bam alignments ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF208AKL, ENCFF818OSI 135319921 Gene Yeo, UCSD ab28e57e38cf736fc4c16f09658d7f1c hg19 released ENCFF425GCF bam alignments ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF663SQD, ENCFF936MBM 196212799 Gene Yeo, UCSD 43caf42d13fd59bc1f0969098f10de1e hg19 released ENCFF314SWS bam alignments ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF663SQD, ENCFF936MBM 194198929 Gene Yeo, UCSD 950b1a19c3e938c2d30476ec4ff92869 GRCh38 released ENCFF132PVT bam alignments ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF208AKL, ENCFF818OSI 133899800 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6bc1f6cc2a2ac74f786064a4560b8ec0 GRCh38 released ENCFF672OHA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF425GCF 13305175 Gene Yeo, UCSD 27159f1e029ec668e7da3ea5c32aa587 hg19 released ENCFF822MGE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF367JCV 7331363 Gene Yeo, UCSD e248a041f2d3bec379c9dd71358dcf3d hg19 released ENCFF164HBW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF425GCF 13856934 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a5f13858693578b21ecb11d0abe7b34 hg19 released ENCFF364VVL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF367JCV 10029315 Gene Yeo, UCSD 848893a74313010c28ef7d0d697590e3 hg19 released ENCFF262KAI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF314SWS 13226394 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68f93a39056743107cef2be77033d4d4 GRCh38 released ENCFF362OME bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF132PVT 7305824 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa9d499c892804a633d73b081494d47f GRCh38 released ENCFF939EXV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF132PVT 9992476 Gene Yeo, UCSD a654f8c997acbb65c6a05d14692a8543 GRCh38 released ENCFF607AXF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF314SWS 13759606 Gene Yeo, UCSD b789b41ecc046bd5515e188d0352d132 GRCh38 released ENCFF555DWV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF097FJQ, ENCFF425GCF 1249076 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4965fd470d834bd221168f703a27b71f hg19 released ENCFF468LUS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF097FJQ, ENCFF367JCV 886673 Gene Yeo, UCSD 281eaf56dec7a4c4f48fb9c6c3390994 hg19 released ENCFF362XUO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF314SWS, ENCFF948OYU 1253807 Gene Yeo, UCSD 684d25e62382927c59b67728d80fb067 GRCh38 released ENCFF483ODR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF132PVT, ENCFF948OYU 887926 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5500ae593292a469cf47328b4007aa8b GRCh38 released ENCFF163SZQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF468LUS 1543458 Gene Yeo, UCSD bc45bb088a7c0b323a22fa6e2498149b hg19 released ENCFF129MRQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF555DWV 2109671 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7d6fb69c12ada2293b20e18da4b25956 hg19 released ENCFF331EAF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF483ODR 1542293 Gene Yeo, UCSD f119e5a3cd0dea97ef1470e0202a2a6d GRCh38 released ENCFF856BKY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR862QCH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF362XUO 2118457 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4603ce7aee7f27488273805910d68cce GRCh38 released ENCFF932HYJ fastq reads ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF419HTA 258628755 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9cffe984e6803c70b7cf046de3a3e3db SRA:SRR5112336 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF029VYS/ released ENCFF834FSL fastq reads ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF237QRX 231116912 Gene Yeo, UCSD ee6b54e8846d410adcc798415fca2171 SRA:SRR5112337 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF029VYS/ released ENCFF237QRX fastq reads ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF834FSL 260768588 Gene Yeo, UCSD a700aaa45aa0c58e3b4ff2c5d3c27fc2 SRA:SRR5112337 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF076AKR/ released ENCFF419HTA fastq reads ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF932HYJ 292679201 Gene Yeo, UCSD 50b2a417b561185f3bb068d7d2462c50 SRA:SRR5112336 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF076AKR/ released ENCFF406RMO bam alignments ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF237QRX, ENCFF834FSL 18554202 Gene Yeo, UCSD e15cab17d8b954f8fd493396daafc80f hg19 released ENCFF805KJP bam alignments ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF419HTA, ENCFF932HYJ 57692872 Gene Yeo, UCSD 29574a4d9e4094dc49b18d37a7602448 hg19 released ENCFF345DPL bam alignments ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF419HTA, ENCFF932HYJ 57112765 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90fa875179b3ea58fb38f873c3c93f71 GRCh38 released ENCFF086NCN bam alignments ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF237QRX, ENCFF834FSL 18393106 Gene Yeo, UCSD c29cc465e3f22833347dfb370b7b8d60 GRCh38 released ENCFF094NLZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF406RMO 980297 Gene Yeo, UCSD cede9b1130d162c29391a13f96c5fe34 hg19 released ENCFF956QRJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF805KJP 3035117 Gene Yeo, UCSD 241f61aa061f426962f2ca7c510dffeb hg19 released ENCFF021RGI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF406RMO 1009344 Gene Yeo, UCSD 276f24a7b76b71d9cbce332aa00b8167 hg19 released ENCFF602EAQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF805KJP 3138101 Gene Yeo, UCSD d9e89ba195f8bfe69cfa274876dddbf7 hg19 released ENCFF444BRP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF086NCN 972861 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4a7a039e4219db24332ba04584cf3bb3 GRCh38 released ENCFF288CUS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF345DPL 3018259 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e5868381ae35360e1fc900436d1bb9e GRCh38 released ENCFF475MDR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF086NCN 1006985 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6b3a9d345d89b014ed9e051f765de062 GRCh38 released ENCFF715ENY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF345DPL 3124121 Gene Yeo, UCSD e1d64c7d666c85864d43f7eb1e0e8100 GRCh38 released ENCFF699ZLU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF015FBQ, ENCFF406RMO 158689 Gene Yeo, UCSD b3a04109e01b1cb4fefaaefecea52279 hg19 released ENCFF440FLF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF015FBQ, ENCFF805KJP 247362 Gene Yeo, UCSD e0978ce2d1d341352004fe8f02f95aae hg19 released ENCFF774NGW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF240QBZ, ENCFF345DPL 245403 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0471a7f08741aea3bd56d57a7cd84721 GRCh38 released ENCFF647TKI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF086NCN, ENCFF240QBZ 156693 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c147eebc54f26d3e3bc65e7b80b5719 GRCh38 released ENCFF349EFG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF699ZLU 359000 Gene Yeo, UCSD de07005d3a17dcdfdd00df85a46d6f22 hg19 released ENCFF726UBI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF440FLF 471079 Gene Yeo, UCSD 60c56ce4c3d05603d2d9bcd12a51d183 hg19 released ENCFF805TLC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF774NGW 566620 Gene Yeo, UCSD b6d8c96d065a153e9f0ed6d624485498 GRCh38 released ENCFF359PQT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR961OKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF647TKI 356741 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec2a560b500160db516b576b91afbb42 GRCh38 released ENCFF139PUX fastq reads ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF958HKG 602458097 Gene Yeo, UCSD 928a4be4bc3dac1be8718f40e05d26f4 SRA:SRR5111754 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF794KAP/ released ENCFF208VFO fastq reads ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF164QUS 692143410 Gene Yeo, UCSD b26074d5c22135928b367dd3adbc1208 SRA:SRR5111755 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF794KAP/ released ENCFF164QUS fastq reads ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF208VFO 739845843 Gene Yeo, UCSD a12c02e71ad97fb31f7c409d8d6591e5 SRA:SRR5111755 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF782ZJI/ released ENCFF958HKG fastq reads ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF139PUX 642689068 Gene Yeo, UCSD 06fa637e2981d5c5aa5926d24bc9400d SRA:SRR5111754 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF782ZJI/ released ENCFF036HIA bam alignments ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF164QUS, ENCFF208VFO 728764263 Gene Yeo, UCSD 048cc85f45290d78eeafb35fef890586 hg19 released ENCFF948TWD bam alignments ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF139PUX, ENCFF958HKG 591966648 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e535a732ba6f25e4dc98739a3e1de6f hg19 released ENCFF249CVU bam alignments ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF139PUX, ENCFF958HKG 559689210 Gene Yeo, UCSD a3546dbeb1175b5a3c264527796da7d6 GRCh38 released ENCFF302BJD bam alignments ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF164QUS, ENCFF208VFO 696408328 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f813a3f90a64da6b2f323a9fd05bde5 GRCh38 released ENCFF061KAN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF036HIA 31289200 Gene Yeo, UCSD ea54a8ca3044643a234e4c821569b74a hg19 released ENCFF738HMR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF948TWD 24742167 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7dcb1d9ee9da7fc9fd9f1042b44dfc51 hg19 released ENCFF590RYI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF036HIA 32377621 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ed43d7267e47695e7d4eb072c373dac hg19 released ENCFF995SUK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF948TWD 25312509 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f3df3c62bc299b8987e39c7edac34a1 hg19 released ENCFF082GTJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF249CVU 23446820 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5a0e3e27b9fe0c6ee0c5de71ffb82f5e GRCh38 released ENCFF105HLG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF302BJD 30186253 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c19e30b6e3fa17927e028a795428335 GRCh38 released ENCFF657LSN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF249CVU 24029902 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2ac3859fde4febbf789f334d7bf8d160 GRCh38 released ENCFF217AOH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF302BJD 31259068 Gene Yeo, UCSD ea2f3e1dc8826dee211bfa9c080800b7 GRCh38 released ENCFF388PDG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF036HIA, ENCFF506IYH 2942648 Gene Yeo, UCSD a646d6d13b524209aec7edeb9dc6353c hg19 released ENCFF283MCJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF506IYH, ENCFF948TWD 1978366 Gene Yeo, UCSD 735ebb2d11d3e6846d0da4c0459d1b87 hg19 released ENCFF673EQX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF070DMZ, ENCFF302BJD 2880489 Gene Yeo, UCSD 823fb09aac47e1fa65c96c25c7ef9f1f GRCh38 released ENCFF936QKU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF070DMZ, ENCFF249CVU 1912657 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63eb8bf47b317849cdb65a08d318223b GRCh38 released ENCFF860RNX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF388PDG 5693578 Gene Yeo, UCSD 41532058fb35b820ee4373eb48f5b8de hg19 released ENCFF273EAT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF283MCJ 3975592 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63dcf52a928438ca85b78dae07ee34a1 hg19 released ENCFF632ZWR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF673EQX 5587238 Gene Yeo, UCSD 39fe319a2a8c798dbaf75c0eb8990b91 GRCh38 released ENCFF031POH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR543TPH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF936QKU 3860567 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba360f9a94295f6a192f965d2e145f1c GRCh38 released ENCFF624VHF fastq reads ENCSR170XQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF449OPY 400402049 Gene Yeo, UCSD fb9a91c11d68d909065566c6e71ba51a SRA:SRR5111232 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF449OPY fastq reads ENCSR170XQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF624VHF 382823079 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ba54d051273a17d919f6252d0cca4d6 SRA:SRR5111232 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF651CUS bam alignments ENCSR170XQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF449OPY, ENCFF624VHF 312189670 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3b2ea4fffc7b8bcb8967348378348604 hg19 released ENCFF768FYM bam alignments ENCSR170XQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF449OPY, ENCFF624VHF 312695593 Gene Yeo, UCSD 398e78962c456329481fbe317c2b4b8f GRCh38 released ENCFF888NSV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR170XQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF651CUS 16256181 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4cd25a9df63b12ab0029a19278c172b2 hg19 released ENCFF883VSG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR170XQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF651CUS 16894628 Gene Yeo, UCSD a468a8df09546a76b3e75280a232355e hg19 released ENCFF668YFI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR170XQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF768FYM 16294755 Gene Yeo, UCSD cc62d44167537becfb375415f9eaaf76 GRCh38 released ENCFF210MRS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR170XQH eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF768FYM 16918112 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1026c5e178bc6f496fdbbe33ad5adb63 GRCh38 released ENCFF487SZW fastq reads ENCSR829SLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF300GEY 429589253 Gene Yeo, UCSD 61fe7ff9c03c5d7ba6be1000f026be4b SRA:SRR5112262 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF300GEY fastq reads ENCSR829SLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF487SZW 410102148 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a03bcab57bed576f537ac3030d63388 SRA:SRR5112262 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF710NVK bam alignments ENCSR829SLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF300GEY, ENCFF487SZW 360979527 Gene Yeo, UCSD d0049b3f1e44d6f7b8c3c3f78171b1f6 hg19 released ENCFF188FGR bam alignments ENCSR829SLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF300GEY, ENCFF487SZW 362301094 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3b5859cb4b0a26ed570066a7de8dc55f GRCh38 released ENCFF390OAO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR829SLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF710NVK 20621152 Gene Yeo, UCSD 083a6b4179f16136583608d176e9f3f8 hg19 released ENCFF425BFI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR829SLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF710NVK 21591302 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0110275a5951640699b6a68ddaa077cc hg19 released ENCFF590BEJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR829SLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF188FGR 20813990 Gene Yeo, UCSD 69c97ce82eb693ba7629ead24301dea2 GRCh38 released ENCFF086LQU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR829SLO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF188FGR 21761418 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02e3a2b84bfd6efc16f9e6c7e87b9cf5 GRCh38 released ENCFF223QBU fastq reads ENCSR669DKA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF280QZL 263365884 Gene Yeo, UCSD f818e8fda34496b56fe09596f0afe594 SRA:SRR5111939 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF280QZL fastq reads ENCSR669DKA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF223QBU 273993323 Gene Yeo, UCSD c97ca06a73b97128d5b2da7e468b64ac SRA:SRR5111939 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF742LSN bam alignments ENCSR669DKA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF223QBU, ENCFF280QZL 222344647 Gene Yeo, UCSD 376a2ce53779c6604cb9d6bb8cdefffe hg19 released ENCFF399CEH bam alignments ENCSR669DKA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF223QBU, ENCFF280QZL 223446261 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e16cc6285ed1dec0c0dbee0319fbf38 GRCh38 released ENCFF567GNU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR669DKA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF742LSN 10668864 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd056d28cd1049a1acefbaa633373dd3 hg19 released ENCFF214MOY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR669DKA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF742LSN 11072778 Gene Yeo, UCSD ab30761ca95a963ac9ae9b1a47a6c422 hg19 released ENCFF192JZL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR669DKA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF399CEH 10754096 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68280f48017ea93195ed6c7e1c560250 GRCh38 released ENCFF801TXF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR669DKA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF399CEH 11145711 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f59429a0dcf809780a1569253a06bc5 GRCh38 released ENCFF930TLO fastq reads ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF462CMF 658668013 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3a54b29faad9b281258304b83cb92e35 SRA:SRR5112024 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF495WQA/ released ENCFF163QEA fastq reads ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF942TPA 438625891 Gene Yeo, UCSD 576536453ccaa69cf89ad8a8f143eb2c SRA:SRR5112025 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF495WQA/ released ENCFF462CMF fastq reads ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF930TLO 677694553 Gene Yeo, UCSD 81f96a616c0da4fbd8fd854fc74f27f3 SRA:SRR5112024 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF492QZU/ released ENCFF942TPA fastq reads ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF163QEA 444609573 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92daaaf5ed4fea13ce8f26188a48a54f SRA:SRR5112025 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF492QZU/ released ENCFF654XPT bam alignments ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF462CMF, ENCFF930TLO 842380549 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07157a13afae59023fcc55c30932c51b hg19 released ENCFF249RTF bam alignments ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF163QEA, ENCFF942TPA 461706642 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4d8d73e54855659520c0a62deb08e3e2 hg19 released ENCFF296GDR bam alignments ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF163QEA, ENCFF942TPA 437955173 Gene Yeo, UCSD d755c25b4ef1381c4638d140855ce92e GRCh38 released ENCFF537RYR bam alignments ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF462CMF, ENCFF930TLO 812591663 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b1ff1eb494ea2ff5ff778e47cb1d75f GRCh38 released ENCFF679UXV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF249RTF 23892435 Gene Yeo, UCSD be6b9eeac9fd8be58e8856e5bc8fde5a hg19 released ENCFF190GZC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF654XPT 38649340 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3bab1993c34395e22dab7795acba0275 hg19 released ENCFF236LVL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF654XPT 40418006 Gene Yeo, UCSD 578173b3cf94c03c5f5177885cf1d0d8 hg19 released ENCFF179IVJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF249RTF 25083251 Gene Yeo, UCSD 73918687a327e2b06d260e5a28ca776a hg19 released ENCFF158LBM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF537RYR 37698992 Gene Yeo, UCSD 77a97eadbba611eac8ebcb123568b541 GRCh38 released ENCFF617JKI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF296GDR 22716414 Gene Yeo, UCSD bffaa1b68f86a13399301ebcbaddcd86 GRCh38 released ENCFF541AUT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF537RYR 39366953 Gene Yeo, UCSD a45326c8eaa8042d028539466f8a0c14 GRCh38 released ENCFF087GDX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF296GDR 24157092 Gene Yeo, UCSD d950534e8d9fdb1f743541b635bc641d GRCh38 released ENCFF076RDA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF045FUV, ENCFF654XPT 3428312 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8584b7863eb8de5833c46db8bbd9dee2 hg19 released ENCFF994PFX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF045FUV, ENCFF249RTF 2349359 Gene Yeo, UCSD dcbc6f535c7e86491d1c3965181245a0 hg19 released ENCFF779OIO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF212IIR, ENCFF296GDR 2295708 Gene Yeo, UCSD 38f0bfdeff21e5874519965eab65b55c GRCh38 released ENCFF910WLP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF212IIR, ENCFF537RYR 3404863 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9927a957044da9aeb9dc357e0290ed53 GRCh38 released ENCFF228FGP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF076RDA 6297780 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ca57cee6cd5e96db1a1105790a493a4 hg19 released ENCFF184NZT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF994PFX 4543543 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5de3a4fe0f8c18015a8a7a8950b7a70c hg19 released ENCFF801MDI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF779OIO 4468257 Gene Yeo, UCSD f53cfcfea3994a208c03d6d07b2c564f GRCh38 released ENCFF347YVH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR756CKJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF910WLP 6246968 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2194c370723552474fc034d2f5850ca9 GRCh38 released ENCFF314GJB fastq reads ENCSR687HHB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF018HDR 944657861 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca61a93a7ba7a6aca0369fbdeb3e6491 SRA:SRR5111970 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF018HDR fastq reads ENCSR687HHB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF314GJB 907872606 Gene Yeo, UCSD f79e80a81a976899b342e6ccb9d1a1d4 SRA:SRR5111970 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF424DIC bam alignments ENCSR687HHB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF018HDR, ENCFF314GJB 824858515 Gene Yeo, UCSD f629a5a1b04945dd16fe338c5aee3238 hg19 released ENCFF984WTC bam alignments ENCSR687HHB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF018HDR, ENCFF314GJB 840217553 Gene Yeo, UCSD 69aeaa0d5b14bbc9cf41f66a0503a037 GRCh38 released ENCFF015IHV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR687HHB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF424DIC 34948413 Gene Yeo, UCSD e00aeecb3622973165eec0e1598b46ce hg19 released ENCFF688WAC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR687HHB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF424DIC 36171172 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1bd965dd03d20f440bae24f86d8f5a9e hg19 released ENCFF639NLY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR687HHB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF984WTC 35989401 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8dfdc52213d488628a64ddef0236ba56 GRCh38 released ENCFF043FPL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR687HHB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF984WTC 37262413 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b0953608f335161bb1e1065362402eb GRCh38 released ENCFF798VKV fastq reads ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF364URW 282755540 Gene Yeo, UCSD 863c15372812f076198798cf7f032c74 SRA:SRR5111814 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF868SVO/ released ENCFF646IFT fastq reads ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF915ATC 320392640 Gene Yeo, UCSD 649fa0f0617e71281565b90bc7d8c15f SRA:SRR5111815 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF868SVO/ released ENCFF364URW fastq reads ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF798VKV 333728366 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f09a5fa6b205cabc4d6e7d2b10dbceb SRA:SRR5111814 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF895IJH/ released ENCFF915ATC fastq reads ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF646IFT 363796980 Gene Yeo, UCSD c0d9ed21a18b45d3a187481b2e054bbe SRA:SRR5111815 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF895IJH/ released ENCFF959XVH bam alignments ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF364URW, ENCFF798VKV 433214645 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6db6e7830aa19b67ce6a7ec90af8c100 hg19 released ENCFF797IKQ bam alignments ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF646IFT, ENCFF915ATC 443273980 Gene Yeo, UCSD c4c3ef12c7cadc67e89ddf6e9cf34485 hg19 released ENCFF044RGH bam alignments ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF646IFT, ENCFF915ATC 443069600 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb4a82818cf666a1304ee8d2ee00b419 GRCh38 released ENCFF501PCN bam alignments ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF364URW, ENCFF798VKV 437934496 Gene Yeo, UCSD f6a199784666532ee646b71eeb57d1d7 GRCh38 released ENCFF060GPY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF959XVH 21023583 Gene Yeo, UCSD f065433d070ff0fd152d46f94c441564 hg19 released ENCFF985AJE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF797IKQ 21381074 Gene Yeo, UCSD c7a404db6ae9b238588bb70f1c771a5d hg19 released ENCFF340JJV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF959XVH 21947534 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c4336abc425d172b878528b96ea695a hg19 released ENCFF932ZIK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF797IKQ 22645834 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f7de35002436ca54ad050aa8e325450 hg19 released ENCFF639RAN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF044RGH 21630864 Gene Yeo, UCSD a42f2b0c4aaa3d0860558206b13fa62d GRCh38 released ENCFF225ZZO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF501PCN 21213637 Gene Yeo, UCSD a4f7c0e9344702743a5646398f82e017 GRCh38 released ENCFF576QRC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF501PCN 22133939 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0336d438402988ccdc983a06fcb5eee1 GRCh38 released ENCFF778THT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF044RGH 22635720 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3afbc62bacdd74e457c698fcc9acbd28 GRCh38 released ENCFF979IVI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF252UPV, ENCFF959XVH 1874135 Gene Yeo, UCSD e0c64a240820475338b911922942e0f6 hg19 released ENCFF783IGF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF252UPV, ENCFF797IKQ 1835869 Gene Yeo, UCSD 26c6439c6ddfc3d8f403b07b8d1d22ca hg19 released ENCFF996BXS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF053BXG, ENCFF501PCN 1926053 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd246066920854e13ffb9ebad3d8d931 GRCh38 released ENCFF409DPS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF044RGH, ENCFF053BXG 1866168 Gene Yeo, UCSD a31f84f9fdaab66958c2c2021942f691 GRCh38 released ENCFF284FIC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF783IGF 2887981 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3965ed4875bcee773de90ef7dfbbe0f2 hg19 released ENCFF659WCC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF979IVI 2943664 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7615cae906d9cec5795c7dbe38406aca hg19 released ENCFF375MMT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF996BXS 2996402 Gene Yeo, UCSD edc6bba2812f47e795ca64a3b1059330 GRCh38 released ENCFF211PKX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR568DZW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TAF15-human ENCAB249IHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF409DPS 2930417 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c8afcbea2cd16c7460e5875d48f6a3b GRCh38 released ENCFF394FLG fastq reads ENCSR145PHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF770WMT 230856482 Gene Yeo, UCSD f58215bfab32e196b55df0f813e36b80 SRA:SRR5111175 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF770WMT fastq reads ENCSR145PHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF394FLG 206992711 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e7ccd47c811daeb5a258bfa580626b4 SRA:SRR5111175 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF182OOU bam alignments ENCSR145PHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF394FLG, ENCFF770WMT 108168907 Gene Yeo, UCSD f390d2fefbf053c8ea921ca0695f8a35 hg19 released ENCFF294TTP bam alignments ENCSR145PHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF394FLG, ENCFF770WMT 111901385 Gene Yeo, UCSD 992e2ebcb6954421492dd0d7d153e69e GRCh38 released ENCFF916NEJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR145PHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF182OOU 4725818 Gene Yeo, UCSD 40d4fd068190f01244f09d1e171f0ec1 hg19 released ENCFF983ZVX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR145PHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF182OOU 4927961 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4feb85733e3ea0f2e31159aff1991452 hg19 released ENCFF671HVM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR145PHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF294TTP 4921588 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76d403231f63cf40a427ea997abf71f2 GRCh38 released ENCFF228PTY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR145PHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF294TTP 5104342 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7637e175bf77f73d55e6e7c37efec3f4 GRCh38 released ENCFF184DBI fastq reads ENCSR921SHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF093FNE 761886266 Gene Yeo, UCSD c5ced742560f7af14dc2ac60d0007496 SRA:SRR5112268 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF093FNE fastq reads ENCSR921SHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF184DBI 741244854 Gene Yeo, UCSD 37e82703031e6d637f4410e075070a2d SRA:SRR5112268 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF074LHS bam alignments ENCSR921SHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF093FNE, ENCFF184DBI 241365059 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7696134e7dcc4841b56b2bb128482d42 hg19 released ENCFF792PAX bam alignments ENCSR921SHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF093FNE, ENCFF184DBI 243210655 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba6403bd2c73d6c0441a2008691945b9 GRCh38 released ENCFF569ICA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR921SHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF074LHS 11778812 Gene Yeo, UCSD 931fdfd1027016c082a8103ae8355566 hg19 released ENCFF645DVZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR921SHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF074LHS 12203053 Gene Yeo, UCSD 743c6d11795718a7a255384e77c43709 hg19 released ENCFF627PAV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR921SHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF792PAX 11920625 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90c417fe56cc1df1b987f7061c2ee454 GRCh38 released ENCFF009XXJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR921SHJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF792PAX 12467028 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ee9cee72f837cb8aff1da1cccc55607 GRCh38 released ENCFF351MRH fastq reads ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF763CZN 732488571 Gene Yeo, UCSD 87d701d000b34eea59db8671039af4a9 SRA:SRR5111164 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF231PYQ/ released ENCFF585JKL fastq reads ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF151JUN 704653070 Gene Yeo, UCSD 78bd2a26ef4600ac9ba832813acad1d1 SRA:SRR5111163 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF231PYQ/ released ENCFF763CZN fastq reads ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF351MRH 772500809 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76811267b1055be659b618e4cb69ff43 SRA:SRR5111164 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF185ZHX/ released ENCFF151JUN fastq reads ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF585JKL 741314661 Gene Yeo, UCSD ed22c02f860f4009b91aafa0cc52de0b SRA:SRR5111163 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF185ZHX/ released ENCFF177PRH bam alignments ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF351MRH, ENCFF763CZN 43276464 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3230e3c69b4d1784b414bd01eaf29dcf hg19 released ENCFF766KGY bam alignments ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF151JUN, ENCFF585JKL 31091780 Gene Yeo, UCSD 093b67357257dbe119a4a8561c5236b6 hg19 released ENCFF564ARY bam alignments ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF351MRH, ENCFF763CZN 40915769 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7347d95c84c0e250f57deca2af94781c GRCh38 released ENCFF959GNA bam alignments ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF151JUN, ENCFF585JKL 30037913 Gene Yeo, UCSD 490590cf725da14bbea9ca5117fb4df7 GRCh38 released ENCFF007CDS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF766KGY 1510851 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9214e917358a6657e15ba159de399466 hg19 released ENCFF522WHU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF177PRH 2592860 Gene Yeo, UCSD 45c0eb405bca8dbe5c740c36700b62e7 hg19 released ENCFF430PGG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF177PRH 2738105 Gene Yeo, UCSD 35a8becfceb813b8fcd731ae7d396c8c hg19 released ENCFF234UQG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF766KGY 1605657 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ce320f68fe7cb4bf0bdce6e8d515c65 hg19 released ENCFF835USP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF564ARY 2508422 Gene Yeo, UCSD 08d1ddf976bfee27da1e52ebdac15b67 GRCh38 released ENCFF122SLD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF959GNA 1481730 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba4cec9cd1920534749c7b37778313fb GRCh38 released ENCFF197LZZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF959GNA 1573422 Gene Yeo, UCSD 75cb48c1cd4bfd0a6b5bbc70b8d8784e GRCh38 released ENCFF928WSR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF564ARY 2648415 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7de076614627ec72e869cb40ddd2ef7e GRCh38 released ENCFF498GFT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF177PRH, ENCFF865PNX 672368 Gene Yeo, UCSD b59e3dac5d44858abca863fc052274e5 hg19 released ENCFF210VRR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF766KGY, ENCFF865PNX 692078 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7f1ac0ab57ef9d6b81264aa557fdcd11 hg19 released ENCFF724XML bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF359HHB, ENCFF564ARY 645750 Gene Yeo, UCSD c8e9105f490c90585d622f9d1f8514f7 GRCh38 released ENCFF421JRL bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF359HHB, ENCFF959GNA 679140 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe717404f799d80993aad7cfd240dbe0 GRCh38 released ENCFF415ZYA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF210VRR 1361164 Gene Yeo, UCSD 103688cc27247bb7401c4efc0dbb6ef2 hg19 released ENCFF190SDC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF498GFT 1326381 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9ee5f767aebfb45bab902fac60c5e31d hg19 released ENCFF529WBV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF724XML 1290082 Gene Yeo, UCSD 167f961899f533dd574092fb9568f118 GRCh38 released ENCFF007PYZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR133QEA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B1-human ENCAB022ALQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF421JRL 1341525 Gene Yeo, UCSD c02af7939e9f68d0c1b84f7301fcd9f4 GRCh38 released ENCFF656XSL fastq reads ENCSR044NGV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF574XRV 601092965 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6ee5fd791ad57f64d49e41392681c821 SRA:SRR5112446 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF574XRV fastq reads ENCSR044NGV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF656XSL 586276129 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5133afb8bb649ba4812beb484d3ad650 SRA:SRR5112446 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF350VUK bam alignments ENCSR044NGV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF574XRV, ENCFF656XSL 284292856 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0808dc4fcd5fa31b33c71e8ed4638966 hg19 released ENCFF594ZPR bam alignments ENCSR044NGV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF574XRV, ENCFF656XSL 288455752 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff6d070e5565e61ebccf9dfac1f720b7 GRCh38 released ENCFF900QBB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR044NGV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF350VUK 15164895 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e62b69b7101dc2f2d0c132bc792eb2a hg19 released ENCFF295ORV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR044NGV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF350VUK 15755720 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2f8dc62a3c79d31cf9fb7ade4b436bec hg19 released ENCFF976AHI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR044NGV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF594ZPR 15430691 Gene Yeo, UCSD e067f8ea0f22d549a4e2ef6c65b630bf GRCh38 released ENCFF948HJP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR044NGV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRCC6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462RZD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF594ZPR 16020188 Gene Yeo, UCSD 101b174878ecfe460302ff204cab6cc9 GRCh38 released ENCFF018AVT fastq reads ENCSR828NSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF004HVL 1122657917 Gene Yeo, UCSD f971ef32dda6e2fa6244373916d97534 SRA:SRR5112175 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF004HVL fastq reads ENCSR828NSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF018AVT 1060728632 Gene Yeo, UCSD 317dd32d99aa83af4d65d2ee09aa8ad9 SRA:SRR5112175 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF059NAB bam alignments ENCSR828NSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF004HVL, ENCFF018AVT 1133811077 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb8927525c04d7d047ddd8efbf32b461 hg19 released ENCFF826DXS bam alignments ENCSR828NSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF004HVL, ENCFF018AVT 1158969990 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd388b4fbfcd7b1d4724466568b9a630 GRCh38 released ENCFF849CSH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828NSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF059NAB 48436480 Gene Yeo, UCSD 460f8d39081e4e57548a0ed8e3de66f3 hg19 released ENCFF017ANQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828NSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF059NAB 49853946 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34d4fc201720068b0963aedfe30e5d5a hg19 released ENCFF928XCJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828NSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF826DXS 50286735 Gene Yeo, UCSD bf6da1427bc8e74a956e537f9aadfa0e GRCh38 released ENCFF586XSP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828NSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DROSHA eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936LAQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF826DXS 51784618 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9888a75fd94a4afd1c8b4b0446cf9c74 GRCh38 released ENCFF818MIM fastq reads ENCSR736LKF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF593CTK 919324855 Gene Yeo, UCSD d832cf3dac6d4d93af6c0151156fee4b SRA:SRR5112031 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF593CTK fastq reads ENCSR736LKF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF818MIM 863898365 Gene Yeo, UCSD 05bf301b32239625a46caa71e644d1c4 SRA:SRR5112031 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF068QGD bam alignments ENCSR736LKF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF593CTK, ENCFF818MIM 753685508 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c1860fc69133964a1541f6429ed0cee hg19 released ENCFF102FKE bam alignments ENCSR736LKF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF593CTK, ENCFF818MIM 782090148 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1222d03a75885b94f15d96f23686ab01 GRCh38 released ENCFF680TGD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR736LKF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF068QGD 34132592 Gene Yeo, UCSD d67d252420a5ffb7ec025f21393f08b6 hg19 released ENCFF239KZT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR736LKF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF068QGD 35131006 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68acfb2c1ec3007a98662d62a9009ef6 hg19 released ENCFF632UHM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR736LKF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF102FKE 35470275 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8e460acb1a4b0dc6275617d112f581e5 GRCh38 released ENCFF333ODQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR736LKF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF102FKE 36504439 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8fc1edb4ed3888c68daaec87df2d3cfb GRCh38 released ENCFF836JKJ fastq reads ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF185EIE 492171074 Gene Yeo, UCSD 772f1cdd186f5d93199a785b413a8bd8 SRA:SRR5112379 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF679NRW/ released ENCFF374PSI fastq reads ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF877URW 578839765 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c4ec07aba0831657ed48c5d66227160 SRA:SRR5112380 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF679NRW/ released ENCFF877URW fastq reads ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF374PSI 547179890 Gene Yeo, UCSD c6310f31c9a119bfa8206353dd7a735b SRA:SRR5112380 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF757EAS/ released ENCFF185EIE fastq reads ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF836JKJ 466030763 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc4c2bf381d21287bb39e6593347cac0 SRA:SRR5112379 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF757EAS/ released ENCFF552FOU bam alignments ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF185EIE, ENCFF836JKJ 223009347 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4564201c63f8cdd909301c753322150 hg19 released ENCFF589ZWA bam alignments ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF374PSI, ENCFF877URW 262571138 Gene Yeo, UCSD a69fea600a0766cd042f3d7de7c3b8f1 hg19 released ENCFF462TDG bam alignments ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF374PSI, ENCFF877URW 256893665 Gene Yeo, UCSD edcff1d17fad43793e6667f41dc4c5a9 GRCh38 released ENCFF666GWV bam alignments ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF185EIE, ENCFF836JKJ 217442476 Gene Yeo, UCSD e04f8e152882fe406c974c74ec7cf680 GRCh38 released ENCFF503NFZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF589ZWA 14284172 Gene Yeo, UCSD 633a2594ff9ebd8606e31cc17031b81c hg19 released ENCFF344ATE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF552FOU 12365454 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad11037f782cd2c1442517d4ca248d15 hg19 released ENCFF220KGX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF552FOU 12933382 Gene Yeo, UCSD 32e0169311e192a443a84186bc04d2a2 hg19 released ENCFF618MGU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF589ZWA 14841485 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8953797392cfa05df68b2bdb3d3296d8 hg19 released ENCFF016FLK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF462TDG 14109568 Gene Yeo, UCSD 813c1d0e425afff63292ce738edd1c85 GRCh38 released ENCFF636JOT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF666GWV 12179906 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a1dac4db933029160a6fab76cb4bcd1 GRCh38 released ENCFF527LQR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF666GWV 12728665 Gene Yeo, UCSD a70921bfc212284352f88a19b1809e3a GRCh38 released ENCFF176CHW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF462TDG 14652253 Gene Yeo, UCSD a78c93a91e1d606702f8f37325bde034 GRCh38 released ENCFF485IYX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF552FOU, ENCFF755GLY 1286017 Gene Yeo, UCSD ee8dbc0ee81fbdb8085f998413826c8e hg19 released ENCFF465VTS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF589ZWA, ENCFF755GLY 1492870 Gene Yeo, UCSD 78811cb6cc7f92a414f6225013865eea hg19 released ENCFF507ZJR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF462TDG, ENCFF506OAM 1480454 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3b0a9607f689ddb934a17567fcd3f6e3 GRCh38 released ENCFF018SYJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF506OAM, ENCFF666GWV 1265682 Gene Yeo, UCSD e693039c9685b7c1acf69669f79f8d78 GRCh38 released ENCFF538JIE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF465VTS 2435693 Gene Yeo, UCSD 560d7ed16cb53e20559cef423b4a938e hg19 released ENCFF022CWN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF485IYX 2125528 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b61d068c76204d192ef4bf1e194fbd2 hg19 released ENCFF356RFY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF507ZJR 2425381 Gene Yeo, UCSD aba7b09ff39d8c289cd560e008379bfe GRCh38 released ENCFF642JKU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989SMC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF018SYJ 2098646 Gene Yeo, UCSD e9bbed44c9864b805f2d91fb4a7d0cd0 GRCh38 released ENCFF314IKA fastq reads ENCSR317PWQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF882PYI 492346292 Gene Yeo, UCSD 83fbc24f66fc714c29c6831cc2c09588 SRA:SRR5111431 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF882PYI fastq reads ENCSR317PWQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF314IKA 465940416 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9bb1348715562052a1ade7885a7bfc42 SRA:SRR5111431 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF809OPL bam alignments ENCSR317PWQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF314IKA, ENCFF882PYI 385061185 Gene Yeo, UCSD 08d8978e97bc280089966e59e843729e hg19 released ENCFF807WFL bam alignments ENCSR317PWQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF314IKA, ENCFF882PYI 392240838 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63816945c9b19d541b50f64a51f6a44d GRCh38 released ENCFF038DLJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR317PWQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF809OPL 18600388 Gene Yeo, UCSD a44a31b95471b86976064d8f3bd51b0a hg19 released ENCFF559GCX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR317PWQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF809OPL 19167922 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff2cf60a4b5499837c952c02dc0a35c6 hg19 released ENCFF982GAJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR317PWQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF807WFL 18927408 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0265d7ba61871db416e2c8454f2256a9 GRCh38 released ENCFF836BAF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR317PWQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF807WFL 19509660 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e10d6bc18542c47749c86af4f129f24 GRCh38 released ENCFF824TZM fastq reads ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF176JNE 559355341 Gene Yeo, UCSD bb02892505f1d79983cbc32672e6d999 SRA:SRR5111517 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF585EFC/ released ENCFF921MMF fastq reads ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF515WDT 529813701 Gene Yeo, UCSD 528b5999c41b9adec435502f2ff12f98 SRA:SRR5111516 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF585EFC/ released ENCFF176JNE fastq reads ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF824TZM 596392025 Gene Yeo, UCSD b640b084002076563c608c4ea183d23a SRA:SRR5111517 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF583UFX/ released ENCFF515WDT fastq reads ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF921MMF 559244796 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52eea8f6e78590a11d97dda7f1a3d2f3 SRA:SRR5111516 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF583UFX/ released ENCFF395VNE bam alignments ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF515WDT, ENCFF921MMF 382007651 Gene Yeo, UCSD 81ea08fbbd346f360318b883efa862be hg19 released ENCFF938PTT bam alignments ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF176JNE, ENCFF824TZM 596699470 Gene Yeo, UCSD 57d99d8636161d93f3c021f5f201e434 hg19 released ENCFF295MQP bam alignments ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF176JNE, ENCFF824TZM 580267503 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9104af6920020fc2d8274f77febe6465 GRCh38 released ENCFF386UIG bam alignments ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF515WDT, ENCFF921MMF 360602065 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6919add951e9849d177611a8c163a363 GRCh38 released ENCFF542ACI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF938PTT 28396102 Gene Yeo, UCSD b9b2ec2eaeabae766198a8ebd4e1ad4a hg19 released ENCFF609IKI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF395VNE 19921935 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55973f95b351077a25edc2c06f7351c4 hg19 released ENCFF052DNE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF395VNE 20646277 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c2ff69408adc890a6d822956e4c7f4a hg19 released ENCFF320OEB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF938PTT 29063266 Gene Yeo, UCSD 053a00a7f4fbec880610cf2105b7db00 hg19 released ENCFF936SHU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF295MQP 27812098 Gene Yeo, UCSD 31bd3b2574a549834a9ee3bcff630044 GRCh38 released ENCFF051PIE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF386UIG 19099780 Gene Yeo, UCSD 874eb2c45188be5228c7bfe4a89383ba GRCh38 released ENCFF245YUN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF386UIG 19786366 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6248e18487fe621bd7d30a4a0091f209 GRCh38 released ENCFF363UDO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF295MQP 28436267 Gene Yeo, UCSD ab7f2c8605e9b9e30d0f07e22dc03c45 GRCh38 released ENCFF154BAE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF395VNE, ENCFF603FCS 1883412 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd61f350503a901eb42b838569ce83ce hg19 released ENCFF471GJE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF603FCS, ENCFF938PTT 2713899 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c1d2d70231409f6f69828609e3bf82a hg19 released ENCFF130PWU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF386UIG, ENCFF895BNM 1820623 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a5be83df1aa884d75a3b29398b69db0 GRCh38 released ENCFF100OEX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF295MQP, ENCFF895BNM 2698343 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa412ff7e07306e9a1681f8386178ac9 GRCh38 released ENCFF696ZPD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF154BAE 3862509 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e600145ffa0150d264caf0ab3554cf4 hg19 released ENCFF216WAA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF471GJE 5295224 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a274f20d2fb09d4b4e676d2806f2b69 hg19 released ENCFF301FYI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF100OEX 5277629 Gene Yeo, UCSD bf18fbf29e87e2c19b8a1ebbc22f970b GRCh38 released ENCFF795DEV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384KAN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PTBP1-human ENCAB553IRN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF130PWU 3752223 Gene Yeo, UCSD 481915ba8b399f66fe699207ad44710e GRCh38 released ENCFF122YZY fastq reads ENCSR952UOL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF308SPS 605305913 Gene Yeo, UCSD c508a210937528660ae74767a953f596 SRA:SRR5112400 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF308SPS fastq reads ENCSR952UOL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF122YZY 522856422 Gene Yeo, UCSD c15e1bd8eadbddb9f61c51eabd11a7a7 SRA:SRR5112400 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF816DYE bam alignments ENCSR952UOL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF122YZY, ENCFF308SPS 478659236 Gene Yeo, UCSD dcc31102b30198968d722829ee784312 hg19 released ENCFF037JOL bam alignments ENCSR952UOL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF122YZY, ENCFF308SPS 487064689 Gene Yeo, UCSD 00acaaace706d4b2c2ede12992836845 GRCh38 released ENCFF587LFL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR952UOL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF816DYE 21761346 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55d617679258d3e8aa29badcd372248f hg19 released ENCFF819ZIQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR952UOL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF816DYE 22588743 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4988a2e47971281ca5b6db796d23091 hg19 released ENCFF711QBZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR952UOL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF037JOL 22198749 Gene Yeo, UCSD 775c46732210dbd15ed5da0a8049f515 GRCh38 released ENCFF311ARO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR952UOL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF037JOL 23033357 Gene Yeo, UCSD b151a548daef0957e8f1b362373d0962 GRCh38 released ENCFF060CDK fastq reads ENCSR090VXV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF220JYP 887243275 Gene Yeo, UCSD be4b0b38057227b8283784e4a209f740 SRA:SRR5111081 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF220JYP fastq reads ENCSR090VXV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF060CDK 803018858 Gene Yeo, UCSD 042a0f6b761d88fb30af3d3d538db16f SRA:SRR5111081 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF440HUP bam alignments ENCSR090VXV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF060CDK, ENCFF220JYP 744552411 Gene Yeo, UCSD 015094dc64e6f7cb8cbe28ce3a4a102a hg19 released ENCFF887TNO bam alignments ENCSR090VXV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF060CDK, ENCFF220JYP 760821581 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba1561109e717cdb59f7b6c0ccb156be GRCh38 released ENCFF240BQV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR090VXV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF440HUP 32818300 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6209b6b61dffdecb526f6803a2dd06bb hg19 released ENCFF027JWE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR090VXV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF440HUP 33696947 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8cb2c3fa05b90c55034034763c76ee19 hg19 released ENCFF077GQW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR090VXV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF887TNO 33843028 Gene Yeo, UCSD 671b3d9c414e6214a13916f774b22daf GRCh38 released ENCFF825RZR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR090VXV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF887TNO 34727299 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52d8355498b872fad65e50fd9f9d2449 GRCh38 released ENCFF214SWU fastq reads ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF437VVV 233369303 Gene Yeo, UCSD c65be788c9cfc387168fc3ba902257bd SRA:SRR5111035 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF648UKF/ released ENCFF975CKG fastq reads ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF487PAA 219919425 Gene Yeo, UCSD d39e177470ef3c182249282cb6d2b288 SRA:SRR5111036 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF648UKF/ released ENCFF487PAA fastq reads ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF975CKG 232477137 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8e7c94388d4a2e81f2b3ff8770623f4c SRA:SRR5111036 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF143QIL/ released ENCFF437VVV fastq reads ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF214SWU 245026549 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7a7642b44fabdab41fbc2a22387bb2e SRA:SRR5111035 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF143QIL/ released ENCFF035UHD bam alignments ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF214SWU, ENCFF437VVV 118565831 Gene Yeo, UCSD dcc3ac2e71dbcb8ec429de1e552f96a2 hg19 released ENCFF249FBZ bam alignments ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF487PAA, ENCFF975CKG 176567637 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0a2bef15a5696f1d34e04b4687e887a6 hg19 released ENCFF141QHH bam alignments ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF487PAA, ENCFF975CKG 174644922 Gene Yeo, UCSD 627ec25545d69db3c6ac13f3f2a9bc77 GRCh38 released ENCFF802VWZ bam alignments ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF214SWU, ENCFF437VVV 117119782 Gene Yeo, UCSD fb769cd539f7e22e6412402f28ae8160 GRCh38 released ENCFF401RMG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF035UHD 6185047 Gene Yeo, UCSD ce92c1132a0ca14ca847fe5fe867434d hg19 released ENCFF048HXO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF249FBZ 10777854 Gene Yeo, UCSD d09e7b6bdcc1ce2256b04e09b1e7ed5f hg19 released ENCFF447CKJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF035UHD 6450920 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2dc9f98e86e2829adef8f608cd07651a hg19 released ENCFF821LAJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF249FBZ 11325470 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b2352e76f70f4005964258b70f0c89f hg19 released ENCFF704SMP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF802VWZ 6139534 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a1b197289b2424c1ac2afc33f1a64eb GRCh38 released ENCFF546BPY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF141QHH 10701066 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd01c4eee47dd065c0c8c98cd4566ddd GRCh38 released ENCFF493KJV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF141QHH 11241110 Gene Yeo, UCSD a9fbe429701aa4b3735a40058988e381 GRCh38 released ENCFF768JXM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF802VWZ 6400305 Gene Yeo, UCSD 32864b17d1d04208593fad11f434aa7d GRCh38 released ENCFF993XGD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF035UHD, ENCFF194AMH 535618 Gene Yeo, UCSD 19972782dec4c73a65d7d247b31e3c7d hg19 released ENCFF585PKG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF194AMH, ENCFF249FBZ 868143 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6922ba398d7465e264f641c32d5621bd hg19 released ENCFF814MSM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF802VWZ, ENCFF903KIZ 533608 Gene Yeo, UCSD a64d1e4ba9d16308c4cd3fa7b5881e35 GRCh38 released ENCFF949BFD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF141QHH, ENCFF903KIZ 865336 Gene Yeo, UCSD c8d60fbb39dd19faee45d44a1766fd5b GRCh38 released ENCFF073OON bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF585PKG 1475430 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9ffd6e703475ca71698d2dee0270b4c3 hg19 released ENCFF977KIJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF993XGD 978663 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa3c6d3c67f1ee2ddb050d2f74a798fa hg19 released ENCFF096DJH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF814MSM 975422 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8dfdf2001a264e7e4348c67844ef361b GRCh38 released ENCFF006UHG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR018ZUE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF949BFD 1473147 Gene Yeo, UCSD 31b021ee8194641938fea9ba53ff7de7 GRCh38 released ENCFF992TBP fastq reads ENCSR821VMD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF011MOY 484798298 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2db5acbc4f6ca191a401d1e029b153c5 SRA:SRR5112129 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF011MOY fastq reads ENCSR821VMD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF992TBP 478959426 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0a37142f6d280c60c3bbaea1feec1347 SRA:SRR5112129 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF487CAF bam alignments ENCSR821VMD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF011MOY, ENCFF992TBP 289911824 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba26fdd22e666051b2f4465f82eb78a5 hg19 released ENCFF541PUU bam alignments ENCSR821VMD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF011MOY, ENCFF992TBP 290121786 Gene Yeo, UCSD df8fd81a26934521549bfedfb3d63919 GRCh38 released ENCFF317KDZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR821VMD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF487CAF 13956667 Gene Yeo, UCSD b44dc0d498eb45a1ede6db6aef7e1cc1 hg19 released ENCFF373VFH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR821VMD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF487CAF 14382798 Gene Yeo, UCSD 853bdd8bd828fbd928c3beb3277bc8bc hg19 released ENCFF016OMN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR821VMD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF541PUU 14029764 Gene Yeo, UCSD 74e99280a70a86a7ed9d4b0477a75dc1 GRCh38 released ENCFF124JHS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR821VMD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF541PUU 14445810 Gene Yeo, UCSD a0fe0c02ededd6e74957076e81d2314e GRCh38 released ENCFF887HZS fastq reads ENCSR249WNK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF523STK 397887211 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e0faf4f23e18e939912017db817072e SRA:SRR5111326 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF523STK fastq reads ENCSR249WNK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF887HZS 386055848 Gene Yeo, UCSD 636b216f17aa464d3cf41f75540a490c SRA:SRR5111326 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF747XJC bam alignments ENCSR249WNK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF523STK, ENCFF887HZS 241711050 Gene Yeo, UCSD a724a494120f44676801ef27e50196a6 hg19 released ENCFF842FFD bam alignments ENCSR249WNK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF523STK, ENCFF887HZS 242395521 Gene Yeo, UCSD e24fea5d4d16f4d1e7df6169c83e3506 GRCh38 released ENCFF969QLN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR249WNK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF747XJC 13215935 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c88e4ec371b9092688c6be4ad54d43e hg19 released ENCFF751WNT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR249WNK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF747XJC 13744287 Gene Yeo, UCSD a47895949735856bb62f87fa112aaf4f hg19 released ENCFF727WOV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR249WNK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF842FFD 13286943 Gene Yeo, UCSD 53f48b6b9786c881107864946df6f871 GRCh38 released ENCFF753TBE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR249WNK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF842FFD 13792971 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3552fa0ed104e25f4a3a2233a758935d GRCh38 released ENCFF013DLR fastq reads ENCSR651NUF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF566LOT 554829497 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ac30fd90da462e721ef2b49aad17704 SRA:SRR5111904 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF566LOT fastq reads ENCSR651NUF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF013DLR 540145243 Gene Yeo, UCSD 82362935e1cc584c7b264809ac90e4a7 SRA:SRR5111904 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF551LIR bam alignments ENCSR651NUF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF013DLR, ENCFF566LOT 343729259 Gene Yeo, UCSD af3d88036caaa8ec9be7b0d3c3842d0e hg19 released ENCFF956SAT bam alignments ENCSR651NUF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF013DLR, ENCFF566LOT 344606584 Gene Yeo, UCSD a3ba5e45ad9a805d34383864f066d4d6 GRCh38 released ENCFF467NGI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR651NUF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF551LIR 19642360 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc53e0fc8b4b11e278e7d296c129b9b9 hg19 released ENCFF009NZR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR651NUF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF551LIR 20335600 Gene Yeo, UCSD 035653edee5567c8c5dcfb00d79fa9ed hg19 released ENCFF380JNI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR651NUF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF956SAT 19787333 Gene Yeo, UCSD 935414ac136ffbc42bdb3bb55356b9d5 GRCh38 released ENCFF425TFV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR651NUF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF956SAT 20464513 Gene Yeo, UCSD bb8de2b9dab8b691c3b83b44911c2d0b GRCh38 released ENCFF895XZY fastq reads ENCSR898ZCL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF872NAM 464202926 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ae985885e455815018f5c0e4cfb28e0 SRA:SRR5112269 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF872NAM fastq reads ENCSR898ZCL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF895XZY 445003758 Gene Yeo, UCSD fb448a3b35f28e1750084aa3580c7dd2 SRA:SRR5112269 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF335HAD bam alignments ENCSR898ZCL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF872NAM, ENCFF895XZY 248049222 Gene Yeo, UCSD 99d0fc9fea9f8db49f52b0fd74c836dc hg19 released ENCFF494XRE bam alignments ENCSR898ZCL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF872NAM, ENCFF895XZY 249114106 Gene Yeo, UCSD ddfafeaec45536d886fcd22a2e9b912d GRCh38 released ENCFF603XVE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR898ZCL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF335HAD 14124935 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34f226d0dd3015b15e594f7a44943ff3 hg19 released ENCFF671JKV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR898ZCL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF335HAD 14903418 Gene Yeo, UCSD 60c2995f7f85b06e8f48ab87ce8783a9 hg19 released ENCFF104FVH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR898ZCL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF494XRE 14240181 Gene Yeo, UCSD c4c8b16d5c6e83930ffa7ffd3cfa82f6 GRCh38 released ENCFF394YGE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR898ZCL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF494XRE 15017608 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c9fa6785710b0ea529597f59d3bdb5f GRCh38 released ENCFF307AUO fastq reads ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF563WIX 211984610 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90f569f3b87a6f52a387b92481535e8e SRA:SRR5111073 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF939IUP/ released ENCFF643OXD fastq reads ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF418NBV 262498190 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b18f8d874f36be12610be982b5d4787 SRA:SRR5111074 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF939IUP/ released ENCFF563WIX fastq reads ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF307AUO 225629252 Gene Yeo, UCSD ece1deda3e9cad8d88f479a2c038c229 SRA:SRR5111073 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF610LIH/ released ENCFF418NBV fastq reads ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF643OXD 274521703 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9bffefe1dc057a83c6d9cf23a539c157 SRA:SRR5111074 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF610LIH/ released ENCFF719CCI bam alignments ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF307AUO, ENCFF563WIX 201121575 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ff1b5c67573e246a8cfa116fbed012d hg19 released ENCFF446VVE bam alignments ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF418NBV, ENCFF643OXD 265288729 Gene Yeo, UCSD bc29c47f5465dea798370aace0e440d4 hg19 released ENCFF589JKO bam alignments ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF307AUO, ENCFF563WIX 198823764 Gene Yeo, UCSD f6562ccf8d797117b9fbb0200cef952a GRCh38 released ENCFF904VAH bam alignments ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF418NBV, ENCFF643OXD 262500893 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0e2c72ba293af2c0fc169a816dccd80f GRCh38 released ENCFF995HCK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF446VVE 15461293 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec65775edcd7bad13819bc69c01fbfe5 hg19 released ENCFF742LFS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF719CCI 11158422 Gene Yeo, UCSD f362f872393040ad91a5f6d15b158827 hg19 released ENCFF163DKK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF719CCI 11657443 Gene Yeo, UCSD 30ad30cbb5cdafb2960143b4ce9cb020 hg19 released ENCFF616DQY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF446VVE 16106042 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6fda72ccb8a1c335f17762fd0a00c7b4 hg19 released ENCFF434VQE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF589JKO 11106720 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2369e56b7c0941e80a3d5ca64e46e610 GRCh38 released ENCFF808IWD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF904VAH 15411137 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5ef81e77a1483ed81fccb197e5edefd GRCh38 released ENCFF264QIH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF904VAH 16006134 Gene Yeo, UCSD 61fa3254a567caff1d9f60527599f38f GRCh38 released ENCFF631HDI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF589JKO 11566960 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d6c116332c71ad633759bddec519d26 GRCh38 released ENCFF512QJT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF011HZT, ENCFF446VVE 1508846 Gene Yeo, UCSD ebf7c6df8c4e32d20a76feb1f36f7ef4 hg19 released ENCFF968WTB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF011HZT, ENCFF719CCI 1248726 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c01a8e3c77f6b25ae40f5d218d36830 hg19 released ENCFF988HSD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF819GBX, ENCFF904VAH 1526882 Gene Yeo, UCSD 73cdc2aaf51455acc89640171abd6aa3 GRCh38 released ENCFF082VUD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF589JKO, ENCFF819GBX 1260153 Gene Yeo, UCSD 41848c5b5fef100924e959d8eaa3aa93 GRCh38 released ENCFF922ZNQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF512QJT 2923777 Gene Yeo, UCSD b28fd633fad54ac44f7a699679a8d670 hg19 released ENCFF205TRW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF968WTB 2473183 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3d4bfd15627ece23b0950fd9445d2d3c hg19 released ENCFF387BGM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF082VUD 2492137 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11913d6816dc0dac28aeecf6be36c9ed GRCh38 released ENCFF416JIV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR062NNB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF988HSD 2955924 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7787829735a68d2a50ff5b4f1015ffb3 GRCh38 released ENCFF837BRE fastq reads ENCSR115GAA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF130FRI 561242667 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2d1b8f3c5c6a7ba11c7dc15a3cb6fee0 SRA:SRR5111137 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF130FRI fastq reads ENCSR115GAA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF837BRE 508175029 Gene Yeo, UCSD ee0e931ded018d58f6c121e62a8b0c30 SRA:SRR5111137 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF124RDW bam alignments ENCSR115GAA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF130FRI, ENCFF837BRE 491156543 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7594c20fd6dab3b8960ac463170b5803 hg19 released ENCFF190ITO bam alignments ENCSR115GAA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF130FRI, ENCFF837BRE 495620625 Gene Yeo, UCSD f8292c313c2ddc54fcae5be11da5c32b GRCh38 released ENCFF753RZO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR115GAA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF124RDW 21331947 Gene Yeo, UCSD 82e064b3ad92f0a832e94879f36eb4d6 hg19 released ENCFF549RZP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR115GAA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF124RDW 21635065 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3b3514ad0c59d0c6a75d73b4c705628c hg19 released ENCFF736TLU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR115GAA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF190ITO 21538698 Gene Yeo, UCSD be1cf9d25985f6722e51d9319471e6f4 GRCh38 released ENCFF107SOW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR115GAA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF190ITO 21838041 Gene Yeo, UCSD d455969fcd88b7526241faba428f576f GRCh38 released ENCFF647KKB fastq reads ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF193XUL 775548970 Gene Yeo, UCSD a202de70b550b0af4da591f976066580 SRA:SRR5111127 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF825NBG/ released ENCFF477APU fastq reads ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF343FWV 710009351 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e9b740aeb7920ee49a42a99952e3085 SRA:SRR5111126 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF825NBG/ released ENCFF343FWV fastq reads ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF477APU 733939608 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55c617aba62279250e2666923470f119 SRA:SRR5111126 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF469MCT/ released ENCFF193XUL fastq reads ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF647KKB 813609808 Gene Yeo, UCSD 27b9d68ea6a3346ce4396bf84635ae96 SRA:SRR5111127 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF469MCT/ released ENCFF733DRI bam alignments ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF193XUL, ENCFF647KKB 516319733 Gene Yeo, UCSD 079ed8490a77252a89509c7f15e57ee2 hg19 released ENCFF144GBK bam alignments ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF343FWV, ENCFF477APU 422692508 Gene Yeo, UCSD babf2f0511a72ae8750bff6bc6198b87 hg19 released ENCFF756NJB bam alignments ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF193XUL, ENCFF647KKB 502794637 Gene Yeo, UCSD daa5f84cfaa12f77d320fd68d48eeb0f GRCh38 released ENCFF555MNK bam alignments ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF343FWV, ENCFF477APU 406425171 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5756a3a211460c8e33e421909813ed0c GRCh38 released ENCFF188WPL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF144GBK 20500155 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3de85e4af3e8128131faf3e82ed4af2b hg19 released ENCFF253RQY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF733DRI 24670151 Gene Yeo, UCSD b93bcd3a9e3ba98161abe3cccdcf3aea hg19 released ENCFF084EON bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF144GBK 21246491 Gene Yeo, UCSD 95f21c980966f4bf77cdfb36b06fb56a hg19 released ENCFF892PSC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF733DRI 25354740 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c3c4f218ed3bd05ea64e7168aa48a61 hg19 released ENCFF914TIW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF555MNK 20031326 Gene Yeo, UCSD 09a38b76dc8c033c1ba94883d1183eee GRCh38 released ENCFF933GYG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF756NJB 24254921 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2fda6a99e1d53483395413f84058b71f GRCh38 released ENCFF112OJJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF756NJB 24929525 Gene Yeo, UCSD e1f2065b10539ef6dc456a1e493ebff5 GRCh38 released ENCFF463LZD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF555MNK 20749870 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4f8f500cde41373682766f7bf3f184ee GRCh38 released ENCFF597JSM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF733DRI, ENCFF774GNF 2459984 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2fbfa02cfd9e515e5a3f602efa7afabb hg19 released ENCFF603DSB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF144GBK, ENCFF774GNF 2281495 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6bd9b2fad2c403ae86a0b385842c0756 hg19 released ENCFF065ZXM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF228NIC, ENCFF756NJB 2475337 Gene Yeo, UCSD c3aa9f8ab22599049ceff3dbdb966046 GRCh38 released ENCFF953KUR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF228NIC, ENCFF555MNK 2277959 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3d1c63b370254371b22596fcf39d683e GRCh38 released ENCFF262WDD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF603DSB 4463554 Gene Yeo, UCSD b47253327ee3e6a62bb02c237e31b782 hg19 released ENCFF406VBM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF597JSM 4782717 Gene Yeo, UCSD 44a692db41bf0653992e103019947794 hg19 released ENCFF236RNG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF065ZXM 4807103 Gene Yeo, UCSD 039ddde2d5da006ca2a76f5035f5ee59 GRCh38 released ENCFF603KZJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR097NEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PPIG-human ENCAB460YIG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF953KUR 4439690 Gene Yeo, UCSD e85f5cad28e4de9da59ec6eece4ea64b GRCh38 released ENCFF283JNS fastq reads ENCSR266UVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF480DFF 811389281 Gene Yeo, UCSD b60832fc89b1f8b6fbb7274e80f2e986 SRA:SRR5111344 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF480DFF fastq reads ENCSR266UVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF283JNS 782293186 Gene Yeo, UCSD 573023b18dc0422679f89e83f42d6347 SRA:SRR5111344 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF786JER bam alignments ENCSR266UVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF283JNS, ENCFF480DFF 721850715 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd91b9b26207af6277f8d89060287ea0 hg19 released ENCFF640KTQ bam alignments ENCSR266UVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF283JNS, ENCFF480DFF 732077205 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55c45c49bd7c3ea56ce720c4e6a7d91c GRCh38 released ENCFF290HUG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR266UVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF786JER 31324079 Gene Yeo, UCSD 321299f4da173651faf9cc53ea7832a4 hg19 released ENCFF051JXL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR266UVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF786JER 32494832 Gene Yeo, UCSD a16903f601c340c8c3c9aa0c0f7f055e hg19 released ENCFF897JTV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR266UVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF640KTQ 32077814 Gene Yeo, UCSD 41ed90ffb71119781e29a3f107611e46 GRCh38 released ENCFF769KKV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR266UVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF640KTQ 33244617 Gene Yeo, UCSD d0d44aae8a5868b3f07f6851e6b3334c GRCh38 released ENCFF720COV fastq reads ENCSR977GTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF892UQR 847124964 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4776b14f39a68a047ddde605621663bf SRA:SRR5112349 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF892UQR fastq reads ENCSR977GTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF720COV 739744207 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9c8908f1dc348aa680a82594a2874d96 SRA:SRR5112349 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF419JON bam alignments ENCSR977GTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF720COV, ENCFF892UQR 538270032 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3916bc124ad0dc1cea3a5996920862f3 hg19 released ENCFF651VHA bam alignments ENCSR977GTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF720COV, ENCFF892UQR 538417795 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0ea632ef0ffda6165d2b217dc5391b81 GRCh38 released ENCFF997HAK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR977GTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF419JON 25867906 Gene Yeo, UCSD 88604ec37a772798f8054f21c866d9b5 hg19 released ENCFF449DRT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR977GTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF419JON 26818703 Gene Yeo, UCSD 22edb0350e945da1959445e34111b988 hg19 released ENCFF832LGA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR977GTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF651VHA 25923272 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65301ca60064817e25d167369f6d73e2 GRCh38 released ENCFF667ZVM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR977GTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GNL3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB664GBP RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF651VHA 26862561 Gene Yeo, UCSD 47018a2102a0a1c1e0c9d2fab856cf84 GRCh38 released ENCFF060IFR fastq reads ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF172MCY 1103022207 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51a1c17636624c69c6df045f8374e289 SRA:SRR5112047 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF314IKA/ released ENCFF923FKJ fastq reads ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF869TEZ 665082924 Gene Yeo, UCSD fca16e3fe847aef4edf4af4d8c7632fd SRA:SRR5112046 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF314IKA/ released ENCFF869TEZ fastq reads ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF923FKJ 724357191 Gene Yeo, UCSD ceb53cb13437e29d95d5b8bc13a8ae23 SRA:SRR5112046 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF882PYI/ released ENCFF172MCY fastq reads ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF060IFR 1195185966 Gene Yeo, UCSD 235d324317dc1409fd38d5bed702468e SRA:SRR5112047 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF882PYI/ released ENCFF499LMU bam alignments ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF869TEZ, ENCFF923FKJ 126028232 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21c2e38468323dd18b50be22a22e3910 hg19 released ENCFF415HAC bam alignments ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF060IFR, ENCFF172MCY 481606422 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f6d26c5482aae33504d852d2cd930de hg19 released ENCFF562QVD bam alignments ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF060IFR, ENCFF172MCY 458855392 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f73c09eee3987e50f02882f5b573798 GRCh38 released ENCFF261SEG bam alignments ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF869TEZ, ENCFF923FKJ 119752794 Gene Yeo, UCSD a3366a751a7737621f71f6ce793a9573 GRCh38 released ENCFF200HBN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF499LMU 6069714 Gene Yeo, UCSD cc0ba3a0d41956d314c87f75d06747fa hg19 released ENCFF946NNP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF415HAC 24124677 Gene Yeo, UCSD 47a5c273b9c9171ef915ae54c3d74fff hg19 released ENCFF630BAM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF415HAC 25020896 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c3d097dace8a02bcf65b3077a3fb8ef hg19 released ENCFF957LNV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF499LMU 6270510 Gene Yeo, UCSD ea04fd42b9c7951115d325824ed75a3a hg19 released ENCFF963GEG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF261SEG 5864208 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4d48163f793f93b791356d5cb03dd7cc GRCh38 released ENCFF059JYI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF562QVD 23283404 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0af3f5cd0841f4e0187eb336bf28dbb2 GRCh38 released ENCFF882OPA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF261SEG 6052610 Gene Yeo, UCSD eac5ea1d2cf95141da900325a3ad5665 GRCh38 released ENCFF568VVF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF562QVD 24157239 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9162f8c80f82faa69448d72e07be4da1 GRCh38 released ENCFF017HYK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF415HAC, ENCFF809OPL 2501813 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5cd03efb59bdb9e15e9a373e953e4005 hg19 released ENCFF971BBY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF499LMU, ENCFF809OPL 1145556 Gene Yeo, UCSD 23dbaf767cf99611833ec67b96b3e1ce hg19 released ENCFF165VFF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF562QVD, ENCFF807WFL 2452859 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a5fd3e81efd07c61e68981122eeb3c2 GRCh38 released ENCFF209PMC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF261SEG, ENCFF807WFL 1104150 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1856ee4fff406e4b4aef1bae39477898 GRCh38 released ENCFF626BOU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF017HYK 4938025 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9ecd84ec6dac95aece34212796e80a68 hg19 released ENCFF164MLB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF971BBY 1982772 Gene Yeo, UCSD d29763d3bcd1a1e404edebfb75cbafaa hg19 released ENCFF556ONJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF209PMC 1927319 Gene Yeo, UCSD cca08041ac20e7db9d143cb3be2a6010 GRCh38 released ENCFF853TEI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR754NDA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF165VFF 4829989 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65dea44323f9e1a7037b01cc70d0e5cf GRCh38 released ENCFF998PYJ fastq reads ENCSR565KBR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF025IVF 678655043 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6625ececec03b6cdcb91f0f855e1b73e SRA:SRR5111792 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF025IVF fastq reads ENCSR565KBR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF998PYJ 651561104 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92db3a41d0555bd1c5b17e8761bdc15c SRA:SRR5111792 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF849APG bam alignments ENCSR565KBR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF025IVF, ENCFF998PYJ 658031045 Gene Yeo, UCSD 14d3e70fdf5f44dfe44360a2836bc229 hg19 released ENCFF818CAZ bam alignments ENCSR565KBR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF025IVF, ENCFF998PYJ 662202229 Gene Yeo, UCSD 438b55b3a2c79410d6d7e3abaa432733 GRCh38 released ENCFF740ZOK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR565KBR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF849APG 35992909 Gene Yeo, UCSD 606c8b75b1f561c795a681e4d69e7ada hg19 released ENCFF728TGZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR565KBR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF849APG 37208472 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0bd45d25728f874f24ae81fa80c05f13 hg19 released ENCFF974FWQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR565KBR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF818CAZ 28183335 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2ce19fe0c3699e4199edc2bcd8e044dc GRCh38 released ENCFF492ZTF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR565KBR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF818CAZ 29116427 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21385f0ce5977dc091d239e41d1db863 GRCh38 released ENCFF672MVA fastq reads ENCSR344EGD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF135PIG 474540557 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3b668aca9182429546af76aeaf2805a9 SRA:SRR5111493 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF135PIG fastq reads ENCSR344EGD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF672MVA 474692472 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c7ea44944b039444a417bf48694b62c SRA:SRR5111493 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF556BXK bam alignments ENCSR344EGD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF135PIG, ENCFF672MVA 253322753 Gene Yeo, UCSD c743373d7dc4fa5f3d3c8201962843fb hg19 released ENCFF802LNA bam alignments ENCSR344EGD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF135PIG, ENCFF672MVA 255338801 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65ae36d4fa70b1ce56247d6915cb388c GRCh38 released ENCFF663GEE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR344EGD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF556BXK 10904951 Gene Yeo, UCSD eaf42ff784aee69725b855b719892975 hg19 released ENCFF404SLQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR344EGD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF556BXK 11309663 Gene Yeo, UCSD e4b71f062f91010c475785a650af3abc hg19 released ENCFF422MWK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR344EGD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF802LNA 11028144 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f8d628540a4c1dff6509941736b60f1 GRCh38 released ENCFF006NOC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR344EGD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF802LNA 11431780 Gene Yeo, UCSD b85a9369e3e30ced2abf39aa2da61f49 GRCh38 released ENCFF040CHT fastq reads ENCSR388VKV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF993KFQ 531789831 Gene Yeo, UCSD ea6534bf774af1b80d8df2de5b5ba9c2 SRA:SRR5111526 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF993KFQ fastq reads ENCSR388VKV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF040CHT 486732385 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6ce7ab03a7bf733834648ee3436d31af SRA:SRR5111526 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF410TUD bam alignments ENCSR388VKV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF040CHT, ENCFF993KFQ 385042442 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7a2e6f083cc91fec4efac588662ff397 hg19 released ENCFF263MRM bam alignments ENCSR388VKV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF040CHT, ENCFF993KFQ 389256308 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65c3c027bdf6370a67d6f746c838e83f GRCh38 released ENCFF966FGF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR388VKV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF410TUD 16915391 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c8b6a46c985af7333dcb8bf32fc3356 hg19 released ENCFF723YJC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR388VKV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF410TUD 17182805 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4255a4a827f43b8bed36df4b248a1b2f hg19 released ENCFF740IJH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR388VKV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF263MRM 17100101 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa3419dab5464547c85a420dcd793f99 GRCh38 released ENCFF232TXN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR388VKV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF263MRM 17354390 Gene Yeo, UCSD e784a7a9cf537f119c000a0599401fd5 GRCh38 released ENCFF803VTZ fastq reads ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF256RGM 316472757 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90c5d3596fe3860a6a9486acc60ad363 SRA:SRR5111623 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF476ASR/ released ENCFF905YHV fastq reads ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF327HGP 282829421 Gene Yeo, UCSD 044d92a058056dee12566af504069f62 SRA:SRR5111624 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF476ASR/ released ENCFF327HGP fastq reads ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF905YHV 305155755 Gene Yeo, UCSD c8aed07427c93df282cafa702b600779 SRA:SRR5111624 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF967IQR/ released ENCFF256RGM fastq reads ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF803VTZ 345723538 Gene Yeo, UCSD db18834296644f21feae2287e659d7e0 SRA:SRR5111623 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF967IQR/ released ENCFF473ESV bam alignments ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF327HGP, ENCFF905YHV 67371641 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa430e1f064ddc1a537a12bf72952cf7 hg19 released ENCFF918NSS bam alignments ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF256RGM, ENCFF803VTZ 52649356 Gene Yeo, UCSD d38cb261a94606aaedd726e4ef063bd2 hg19 released ENCFF863HRM bam alignments ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF327HGP, ENCFF905YHV 66450770 Gene Yeo, UCSD a90e6d11db1c4459c45aec9f810f4199 GRCh38 released ENCFF476VSU bam alignments ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF256RGM, ENCFF803VTZ 52464584 Gene Yeo, UCSD b21c5c747bc95d5d13e87fdd1732f18d GRCh38 released ENCFF177KVZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF918NSS 2104960 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4499194e5b39830011c9d28b9d192692 hg19 released ENCFF058MZF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF473ESV 3031934 Gene Yeo, UCSD 678c8da60ab0753dc3cd05850138ffc0 hg19 released ENCFF733YZJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF473ESV 3186551 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9aebfc5e9b6a45cbbd0f09b646c270e2 hg19 released ENCFF604LEG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF918NSS 2267091 Gene Yeo, UCSD 998f197cff4c69fb0048b63b30bc1bcc hg19 released ENCFF076BAY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF476VSU 2093434 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89086b3fcc1d051b9de1b8582ebf2cee GRCh38 released ENCFF476QFX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF863HRM 2981731 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f32157078b5be13fceef4596ed8e854 GRCh38 released ENCFF120VKU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF863HRM 3158682 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5bf06c1d5ae9790c33c6dfefc7b1e4e5 GRCh38 released ENCFF323MGS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF476VSU 2259716 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0a3ef218a18ea007c715a0b351d094b GRCh38 released ENCFF017NRG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF473ESV, ENCFF699GNU 245850 Gene Yeo, UCSD cebc13b78390a3c3ec80b649f37ca974 hg19 released ENCFF208AAW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF699GNU, ENCFF918NSS 139443 Gene Yeo, UCSD 822fd972fceed017d6bfd3d4c728b682 hg19 released ENCFF960ILE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF476VSU, ENCFF487BLB 139044 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3f4120bff90acf79fc318990a4ea5fff GRCh38 released ENCFF572IJY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF487BLB, ENCFF863HRM 242818 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c057f599ea48c5f1ab33a412832daa1 GRCh38 released ENCFF672QZX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF208AAW 362721 Gene Yeo, UCSD d7900cb0b8d4d25e9848d69377120c4f hg19 released ENCFF133LPV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF017NRG 533901 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9389473840b97d2f90e226d4150b597e hg19 released ENCFF585YVJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF572IJY 528604 Gene Yeo, UCSD 566ca1138eb12a7fed9b3c0db99cf9cc GRCh38 released ENCFF047ETM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456KXI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP7-human ENCAB568DRS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF960ILE 362565 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89d6abb288ac9ad4dce60857482a5e44 GRCh38 released ENCFF679NRW fastq reads ENCSR575DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF757EAS 774293161 Gene Yeo, UCSD 354ce60c8419d1889efe48d4111bafa7 SRA:SRR5111797 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF757EAS fastq reads ENCSR575DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF679NRW 691202154 Gene Yeo, UCSD f25e39c3fb84fa474a984c877f7ec084 SRA:SRR5111797 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF755GLY bam alignments ENCSR575DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF679NRW, ENCFF757EAS 524602539 Gene Yeo, UCSD ea157b153928ce1c55e0aa71054c53c9 hg19 released ENCFF506OAM bam alignments ENCSR575DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF679NRW, ENCFF757EAS 534316514 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2f1804f69772d05df87b350f42b4448c GRCh38 released ENCFF604ASW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR575DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF755GLY 22933955 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3a4e81c46bf3646869e91610a9fb186c hg19 released ENCFF527PPO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR575DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF755GLY 23776188 Gene Yeo, UCSD 545843160ba5f9ad906ed1d49c3dc714 hg19 released ENCFF687LVV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR575DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF506OAM 23369798 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4a73b020d426b7e46e665a753dc8d5ae GRCh38 released ENCFF383LSV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR575DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FTO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB377UYD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF506OAM 24219248 Gene Yeo, UCSD af0e4b4d7ee1f9844d852900c09ba4a5 GRCh38 released ENCFF270BLT fastq reads ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF708UWK 375899777 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f621bd4c03babadfff64c4e7009ef21 SRA:SRR5112234 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF325JZX/ released ENCFF567UMG fastq reads ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF886IXX 314420034 Gene Yeo, UCSD c6fb51829dc27a2f7fa1bda383e3d636 SRA:SRR5112235 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF325JZX/ released ENCFF708UWK fastq reads ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF270BLT 385640368 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2aaf6875df6acde95524264b476851a9 SRA:SRR5112234 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF303MYY/ released ENCFF886IXX fastq reads ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF567UMG 322878394 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f2546d8cfa1976d6df57efbd29a3df1 SRA:SRR5112235 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF303MYY/ released ENCFF092WRE bam alignments ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF567UMG, ENCFF886IXX 330542763 Gene Yeo, UCSD 12866a1d57bc99acbdce084d94d14d21 hg19 released ENCFF783DTX bam alignments ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF270BLT, ENCFF708UWK 478366149 Gene Yeo, UCSD 91d6305ec2bd4ec9c712bdd4187c16cd hg19 released ENCFF835KXL bam alignments ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF567UMG, ENCFF886IXX 326860015 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e4e0f11631bd537ce756196e9dcfbb0 GRCh38 released ENCFF936JSP bam alignments ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF270BLT, ENCFF708UWK 473668143 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7fb35a0512555fc8382edf7c9488dae1 GRCh38 released ENCFF573ZFK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF092WRE 19876586 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80bb800a780ac68a09e2a1ffe53f5367 hg19 released ENCFF436ZNF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF783DTX 27289295 Gene Yeo, UCSD e6c9789d347b541b0937ef4f8494e81c hg19 released ENCFF398AHG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF783DTX 28176426 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd728a68666d99d5cc8cf95de963d9b8 hg19 released ENCFF996ZIG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF092WRE 20616896 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ac79a6332beb4254fe57d1d25a5d333 hg19 released ENCFF765TAB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF835KXL 19779226 Gene Yeo, UCSD 79ce6bc8e4a7013def651fbd912063f0 GRCh38 released ENCFF712LBW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF936JSP 27090858 Gene Yeo, UCSD 287a4f414ee6557fa1fc2aac8c43c11b GRCh38 released ENCFF524JHH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF936JSP 27958072 Gene Yeo, UCSD e439009fcfc9cb84518af4f45e844b64 GRCh38 released ENCFF024JFG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF835KXL 20502428 Gene Yeo, UCSD 69261e1d44abf3b0acf22279be6df4b1 GRCh38 released ENCFF454FEB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF097VMD, ENCFF783DTX 2645881 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ea58126b087b366a3e119ac61fdccd3 hg19 released ENCFF430RTZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF092WRE, ENCFF097VMD 1911451 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a046c8115eda68a75567fc875974204 hg19 released ENCFF182HYE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF227TON, ENCFF835KXL 1922491 Gene Yeo, UCSD a9d2d460351ae03e946f7bc6658c1ce0 GRCh38 released ENCFF405ETO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF227TON, ENCFF936JSP 2662546 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2cbeba1018e948b133bc95d056418374 GRCh38 released ENCFF670MPL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF430RTZ 3775894 Gene Yeo, UCSD e6445212587584485c677392f5d190a3 hg19 released ENCFF636MAJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF454FEB 5086896 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2f530d6f11d6ff6c33184d2cc42af71e hg19 released ENCFF107LLL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF182HYE 3795969 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3881f3b22b3522a31d1b3d00ff1f2f02 GRCh38 released ENCFF133QAR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893RAV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF405ETO 5109430 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a51563af28bff7499be266c91f7f387 GRCh38 released ENCFF735YZN fastq reads ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF298QDG 594910008 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a5276486a2701f54d589c127b42c70f SRA:SRR5111292 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF993FHX/ released ENCFF828OKI fastq reads ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF191WAJ 397278790 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7cc8f67de48cfda72fe37cca6834ffb4 SRA:SRR5111293 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF993FHX/ released ENCFF298QDG fastq reads ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF735YZN 636662960 Gene Yeo, UCSD a85e4cc714af0fff1de1598344fcdfba SRA:SRR5111292 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF678SWO/ released ENCFF191WAJ fastq reads ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF828OKI 427515747 Gene Yeo, UCSD 36daa521b21c5e74b982b2c55cc8eafc SRA:SRR5111293 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF678SWO/ released ENCFF480MRD bam alignments ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF298QDG, ENCFF735YZN 418213030 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65f77e2df7aafb1f7fb2e3bc6bdbb8f0 hg19 released ENCFF112UBR bam alignments ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF191WAJ, ENCFF828OKI 277033329 Gene Yeo, UCSD 904cb5be702067b736def54f8de5274b hg19 released ENCFF538KWA bam alignments ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF298QDG, ENCFF735YZN 404875573 Gene Yeo, UCSD 339642340445b94839d21d173855de25 GRCh38 released ENCFF362KWY bam alignments ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF191WAJ, ENCFF828OKI 266957018 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76406b012ae02824467f415aef93bc11 GRCh38 released ENCFF233GUF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF480MRD 21222341 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4efc4fb3b012cfea10897f85f427a2c0 hg19 released ENCFF630DNS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF112UBR 14642696 Gene Yeo, UCSD e09f662fe2a6b9377ee1e84910eccc7b hg19 released ENCFF924DAL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF480MRD 21880566 Gene Yeo, UCSD b317b6daa4661fd5df40065bfd87c7ce hg19 released ENCFF489JEJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF112UBR 15458194 Gene Yeo, UCSD 551f7d2a2f3d9a29dd00dbfda7285e70 hg19 released ENCFF546NOY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF538KWA 20749002 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4bb8afc3a99c2491becf95e7c7b7a095 GRCh38 released ENCFF447KAW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF362KWY 14266516 Gene Yeo, UCSD 461083607d3c2fcebcd4564d15350f43 GRCh38 released ENCFF018RKD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF362KWY 14856644 Gene Yeo, UCSD df2e5a235dd048f58f599ddd4521849c GRCh38 released ENCFF472QKI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF538KWA 21375420 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d6ab60239aa14771264e3d9e78c004d GRCh38 released ENCFF441KPC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF112UBR, ENCFF995MPE 1355606 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd22a71552b4fac565bf90f79b8a3c7a hg19 released ENCFF485MSN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF480MRD, ENCFF995MPE 1841550 Gene Yeo, UCSD ab94be1786408cd6ab6bd2e0ec51ddaa hg19 released ENCFF991VJI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF390FNJ, ENCFF538KWA 1810684 Gene Yeo, UCSD c38cf1ffe0ad51fc0bd74dfd91416208 GRCh38 released ENCFF213PRP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF362KWY, ENCFF390FNJ 1321413 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3f7db2a70647f9ec5ba8ab59fdd8eaba GRCh38 released ENCFF237BSF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF441KPC 2816662 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3d108be026a53b17c4a2c8c5f4e3b84 hg19 released ENCFF703NTG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF485MSN 3744478 Gene Yeo, UCSD 95cd94d82c37e06c859b5ebe93a52e1a hg19 released ENCFF103EDF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF991VJI 3686776 Gene Yeo, UCSD dbc52e61b946a96818030b72e3250887 GRCh38 released ENCFF225KVF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR214BZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF213PRP 2755822 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e811af1bee7430eb7fed27a20a7e530 GRCh38 released ENCFF365UUW fastq reads ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF276CTM 579190702 Gene Yeo, UCSD 160263c1c5def273bc7f827766db338b SRA:SRR5112111 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF512AHQ/ released ENCFF362EMN fastq reads ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF163HLQ 537231117 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd3a5b20c031e182bcf69f9d650b4013 SRA:SRR5112112 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF512AHQ/ released ENCFF276CTM fastq reads ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF365UUW 627152041 Gene Yeo, UCSD 568f97e6fa0ddd92cf913259125df1a7 SRA:SRR5112111 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF649CHF/ released ENCFF284OHP bam alignments ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF276CTM, ENCFF365UUW 524197786 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ee491bef7d181ada370e769aeb548b9 hg19 released ENCFF163HLQ fastq reads ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF362EMN 579853657 Gene Yeo, UCSD b8c431a4d6e8743f0421848ca0aaf956 SRA:SRR5112112 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF649CHF/ released ENCFF080EMQ bam alignments ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF163HLQ, ENCFF362EMN 514521334 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7afedb04fecc5b8f97d13ea5ce03a016 hg19 released ENCFF202RTW bam alignments ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF276CTM, ENCFF365UUW 490353942 Gene Yeo, UCSD a0a48f4d7dc0131cf61df7897835a9af GRCh38 released ENCFF259KVP bam alignments ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF163HLQ, ENCFF362EMN 493701444 Gene Yeo, UCSD e7eccf97229e6c77514cd03caf46fec2 GRCh38 released ENCFF205BHB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF284OHP 23995450 Gene Yeo, UCSD b616edfaf6de4987c75bfce7cff45711 hg19 released ENCFF098TDG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF080EMQ 23734836 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9e8d7d588569b72d60aa6fa0e15bd4c1 hg19 released ENCFF955OZJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF080EMQ 24552925 Gene Yeo, UCSD 784ea49760712875e598d0b92f307c53 hg19 released ENCFF279AYO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF284OHP 24612240 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec6097f00aa7eea93dd7b5a31e7686ba hg19 released ENCFF256CCS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF202RTW 22622918 Gene Yeo, UCSD 24dcde4016e1c01a0f6a1ed32314268d GRCh38 released ENCFF672BIX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF259KVP 23130911 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7be52d340de78b3407bb68749d0dfb7e GRCh38 released ENCFF162UWK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF202RTW 23188933 Gene Yeo, UCSD 746754726a347b8f6f2726bdaaa14b6d GRCh38 released ENCFF384HVB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF259KVP 23922080 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ae8a1d337fe93c89188b7480c6113b0 GRCh38 released ENCFF288SGB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF234DAV, ENCFF284OHP 2261044 Gene Yeo, UCSD 048aa8ffe7eea681ad5fa21679e62f5c hg19 released ENCFF130RAQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF080EMQ, ENCFF234DAV 2191757 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55441a07d940255ab7cfd0b049611e70 hg19 released ENCFF540HIX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF202RTW, ENCFF881RZM 2166030 Gene Yeo, UCSD f0aa391661b283354fded016ec001626 GRCh38 released ENCFF519RGA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF259KVP, ENCFF881RZM 2151755 Gene Yeo, UCSD acbe546b94543653d1520adcffe90223 GRCh38 released ENCFF267JLV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF130RAQ 4327481 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7b817fbbe05f26c21c6c83ce49fb014c hg19 released ENCFF777WFM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF288SGB 4476523 Gene Yeo, UCSD b2673860688d2bda288df8973dad2165 hg19 released ENCFF806IJJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF519RGA 4252998 Gene Yeo, UCSD 25b038542cca709133b44b1c944f77a4 GRCh38 released ENCFF767VHD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR805SRN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF540HIX 4312141 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc5f66c6db39383f3875c5efbb962cbc GRCh38 released ENCFF053VCT fastq reads ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF098RUK 542007754 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7df2207fe28d33a2e907080476b87fb3 SRA:SRR5111650 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF184DBI/ released ENCFF205RFL fastq reads ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF608TLJ 583567772 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3826bd47fad890fb2165c2a61b726e8 SRA:SRR5111649 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF184DBI/ released ENCFF098RUK fastq reads ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF053VCT 593542054 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4328f67b6ce7aa54f8cdb5f922ff7185 SRA:SRR5111650 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF093FNE/ released ENCFF608TLJ fastq reads ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF205RFL 635490264 Gene Yeo, UCSD 28ca228c6e1d2c776aa02797af201b3c SRA:SRR5111649 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF093FNE/ released ENCFF891QNV bam alignments ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF205RFL, ENCFF608TLJ 109981772 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6d4d6e00ac2c5a2a51723ae7bb1cba8 hg19 released ENCFF771UZR bam alignments ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF053VCT, ENCFF098RUK 192980560 Gene Yeo, UCSD e77152fc84da782cf47891b798f856fa hg19 released ENCFF913QVA bam alignments ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF205RFL, ENCFF608TLJ 103443356 Gene Yeo, UCSD 27218b82281482966fb01941ec429f26 GRCh38 released ENCFF308LKS bam alignments ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF053VCT, ENCFF098RUK 185103951 Gene Yeo, UCSD 034e3ed9463855be7d30214c163fbf32 GRCh38 released ENCFF173HHG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF891QNV 5529458 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6d5b56747cd2b2a5ba1a4b01a7437aa1 hg19 released ENCFF824QNE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF771UZR 11517559 Gene Yeo, UCSD d185495a32c53d3c76bcac899e50cfa0 hg19 released ENCFF515CKZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF771UZR 12029890 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c9740834b9b492f431cac68325df89f hg19 released ENCFF614IHL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF891QNV 5779542 Gene Yeo, UCSD f0daa5a6c53f3cd47c902d71f69eb0e3 hg19 released ENCFF111TGW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF913QVA 5290388 Gene Yeo, UCSD 688a71cd7bffd9a30571a46e059a039e GRCh38 released ENCFF746QXA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF308LKS 11040240 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c8c7efc3ead8529aaacfebfe6defa37 GRCh38 released ENCFF341TZE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF913QVA 5526692 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7f3c87d4ab917ae9dbfc52b123c36006 GRCh38 released ENCFF446AIP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF308LKS 11667282 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8b6d16437803674a1d7e6f2c69560dcb GRCh38 released ENCFF014NHI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF074LHS, ENCFF771UZR 1017461 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55770858d2ee40b1f88ee861f186ca22 hg19 released ENCFF509XPD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF074LHS, ENCFF891QNV 765076 Gene Yeo, UCSD 354d84e9597d8bece87f7498ba9905ac hg19 released ENCFF262QZT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF792PAX, ENCFF913QVA 730066 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0981b142ad444b0912cf842f2783289f GRCh38 released ENCFF683ATR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF308LKS, ENCFF792PAX 990366 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7db833e7f6448f5a0985283de424ecd7 GRCh38 released ENCFF354UQN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF014NHI 1775606 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6deb84d3bfba75360d09b7c26b8f5d7f hg19 released ENCFF747VNU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF509XPD 1410259 Gene Yeo, UCSD 915d066d9420dc2444ef5accf100a4bd hg19 released ENCFF356ZTW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF262QZT 1356255 Gene Yeo, UCSD b40c49d122857941ec9b579b4a28c603 GRCh38 released ENCFF781FXC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR484LTQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NCBP2-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF683ATR 1736092 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc61895fe7a6935792cdee220eb4c490 GRCh38 released ENCFF005DWR fastq reads ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF463FQZ 482730678 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ba5b0696184802c179b49b72f968e1b SRA:SRR5111355 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF431WVH/ released ENCFF268WIE fastq reads ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF449AWG 477584112 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3b1cb7696226ed15d9fd4f693d94cbf2 SRA:SRR5111354 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF431WVH/ released ENCFF463FQZ fastq reads ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF005DWR 513652918 Gene Yeo, UCSD 892f17965ce90026ff0e79640546ae76 SRA:SRR5111355 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF159ANK/ released ENCFF449AWG fastq reads ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF268WIE 502239334 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16f8abccbecb96fcc1696067153840ff SRA:SRR5111354 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF159ANK/ released ENCFF681CLC bam alignments ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF005DWR, ENCFF463FQZ 63877581 Gene Yeo, UCSD 552a48e9a9160a429c901a7eca2f2d93 hg19 released ENCFF430NNZ bam alignments ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF268WIE, ENCFF449AWG 49149874 Gene Yeo, UCSD 49c180660db139f6081d0b5bd63866ff hg19 released ENCFF646GUE bam alignments ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF268WIE, ENCFF449AWG 46599661 Gene Yeo, UCSD 436658e7a13f48ec8a5cd66b8a1fb825 GRCh38 released ENCFF896PKL bam alignments ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF005DWR, ENCFF463FQZ 61452669 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68cffb66e58fbc780082e05263885325 GRCh38 released ENCFF920RVJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF430NNZ 3031851 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0c32611632109a5f019055e7d92dbb16 hg19 released ENCFF130YDY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF681CLC 3672425 Gene Yeo, UCSD 40d45efc798f4de65a57e2d45e0f8e63 hg19 released ENCFF744FMW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF430NNZ 3190933 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0c7d9ff62b796a5efc99f93ad727ba23 hg19 released ENCFF696XRM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF681CLC 3842296 Gene Yeo, UCSD d31c2ec73090d29ea8edc14a11f841b1 hg19 released ENCFF376NMQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF896PKL 3553631 Gene Yeo, UCSD d021d4ef2b139f70bc07f1a063027539 GRCh38 released ENCFF750TDL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF646GUE 2936335 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ba84ead4de065ef0cdb2c0cc4a9bc88 GRCh38 released ENCFF676SJK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF646GUE 3089109 Gene Yeo, UCSD faf1aaf361630c787bdf65d5994f59d8 GRCh38 released ENCFF142OTS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF896PKL 3753386 Gene Yeo, UCSD 013c05fc8e6dfc845d25763180b3c431 GRCh38 released ENCFF661HIT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF067EPR, ENCFF430NNZ 146835 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0a75ff2f6441b6bcda10c4b44895ea1 hg19 released ENCFF062WUD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF067EPR, ENCFF681CLC 223652 Gene Yeo, UCSD e6317466886370071c9c927748f73102 hg19 released ENCFF606CVG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536KJC, ENCFF646GUE 139548 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8601c2e4e29bed1e7a3329a64c4fe6e7 GRCh38 released ENCFF650CMA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF536KJC, ENCFF896PKL 215384 Gene Yeo, UCSD d562e626ba4ff7eb4014c25de6bf891b GRCh38 released ENCFF529LLH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF062WUD 508642 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8383ebd07ee8a5730bdfea4a82532e58 hg19 released ENCFF390SSK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF661HIT 379580 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34e2823d1b1d036ac3d99fc25502e710 hg19 released ENCFF893JWN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF650CMA 494399 Gene Yeo, UCSD 57310f0b9c717f1d657448c4373497f3 GRCh38 released ENCFF980TVG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR269AJF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS11-human ENCAB560LKV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF606CVG 364899 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1fd7f0aef18645ce56e0b065ba39ee4 GRCh38 released ENCFF399ONM fastq reads ENCSR487EUV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF608XVX 605422444 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f957588af461ce7d0ff03b61ff3f7be SRA:SRR5111675 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF608XVX fastq reads ENCSR487EUV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF399ONM 543309068 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5327b524b7b0ca5ee3d4d071c29f9b2f SRA:SRR5111675 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF347ECS bam alignments ENCSR487EUV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF399ONM, ENCFF608XVX 459376255 Gene Yeo, UCSD 225b7979276e3222a21ed4f5519c50d4 hg19 released ENCFF701APQ bam alignments ENCSR487EUV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF399ONM, ENCFF608XVX 466601916 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4a3a287cd00d26c710a44629cff81438 GRCh38 released ENCFF046AJZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR487EUV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF347ECS 20463286 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6854a99923c7e6ba6da7bef1c3d5f680 hg19 released ENCFF627ZLQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR487EUV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF347ECS 21154204 Gene Yeo, UCSD 20651b9a3c3796d300cfe5901e1d7d2f hg19 released ENCFF421XRO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR487EUV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF701APQ 20815301 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5cf1791184568008d98e21dd6616383d GRCh38 released ENCFF187ARS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR487EUV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF701APQ 21518514 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4cdb50a1839c11536aabb98e03f7aab GRCh38 released ENCFF356BGH fastq reads ENCSR114XBO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF369YVX 714720250 Gene Yeo, UCSD bcb7ec1480f8e8fc3ec6a79eb63fdea0 SRA:SRR5111120 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF369YVX fastq reads ENCSR114XBO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF356BGH 691059860 Gene Yeo, UCSD 48d76a6b0361de3989676881416db395 SRA:SRR5111120 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF016TIF bam alignments ENCSR114XBO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF356BGH, ENCFF369YVX 413868005 Gene Yeo, UCSD 122c7be23b0879e089c0d7579b879c35 hg19 released ENCFF156KLS bam alignments ENCSR114XBO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF356BGH, ENCFF369YVX 425053287 Gene Yeo, UCSD a13cb8cf9a5f3320b8724948a630c319 GRCh38 released ENCFF222QDD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR114XBO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF016TIF 18340692 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5f1d18422d821d7ce15cadce9f47ac9 hg19 released ENCFF077TSP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR114XBO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF016TIF 18734840 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6478ee8facbc89421dea585f56858765 hg19 released ENCFF048KEF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR114XBO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF156KLS 18873322 Gene Yeo, UCSD 062784574f6337b72a8352f34b94184b GRCh38 released ENCFF944HQO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR114XBO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LSM11 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB344HWD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF156KLS 19256337 Gene Yeo, UCSD f095a927ba762b6dd120c3e1faf2ff90 GRCh38 released ENCFF797UGN fastq reads ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF514NRD 207266231 Gene Yeo, UCSD e1ab4a44f34d6a51cb16b27c8faf0cff SRA:SRR5112218 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF110AGV/ released ENCFF921GQG fastq reads ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF529KND 177681234 Gene Yeo, UCSD 28e1332428c9b3194fecde071b099292 SRA:SRR5112217 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF110AGV/ released ENCFF529KND fastq reads ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF921GQG 174724275 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa1ded0c6395d3aaaf1f462fecfc2319 SRA:SRR5112217 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF130YYP/ released ENCFF514NRD fastq reads ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF797UGN 204395641 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d84d29e1837008221c7e8bc15393091 SRA:SRR5112218 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF130YYP/ released ENCFF455LTY bam alignments ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF514NRD, ENCFF797UGN 326127960 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72a87cc62d2e22277b676a95de731fe3 hg19 released ENCFF922VUQ bam alignments ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF529KND, ENCFF921GQG 281490402 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3c099c03ad7dd2e6501c4bf34fc1cb7 hg19 released ENCFF842YPC bam alignments ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF514NRD, ENCFF797UGN 317953987 Gene Yeo, UCSD 46ad737991164a3233c2aa418e1c0426 GRCh38 released ENCFF975NJX bam alignments ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF529KND, ENCFF921GQG 273304319 Gene Yeo, UCSD 263456418aebc8ff2c3a5dc4fe25823a GRCh38 released ENCFF951IMO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF922VUQ 14433871 Gene Yeo, UCSD 50878b17849593524fbe550d1726898f hg19 released ENCFF700TZR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF455LTY 16941645 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80cb49ac24725134a8e3c27365ff177a hg19 released ENCFF347DCZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF922VUQ 15470466 Gene Yeo, UCSD f8c91382e4574ab1fb8355c8ebca84b0 hg19 released ENCFF472AQE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF455LTY 18293125 Gene Yeo, UCSD fccecde55bbd68019aa7e5be41b37421 hg19 released ENCFF503AVX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF975NJX 14282386 Gene Yeo, UCSD 46ea46f2363b7941d8db0d56fb8d8e2c GRCh38 released ENCFF658QZE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF842YPC 16720084 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9b39813bd64921a4205ec69143e74267 GRCh38 released ENCFF286FNZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF842YPC 17756282 Gene Yeo, UCSD dbc045ae243a46d0c40b61b0bf2c9ac5 GRCh38 released ENCFF130VUZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF975NJX 15218858 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec7ec9566fb7a45d716f09370cb0a86a GRCh38 released ENCFF535SBV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF455LTY, ENCFF485UCP 1183648 Gene Yeo, UCSD 23b14bc3c515cdf0997b6239fa8d9e29 hg19 released ENCFF621ZUN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF485UCP, ENCFF922VUQ 1039657 Gene Yeo, UCSD e1f63cdb6dc6d87376a6fafd4a6fc4db hg19 released ENCFF717ZFI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF535SBV 2241358 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2ff298dd786433056151f93dc49000f hg19 released ENCFF089KGQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF621ZUN 1982199 Gene Yeo, UCSD b00d10c56e10f34be5bc1f58fa2b0a84 hg19 released ENCFF152FIO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF288UBG 2224029 Gene Yeo, UCSD e52f89edbfbc05975568adc2545052fd GRCh38 released mismatched status ENCFF190DZN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF149PCY 1967019 Gene Yeo, UCSD c5c535e983503389e8b25ef2a4b88bed GRCh38 released mismatched status ENCFF758RAD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF810PWF, ENCFF975NJX 1030102 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff0935355f2c636503e5b81f8539a178 GRCh38 released ENCFF998MNV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887LPK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF810PWF, ENCFF842YPC 1172868 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3fbb6a5106e78aa128e10de2fa9dbe99 GRCh38 released ENCFF219DHH fastq reads ENCSR099KAK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF158NBG 728863285 Gene Yeo, UCSD da40e99f3c6d9da95dec679072da60cb SRA:SRR5111138 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF158NBG fastq reads ENCSR099KAK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF219DHH 683822946 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2d06848b27ec9ef7f3582df10fb65247 SRA:SRR5111138 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF686MTX bam alignments ENCSR099KAK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF158NBG, ENCFF219DHH 435788792 Gene Yeo, UCSD 60d8fc8ab7c5d62840fc4e9261f8fc60 hg19 released ENCFF463LHG bam alignments ENCSR099KAK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF158NBG, ENCFF219DHH 443239832 Gene Yeo, UCSD fcb840b5ebac64b468c8f9b1b9d2e0ae GRCh38 released ENCFF363WVY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR099KAK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF686MTX 20256242 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2ae5a9029ac2e5fd151881014cae082e hg19 released ENCFF986YDO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR099KAK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF686MTX 20736054 Gene Yeo, UCSD 49b79cf9527cb4c150ac8881d1731f6e hg19 released ENCFF198SGP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR099KAK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF463LHG 20594415 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7e90e0623332ee9f80b09493f5f5d7a9 GRCh38 released ENCFF523EZL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR099KAK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF463LHG 21074766 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10cd651c58ccdad918fdc513f8814851 GRCh38 released ENCFF015RNL fastq reads ENCSR638YHN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 56 paired-ended 1 ENCFF632IKX 513229496 Gene Yeo, UCSD d05951f83d5a31540b0f7466484a750f SRA:SRR5111889 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF632IKX fastq reads ENCSR638YHN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF015RNL 470386220 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e63d5dc11d2f04edb3435d91ac18eb2 SRA:SRR5111889 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF073MFR bam alignments ENCSR638YHN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF015RNL, ENCFF632IKX 344365192 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9e1c9966e36e121ca46f189ca34fca51 hg19 released ENCFF229LHL bam alignments ENCSR638YHN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF015RNL, ENCFF632IKX 352728778 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7e0aa5d887b66e40331332219a88e833 GRCh38 released ENCFF174GAK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR638YHN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF073MFR 16611823 Gene Yeo, UCSD de3468abd7e55a9bbe6cddf028a9a93d hg19 released ENCFF172RGZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR638YHN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF073MFR 16947375 Gene Yeo, UCSD 86fc0271d196451274475b862d426d01 hg19 released ENCFF865DDM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR638YHN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF229LHL 17016035 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa92e027927e7112d6170d8fa58c53ee GRCh38 released ENCFF277VRQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR638YHN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF229LHL 17352436 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2f268db5b1ca4bc501a80ca2c28aff7 GRCh38 released ENCFF724ERL fastq reads ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF008LDP 447449761 Gene Yeo, UCSD bc9cbe971ee56368f6f45cd4b8493a27 SRA:SRR5112204 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF399ONM/ released ENCFF109GPL fastq reads ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF896KWG 471712011 Gene Yeo, UCSD 616de1a245b14091491d232fe5ba5ecf SRA:SRR5112205 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF399ONM/ released ENCFF008LDP fastq reads ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF724ERL 450181604 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0a961a0d1cadac1aeb39dc2c4a1c7ec2 SRA:SRR5112204 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF608XVX/ released ENCFF896KWG fastq reads ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF109GPL 489869791 Gene Yeo, UCSD bded9395f4b268f98287acaba9e69f45 SRA:SRR5112205 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF608XVX/ released ENCFF171ATE bam alignments ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF109GPL, ENCFF896KWG 612254413 Gene Yeo, UCSD b21044d416112ccc174745abec7941a1 hg19 released ENCFF224NTR bam alignments ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF008LDP, ENCFF724ERL 494924279 Gene Yeo, UCSD 19b77740a85693754cdd93e6c838f06c hg19 released ENCFF888NYK bam alignments ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF008LDP, ENCFF724ERL 470648721 Gene Yeo, UCSD c4d128004bea99d72c999c12b19dbeba GRCh38 released ENCFF351ATM bam alignments ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF109GPL, ENCFF896KWG 586369132 Gene Yeo, UCSD b07efb5c4e6ba960a2ddf0b1cf837c6c GRCh38 released ENCFF967JAL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF224NTR 25191335 Gene Yeo, UCSD e7c6af1a53a32529f739c70a1c92765c hg19 released ENCFF744ULL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF171ATE 29590601 Gene Yeo, UCSD 646dc42dc4939ba551883a7ea05248d3 hg19 released ENCFF876EXN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF224NTR 26943947 Gene Yeo, UCSD 83328f2e7ee1fe674e9160dc1f2096b2 hg19 released ENCFF015HGB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF171ATE 31504071 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6612685d43ca382f353744fafdf62838 hg19 released ENCFF011XRH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF351ATM 28698022 Gene Yeo, UCSD d6c55cb14e09de814e579f3f268ddf27 GRCh38 released ENCFF661NXQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF888NYK 24383254 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8cd1918be1cc6b035923cf2cc7c3c851 GRCh38 released ENCFF715MPQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF351ATM 30468385 Gene Yeo, UCSD 59d54174a05b514eb5f694765a34ea51 GRCh38 released ENCFF043RMQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF888NYK 26011406 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2f67e9ad16ccb4062f8816b595189f1 GRCh38 released ENCFF174MVU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF171ATE, ENCFF347ECS 2695294 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5cbc4039067dde323d87d91298efd801 hg19 released ENCFF201YQC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF224NTR, ENCFF347ECS 2079238 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8655861ba4709727adaa3215098cc84d hg19 released ENCFF060IHO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF351ATM, ENCFF701APQ 2635372 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2162885c5cb11555a1930bc9f3f8b4d5 GRCh38 released ENCFF671OSS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF701APQ, ENCFF888NYK 2021931 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0e6b677955e2fe18545b479701839d72 GRCh38 released ENCFF851XUN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF201YQC 3856406 Gene Yeo, UCSD e3a5d4d254096c24c6b56f2f14e4bacd hg19 released ENCFF938HFA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF174MVU 4899024 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2debf87cbabbedb102f27bf1d117301 hg19 released ENCFF444YFD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF671OSS 3765733 Gene Yeo, UCSD 85eb29acefb9abadb60a9e111aa6796c GRCh38 released ENCFF918YLZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR861PAR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NONO-human ENCAB467FVY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF060IHO 4816103 Gene Yeo, UCSD e0a8b6ffa1b4213e645fa4a282928e87 GRCh38 released ENCFF301TAX fastq reads ENCSR207DWI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF510SNL 683535783 Gene Yeo, UCSD b8cf37f00e6a1e484b454329ea9a1eb7 SRA:SRR5111296 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF510SNL fastq reads ENCSR207DWI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF301TAX 636848425 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd3a45adae5882203c1c096cfa1f2ee0 SRA:SRR5111296 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF982ORK bam alignments ENCSR207DWI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF301TAX, ENCFF510SNL 507839800 Gene Yeo, UCSD 876155da782708b4e9d5dc4f73fe43ca hg19 released ENCFF593SPI bam alignments ENCSR207DWI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF301TAX, ENCFF510SNL 516098911 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f890b6e24df7fc328951b66944e2230 GRCh38 released ENCFF604TNC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR207DWI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF982ORK 22790138 Gene Yeo, UCSD fcca3946813c7315407fdeab609d31f5 hg19 released ENCFF162THS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR207DWI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF982ORK 23616515 Gene Yeo, UCSD 15ae699aed5250c7e5abae061647ab21 hg19 released ENCFF157LAQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR207DWI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF593SPI 23174978 Gene Yeo, UCSD c7a03fad055cdd32fb892707b8646b80 GRCh38 released ENCFF398FVI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR207DWI eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF593SPI 23999471 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1fb31f5daa82192bba105389129877aa GRCh38 released ENCFF616FCF fastq reads ENCSR439GXW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF495ZPY 1070518120 Gene Yeo, UCSD ebd2c9f44f00cec32a67b75c8c56b6f8 SRA:SRR5111579 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF495ZPY fastq reads ENCSR439GXW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF616FCF 961802925 Gene Yeo, UCSD 82a5f4e0829af3036f47925c693a0bfa SRA:SRR5111579 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF043ERY bam alignments ENCSR439GXW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF495ZPY, ENCFF616FCF 1123778979 Gene Yeo, UCSD 273c1f132ba92d86271b3b13fea91e3f hg19 released ENCFF786ZZB bam alignments ENCSR439GXW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF495ZPY, ENCFF616FCF 1150149862 Gene Yeo, UCSD d31e9e3c8adf99ac37eeb827d315eaac GRCh38 released ENCFF776BXG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR439GXW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF043ERY 46512377 Gene Yeo, UCSD 49c8ce5feabd5f218a1ffdc0a51db547 hg19 released ENCFF557YVW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR439GXW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF043ERY 48093357 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2865121c974be2e2e96f20a7c0ef8165 hg19 released ENCFF034QCL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR439GXW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF786ZZB 47436744 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0be720cb7b77b44d4b76e348d07f0d5c GRCh38 released ENCFF880UXZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR439GXW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF786ZZB 49048611 Gene Yeo, UCSD d34b26e849013ff32c32e7c9b202ed46 GRCh38 released ENCFF287LMI fastq reads ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF292ANE 228680454 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa8442adfc2ec321abd858bb3ea15ad6 SRA:SRR5111655 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF996LKZ/ released ENCFF300RFO fastq reads ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF896YHT 230789461 Gene Yeo, UCSD 30e7aefe7cbff67dba58ca08fd1c85fd SRA:SRR5111654 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF996LKZ/ released ENCFF292ANE fastq reads ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF287LMI 237758251 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62d426324e37fa369714e86cc51bca6d SRA:SRR5111655 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF371GVL/ released ENCFF896YHT fastq reads ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF300RFO 241453501 Gene Yeo, UCSD aad8639bce774e67a34094c4c3ff604b SRA:SRR5111654 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF371GVL/ released ENCFF005HRW bam alignments ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF300RFO, ENCFF896YHT 211247976 Gene Yeo, UCSD cb44a8c7c746ddb51a2277981fc70222 hg19 released ENCFF731PYG bam alignments ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF287LMI, ENCFF292ANE 180716646 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3a8cea1922239ec60f278ac7f097c3d4 hg19 released ENCFF081LVD bam alignments ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF300RFO, ENCFF896YHT 210485599 Gene Yeo, UCSD d40b988428fef903ec018d2510cf9e36 GRCh38 released ENCFF690EFW bam alignments ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF287LMI, ENCFF292ANE 180063617 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4188d75394a34154eda09c60b8c7d835 GRCh38 released ENCFF848EIH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF731PYG 12464711 Gene Yeo, UCSD e8d7b628bf4ba3283ac621a85e223b49 hg19 released ENCFF445THX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF005HRW 13846970 Gene Yeo, UCSD 611b655544968c8c97eb82e22c759c85 hg19 released ENCFF624RYV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF731PYG 12948390 Gene Yeo, UCSD d7cf6266b58cf4ac56feb3c0ae13b11b hg19 released ENCFF036HJS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF005HRW 14374823 Gene Yeo, UCSD c245b3c77ed08a7b6dca4b06ad9b41ca hg19 released ENCFF634VRY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF081LVD 13821689 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51d264907b0c263086aead6b1119884f GRCh38 released ENCFF421TBP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF690EFW 12452476 Gene Yeo, UCSD bac8d20761ca97b3096dc84edfaa474d GRCh38 released ENCFF975TTN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF690EFW 12941677 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd4112e69fff15baa2733863249267ae GRCh38 released ENCFF184OOX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF081LVD 14369454 Gene Yeo, UCSD bf387487688bd3e45e0a48616727de21 GRCh38 released ENCFF627YDB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF005HRW, ENCFF421BZA 1329093 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3aff343bcb2777154cc390cbad845dc7 hg19 released ENCFF698TRT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF421BZA, ENCFF731PYG 1200605 Gene Yeo, UCSD f0b5e5f887177734838a1d61f0a7c816 hg19 released ENCFF377WFP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF487PQZ, ENCFF690EFW 1211268 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5d79e0b69e46720c062f135f319a4a4 GRCh38 released ENCFF296TYQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF081LVD, ENCFF487PQZ 1337214 Gene Yeo, UCSD 38f23c976acd9feaedc7187b6eabfd29 GRCh38 released ENCFF759IVI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF627YDB 2142128 Gene Yeo, UCSD c6563d54910e229abb1d9ff113b39898 hg19 released ENCFF178AAX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF698TRT 1962300 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f22910f73ae0ad32796548804919127 hg19 released ENCFF887NCX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF377WFP 1978873 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0aa5be1284843ae007b96d11de46dc8 GRCh38 released ENCFF707GVV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR485QCG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF296TYQ 2153339 Gene Yeo, UCSD 220a55c221b224061694a2a31c8bfc95 GRCh38 released ENCFF747FBU fastq reads ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF692APB 361797594 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1411f222264efdb439340e33692ddb3f SRA:SRR5111343 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF595TEO/ released ENCFF613QDB fastq reads ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF321BPE 383846800 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2353872cbee023b8d42a82edee6c802 SRA:SRR5111342 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF595TEO/ released ENCFF692APB fastq reads ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF747FBU 379555125 Gene Yeo, UCSD 211156d0df7c86e3841d1330ba48802a SRA:SRR5111343 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF251NBU/ released ENCFF321BPE fastq reads ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF613QDB 393148038 Gene Yeo, UCSD 653e8c600b214cf07e75578bbbe8282c SRA:SRR5111342 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF251NBU/ released ENCFF587LRZ bam alignments ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF321BPE, ENCFF613QDB 372581885 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2f73a9c9591d560d1f23d2146669bbc5 hg19 released ENCFF498YIO bam alignments ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF692APB, ENCFF747FBU 362129946 Gene Yeo, UCSD c5bf9cac69d59f18c16c8857d3ddccdd hg19 released ENCFF157WNL bam alignments ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF692APB, ENCFF747FBU 350105390 Gene Yeo, UCSD c42804df8e440ca6c24c71a70dac632e GRCh38 released ENCFF400HJB bam alignments ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF321BPE, ENCFF613QDB 355052934 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02ef2edbd532a174f9be14238570e3a0 GRCh38 released ENCFF326CJU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF498YIO 20118019 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9953ac076f1789bb5f5b2228eb9deda2 hg19 released ENCFF613ASX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF587LRZ 19454037 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6afb724053511f21e1555ca3bcce8caf hg19 released ENCFF129JQP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF498YIO 20854306 Gene Yeo, UCSD 429807e45daf4de5546cf3a41df7b369 hg19 released ENCFF264ZRY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF587LRZ 20138952 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90138740ae77a7766ebf62a16cce8d85 hg19 released ENCFF882QSZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF400HJB 18808449 Gene Yeo, UCSD e007a4fb23c75a6925b8fff357cd645a GRCh38 released ENCFF774GHB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF157WNL 19663600 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3bc72dbf18521e6bddfc601bcd53d3bd GRCh38 released ENCFF694DGQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF400HJB 19485907 Gene Yeo, UCSD 489a8f33bbe2f37d8b7db2e0186eee47 GRCh38 released ENCFF776AWV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF157WNL 20391403 Gene Yeo, UCSD 47d4aadd9e73d3bc4a7d986e131538cf GRCh38 released ENCFF092IJR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF435UZZ, ENCFF587LRZ 1486377 Gene Yeo, UCSD 036910eaee19a0eda2a3e9f881c93711 hg19 released ENCFF240QYG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF435UZZ, ENCFF498YIO 1585529 Gene Yeo, UCSD b9b3a2eadf4759e3fed5195c5f622fcc hg19 released ENCFF830FZH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF400HJB, ENCFF962TBZ 1432978 Gene Yeo, UCSD a0e33df5949e1815fadcb76e8b2de5dc GRCh38 released ENCFF252ZKZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF157WNL, ENCFF962TBZ 1545926 Gene Yeo, UCSD f56d9843012409d02cbdda8b7d6fdc5b GRCh38 released ENCFF973THL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF240QYG 2617995 Gene Yeo, UCSD b94db321c76a30989b341af31da728cb hg19 released ENCFF745LHE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF092IJR 3022689 Gene Yeo, UCSD 007bb737ad16ed5f1850406393ded51b hg19 released ENCFF560XDO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF830FZH 2923918 Gene Yeo, UCSD 585989a510381994aecd9675f6d54a75 GRCh38 released ENCFF334DBN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR265ZIS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF252ZKZ 2562170 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e7bb6c4d0bc8f28d1da0f646a452d5f GRCh38 released ENCFF597QAD fastq reads ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 49 paired-ended 1 ENCFF408GJH 733560395 Gene Yeo, UCSD 945999492fdf39a860e17d3895e06969 SRA:SRR5111510 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF413QVJ/ released ENCFF366XCA fastq reads ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 49 paired-ended 1 ENCFF180MDZ 532795673 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4f2d9b94e6a5fe05a873a7058f1327ad SRA:SRR5111511 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF413QVJ/ released ENCFF180MDZ fastq reads ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF366XCA 491545010 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0eca4415568d07a8f959e6ec256ef295 SRA:SRR5111511 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF900NQN/ released ENCFF408GJH fastq reads ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF597QAD 685215659 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7988e5c894f5da933a99b6e75fe5c220 SRA:SRR5111510 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF900NQN/ released ENCFF175HHG bam alignments ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF180MDZ, ENCFF366XCA 686297696 Gene Yeo, UCSD af5b105781a86ee82f1efbec7ff66a8d hg19 released ENCFF103BFG bam alignments ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF408GJH, ENCFF597QAD 1089285048 Gene Yeo, UCSD b59c236d543e4f6886fbb05d2bce2653 hg19 released ENCFF616EZQ bam alignments ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF180MDZ, ENCFF366XCA 677859806 Gene Yeo, UCSD b40874e2e0248bcf125239dff96e26b8 GRCh38 released ENCFF399CRA bam alignments ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF408GJH, ENCFF597QAD 1074199796 Gene Yeo, UCSD c645ab7e3908d91f9aeda49514733eb2 GRCh38 released ENCFF873ZCC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF103BFG 51756224 Gene Yeo, UCSD 45f9045b8204d287f3a8050f08eed783 hg19 released ENCFF470CWS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF175HHG 35641405 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7de094d2faa8a0a8dca8962b058de22c hg19 released ENCFF982KSU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF103BFG 52629033 Gene Yeo, UCSD bb46127bd5faeed0fa9649876a156d61 hg19 released ENCFF932RHC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF175HHG 36817923 Gene Yeo, UCSD 082e46bcffb6a76036ee003eb54681d3 hg19 released ENCFF191KGC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF616EZQ 35345459 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1dbe1799d9d4b47d1cd75da409b81b6d GRCh38 released ENCFF854WKT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF399CRA 51314892 Gene Yeo, UCSD 64d3a1b9ac077e40580ff6e60a8bbf66 GRCh38 released ENCFF895BUH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF616EZQ 36516255 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4cb0c51ef8b6398214e9e91c3ffec619 GRCh38 released ENCFF583SUZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF399CRA 52172778 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42340df42dc178c0439d175985ec509a GRCh38 released ENCFF892JUQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF175HHG, ENCFF836AYV 2991963 Gene Yeo, UCSD a31f0d909897529654706c0f5f4eace1 hg19 released ENCFF370ZBJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF103BFG, ENCFF836AYV 3871166 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7e1c29992b3c959dc08b3da442fae7c hg19 released ENCFF548SIH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091VTP, ENCFF616EZQ 3011416 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb5e166eb6bd79a9f1260c3941d32f61 GRCh38 released ENCFF645IXY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF091VTP, ENCFF399CRA 3910684 Gene Yeo, UCSD 558bb06983f07fd8be59f7da72a893f5 GRCh38 released ENCFF930JBO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF370ZBJ 6939288 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0de8899a956e910cd26bcc78f938a6a6 hg19 released ENCFF532CDP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF892JUQ 5587560 Gene Yeo, UCSD 220c155d640c2bf195d2f097d42dce5c hg19 released ENCFF070WAE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF091VTP, ENCFF399CRA 7001843 Gene Yeo, UCSD 98af9dc1caaa020038f23069c3c3b748 GRCh38 released ENCFF754CEO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR384MWO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2-human ENCAB117EBX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF548SIH 5626022 Gene Yeo, UCSD ab306d6e341566138ec50adcbbb90bcb GRCh38 released ENCFF109RNC fastq reads ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF498JIR 594615093 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11aa10dbe1523e580cf8c2a3bd08b851 SRA:SRR5112236 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF246ZNB/ released ENCFF984MPJ fastq reads ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF780ORI 437846368 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6662bee10717cf821d9c97a91c622f50 SRA:SRR5112237 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF246ZNB/ released ENCFF780ORI fastq reads ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF984MPJ 434693595 Gene Yeo, UCSD 86d7cd77f5ba0542a639f78031736b1d SRA:SRR5112237 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF586LZV/ released ENCFF498JIR fastq reads ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF109RNC 601845407 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f3d167bce1b576a4a4d1946fd8424bb SRA:SRR5112236 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF586LZV/ released ENCFF644NKM bam alignments ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF780ORI, ENCFF984MPJ 216124712 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4bd8640af79be4cefb5d22885e141eb4 hg19 released ENCFF528CMP bam alignments ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF109RNC, ENCFF498JIR 149268289 Gene Yeo, UCSD fdb3d399695fe7a6f8b50e4e525f84fe hg19 released ENCFF685FNB bam alignments ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF780ORI, ENCFF984MPJ 212979109 Gene Yeo, UCSD cef3f335e58f882c73254617c7485672 GRCh38 released ENCFF773GGY bam alignments ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF109RNC, ENCFF498JIR 146498436 Gene Yeo, UCSD fdc8e5a490c91d0634a63d994e5947fe GRCh38 released ENCFF244OJJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF644NKM 13191405 Gene Yeo, UCSD 196af3ee835a6b15ac90e29cd4ca4837 hg19 released ENCFF774DRK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF528CMP 6953531 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ab1cae2e8ea89534dad4983bd34cb0e hg19 released ENCFF642AQR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF644NKM 13872628 Gene Yeo, UCSD ee5192157f0adc5ef930856faf4b7335 hg19 released ENCFF483RXE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF528CMP 7209190 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42f3884ba2ffb05ef9278598665896be hg19 released ENCFF902BBF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF685FNB 13079906 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5d7f21ed69a3db5e7937c32fb74564d2 GRCh38 released ENCFF730QLX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF773GGY 6898969 Gene Yeo, UCSD b867324807e09744b54c08f7df57aefc GRCh38 released ENCFF554KDS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF685FNB 13731406 Gene Yeo, UCSD c7ddf5b97b70e8c844091042b9823e94 GRCh38 released ENCFF982PZA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF773GGY 7147132 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2394aa7900ae71dbd28f520eeb0323e GRCh38 released ENCFF544HGJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF528CMP, ENCFF776GPK 1296259 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7f82bfacea63fff7866d14791bd8e11e hg19 released ENCFF305LNT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF644NKM, ENCFF776GPK 1187231 Gene Yeo, UCSD 830205a7732461fdc324d87f1759f00a hg19 released ENCFF986MGC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF773GGY, ENCFF848GHI 1297530 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a803b1fcc08e05ed744a805a0d53a2a GRCh38 released ENCFF259HTD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF685FNB, ENCFF848GHI 1190045 Gene Yeo, UCSD 253ef303d15465eadb8a768e9a484b8e GRCh38 released ENCFF169FBJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF544HGJ 2195061 Gene Yeo, UCSD c362d9af9d8d1fffdc5107d9397a2d94 hg19 released ENCFF522BBU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF305LNT 2025417 Gene Yeo, UCSD 28f4592e2a0a90b2f18269d2aaac6eba hg19 released ENCFF140LQE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF259HTD 2034186 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7652a7b9de33a6d79f602a863d5e0dc7 GRCh38 released ENCFF438YGF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR888YTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LARP4-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF986MGC 2193179 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6ecc116b35038a530eeb110fbb0909bb GRCh38 released ENCFF017IOI fastq reads ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF851FZF 411178920 Gene Yeo, UCSD 234ee939b4da9891b281ea6de2bed0fd SRA:SRR5112357 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF614VTZ/ released ENCFF816JAS fastq reads ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF286FKW 309042874 Gene Yeo, UCSD deffc78a3377d1d37a4c2dd420a50865 SRA:SRR5112356 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF614VTZ/ released ENCFF851FZF fastq reads ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF017IOI 444247645 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6d5f0d731e63ea15e1c409d7d4f2ce6f SRA:SRR5112357 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF831COI/ released ENCFF286FKW fastq reads ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF816JAS 334211957 Gene Yeo, UCSD 821ce312c3a8231dd762d33684ba0967 SRA:SRR5112356 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF831COI/ released ENCFF953OZR bam alignments ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF017IOI, ENCFF851FZF 503848992 Gene Yeo, UCSD e3ce350b78dac7f752ad0a4aa16889e7 hg19 released ENCFF832WNY bam alignments ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF286FKW, ENCFF816JAS 367243193 Gene Yeo, UCSD 959558d458be4d49e518b725e1bfcf19 hg19 released ENCFF867TIG bam alignments ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF017IOI, ENCFF851FZF 499207641 Gene Yeo, UCSD a95db631b4e20ae8f33dbce944cfa2f1 GRCh38 released ENCFF418ZXO bam alignments ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF286FKW, ENCFF816JAS 363849509 Gene Yeo, UCSD b61f7a26c754e0c495bdcc83101278d1 GRCh38 released ENCFF745ZQD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF832WNY 18476616 Gene Yeo, UCSD b8317741aeab7403424c3a40721102c6 hg19 released ENCFF566KHV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF953OZR 22857751 Gene Yeo, UCSD 83229ff410a5ec9db933c1117c4f2e2e hg19 released ENCFF787KND bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF832WNY 19303629 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89e7004b1c438d0e0577ef89f2a01899 hg19 released ENCFF837EJE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF953OZR 23562281 Gene Yeo, UCSD 36a567940549923e5de302210182adb1 hg19 released ENCFF570HZA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF867TIG 22729515 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7cb27e39ead83cae6a39d8c5bd3ec696 GRCh38 released ENCFF124CAG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF418ZXO 18365942 Gene Yeo, UCSD d394adaa5e5bee4c1a0c84ff57938911 GRCh38 released ENCFF327NVE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF867TIG 23428385 Gene Yeo, UCSD 845f082f8c42cebe565d544f78bae2c2 GRCh38 released ENCFF261GPN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF418ZXO 19181985 Gene Yeo, UCSD eccab462ef84dcf12a7996d462bdac96 GRCh38 released ENCFF179SCM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF445NNG, ENCFF953OZR 2241962 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4a8e5cdfb6571541e37b342f755ac0fe hg19 released ENCFF184TBM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF445NNG, ENCFF832WNY 2030634 Gene Yeo, UCSD e68b7c55d9e0f3f6b0b7c63c670e865a hg19 released ENCFF214HOA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF467FPH, ENCFF867TIG 2265777 Gene Yeo, UCSD c628ad529a214f731bd2055f6240720d GRCh38 released ENCFF508DKJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF418ZXO, ENCFF467FPH 2042906 Gene Yeo, UCSD 09f75fd4a4ba556b41249c835bf58eb1 GRCh38 released ENCFF759OGT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF179SCM 4377882 Gene Yeo, UCSD e43d81443f432185b1423512243bb8ce hg19 released ENCFF135SKU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF184TBM 4076300 Gene Yeo, UCSD 46aabed0092047c90a3b0feeec7e7c49 hg19 released ENCFF522HEA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF214HOA 4423182 Gene Yeo, UCSD 01cc21721761796b9086ea2e75550f12 GRCh38 released ENCFF937LBT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR989VIY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF1-human ENCAB962KAD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF508DKJ 4099460 Gene Yeo, UCSD cbefd145976f8221bd80060bf1218ec1 GRCh38 released ENCFF526FTD fastq reads ENCSR506EIW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF163HDX 603535599 Gene Yeo, UCSD 77c3595afffa5da6c7c5fa913877d271 SRA:SRR5111687 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF163HDX fastq reads ENCSR506EIW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF526FTD 564843964 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8575b81794d1ada32b8c202ef92e6485 SRA:SRR5111687 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF839ZIO bam alignments ENCSR506EIW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF163HDX, ENCFF526FTD 645147474 Gene Yeo, UCSD 06bd1289ab53ec0313c6f590f84651e6 hg19 released ENCFF949MMS bam alignments ENCSR506EIW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF163HDX, ENCFF526FTD 657687678 Gene Yeo, UCSD c47b744c08bd6d87283d98a8c806b5c0 GRCh38 released ENCFF750AIQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506EIW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF839ZIO 28208119 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ddda333d97ff83450934d561bab375f hg19 released ENCFF017QIP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506EIW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF839ZIO 28838928 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b516df5e8da0831d74a7a0add4f00c6 hg19 released ENCFF257DFX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506EIW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF949MMS 29040749 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0e0d7d1a969e2e72353e145dec137e02 GRCh38 released ENCFF302WLD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506EIW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SFPQ eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB692IKS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF949MMS 29370496 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65f52c75583b3ba5ee0a68fa784b9ef9 GRCh38 released ENCFF793DFG fastq reads ENCSR197LHH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF734WRT 1011373393 Gene Yeo, UCSD 79fb47131f7b9aee658ce8337bd63443 SRA:SRR5111250 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF734WRT fastq reads ENCSR197LHH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF793DFG 950116790 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8dade94d52bd7d599d03525db592eade SRA:SRR5111250 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF973XJS bam alignments ENCSR197LHH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF734WRT, ENCFF793DFG 832058109 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad1798b640b6868202a7c515ac05ca82 hg19 released ENCFF038LJH bam alignments ENCSR197LHH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF734WRT, ENCFF793DFG 850271814 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0e3b56178b8e4ab796f0ae73d98eac2 GRCh38 released ENCFF072TXJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197LHH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF973XJS 35339319 Gene Yeo, UCSD e757eb0ebffd2489a6aa9e84bf79efa2 hg19 released ENCFF248PBA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197LHH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF973XJS 36546118 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4415a645eb6b0e2dcdc439a336999041 hg19 released ENCFF742BDR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197LHH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF038LJH 35981716 Gene Yeo, UCSD fac1af7ec582fe4a24786d502553f9e6 GRCh38 released ENCFF144DTF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197LHH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF038LJH 37187367 Gene Yeo, UCSD 13c38b38c5e0497ea349c2249837a7c2 GRCh38 released ENCFF993FHX fastq reads ENCSR334OMC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF678SWO 622652005 Gene Yeo, UCSD 01625dbf3e622594d389926f669dc0ed SRA:SRR5111454 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF678SWO fastq reads ENCSR334OMC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF993FHX 583462511 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8d1b475a23511e7129f7ce5568f20d5a SRA:SRR5111454 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF995MPE bam alignments ENCSR334OMC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF678SWO, ENCFF993FHX 688301525 Gene Yeo, UCSD 473cd8315c4200cedcd7793784bad3ad hg19 released ENCFF390FNJ bam alignments ENCSR334OMC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF678SWO, ENCFF993FHX 695864022 Gene Yeo, UCSD a401c4966e117ca37085ced6501f9a53 GRCh38 released ENCFF626WWC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR334OMC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF995MPE 30990442 Gene Yeo, UCSD b3ef2809336b092e55df74a1ca114666 hg19 released ENCFF064OAG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR334OMC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF995MPE 31475294 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3bf4d212b399d8ddbc2ed31b798c645f hg19 released ENCFF810FHS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR334OMC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF390FNJ 31339429 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f6299d8a5dd07cce93bae16cb77950f GRCh38 released ENCFF077CNB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR334OMC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX59 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB112HZS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF390FNJ 31789062 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e2a00ee2e4656c6e8db46b2c9d4c1f8 GRCh38 released ENCFF826QWS fastq reads ENCSR878HWU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF671ZYB 827448983 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd7531551df199305eed052e25fd09d1 SRA:SRR5112203 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF671ZYB fastq reads ENCSR878HWU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF826QWS 781125781 Gene Yeo, UCSD be0bb487f09f8817ead69e78ad0d1800 SRA:SRR5112203 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF056AWB bam alignments ENCSR878HWU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF671ZYB, ENCFF826QWS 868993143 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0bfba4617b0fd1cd6fc4f5752538bc5b hg19 released ENCFF723JLV bam alignments ENCSR878HWU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF671ZYB, ENCFF826QWS 886713938 Gene Yeo, UCSD 435935e901b1cf555f94065d9e7c6e70 GRCh38 released ENCFF864HJS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR878HWU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF056AWB 37090690 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef27b0c9af946c42c88e6aab5c3007c1 hg19 released ENCFF131PIV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR878HWU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF056AWB 37218801 Gene Yeo, UCSD 277554f267ca7ec6a3130199d18edd89 hg19 released ENCFF348XHW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR878HWU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF723JLV 37750697 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9fb5396f7b39f8d4ece7cf5e651b22c9 GRCh38 released ENCFF427MYH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR878HWU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF723JLV 37881056 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4e5bcb3c1866c675903f7b1ce4d893c GRCh38 released ENCFF494AAJ fastq reads ENCSR950WBG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF296EON 423452657 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0c571d5a6a8089260bbe42d9e99fc05e SRA:SRR5112306 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF296EON fastq reads ENCSR950WBG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF494AAJ 409093838 Gene Yeo, UCSD b1765e52620c0b288e70e9f7e00c5adf SRA:SRR5112306 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF913HKF bam alignments ENCSR950WBG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF296EON, ENCFF494AAJ 111058804 Gene Yeo, UCSD d5b77c32941f723aa35c10eb81c5f7a6 hg19 released ENCFF879UID bam alignments ENCSR950WBG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF296EON, ENCFF494AAJ 112148367 Gene Yeo, UCSD bbb62539dfc51a0c9229593a705880c4 GRCh38 released ENCFF666UVV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR950WBG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF913HKF 5615101 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ab5c01dc7b5bef47d7b9b32c2b50688 hg19 released ENCFF836ZSE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR950WBG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF913HKF 5838650 Gene Yeo, UCSD 37282406bd166c682a07e26e8c32b539 hg19 released ENCFF176IOE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR950WBG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF879UID 5725738 Gene Yeo, UCSD 035baf03bc0a3a2b995ca47b3d28ee53 GRCh38 released ENCFF986NDL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR950WBG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF879UID 5962518 Gene Yeo, UCSD 849e8fcc96179f771d6b93b43247d57f GRCh38 released ENCFF648UKF fastq reads ENCSR704LTK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF143QIL 328738958 Gene Yeo, UCSD aeb25ff811730883f0d0435ac332dfdf SRA:SRR5111993 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF143QIL fastq reads ENCSR704LTK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF648UKF 321475393 Gene Yeo, UCSD b819e497ed71f24b2c70faac547ed0c7 SRA:SRR5111993 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF194AMH bam alignments ENCSR704LTK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF143QIL, ENCFF648UKF 344629351 Gene Yeo, UCSD 256c4240155e161cbfb7116638e7aae6 hg19 released ENCFF903KIZ bam alignments ENCSR704LTK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF143QIL, ENCFF648UKF 346906486 Gene Yeo, UCSD f52614f6bdd7a0c36973bd8ffde756a1 GRCh38 released ENCFF677BNB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR704LTK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF194AMH 17940432 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8056ab4b7eaa88640e21ce8bb77dc77d hg19 released ENCFF904BPY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR704LTK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF194AMH 18331735 Gene Yeo, UCSD cce22fc1e77c9d6a53b5babbc624a852 hg19 released ENCFF151HZU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR704LTK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF903KIZ 18076906 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3006d1cb41e6785c72e0892530a20665 GRCh38 released ENCFF233ONK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR704LTK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FKBP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB145YUK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF903KIZ 18461087 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92df066a6afa1f693e0502824742176a GRCh38 released ENCFF036XAD fastq reads ENCSR941GJG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF189CPD 475614790 Gene Yeo, UCSD d85be725afc7ab0b8f0f0ddcdf1ae0d0 SRA:SRR5112293 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF189CPD fastq reads ENCSR941GJG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF036XAD 458097044 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b44c50e693a9a218effdc495062d279 SRA:SRR5112293 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF753HXO bam alignments ENCSR941GJG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF036XAD, ENCFF189CPD 305040032 Gene Yeo, UCSD 95e77787adab6e322bbf49274d4552e6 hg19 released ENCFF076WAG bam alignments ENCSR941GJG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF036XAD, ENCFF189CPD 307117057 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3237f8e630c45dd09ef9a2c649943e6 GRCh38 released ENCFF241MHK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR941GJG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF753HXO 15099273 Gene Yeo, UCSD d386a462f2826671232b0999f2601c83 hg19 released ENCFF664JCF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR941GJG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF753HXO 15417368 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6fff417a615cf4aff0d0fd74532d3df hg19 released ENCFF390LHZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR941GJG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF076WAG 15250761 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3d31c24fa79bda6e0ce02d89d885f1f GRCh38 released ENCFF553PCH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR941GJG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF076WAG 15719948 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0a05b2255c4d28d101c054ee83abef2e GRCh38 released ENCFF698YHW fastq reads ENCSR978JXM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF598NHN 621114001 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc7ab0f0b4bfad45b18329bf272b9eb1 SRA:SRR5112329 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF598NHN fastq reads ENCSR978JXM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF698YHW 596837082 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa681bbd5d0f3a8fbdf996e927732fc7 SRA:SRR5112329 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF140UJJ bam alignments ENCSR978JXM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF598NHN, ENCFF698YHW 441893170 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11c08679610b54d751a42883dd7d4818 hg19 released ENCFF842FRH bam alignments ENCSR978JXM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF598NHN, ENCFF698YHW 444406364 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3f2b260dd6fa92b637d42af2c1f22a18 GRCh38 released ENCFF267IFC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR978JXM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF140UJJ 22213057 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6565f77a553731b948635ba6ded0e968 hg19 released ENCFF576HVU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR978JXM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF140UJJ 23018708 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0616f29d1f7a01be58daf8994ef2c9c5 hg19 released ENCFF387LLC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR978JXM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF842FRH 22307258 Gene Yeo, UCSD 390910b600c4f1fe5fb87cdc4bbacfb6 GRCh38 released ENCFF150YLM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR978JXM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SAFB2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB303CHK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF842FRH 23090589 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8d144eed1704c33a7c49f1584414cbdd GRCh38 released ENCFF869DFG fastq reads ENCSR839KAX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF903ZBT 663584960 Gene Yeo, UCSD f4637446ae7e1e594cb6c75f2f75c26a SRA:SRR5112144 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF903ZBT fastq reads ENCSR839KAX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF869DFG 657076500 Gene Yeo, UCSD 44d54639ea941ff5888e0f4995104049 SRA:SRR5112144 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF333KJO bam alignments ENCSR839KAX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF869DFG, ENCFF903ZBT 511793899 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ef96236fffc822d909d86eaed678420 hg19 released ENCFF186RBL bam alignments ENCSR839KAX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF869DFG, ENCFF903ZBT 514171283 Gene Yeo, UCSD ebf7090c365d7c51364bd4cc20c30a5f GRCh38 released ENCFF341HEH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR839KAX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF333KJO 22944452 Gene Yeo, UCSD bba238309b6c4f3c1bf64496862b626f hg19 released ENCFF611TNV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR839KAX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF333KJO 23664231 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe8aaf0d8649d23f924d2cd846492124 hg19 released ENCFF079HLW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR839KAX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF186RBL 23048152 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c625e427a7f8596f1f271ced39f38c7 GRCh38 released ENCFF626CNS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR839KAX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF186RBL 23787003 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d1de23c3c068a7c6b28ff4458e7e434 GRCh38 released ENCFF608BOA fastq reads ENCSR562BJW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF742KQJ 112129069 Gene Yeo, UCSD a29d90f21e3ff82deb1cf82575ecfd33 SRA:SRR5111787 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF742KQJ fastq reads ENCSR562BJW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF608BOA 112448144 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6fddf59a29a6fe32ca853e62a067ac9f SRA:SRR5111787 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF589FSV bam alignments ENCSR562BJW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF608BOA, ENCFF742KQJ 110468518 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ea3960d96d28de939ebdf60f883ec1c hg19 released ENCFF047HSP bam alignments ENCSR562BJW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF608BOA, ENCFF742KQJ 110586398 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5a593c03855199e64b23b5c98cf43817 GRCh38 released ENCFF773SOP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR562BJW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF589FSV 4794788 Gene Yeo, UCSD c0c095baf40185dc879437b5e1d4dcc8 hg19 released ENCFF585MMC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR562BJW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF589FSV 4986804 Gene Yeo, UCSD c92d0e638c2807633aeaf49afb4b3682 hg19 released ENCFF376FLH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR562BJW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF047HSP 4806928 Gene Yeo, UCSD 08fec098919807b0ebe4b44e44ab6971 GRCh38 released ENCFF130TTZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR562BJW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FXR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB712TFO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF047HSP 4993099 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8a50c3ee485805d846d9ba83df8bf56c GRCh38 released ENCFF317QOW fastq reads ENCSR157BRV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF057SJT 571833449 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc1095de83fa01d104cd573c5c31145f SRA:SRR5111182 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF057SJT fastq reads ENCSR157BRV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF317QOW 556366371 Gene Yeo, UCSD 70466411ec345ed76347c1b33f49dbb0 SRA:SRR5111182 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF135DTM bam alignments ENCSR157BRV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF057SJT, ENCFF317QOW 389106571 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80d2479c1405d99b3243c8b6bac7425a hg19 released ENCFF471ZFP bam alignments ENCSR157BRV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF057SJT, ENCFF317QOW 391335425 Gene Yeo, UCSD d9698c27332d17a63659c13f5d851417 GRCh38 released ENCFF850NEA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR157BRV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF135DTM 18104490 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3bd4766bdf0a4243a2d1939601b86de0 hg19 released ENCFF412TBZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR157BRV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF135DTM 18727872 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9780bf549c6f91ea74941472ec77f9b0 hg19 released ENCFF931JAI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR157BRV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF471ZFP 18217697 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa9a5908a26a5a7cceaaf1372745ad97 GRCh38 released ENCFF821SOM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR157BRV eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF471ZFP 18838634 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec4f95ba92df1730c5603496b8b746e4 GRCh38 released ENCFF318ADU fastq reads ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF608MEF 813068039 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9ed42c3c1dec16b27226a3edcdfae687 SRA:SRR5111924 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF818MIM/ released ENCFF545BFR fastq reads ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF912DJK 814226272 Gene Yeo, UCSD fb90ea20055b44d09f358bfd81786c17 SRA:SRR5111925 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF818MIM/ released ENCFF608MEF fastq reads ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF318ADU 818338797 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c8c95837085ba05e5a714c986c24d77 SRA:SRR5111924 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF593CTK/ released ENCFF912DJK fastq reads ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF545BFR 815640430 Gene Yeo, UCSD a44057d7bd8730e791dbcbcfdb7f1ce9 SRA:SRR5111925 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF593CTK/ released ENCFF130YZF bam alignments ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF318ADU, ENCFF608MEF 694757409 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9c3840f71f16fe3a3112b759ff9f4a0c hg19 released ENCFF104FKE bam alignments ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF545BFR, ENCFF912DJK 761872087 Gene Yeo, UCSD 91c7c7e1fdd578f43de7e22d4b97cb81 hg19 released ENCFF563BNB bam alignments ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF545BFR, ENCFF912DJK 746204835 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3f3bd4c72ec1e35651246dac3fbd70c GRCh38 released ENCFF086LQG bam alignments ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF318ADU, ENCFF608MEF 679815906 Gene Yeo, UCSD 574522bb01eccbdcea60084eacb708a8 GRCh38 released ENCFF163UZA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF130YZF 31438145 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3a3f7734ac0b5841a219a794a44c30b9 hg19 released ENCFF191VIT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF104FKE 34602130 Gene Yeo, UCSD 38ff23aa84a5073788bf6190d93ced1d hg19 released ENCFF224CWV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF130YZF 32648713 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0867b5db1c3db43059511b8ce798a65a hg19 released ENCFF682OHZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF104FKE 35795000 Gene Yeo, UCSD e9ce50f96ecff808d9d2123d3069ccab hg19 released ENCFF659LQY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF086LQG 31092746 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63a32d53c0f6fbe86bf6e48a7522e2ba GRCh38 released ENCFF262ZDM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF563BNB 34263484 Gene Yeo, UCSD 86def5a4ac8ec7b7355eccd4ea5c38eb GRCh38 released ENCFF879YZY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF086LQG 32252290 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3470c070e98d8249cc61ec47d08c9154 GRCh38 released ENCFF019MEC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF563BNB 35399984 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f143fe7ee45b3107eddba8bb7d9c7b0 GRCh38 released ENCFF560OAU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF068QGD, ENCFF130YZF 2702466 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e68f595c21867b17b4cec31f41cf52b hg19 released ENCFF102QYZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF068QGD, ENCFF104FKE 2875314 Gene Yeo, UCSD abe5e426edfe288b4f4467cfd8df8ecc hg19 released ENCFF419MOS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF102FKE, ENCFF563BNB 2912156 Gene Yeo, UCSD cdb791d94b0797864faf2bd06592f129 GRCh38 released ENCFF807GJE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF086LQG, ENCFF102FKE 2736469 Gene Yeo, UCSD f7a8f856fee4eeb215058685af2bbb8a GRCh38 released ENCFF180PES bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF102QYZ 5459212 Gene Yeo, UCSD d14d6e1591199ba9355697aae95f84f6 hg19 released ENCFF391LND bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF560OAU 5112609 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6294679c88ddcbc1f114723a121faa7a hg19 released ENCFF592QRP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF419MOS 5502337 Gene Yeo, UCSD 358950636775541ff43eba655f5a498e GRCh38 released ENCFF333JSY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR663WES eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF807GJE 5157513 Gene Yeo, UCSD 464e913781ebe29cfbca548efd4fd5d3 GRCh38 released ENCFF776TRJ fastq reads ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF394FNH 307503589 Gene Yeo, UCSD d36b6aca6beecaa53a98d7cef915943d SRA:SRR5111742 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF887HZS/ released ENCFF975ABT fastq reads ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF420PXR 310184981 Gene Yeo, UCSD 74c83aa1db6331f490e1e8632c7f783b SRA:SRR5111743 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF887HZS/ released ENCFF394FNH fastq reads ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF776TRJ 333592264 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4dc743939104b5d37fd2407b9f7b0640 SRA:SRR5111742 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF523STK/ released ENCFF420PXR fastq reads ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF975ABT 335100361 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c43f6ddf226c7da8215e3994aad5884 SRA:SRR5111743 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF523STK/ released ENCFF550ABZ bam alignments ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF420PXR, ENCFF975ABT 184307883 Gene Yeo, UCSD a3b2192e0295d16d59e47674e2aee3cd hg19 released ENCFF185XTD bam alignments ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF394FNH, ENCFF776TRJ 226982475 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6f7f1173f367735037543d34d567f024 hg19 released ENCFF550ZSZ bam alignments ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF420PXR, ENCFF975ABT 181752940 Gene Yeo, UCSD b6e62b0bebd13a82a4f0406e473c30f5 GRCh38 released ENCFF751GZQ bam alignments ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF394FNH, ENCFF776TRJ 224188853 Gene Yeo, UCSD b742b7d69b9446fdc3dda3c9c39710a5 GRCh38 released ENCFF278OBX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF550ABZ 11499945 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd6aa945be2291154cdde34f7bfb7de6 hg19 released ENCFF437HLQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF185XTD 13306736 Gene Yeo, UCSD 30762cb8f4a42f9216e2a4b0530c1d1f hg19 released ENCFF804XIP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF550ABZ 12115740 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ec7bb659d387bb6f8cacaffbb0d0d13 hg19 released ENCFF255BMV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF185XTD 14066370 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f508105d1dab88582235721843601b5 hg19 released ENCFF443OUZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF751GZQ 13186145 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6ac89eb2260d5f4adddbac4aee0eae44 GRCh38 released ENCFF016HQW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF550ZSZ 11387758 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa85216230fdd458a504b8ac9058f95f GRCh38 released ENCFF503NTY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF550ZSZ 11842011 Gene Yeo, UCSD f0b07c48b428f0a108fb864d48e0bdf5 GRCh38 released ENCFF094MKS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF751GZQ 13771228 Gene Yeo, UCSD 41a19163543ffb99d98ad7436b760d18 GRCh38 released ENCFF284QIO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF185XTD, ENCFF747XJC 1125479 Gene Yeo, UCSD 647e1d503d59b3441a9c88d58ae24186 hg19 released ENCFF515QAG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF550ABZ, ENCFF747XJC 957113 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba3446377988e166459eb3517dcf0701 hg19 released ENCFF454PKM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF550ZSZ, ENCFF842FFD 958870 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e0b720a509ac7c54cb138a8878e1a1c GRCh38 released ENCFF802BJP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF751GZQ, ENCFF842FFD 1134173 Gene Yeo, UCSD c9627f72facfe0f56cf90b53b9a7427e GRCh38 released ENCFF468JIB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF515QAG 1674029 Gene Yeo, UCSD 41f84d5bc423ceaa5a2ac9af303f7a7d hg19 released ENCFF418OUX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF284QIO 1912893 Gene Yeo, UCSD 50a8674631201f04fa36c7a431076fe5 hg19 released ENCFF219UMT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF802BJP 1933163 Gene Yeo, UCSD 15f6c7bc3ee84f84e40ba19d96b43329 GRCh38 released ENCFF087RUW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR532VUB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens CPSF6-human ENCAB652TTL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF454PKM 1678652 Gene Yeo, UCSD aae59d6cf1a9b0810e6ce75f2bc32e47 GRCh38 released ENCFF971JKG fastq reads ENCSR180EJY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF216XJE 637106702 Gene Yeo, UCSD 70972e06e9cd450bed29fbb399df11cb SRA:SRR5111222 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF216XJE fastq reads ENCSR180EJY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF971JKG 602594952 Gene Yeo, UCSD e92ef80a06518a5c51a6e87f19043c00 SRA:SRR5111222 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF034NUD bam alignments ENCSR180EJY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF216XJE, ENCFF971JKG 528139953 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d563b919c2da4ad1be130ffe6e3634e hg19 released ENCFF252ZZN bam alignments ENCSR180EJY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF216XJE, ENCFF971JKG 536860757 Gene Yeo, UCSD e2a84008e0d820184a75b1b747e767bc GRCh38 released ENCFF920PUO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR180EJY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF034NUD 23070018 Gene Yeo, UCSD a966e529f62f406360161f4aaba51896 hg19 released ENCFF393RHA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR180EJY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF034NUD 24016137 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4329aaa296a0a275f4ca4d59a533025c hg19 released ENCFF976KIN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR180EJY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF252ZZN 23482413 Gene Yeo, UCSD adc3e8d2167f0cfc3d4de013aa07916d GRCh38 released ENCFF150UTZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR180EJY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF252ZZN 24422353 Gene Yeo, UCSD 637dc7d5e1cd040e2455d142e85e7d8b GRCh38 released ENCFF456RUG fastq reads ENCSR619LRH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF465JRJ 787306744 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff421ae35e84a54456f4b61e5ba19070 SRA:SRR5111863 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF465JRJ fastq reads ENCSR619LRH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF456RUG 705766907 Gene Yeo, UCSD c94bc52df78bf6fa9208f3965c07d14c SRA:SRR5111863 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF194SFB bam alignments ENCSR619LRH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF456RUG, ENCFF465JRJ 788144931 Gene Yeo, UCSD a9e0e794c280cc6903933c574320b0eb hg19 released ENCFF894PGH bam alignments ENCSR619LRH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF456RUG, ENCFF465JRJ 804201850 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c86a10819b68c0d1f1385b76da1a0fd GRCh38 released ENCFF238PHM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR619LRH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF194SFB 37990654 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ea1ff1dac5f8b2518ba9196f0b9b886 hg19 released ENCFF835FXZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR619LRH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF194SFB 38579074 Gene Yeo, UCSD 53cd6c1f4cdd1e198e0c82d183fcd282 hg19 released ENCFF035KPX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR619LRH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF894PGH 39279528 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8710d6605e6c1197b197e0870d3418c0 GRCh38 released ENCFF777TUS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR619LRH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TROVE2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB703EAU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF894PGH 39358675 Gene Yeo, UCSD b7e7128d8c3060e7b177e0c04c16d25f GRCh38 released ENCFF565HKG fastq reads ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF559BLA 308474179 Gene Yeo, UCSD 57c9764e1e2a8316e7c585515f0d05da SRA:SRR5111319 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF156ZDE/ released ENCFF912MAK fastq reads ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF440IJI 241619423 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ddf429f486579b3c3a81c6404a5096c SRA:SRR5111318 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF156ZDE/ released ENCFF559BLA fastq reads ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF565HKG 317082089 Gene Yeo, UCSD 24a391348d3055d787c57d7d93e4c55b SRA:SRR5111319 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF939YLN/ released ENCFF440IJI fastq reads ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF912MAK 263923929 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb6e69ab770f6d2932d1b4cd075be056 SRA:SRR5111318 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF939YLN/ released ENCFF555WXD bam alignments ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF559BLA, ENCFF565HKG 536239317 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e1c095dd6246eb18435ae578dcd865e hg19 released ENCFF706QJH bam alignments ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF440IJI, ENCFF912MAK 359150542 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2db1a81c22a29d393a2ca195faf33b9d hg19 released ENCFF358STL bam alignments ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF559BLA, ENCFF565HKG 531945050 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0df575d2fb1f950cb9ea6630a69eb9cd GRCh38 released ENCFF033XVX bam alignments ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF440IJI, ENCFF912MAK 361596230 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8fa95073c0a57fc6f2d218838188e5ce GRCh38 released ENCFF423WYC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF555WXD 28760279 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4aed5721256e9f07e14c3488ea48d05f hg19 released ENCFF224DDZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF706QJH 21398230 Gene Yeo, UCSD db7e61b2059957971dae9df1eaeb3ade hg19 released ENCFF653IKI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF555WXD 28962112 Gene Yeo, UCSD d31ed434cedca3c7ba2c9e1142b997dd hg19 released ENCFF087ANO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF706QJH 21924309 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6d87f2a359842a715f48dbcb9b955294 hg19 released ENCFF368XEI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF358STL 28631226 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16eb6b471c50c82d2965bc58780c97e6 GRCh38 released ENCFF159SPZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF033XVX 21542933 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07ebea97a5b39adf5401478b9106bdc3 GRCh38 released ENCFF536AFD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF033XVX 22057142 Gene Yeo, UCSD 45de9e5b499a2050b308663b53e84361 GRCh38 released ENCFF913WRH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF358STL 28811193 Gene Yeo, UCSD 175846444ef003dde55d3b95ed0c9900 GRCh38 released ENCFF444TCK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF045UZN, ENCFF555WXD 3025512 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1bc27cd04d6f40ec47e02aed29f3d78b hg19 released ENCFF523JWI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF045UZN, ENCFF706QJH 2210381 Gene Yeo, UCSD 987708c413e21e2485cbe246161da05c hg19 released ENCFF067JAD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF358STL, ENCFF825YLL 3045460 Gene Yeo, UCSD 723023537543684965a1eb580117905e GRCh38 released ENCFF243RQR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF033XVX, ENCFF825YLL 2250801 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0fbbe8dfe61424ecaafd2bc33c558d4b GRCh38 released ENCFF549FYY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF523JWI 4510433 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c3d5f73539d9dffe34681f1f82f1474 hg19 released ENCFF016VPA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF444TCK 5879376 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca634ea057dd2f4ef5b8cb7e02134cc2 hg19 released ENCFF006ZCJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF067JAD 5921578 Gene Yeo, UCSD e2d4283d810d713f53cf9a061e94d95c GRCh38 released ENCFF225OKE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR202BFN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens U2AF2-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF243RQR 4579735 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52125dca7452d3cf12abe8f8a40f2a33 GRCh38 released ENCFF317RZD fastq reads ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF457GTR 654066213 Gene Yeo, UCSD 427dcbfe98400751d03e73cf7951d984 SRA:SRR5111935 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF981COP/ released ENCFF909OTT fastq reads ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF372GBO 692860575 Gene Yeo, UCSD f55898efd6dc78e9d4a112d78ea1089a SRA:SRR5111936 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF981COP/ released ENCFF457GTR fastq reads ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF317RZD 648735366 Gene Yeo, UCSD cac60c487c90f9d30b79fdea3c871bd1 SRA:SRR5111935 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF842VFC/ released ENCFF372GBO fastq reads ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF909OTT 667516147 Gene Yeo, UCSD a42cf344ec2757ff6e8dd7b31923948f SRA:SRR5111936 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF842VFC/ released ENCFF851QPV bam alignments ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF372GBO, ENCFF909OTT 262721429 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c6ea7f629338efdafbb8ddeb937f218 hg19 released ENCFF817JQS bam alignments ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF317RZD, ENCFF457GTR 355879529 Gene Yeo, UCSD 05b6ce77a76a673e466a1a125bbc1d6f hg19 released ENCFF253SPF bam alignments ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF317RZD, ENCFF457GTR 339165919 Gene Yeo, UCSD e1712284cd0bd8ee8e40bae6b78bed37 GRCh38 released ENCFF770DEI bam alignments ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF372GBO, ENCFF909OTT 258416064 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7b164dedbf690f154545937d95e644af GRCh38 released ENCFF087QQF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF817JQS 16960041 Gene Yeo, UCSD c9d23c51b9025f3007b4175a2c33d977 hg19 released ENCFF598SKR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF851QPV 16165995 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8907ad4b627009e2fa9f13849b6d650e hg19 released ENCFF232GGD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF817JQS 18009829 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e6a36552042f4eb7e93e5dcb8973309 hg19 released ENCFF600JOR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF851QPV 17170960 Gene Yeo, UCSD bdd91fc70a4345722a130a514779462d hg19 released ENCFF872VFP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF770DEI 16051387 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0058735273b6e127c4ce2f83aa859fd8 GRCh38 released ENCFF563QPR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF253SPF 16502171 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3c9039ef5ce9ab940e0aecb3c259818 GRCh38 released ENCFF092WOP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF253SPF 17226506 Gene Yeo, UCSD e28800c115c9eb925eec3de4c56278c8 GRCh38 released ENCFF877YKQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF770DEI 17007937 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ea036baa0b70ab0f9c6c008b4bb688a GRCh38 released ENCFF581FUT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF817JQS, ENCFF918AAS 1405367 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c8c7323f46c84922a05ca38d6784fc7 hg19 released ENCFF142PZD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF851QPV, ENCFF918AAS 1184345 Gene Yeo, UCSD 25b0170e74f0efb7ebad8f7704f67246 hg19 released ENCFF927UFK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF253SPF, ENCFF364ZNC 1378448 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b7fbd56aa987533535589626123f867 GRCh38 released ENCFF723GHJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF364ZNC, ENCFF770DEI 1186245 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ceb24387c932707ef557e601ed6a5bd GRCh38 released ENCFF564JRL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF581FUT 2866953 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7589d8c333dd76a49f275070b6fe1105 hg19 released ENCFF144FQQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF142PZD 1987445 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76b703894be9aa3ad12031d3a9d6f5f6 hg19 released ENCFF151TID bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF927UFK 2814411 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5b9be027d7dbe787e58709060ab03346 GRCh38 released ENCFF630RFF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR658IQB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF723GHJ 2471826 Gene Yeo, UCSD 587b3bee234b778a61caaee5048f01d3 GRCh38 released ENCFF115KCI fastq reads ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF800GUY 310632953 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4619e1ec4b78d7d3883dbd593c39c6b0 SRA:SRR5111740 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF753WOC/ released ENCFF670TPZ fastq reads ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF293KDD 311700250 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0ae5dd45d72c6d9584c0673f5b53287d SRA:SRR5111741 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF753WOC/ released ENCFF293KDD fastq reads ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF670TPZ 345115833 Gene Yeo, UCSD 171f2fe7b076b63228bbdb2999d3cf4d SRA:SRR5111741 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF596PFP/ released ENCFF800GUY fastq reads ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF115KCI 354620335 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11936ff0ae3bd128ae42bca690f08870 SRA:SRR5111740 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF596PFP/ released ENCFF014APZ bam alignments ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF115KCI, ENCFF800GUY 39166288 Gene Yeo, UCSD eaf68120fa8220d4ad5dd443cef70492 hg19 released ENCFF504XFY bam alignments ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF293KDD, ENCFF670TPZ 57115218 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4c6d9f31da757e0e4df4ba330af5c75 hg19 released ENCFF396YZZ bam alignments ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF293KDD, ENCFF670TPZ 57537070 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e3634e56cc7975eaeb3f12858798b58 GRCh38 released ENCFF608KRJ bam alignments ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF115KCI, ENCFF800GUY 39539461 Gene Yeo, UCSD 49de4d21eb51c05a816db5b73949b7b3 GRCh38 released ENCFF915NMB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF504XFY 3720266 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f3789283111fa3855d1de0a5ba0274a hg19 released ENCFF039FYZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF014APZ 2629004 Gene Yeo, UCSD c538873577fd98e8e1507de2ab5cdacd hg19 released ENCFF989ZJW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF014APZ 2814265 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7a893d6b6ac9e38c3f912e575dfe1bc0 hg19 released ENCFF162WJC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF504XFY 3955789 Gene Yeo, UCSD 54fa6c7065694b6d362e79d8d43a0073 hg19 released ENCFF997GCK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF396YZZ 3750842 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65b10370473e4ffb440d32384f2cc3ad GRCh38 released ENCFF140QMX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF608KRJ 2665392 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d0f4f17ee978c6353b6bcffd6b5ebcc GRCh38 released ENCFF324CCM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF608KRJ 2839499 Gene Yeo, UCSD 227061a51fdb5f2fe0aa45e22612f96c GRCh38 released ENCFF053XEP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF396YZZ 3987515 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2568570aa92a103aaf5a8c1ddc29e54c GRCh38 released ENCFF473CVJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF219NJE, ENCFF504XFY 240103 Gene Yeo, UCSD 48b6f989aaa26fbf26d5c1178ef24020 hg19 released ENCFF176ZRG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF014APZ, ENCFF219NJE 160031 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a42ef89a85d18f14d6e6d8bf5a60947 hg19 released ENCFF378AEN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF608KRJ, ENCFF894EVA 160430 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6d3c66a8b63c33ebb4feafce087642f3 GRCh38 released ENCFF286HJK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF396YZZ, ENCFF894EVA 242949 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5fe7cc82b3010977981a58a8cd79bb09 GRCh38 released ENCFF656OIE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF176ZRG 419752 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ed408c54e973dba990df69f1ce2e6ab hg19 released ENCFF947NMO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF473CVJ 551198 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2649be30cafdc5ca30eb2e04c7dd71d9 hg19 released ENCFF246NGX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF378AEN 420725 Gene Yeo, UCSD a12987e3c41d273654f80b8e458366a2 GRCh38 released ENCFF939LIA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR541QHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF286HJK 557622 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11855ca5105073a0199d2c7196a52836 GRCh38 released ENCFF941NZR fastq reads ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF443KRX 862371172 Gene Yeo, UCSD b1c685581a0b84eb16e25f0153935f07 SRA:SRR5111264 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF741GZP/ released ENCFF228RUA fastq reads ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF368HXQ 511999398 Gene Yeo, UCSD 30ff4f2bc45ae1d782c32852dc226a46 SRA:SRR5111263 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF534UAZ/ released ENCFF368HXQ fastq reads ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF228RUA 504265372 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9707de69ae3f2ca041c8a95448092845 SRA:SRR5111263 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF741GZP/ released ENCFF443KRX fastq reads ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF941NZR 880206527 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd6797980a913c7d07345c63011407ac SRA:SRR5111264 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF534UAZ/ released ENCFF977DLI bam alignments ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF443KRX, ENCFF941NZR 446200726 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10561955ef06387f9dbc9fd52a174c3a hg19 released ENCFF127ULN bam alignments ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF228RUA, ENCFF368HXQ 302963136 Gene Yeo, UCSD 17f2e03cb9004f30d1fb7e0bd54bcd83 hg19 released ENCFF941SIX bam alignments ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF443KRX, ENCFF941NZR 427210388 Gene Yeo, UCSD b9074ba5550585f7826c4153f40cf5f7 GRCh38 released ENCFF143KCR bam alignments ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF228RUA, ENCFF368HXQ 291046811 Gene Yeo, UCSD 38b2475cac579217cae49c27f76c055a GRCh38 released ENCFF245JZB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF127ULN 17192292 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8fc1834244a5dbbca753fcd4fbc0bf97 hg19 released ENCFF642ESE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF977DLI 22106943 Gene Yeo, UCSD a26b7c7a3301596c47a8693ed61fdbc8 hg19 released ENCFF609AFL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF977DLI 22998057 Gene Yeo, UCSD c4ee5a5ad71109ae6c4e5904a50d5115 hg19 released ENCFF178TIK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF127ULN 17809531 Gene Yeo, UCSD ccfbb30b42075762c74d605cf41828d1 hg19 released ENCFF259BMC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF941SIX 21474001 Gene Yeo, UCSD e321adf740b8b929242a822c9843e793 GRCh38 released ENCFF778ETC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF143KCR 16535895 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89aa9f55fe424305564f9b7c5517efe7 GRCh38 released ENCFF580SQQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF941SIX 22323804 Gene Yeo, UCSD f086b71faa92b46cfa71e655b9363061 GRCh38 released ENCFF143UZI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF143KCR 17089510 Gene Yeo, UCSD cbfba7892e57a675bb0f282be75d0d8d GRCh38 released ENCFF781FPH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF057WTV, ENCFF127ULN 1444934 Gene Yeo, UCSD b696e9640207aa9f4945dc0e508796ff hg19 released ENCFF189LGT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF057WTV, ENCFF977DLI 2176394 Gene Yeo, UCSD 201606f3f72f4aefd64a9981f6144cb1 hg19 released ENCFF091OYS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF013ZUT, ENCFF941SIX 2131133 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ef35bf041bc78fa1ea2b25edade655e GRCh38 released ENCFF071DWM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF013ZUT, ENCFF143KCR 1419168 Gene Yeo, UCSD bef7058c083b9888debcd3d7ea43a63a GRCh38 released ENCFF201QGX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF189LGT 4273845 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4fae22a5d7595292d8a16554b4cf4311 hg19 released ENCFF577SYV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF781FPH 2976003 Gene Yeo, UCSD 20af1401d4fea93c37c3a1506487ef42 hg19 released ENCFF763JQU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF071DWM 2913940 Gene Yeo, UCSD 32d0807658be34dddcc6d47f8bf2e7be GRCh38 released ENCFF150FZT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR206RXT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091OYS 4196536 Gene Yeo, UCSD 695d642bad3aca262f2e62d04a5f0b21 GRCh38 released ENCFF762UXF fastq reads ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF093WJU 619945512 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2123a2ee9f95337431f9ead0d3c7b934 SRA:SRR5112265 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF094OOZ/ released ENCFF860GJP fastq reads ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF313BCR 483948856 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7afcf1fe01e402e6d26c283f861d6136 SRA:SRR5112264 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF094OOZ/ released ENCFF093WJU fastq reads ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF762UXF 702423571 Gene Yeo, UCSD 549db0bffbd1ea467cbccd0d56fa9144 SRA:SRR5112265 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF895RAR/ released ENCFF313BCR fastq reads ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF860GJP 569615182 Gene Yeo, UCSD 69034e921f96d09c7189ee98027d6584 SRA:SRR5112264 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF895RAR/ released ENCFF346HHC bam alignments ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF313BCR, ENCFF860GJP 812746085 Gene Yeo, UCSD fb8cf13fb9457e2d2612c154167636d7 hg19 released ENCFF268ECW bam alignments ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF093WJU, ENCFF762UXF 852424935 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16e1b134c51e5195dae7fafe2214c789 hg19 released ENCFF562AZL bam alignments ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF313BCR, ENCFF860GJP 810840759 Gene Yeo, UCSD 56b6b9d820db807a044cdb7162135e4d GRCh38 released ENCFF208OVE bam alignments ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF093WJU, ENCFF762UXF 848429539 Gene Yeo, UCSD 53f4cc75071ed770637caa3bd0f2dd1b GRCh38 released ENCFF444JQZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF268ECW 36082403 Gene Yeo, UCSD 769609011c801fa052119fcd077cff88 hg19 released ENCFF787TEA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF346HHC 34408876 Gene Yeo, UCSD cdf05cc3d31cbbbb9dea4cabec6c65ba hg19 released ENCFF649JWC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF346HHC 35312198 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4fb2ec8a3ab67fd3112f2db4d1f0b5e hg19 released ENCFF097YMJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF268ECW 37850851 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5cafee39c01e3d11aabec08ad141a1dc hg19 released ENCFF894CWQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF208OVE 36029740 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1eecaba48c41df77adfec604914a14bb GRCh38 released ENCFF843RIM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF562AZL 34433359 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63836512e8b2905b79f18124747798a0 GRCh38 released ENCFF212AOD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF208OVE 37788243 Gene Yeo, UCSD fab8cbf495173fdf95c6d4bfe97f32be GRCh38 released ENCFF854JCC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF562AZL 35287726 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4726b52d9739b8d4a9f45d121876aca7 GRCh38 released ENCFF700HIR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF073SGO, ENCFF268ECW 3310937 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ef1a99b02c1182a8a24d63219570f50 hg19 released ENCFF786JAM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF073SGO, ENCFF346HHC 3108957 Gene Yeo, UCSD e59651f8539e749494db446d9f97a493 hg19 released ENCFF625AZC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF539YZX, ENCFF562AZL 3153286 Gene Yeo, UCSD f3a353c16d875f95d98bb52ad7df506a GRCh38 released ENCFF019IEW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF208OVE, ENCFF539YZX 3346388 Gene Yeo, UCSD f4c5e41933db11aaf97477cfb368836b GRCh38 released ENCFF240AIR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF700HIR 5894849 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5769c371039d9e877f7bd4dd8b9a18f7 hg19 released ENCFF703DUZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF786JAM 5493316 Gene Yeo, UCSD 41ab4aebd9616992bc30e8e28e2b6a57 hg19 released ENCFF478SRR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF019IEW 5953124 Gene Yeo, UCSD f325ff4fcdc0f9ff800727ffa0259f92 GRCh38 released ENCFF550EJC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR919HSE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF625AZC 5585668 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe20cc14125220f5e6f17241a064ee24 GRCh38 released ENCFF363NIE fastq reads ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF918HTG 850609317 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c63afbd96b06811450f5a7e8532f377 SRA:SRR5112138 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF908SIL/ released ENCFF793PYD fastq reads ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF201ZNG 833492707 Gene Yeo, UCSD 233eb05447b9d105118042c57e1cfea3 SRA:SRR5112139 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF908SIL/ released ENCFF918HTG fastq reads ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF363NIE 907269372 Gene Yeo, UCSD 920fbfab4960027bc01cb819506aeae1 SRA:SRR5112138 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF582HAW/ released ENCFF201ZNG fastq reads ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF793PYD 886849510 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e3ab2e733d27755b4e367447f10d94f SRA:SRR5112139 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF582HAW/ released ENCFF592BEM bam alignments ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF363NIE, ENCFF918HTG 472738997 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7fd7ce3e4e1a9f0419da09f95b378c6b hg19 released ENCFF094VWE bam alignments ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF201ZNG, ENCFF793PYD 445321862 Gene Yeo, UCSD dce2fcac9796973a5da16aae56173755 hg19 released ENCFF536HGU bam alignments ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF363NIE, ENCFF918HTG 451253474 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8b0e0bbd24bf40de01906dc9c13b4bcc GRCh38 released ENCFF644DWW bam alignments ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF201ZNG, ENCFF793PYD 430406888 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6daa581e6b506406a45dc51638693013 GRCh38 released ENCFF867ZBM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF592BEM 22713971 Gene Yeo, UCSD 390121bbde703075f4757cc3651ebaf4 hg19 released ENCFF554MZA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF094VWE 21845517 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9fce97d1701d14cad96426294d41de26 hg19 released ENCFF380EPE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF592BEM 23387018 Gene Yeo, UCSD f3335b4d4629c74b7d8e273bcbab6931 hg19 released ENCFF893NYT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF094VWE 22637957 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb776315bfcd72cd4c0a8f42321b0b92 hg19 released ENCFF180OLE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF644DWW 21328020 Gene Yeo, UCSD d1a101ac36cfc7651e5ad37b60d9c604 GRCh38 released ENCFF783TZW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536HGU 22003769 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68b6f2ba8edd21deb8bab2cdd22f3e90 GRCh38 released ENCFF128RBT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF644DWW 22095639 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0062a9c0cbd5eb4e24402022c159a8a0 GRCh38 released ENCFF248UTB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536HGU 22654527 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9db4ba5a72c70b5573a0e725cf8e6f5e GRCh38 released ENCFF364QPG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF592BEM, ENCFF624JXG 2175764 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51ffa6650e9bab0f3eb94576e931b0ba hg19 released ENCFF929ITC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF094VWE, ENCFF624JXG 2238986 Gene Yeo, UCSD d04063ed310321d1b9c53ef2e60033b8 hg19 released ENCFF399DJZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536HGU, ENCFF977BAJ 2157917 Gene Yeo, UCSD f73b16b9a2c13e70289ddb25ff0d07af GRCh38 released ENCFF785FUO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF644DWW, ENCFF977BAJ 2243333 Gene Yeo, UCSD 557cac0ace0ff112d02bfacea6d5a7e8 GRCh38 released ENCFF948ZQP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF929ITC 4411095 Gene Yeo, UCSD ac8835acb30986d1bf53bfa2359ae960 hg19 released ENCFF798IHQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF364QPG 4323656 Gene Yeo, UCSD 876a3c79e9fe658eb50ab2cee63dcf55 hg19 released ENCFF798KOB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF785FUO 4397826 Gene Yeo, UCSD 366f74a7b225469398dcbd15d091fef0 GRCh38 released ENCFF357WBG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR830BSQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BUD13-human ENCAB673IND RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF399DJZ 4293724 Gene Yeo, UCSD 40e4fdc07bc1a1ae5ed4d49b2063620c GRCh38 released ENCFF264UQQ fastq reads ENCSR799EKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 51 paired-ended 1 ENCFF648TWD 511910822 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8d3bc3668908b7c50251123f53b26b9b SRA:SRR5112095 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF648TWD fastq reads ENCSR799EKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF264UQQ 492214321 Gene Yeo, UCSD 98cced6c1aeffef846c90170e2d461a1 SRA:SRR5112095 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF590UCY bam alignments ENCSR799EKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF264UQQ, ENCFF648TWD 366542625 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5b9e91fe5fe0547ca66f56cc76a62fcf hg19 released ENCFF515BTB bam alignments ENCSR799EKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF264UQQ, ENCFF648TWD 371111904 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6b691d5e9ffe3b15b6c6ae1a3f58c44c GRCh38 released ENCFF592MRJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR799EKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF590UCY 16574643 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51079036d0c4adce3bb902288767af84 hg19 released ENCFF655YBJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR799EKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF590UCY 17023265 Gene Yeo, UCSD e9adeeac64b44bf808fde2ba746f35a7 hg19 released ENCFF582MIQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR799EKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF515BTB 16788117 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7a1820d8b5b4482c450c3d6b1cce99d5 GRCh38 released ENCFF139QQP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR799EKA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF515BTB 17251675 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6d6b5fa9e8cd35abb950bf973406c694 GRCh38 released ENCFF704DIO fastq reads ENCSR482ZSE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF690PIW 481454355 Gene Yeo, UCSD 35be97feaa0ce68163d239b8109117dd SRA:SRR5111641 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF690PIW fastq reads ENCSR482ZSE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF704DIO 470487801 Gene Yeo, UCSD 58ea325f3f215ec54255328c1fc6e468 SRA:SRR5111641 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF097FJQ bam alignments ENCSR482ZSE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF690PIW, ENCFF704DIO 177831469 Gene Yeo, UCSD a56acda51ec6ec974926378b39187e06 hg19 released ENCFF948OYU bam alignments ENCSR482ZSE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF690PIW, ENCFF704DIO 178025643 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0196a027b58ff57ed7794d622220bfc4 GRCh38 released ENCFF190YCK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR482ZSE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF097FJQ 10424189 Gene Yeo, UCSD c8db219e81bed705648990437834d0f2 hg19 released ENCFF390CHP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR482ZSE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF097FJQ 10951356 Gene Yeo, UCSD 536ea70312c83c2e9439a1959a36e031 hg19 released ENCFF902JCQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR482ZSE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF948OYU 10514524 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ed12fd9ffd12b27a255a12017bd32aa GRCh38 released ENCFF560FPW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR482ZSE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB298WVV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF948OYU 11028817 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02cbe490604b5558e87c5fa9d9055be4 GRCh38 released ENCFF033PHB fastq reads ENCSR486QAE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF881RLL 715564318 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52f65e71f5664086d96aa84ec8698162 SRA:SRR5111653 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF881RLL fastq reads ENCSR486QAE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF033PHB 666184592 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba982a2a2cb6a039a7eac30efbe0578c SRA:SRR5111653 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF324BWK bam alignments ENCSR486QAE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF033PHB, ENCFF881RLL 392836962 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a5ada87de931d966749bcda306097b8 hg19 released ENCFF975KYG bam alignments ENCSR486QAE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF033PHB, ENCFF881RLL 402650107 Gene Yeo, UCSD b01009d1de6214043af1a5d4b99a2a4c GRCh38 released ENCFF876VHN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR486QAE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF324BWK 19102055 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c178c5e343e8cb866347fc0944b4cc5 hg19 released ENCFF157YRC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR486QAE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF324BWK 19804809 Gene Yeo, UCSD 93b3877c0bd464d91c43aa046107c501 hg19 released ENCFF040XUZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR486QAE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF975KYG 19612485 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f1f73e4dffca39fc30eecbca2407dc5 GRCh38 released ENCFF793CDT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR486QAE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF975KYG 20335234 Gene Yeo, UCSD 842eaca52343bcb286cc97d21d4fe7ac GRCh38 released ENCFF513AFK fastq reads ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF057WYD 400093227 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8abb8dfa555df149b679ff58c56f0a8d SRA:SRR5111181 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF219DHH/ released ENCFF102XRX fastq reads ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF566VWD 416913165 Gene Yeo, UCSD a2a7fb7dc1710ebb8ae356ed75ce2108 SRA:SRR5111180 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF219DHH/ released ENCFF057WYD fastq reads ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF513AFK 420461467 Gene Yeo, UCSD abb3eac77e65ec2372b8f5b914faf95c SRA:SRR5111181 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF158NBG/ released ENCFF566VWD fastq reads ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF102XRX 430790810 Gene Yeo, UCSD d1dd8e10dc67b70e691e7cedd22a8d38 SRA:SRR5111180 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF158NBG/ released ENCFF978UYI bam alignments ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF102XRX, ENCFF566VWD 65448408 Gene Yeo, UCSD 057ec8ddaad42d756708a6688d1a9729 hg19 released ENCFF293PUM bam alignments ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF057WYD, ENCFF513AFK 140976324 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0d2c1bcf630f305d9cff467af6863ad hg19 released ENCFF901JSX bam alignments ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF057WYD, ENCFF513AFK 137197035 Gene Yeo, UCSD a66414e047ded43514b08de5b21d6100 GRCh38 released ENCFF398FGK bam alignments ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF102XRX, ENCFF566VWD 61573686 Gene Yeo, UCSD 88ac43af0efa106eaa16281b51ac79c2 GRCh38 released ENCFF666DHB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF293PUM 6625578 Gene Yeo, UCSD 35c6968ad4a0bb92ee18f0cf4a85eb1f hg19 released ENCFF372OJA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF978UYI 3685793 Gene Yeo, UCSD 88d436fd15c95e1246a71a38ecc17446 hg19 released ENCFF316XIZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF978UYI 3828712 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9ef5d3a622338a1d9d27d38f01811eeb hg19 released ENCFF157GRN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF293PUM 6830830 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1dc324517de5b1e061b9dce30663d763 hg19 released ENCFF661BGG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF901JSX 6508621 Gene Yeo, UCSD e69acdab2cd723bf51bee1bfb450fd90 GRCh38 released ENCFF486QLT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF398FGK 3537884 Gene Yeo, UCSD 19066d3f63bd0552b4956d5ce2443a4e GRCh38 released ENCFF706BZA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF901JSX 6702816 Gene Yeo, UCSD b57601e53411ef07625cbbc7b7ac8e63 GRCh38 released ENCFF035DLT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF398FGK 3680068 Gene Yeo, UCSD 132f9313999e53441772d21f9213808f GRCh38 released ENCFF438KSN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF293PUM, ENCFF686MTX 993744 Gene Yeo, UCSD c6cc3e9d05c9169ff79672b8849d74b5 hg19 released ENCFF650BQD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF686MTX, ENCFF978UYI 737892 Gene Yeo, UCSD bf9a53905c33f58abf36a1f2c337986a hg19 released ENCFF978MRH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF398FGK, ENCFF463LHG 707510 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2aa4f1845a93c321c9f9471d3d14746a GRCh38 released ENCFF680IKQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF463LHG, ENCFF901JSX 982544 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad12d9c2ada0adf41384d5b944d4edcf GRCh38 released ENCFF629EPY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF438KSN 1742807 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc5e095569c7e92932bc8d71a65641fc hg19 released ENCFF526EOJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF650BQD 1391535 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b436e77a1eee5386b734da0c77f176f hg19 released ENCFF874OGQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF978MRH 1337734 Gene Yeo, UCSD e55d33729ffdcad44b029e66c002ee8f GRCh38 released ENCFF707KQK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR141OIM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF680IKQ 1723876 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0e33829a6c81437f5107f3dfb7a11541 GRCh38 released ENCFF231PRV fastq reads ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 48 paired-ended 1 ENCFF126AZS 102145761 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10cce63fe6c6e202bc646dbd984354fe SRA:SRR5111665 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF414YHF/ released ENCFF442NVV fastq reads ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 48 paired-ended 1 ENCFF938RNB 161951826 Gene Yeo, UCSD 85388ba06565b62a1ad26ea4b3e9986d SRA:SRR5111664 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF414YHF/ released ENCFF126AZS fastq reads ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF231PRV 97177584 Gene Yeo, UCSD b37635239cd23b6772714665b22b0ad1 SRA:SRR5111665 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF024OZW/ released ENCFF938RNB fastq reads ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF442NVV 155889480 Gene Yeo, UCSD ea72948e2b5711d670cb232a6aabef58 SRA:SRR5111664 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF024OZW/ released ENCFF709YPU bam alignments ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF442NVV, ENCFF938RNB 249881578 Gene Yeo, UCSD a45c0c163c23663b946d969842bc9f50 hg19 released ENCFF565TFN bam alignments ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF126AZS, ENCFF231PRV 145475936 Gene Yeo, UCSD c59b4622d176dedf3b4687b86c947668 hg19 released ENCFF836HIK bam alignments ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF126AZS, ENCFF231PRV 142916027 Gene Yeo, UCSD 365084e538bffeac0456ea388c18c23d GRCh38 released ENCFF149SFF bam alignments ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF442NVV, ENCFF938RNB 243799674 Gene Yeo, UCSD f7ce191cf5ae5f9abb805a46a6955976 GRCh38 released ENCFF695KJV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF709YPU 13255697 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa2d9b52bf92b286f28d867e2afb5bdf hg19 released ENCFF992GHQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF565TFN 6746483 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5090bd672c6fe4d711412307f1f18e74 hg19 released ENCFF951MII bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF709YPU 13487808 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0c848985e4cbe7dbcfe2654845a420f8 hg19 released ENCFF412WLP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF565TFN 6856987 Gene Yeo, UCSD 725023e707cfccd453937956440a4b85 hg19 released ENCFF038NWA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF149SFF 12921938 Gene Yeo, UCSD 390dfca52947b8d43185a7b11fa089e6 GRCh38 released ENCFF121LXO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF836HIK 6671349 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0a35e328a5538e30f92ed70163b9a649 GRCh38 released ENCFF786JBY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF149SFF 13284020 Gene Yeo, UCSD a1a0a94ddeab177b7e150c32d6514238 GRCh38 released ENCFF996VRR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF836HIK 6779659 Gene Yeo, UCSD f03839ad782b48c5808f19b48f72e56c GRCh38 released ENCFF410ITK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF370QJE, ENCFF709YPU 934080 Gene Yeo, UCSD fad03cb365fe26851a191823888ae329 hg19 released ENCFF714TFP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF370QJE, ENCFF565TFN 493827 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2928f73bafb3e1b27c228f5d5a303d18 hg19 released ENCFF103YQS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF149SFF, ENCFF878TBN 924399 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a458468b6a5943c95815b117596ef82 GRCh38 released ENCFF739YDO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF836HIK, ENCFF878TBN 492770 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5679d9bd60471d52811bcae66d4f9d93 GRCh38 released ENCFF253ITZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF370QJE, ENCFF565TFN 933444 Gene Yeo, UCSD 32a64424bec49109b227cba721e311e8 hg19 released ENCFF025FNK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF370QJE, ENCFF709YPU 1614758 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6f0e0b9ed3b07542e5957c75368c9ab5 hg19 released ENCFF015XGS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF739YDO 931277 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd42180874a9d1dccb1023d5bd7f1aad GRCh38 released ENCFF157GGY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR486YGP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF103YQS 1599315 Gene Yeo, UCSD 13e4d45d7a1619b1904f01c25b2816a2 GRCh38 released ENCFF923KPH fastq reads ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF310KXK 497683819 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a6970af76cb3cccbd7e27a6609dca6a SRA:SRR5111415 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF218BZO/ released ENCFF101DTP fastq reads ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF653HTY 410132884 Gene Yeo, UCSD e8aff850f097b27d88157d8ce2b61a32 SRA:SRR5111414 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF218BZO/ released ENCFF310KXK fastq reads ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF923KPH 496734525 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c676e0380e1a8bdee465564d8ff0d7d SRA:SRR5111415 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF713DNL/ released ENCFF653HTY fastq reads ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF101DTP 406245449 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9badf2aebbea5b310db7266f9573f7b8 SRA:SRR5111414 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF713DNL/ released ENCFF916HDB bam alignments ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF310KXK, ENCFF923KPH 237124397 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42764aee0a74684c61a7c50adeb8ddb5 hg19 released ENCFF028LZG bam alignments ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF101DTP, ENCFF653HTY 104337226 Gene Yeo, UCSD 179c1675617111aad63c350b228341f4 hg19 released ENCFF992KGD bam alignments ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF101DTP, ENCFF653HTY 100631075 Gene Yeo, UCSD 558d582515512cd3476793fd2c262fe7 GRCh38 released ENCFF857WYC bam alignments ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF310KXK, ENCFF923KPH 228005050 Gene Yeo, UCSD 23c6b0147466c6722f95119a46243686 GRCh38 released ENCFF323ELX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF028LZG 5315873 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a3f1717c166bc91cf89b21aef4ed7dd hg19 released ENCFF422DZI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF916HDB 13361746 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8497c6e214574b2a0d7e754da8446547 hg19 released ENCFF571SIJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF916HDB 13876183 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc478dc8be6d0264ba2c71cea7174241 hg19 released ENCFF099XSV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF028LZG 5527327 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8fddac93f4860e40c4884260246d02c1 hg19 released ENCFF753HDO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF992KGD 5197663 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a40fffcc85bd828c4d480e78ead1446 GRCh38 released ENCFF380LLT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF857WYC 13005471 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b45ad3027d8556293f90af0b01892c8 GRCh38 released ENCFF847KQO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF992KGD 5397915 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4d8963352b01e9194e53a3d8fa696181 GRCh38 released ENCFF722WNW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF857WYC 13350548 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0b148597276c04ec8467503a3ec3dad GRCh38 released ENCFF226GEB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF028LZG, ENCFF761PIB 857672 Gene Yeo, UCSD edc6f2227217bef83c23728ae02c9ca6 hg19 released ENCFF020HPW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF761PIB, ENCFF916HDB 1298619 Gene Yeo, UCSD a2551e5e063915b64fc62600db77ba31 hg19 released ENCFF394MJK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF685EEV, ENCFF857WYC 1261942 Gene Yeo, UCSD d7513c2cd19d38c4c3b95574b7c6d111 GRCh38 released ENCFF787MCU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF685EEV, ENCFF992KGD 831232 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2ab8c184b866e32a7529c07d62c6bf4 GRCh38 released ENCFF109AVE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF020HPW 2141002 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7bf633b8186966b7de9f73ebd2500348 hg19 released ENCFF616JDD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF226GEB 1539306 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3d31c27c427739f380e56a9433c91e99 hg19 released ENCFF309VRI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF394MJK 2091177 Gene Yeo, UCSD f85f037ea53f640dea2e06c94f84d2a8 GRCh38 released ENCFF136WQS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307WAE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF787MCU 1501443 Gene Yeo, UCSD 37fc63d6e927c217dbb1cc3e0c8524f4 GRCh38 released ENCFF850VGF fastq reads ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF565YYP 541691128 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0bdd56ecfebe43b639ac65df31ac6583 SRA:SRR5111392 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF793DFG/ released ENCFF462ZYJ fastq reads ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF494NKD 627594739 Gene Yeo, UCSD 851ea1d7734724ae5f771d2bbca83434 SRA:SRR5111393 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF793DFG/ released ENCFF565YYP fastq reads ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF850VGF 553209497 Gene Yeo, UCSD d382ae4a0c480342035ad7bf2f614777 SRA:SRR5111392 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF734WRT/ released ENCFF111YEH bam alignments ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF462ZYJ, ENCFF494NKD 348736546 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd70b4128b6d62ea940bbf0b31b1d16f hg19 released ENCFF494NKD fastq reads ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF462ZYJ 653762471 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d5299a85ac3e13eba6e185dcad50343 SRA:SRR5111393 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF734WRT/ released ENCFF568RRM bam alignments ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF565YYP, ENCFF850VGF 190338085 Gene Yeo, UCSD e0ddb47516ebe4791d50b2fca61b552d hg19 released ENCFF732TFX bam alignments ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF565YYP, ENCFF850VGF 182815467 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16ce90c8ef20c397b3904624ab4b13cd GRCh38 released ENCFF252TQP bam alignments ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF462ZYJ, ENCFF494NKD 337169689 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ea7cf2cd440e0ec41988e458d305b4a GRCh38 released ENCFF889WDL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF568RRM 3806189 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe923ad33c40138ea5b56e2e1f32ca8f hg19 released ENCFF895VPK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF111YEH 11774652 Gene Yeo, UCSD 54ba659e7c00342a9db716f173954d16 hg19 released ENCFF435VZL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF111YEH 12031482 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ce1740f98d954e01160c719cd8f19f8 hg19 released ENCFF859KPS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF568RRM 3883935 Gene Yeo, UCSD e92a07b0f92da068a4f8377459bad990 hg19 released ENCFF502GTY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF252TQP 11408084 Gene Yeo, UCSD 469d598a5a3a73b21722ed2b1d6d6064 GRCh38 released ENCFF163AYZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF732TFX 3681211 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c532ee54a129f034e3dd2c5051ac438 GRCh38 released ENCFF192FMW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF252TQP 11795286 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7b048fcce506d4e42894584e702cb28e GRCh38 released ENCFF099IRI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF732TFX 3803104 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4456930c6b9224d89acf5cfd4200680f GRCh38 released ENCFF074ATJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF568RRM, ENCFF973XJS 319380 Gene Yeo, UCSD 18c0388a7c17b1e525e6e687731267a3 hg19 released ENCFF043XKO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF111YEH, ENCFF973XJS 863484 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2fc0b952000416d121994ba587ab6c81 hg19 released ENCFF897PMV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF038LJH, ENCFF732TFX 311767 Gene Yeo, UCSD 484fc97daefa86fce9005a8dd3012395 GRCh38 released ENCFF841ZPX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF038LJH, ENCFF252TQP 849912 Gene Yeo, UCSD a12932467d4b021b8a28a14191d09111 GRCh38 released ENCFF766JDH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF043XKO 1823535 Gene Yeo, UCSD 56a182f088698b925653a02d7301dd04 hg19 released ENCFF965TAV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF074ATJ 731325 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1fc8d85aeaee88de4178fe298205b46c hg19 released ENCFF507TSG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF841ZPX 1795635 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2d730a50c833c0aa46cd54f69e2835bb GRCh38 released ENCFF824DEU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR301TFY eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DKC1-human ENCAB174DOV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF897PMV 714129 Gene Yeo, UCSD 04a0d5ea950d7fe215587cd90d12aabb GRCh38 released ENCFF073SAE fastq reads ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF273YUG 382052753 Gene Yeo, UCSD e377267df5c65eaa348ade189f2c16ce SRA:SRR5112154 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF283JNS/ released ENCFF701RMR fastq reads ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF688KVW 544577978 Gene Yeo, UCSD 38bff5edbd06c4169e1634ceb09d8618 SRA:SRR5112153 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF283JNS/ released ENCFF273YUG fastq reads ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF073SAE 393476493 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1595c485a5eb2764936c79d87f38fdc2 SRA:SRR5112154 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF480DFF/ released ENCFF688KVW fastq reads ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF701RMR 556604254 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6518c149ea6baa8cf82b0fce033c147 SRA:SRR5112153 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF480DFF/ released ENCFF737JZP bam alignments ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF688KVW, ENCFF701RMR 229804209 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b820e5ae9331800bbd822fe0e5bb079 hg19 released ENCFF652IOV bam alignments ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF073SAE, ENCFF273YUG 208573313 Gene Yeo, UCSD 64b00bc5e2ea1a67699d12533255228e hg19 released ENCFF187FER bam alignments ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF073SAE, ENCFF273YUG 203755757 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d09f859c23f0e5cdad1b6ce5152e205 GRCh38 released ENCFF703QKL bam alignments ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF688KVW, ENCFF701RMR 225224271 Gene Yeo, UCSD b10dd35645269448e486fd09175b3ef5 GRCh38 released ENCFF239CMH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF737JZP 12212329 Gene Yeo, UCSD eafd017eb88ed1c685eb98ce9718ddbb hg19 released ENCFF909OID bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF652IOV 11326769 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4d4032f7f506d4c3c2224f616dc4f4e0 hg19 released ENCFF931LHZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF737JZP 12717292 Gene Yeo, UCSD 22eed3dfa10600d63a7c6729edb22217 hg19 released ENCFF172TCX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF652IOV 11818581 Gene Yeo, UCSD a3727d74c56153a9326a524695351bcd hg19 released ENCFF396EFU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF703QKL 12109653 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b75118c4cfa4d240d74f7c8a29e90c6 GRCh38 released ENCFF993ASY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF187FER 11172151 Gene Yeo, UCSD bcfe5a01bd8e5859fd7f7c63e4be21df GRCh38 released ENCFF987LSY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF187FER 11629212 Gene Yeo, UCSD e43a3ef837b2f734973f9320097385fd GRCh38 released ENCFF151XSN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF703QKL 12582734 Gene Yeo, UCSD f6509ed6110d5ac02efa282e2ef0fb32 GRCh38 released ENCFF689YIJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF652IOV, ENCFF786JER 1307107 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c77511a25c1d7d48a23e7eaec0bbe4f hg19 released ENCFF691BHS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF737JZP, ENCFF786JER 1571541 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ab38d7281ec0aa9357e5639fb9bc18b hg19 released ENCFF092TPS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF640KTQ, ENCFF703QKL 1565158 Gene Yeo, UCSD aff1f5356f340c5f41295345dd5774fb GRCh38 released ENCFF174GUB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF187FER, ENCFF640KTQ 1293331 Gene Yeo, UCSD 12dcda1805ae43bf3ee13b6dcd4f6430 GRCh38 released ENCFF813UWE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF689YIJ 2672298 Gene Yeo, UCSD c5932a15f9762ac8ce7701fbb2ebbd45 hg19 released ENCFF238FXW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF691BHS 3121417 Gene Yeo, UCSD 39a3eeb5de48ab6aa40c81388322921e hg19 released ENCFF477VKY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF092TPS 3107598 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6607e8d0381768581076bc20554f884a GRCh38 released ENCFF435OQO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR844RVX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EFTUD2-human ENCAB787OVJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF174GUB 2638270 Gene Yeo, UCSD d6670528c41ef0a41a5802ed225f2109 GRCh38 released ENCFF238HQO fastq reads ENCSR828ALT eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF188PUE 530583831 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0130045acc5666904b65a5ca1075ff44 SRA:SRR5112135 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF188PUE fastq reads ENCSR828ALT eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF238HQO 498165978 Gene Yeo, UCSD d23a23e15720dbddab36ce424fa62214 SRA:SRR5112135 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF656NLF bam alignments ENCSR828ALT eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF188PUE, ENCFF238HQO 660098282 Gene Yeo, UCSD b32eb3347176b383fa05d27cc5d0c26a hg19 released ENCFF127GEV bam alignments ENCSR828ALT eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF188PUE, ENCFF238HQO 666688047 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21430656380dd2c8d57a79e5c4bf5a60 GRCh38 released ENCFF792MED bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828ALT eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF656NLF 29991268 Gene Yeo, UCSD 278f9d9508cc70dfb81bea7864711c88 hg19 released ENCFF574ISZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828ALT eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF656NLF 30085672 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c6d5bcfa18060df513abdc00ccce89e hg19 released ENCFF146LGF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828ALT eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF127GEV 30291996 Gene Yeo, UCSD ee1e726e82ce470ed02760c6183c5882 GRCh38 released ENCFF517ENZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828ALT eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF127GEV 30700234 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa4c3dddc4f6a70b46c46604abe0e142 GRCh38 released ENCFF512AHQ fastq reads ENCSR192PUP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF649CHF 589024968 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ced6aa8bb285a65dd7ac22a727eed93 SRA:SRR5111219 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF649CHF fastq reads ENCSR192PUP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF512AHQ 558916907 Gene Yeo, UCSD 531a341fb0452c90084f89f2bc91a0a9 SRA:SRR5111219 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF234DAV bam alignments ENCSR192PUP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF512AHQ, ENCFF649CHF 592631322 Gene Yeo, UCSD 85f30d33135cc075571a42442e5a747d hg19 released ENCFF881RZM bam alignments ENCSR192PUP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF512AHQ, ENCFF649CHF 597620088 Gene Yeo, UCSD 14e557bca0d3495499b17af224d75066 GRCh38 released ENCFF337XDN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR192PUP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF234DAV 26856331 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4972aac8ef31f1cb08a334cb66527e5a hg19 released ENCFF234QFN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR192PUP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF234DAV 27257057 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2fe8a8ec330a890b8567322e0c6174e5 hg19 released ENCFF460IZX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR192PUP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF881RZM 27063826 Gene Yeo, UCSD 22e8d10a8705be8630a05f3f33a173f8 GRCh38 released ENCFF856VFR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR192PUP eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens LARP4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB580XQQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF881RZM 27433319 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e7ccbc4d08efa87b0d2b061d000f9ce GRCh38 released ENCFF221USS fastq reads ENCSR346IHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF932XAN 472790371 Gene Yeo, UCSD e2efb7a8038396dee16ec3f3ef4b4edc SRA:SRR5111470 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF932XAN fastq reads ENCSR346IHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF221USS 469877096 Gene Yeo, UCSD d04fd43f905dd4f52ba4145ba7943e8c SRA:SRR5111470 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF296UEW bam alignments ENCSR346IHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF221USS, ENCFF932XAN 258904809 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d91c106aa1826ceeb46703577b45b75 hg19 released ENCFF459RGB bam alignments ENCSR346IHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF221USS, ENCFF932XAN 263529879 Gene Yeo, UCSD 666d1f470049960547db3ffe77b6083b GRCh38 released ENCFF096VVP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR346IHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF296UEW 12681772 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a8de74239be69c2171eb055aa000189 hg19 released ENCFF051QKU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR346IHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF296UEW 13158985 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8194c3af4847702d86af6a9fa09bb0e6 hg19 released ENCFF027EPH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR346IHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF459RGB 12936036 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6413d962bfa05828e87d2473027ab185 GRCh38 released ENCFF674WSW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR346IHS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF459RGB 13408156 Gene Yeo, UCSD 14cf700a95b3a958b42caa45331836de GRCh38 released ENCFF434XME fastq reads ENCSR751CSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF545RPT 1024988302 Gene Yeo, UCSD a0f52730857858cba430921efbbdd821 SRA:SRR5112041 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF545RPT fastq reads ENCSR751CSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF434XME 917016447 Gene Yeo, UCSD 576d3a262cfd26665e62ad7e2d393f52 SRA:SRR5112041 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF886HUH bam alignments ENCSR751CSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF434XME, ENCFF545RPT 795003911 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42d01b4fb8a5153b3132a1080b4ba164 hg19 released ENCFF156WVL bam alignments ENCSR751CSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF434XME, ENCFF545RPT 806558575 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f7634c9fa45d0528f40f40bc8e4868d GRCh38 released ENCFF156RQC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR751CSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF886HUH 36517610 Gene Yeo, UCSD 47e0fee2fe808d09b75f8a78159a542e hg19 released ENCFF980ZKW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR751CSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF886HUH 37828196 Gene Yeo, UCSD df182030106264f32ff81c107a1d57e4 hg19 released ENCFF620KOF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR751CSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF156WVL 37270859 Gene Yeo, UCSD db7be723d228fdb07a46472c00b33a60 GRCh38 released ENCFF544QCC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR751CSY eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF156WVL 38581024 Gene Yeo, UCSD f36a6f854602a6c33ad542ab21193045 GRCh38 released ENCFF218BZO fastq reads ENCSR828MEJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF713DNL 634211217 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0a8e284502b0ed9299ed2f10300d966a SRA:SRR5112248 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF713DNL fastq reads ENCSR828MEJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF218BZO 585135962 Gene Yeo, UCSD d7a4135531ce15f001ceb2c916e05cc5 SRA:SRR5112248 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF761PIB bam alignments ENCSR828MEJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF218BZO, ENCFF713DNL 381653932 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0823935e7f9ecb627d027a136e4b51b4 hg19 released ENCFF685EEV bam alignments ENCSR828MEJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF218BZO, ENCFF713DNL 393275098 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9c9d772a6a2b29ba4a3ce500512a5081 GRCh38 released ENCFF218CSP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828MEJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF761PIB 16850859 Gene Yeo, UCSD c15f3ee5f98cb61c3abdab8686251357 hg19 released ENCFF031CRR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828MEJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF761PIB 17073944 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3d860afa38bd0fd9581c6ac0be8536f7 hg19 released ENCFF985GPE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828MEJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF685EEV 17344188 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7b68426a96954712187b3da29eee2077 GRCh38 released ENCFF706WCK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828MEJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RPS5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB780TEB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF685EEV 17558237 Gene Yeo, UCSD 47890a32ac14511eff00ac48a2d23cee GRCh38 released ENCFF727FEM fastq reads ENCSR081WUU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF312KNQ 722240681 Gene Yeo, UCSD 997ab66056f5503a2d42b1ed82236af7 SRA:SRR5111065 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF312KNQ fastq reads ENCSR081WUU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF727FEM 687919728 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0178bf4787146cff5ada254515173ab1 SRA:SRR5111065 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF082JCZ bam alignments ENCSR081WUU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF312KNQ, ENCFF727FEM 480602409 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6bf463f2a3460b5b7b33754b09e993ac hg19 released ENCFF949QUQ bam alignments ENCSR081WUU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF312KNQ, ENCFF727FEM 487587784 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2085e06c1ec9f99b28107d69ab36cfd7 GRCh38 released ENCFF228SIR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR081WUU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF082JCZ 21345658 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4d26d1400df2eb1e42210c469a3012ea hg19 released ENCFF102ZRL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR081WUU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF082JCZ 21801083 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63a0a45fab3b44388ce9706892b138d9 hg19 released ENCFF384XQK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR081WUU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF949QUQ 21645232 Gene Yeo, UCSD d8d2371125f7802b5164967c9d271bac GRCh38 released ENCFF438RDQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR081WUU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF949QUQ 22082731 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7e81c1336b7adbba6393f306ca4ec176 GRCh38 released ENCFF886NVW fastq reads ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF169YJW 364253303 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90443c4ba12660944d0f9af0f1590724 SRA:SRR5111030 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF354GQD/ released ENCFF303YBI fastq reads ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF335KAS 381783066 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9629d8dcf0902274b4b6e93590929717 SRA:SRR5111029 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF354GQD/ released ENCFF169YJW fastq reads ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF886NVW 396383059 Gene Yeo, UCSD 93bd8960c48737b1bde53dd9fa236993 SRA:SRR5111030 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF431GGI/ released ENCFF335KAS fastq reads ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF303YBI 429763679 Gene Yeo, UCSD bb02d759aa630484a2183eaea3fbae35 SRA:SRR5111029 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF431GGI/ released ENCFF827JFL bam alignments ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF169YJW, ENCFF886NVW 272067039 Gene Yeo, UCSD b95745f2935c55e3c6939b8fd5d6dfe3 hg19 released ENCFF174TXM bam alignments ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF303YBI, ENCFF335KAS 229214119 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8d869a5b34b6828f65c4feb461fdddcb hg19 released ENCFF655NIG bam alignments ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF303YBI, ENCFF335KAS 230901238 Gene Yeo, UCSD 025c8255aa6c9f76c334531b09f2fddf GRCh38 released ENCFF296HGS bam alignments ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF169YJW, ENCFF886NVW 272243097 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4488758d1db2ce6193ec5e307c14c227 GRCh38 released ENCFF902QMS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF827JFL 12523999 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4f6e3b2b84f33d077a20f9f93b9c767e hg19 released ENCFF379MHZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF174TXM 7919379 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f0a0475b112569424a7c000129dee88 hg19 released ENCFF321IEI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF827JFL 12732112 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8686b521ba881a4581ae9db6239db950 hg19 released ENCFF736FCQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF174TXM 7965968 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5d46290965555e76fb08e36a07c8f9d3 hg19 released ENCFF101SPF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF296HGS 12552981 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3942548d6cf6fb8b64a45d88ebfe88c5 GRCh38 released ENCFF202GTL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF655NIG 7956444 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80066f90e7bed627f3d15e7a916038e8 GRCh38 released ENCFF202UMC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF655NIG 7994822 Gene Yeo, UCSD e01584dc24c80ca1efb0e59a588ca6d2 GRCh38 released ENCFF593VHQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF296HGS 12746222 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ca4acdaa741be5f0268c3cee14dc550 GRCh38 released ENCFF054ZXE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF543YCY, ENCFF827JFL 1100141 Gene Yeo, UCSD 19a2efe90664966b72036a2ca132d66c hg19 released ENCFF749TYO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF174TXM, ENCFF543YCY 926256 Gene Yeo, UCSD 747f82f460623ab5873ccdacf196c180 hg19 released ENCFF471JAQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF296HGS, ENCFF774RKG 1110760 Gene Yeo, UCSD da6f444194f3d48131294ba010a0483a GRCh38 released ENCFF761CYV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF655NIG, ENCFF774RKG 939053 Gene Yeo, UCSD c501e790f6565ecf4e6d7240e836ebcd GRCh38 released ENCFF413DAP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF749TYO 1875715 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c74f9a2023262588a375a36db1a2678 hg19 released ENCFF587JIF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF054ZXE 2234006 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5acba0124bc4c96ed4de8bbd4090d65b hg19 released ENCFF461RPA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF761CYV 1894764 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7b58d19452496e2fbeea46515eb5374d GRCh38 released ENCFF596YNB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR061EVO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF471JAQ 2253289 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c0d39072baddb06a6f90ccecf39eb3d GRCh38 released ENCFF007BKB fastq reads ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF168AGB 489905552 Gene Yeo, UCSD 465ae69c4548ab86bacac54224a4b608 SRA:SRR5112028 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF300XRU/ released ENCFF956VZN fastq reads ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF648UJC 362728107 Gene Yeo, UCSD 46042ea0776d9d770ae62b1dfff84e3f SRA:SRR5112027 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF300XRU/ released ENCFF648UJC fastq reads ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF956VZN 368233938 Gene Yeo, UCSD 19435e6456cd09654f496d154ebcf81c SRA:SRR5112027 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF382BPZ/ released ENCFF168AGB fastq reads ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF007BKB 507699102 Gene Yeo, UCSD 85f82184b0b96b1a781ad0eaaacda858 SRA:SRR5112028 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF382BPZ/ released ENCFF398LMC bam alignments ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF648UJC, ENCFF956VZN 547805953 Gene Yeo, UCSD 283eedbd3341fb012c1387bfb5198a0f hg19 released ENCFF076JEG bam alignments ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF007BKB, ENCFF168AGB 422785930 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80dc001e1ee8ec199a499d2de261fd56 hg19 released ENCFF536XVW bam alignments ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF007BKB, ENCFF168AGB 418134633 Gene Yeo, UCSD d0d85784ba6b6c8f90934c1ea65371e5 GRCh38 released ENCFF956ELY bam alignments ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF648UJC, ENCFF956VZN 545715441 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1a922f6556ef116e76ed52db6b05bcc GRCh38 released ENCFF216CTT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF076JEG 22315865 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6f138af6a71be5eddb9886637b9a1c2b hg19 released ENCFF309UEL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF398LMC 28565715 Gene Yeo, UCSD 671f5df3713c0ae4c5c28bd9eba0a406 hg19 released ENCFF301CMC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF076JEG 22960705 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63f52ff5160c388cd68cf20f48951f95 hg19 released ENCFF021KKM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF398LMC 29653457 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9b916f72c68d327bd83401b0657c8ecf hg19 released ENCFF162GIM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF956ELY 28491684 Gene Yeo, UCSD afa4ef23fa932726cbae8c2e4c385ff9 GRCh38 released ENCFF536HED bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536XVW 22183450 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c1bb38b3a7f6844104c043ff7466a1e GRCh38 released ENCFF412WFJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536XVW 22804180 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0bcfc241674337bff487fa1ef7214909 GRCh38 released ENCFF713PRK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF956ELY 29556077 Gene Yeo, UCSD 04da33d696e3c8d9f91c6181acce680c GRCh38 released ENCFF676GXG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF076JEG, ENCFF647EHU 2229918 Gene Yeo, UCSD 704e25445aa8dcce1185cfdd6f12f06f hg19 released ENCFF801KHR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF398LMC, ENCFF647EHU 2817090 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8deb1aaaf9488377f4d523e33befcdbe hg19 released ENCFF487VHA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF635FQJ, ENCFF956ELY 2841860 Gene Yeo, UCSD bdb36a7f4a0b069452f20ec13330515d GRCh38 released ENCFF569CXX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF536XVW, ENCFF635FQJ 2229550 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c8dc65acf77b1bc6a0c89b6433f2818 GRCh38 released ENCFF407BEZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF676GXG 4416426 Gene Yeo, UCSD b33df8e3b1a48031cca2262860da6cc9 hg19 released ENCFF124XWE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF801KHR 5363301 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6d2ab26868867f2fa66f668b2e04146e hg19 released ENCFF686YHG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF487VHA 5410846 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5d5f3dd9bffbb5ac18e53032f3f2fdf1 GRCh38 released ENCFF831POP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR755TJC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF569CXX 4414726 Gene Yeo, UCSD ced39bd91735b82263479fe2b3aafa97 GRCh38 released ENCFF359LZO fastq reads ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF570ACD 1195392879 Gene Yeo, UCSD ee83618ba363a3b7e92c480668c91421 SRA:SRR5112116 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF238HQO/ released ENCFF376EVA fastq reads ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF886RPO 308385746 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6cce5ebef2ccc36dc702ad5332c3b3a5 SRA:SRR5112115 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF238HQO/ released ENCFF570ACD fastq reads ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF359LZO 1308919535 Gene Yeo, UCSD aba39e49b2c50e833e4ea7b13f064633 SRA:SRR5112116 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF188PUE/ released ENCFF171MEK bam alignments ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF359LZO, ENCFF570ACD 590360557 Gene Yeo, UCSD dfca5ca8f3190788edd382e7d8874c69 hg19 released ENCFF886RPO fastq reads ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF376EVA 337548147 Gene Yeo, UCSD 22b1a5620d68019e5cd60fc275f0e5c0 SRA:SRR5112115 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF188PUE/ released ENCFF282MQX bam alignments ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF376EVA, ENCFF886RPO 263860142 Gene Yeo, UCSD ea766a2e77207d10b0e014ee56e75d3c hg19 released ENCFF770GEL bam alignments ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF376EVA, ENCFF886RPO 249845276 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ba0eae6661b9afd5030a5b5cdded3c7 GRCh38 released ENCFF416LFA bam alignments ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF359LZO, ENCFF570ACD 567723517 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0ef84dad9c0910449621d86b1bf56990 GRCh38 released ENCFF115LRN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF171MEK 27509511 Gene Yeo, UCSD a3f42f3a6a76328eec5e3d06d3884b11 hg19 released ENCFF160PYB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF282MQX 14073233 Gene Yeo, UCSD ae9f3670463c0419cf545f7deae83f93 hg19 released ENCFF600TAI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF282MQX 14785453 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4796647722e8f9cb182e277afd16dd5 hg19 released ENCFF897ZVJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF171MEK 28096652 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9bbb541162d28c89c5bd0765983653e1 hg19 released ENCFF098MVQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF416LFA 26720821 Gene Yeo, UCSD 60164e4e2df9427eed6fcc6e07a97edc GRCh38 released ENCFF983HUL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF770GEL 13558029 Gene Yeo, UCSD d534175a7792dded87e78e2959807e59 GRCh38 released ENCFF951IZB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF416LFA 27282853 Gene Yeo, UCSD e801f298f5e2ae8953dfaf517fe88d6d GRCh38 released ENCFF909QKC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF770GEL 14067518 Gene Yeo, UCSD 81a1c8818fc9dcac2a22a251405fcb59 GRCh38 released ENCFF890AXT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF282MQX, ENCFF656NLF 1248290 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f78545b8a12e05f8854a59b139dfb04 hg19 released ENCFF513MLD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF171MEK, ENCFF656NLF 3363237 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ca27c7cfa9719461ad6c3a83d63326c hg19 released ENCFF684OXK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF127GEV, ENCFF416LFA 3308871 Gene Yeo, UCSD 88b685bce163cc4ba1d6052df6f42fe9 GRCh38 released ENCFF134NUB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF127GEV, ENCFF770GEL 1197689 Gene Yeo, UCSD cf25c64f80c8c9db868a4d1ba23abcf6 GRCh38 released ENCFF035SSS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF890AXT 2134238 Gene Yeo, UCSD 546c431cba1a6ec0c335dc41c924d9a1 hg19 released ENCFF586WCC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF513MLD 6411806 Gene Yeo, UCSD 734df770165cf58b73b721c4b70e29e3 hg19 released ENCFF373ROO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF684OXK 6317990 Gene Yeo, UCSD d73c405b0caf1d5af95a57dbf921a29a GRCh38 released ENCFF635KCV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR815VVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CDC40-human ENCAB127ICL RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF134NUB 2058203 Gene Yeo, UCSD 46c667aff05f218e36ea4eeb8cf96e12 GRCh38 released ENCFF094OOZ fastq reads ENCSR391GLS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF895RAR 715471962 Gene Yeo, UCSD dcb3c52a4de4c5ba4ece5aa6a224e625 SRA:SRR5111566 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF895RAR fastq reads ENCSR391GLS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF094OOZ 700757718 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2b8f282aec4362184b4a37945f73ba8 SRA:SRR5111566 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF073SGO bam alignments ENCSR391GLS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF094OOZ, ENCFF895RAR 674661930 Gene Yeo, UCSD a558e9def363e13f2223137c82659091 hg19 released ENCFF539YZX bam alignments ENCSR391GLS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF094OOZ, ENCFF895RAR 678839484 Gene Yeo, UCSD 893ee96f0da02c745752ab8d88061024 GRCh38 released ENCFF979VAZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR391GLS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF073SGO 28910804 Gene Yeo, UCSD 791c11f990595c992d33f1808e95bdeb hg19 released ENCFF302NNV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR391GLS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF073SGO 29883305 Gene Yeo, UCSD ae38f12d80a4e9005c325167593bc208 hg19 released ENCFF586TVW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR391GLS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF539YZX 29124324 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9384ce9f812e8b36e376180a430e9f45 GRCh38 released ENCFF384VPJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR391GLS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens CSTF2T eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB005DBK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF539YZX 30100266 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ea78c1a6310a82ffe43e3da32d9049b GRCh38 released ENCFF129UTE fastq reads ENCSR482AWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF207FLE 449362216 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ee1e848bfd6abc927894e3290e7a7b4 SRA:SRR5111636 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF207FLE fastq reads ENCSR482AWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF129UTE 429932877 Gene Yeo, UCSD f3c64501e8c030bc08d9e385ed696151 SRA:SRR5111636 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF868UQK bam alignments ENCSR482AWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF129UTE, ENCFF207FLE 271951803 Gene Yeo, UCSD dde41197f3430f6312028ddc961c4ad1 hg19 released ENCFF019BLW bam alignments ENCSR482AWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF129UTE, ENCFF207FLE 274547008 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f09188fcc2e602ddc746c564339ea9e GRCh38 released ENCFF595REQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR482AWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF868UQK 14401814 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9b0d0d945e957776469e4819939bc58d hg19 released ENCFF124ADY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR482AWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF868UQK 14986977 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd8803b848894055dd9ff6ed7477f710 hg19 released ENCFF617UQT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR482AWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF019BLW 14584249 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7efd86e79abca68d30a0bf73dc2bb15 GRCh38 released ENCFF388XMR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR482AWB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPUL1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB484JUT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF019BLW 15165916 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b7ae286214666ba8dff5abd93329b55 GRCh38 released ENCFF237HET fastq reads ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF128MAP 669818024 Gene Yeo, UCSD 431bde8edfe26c7e037f1952c25aac5d SRA:SRR5111158 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF056XTI/ released ENCFF871WGQ fastq reads ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF157LOT 570162362 Gene Yeo, UCSD c24f1982e6545ce41473937cc2ef737a SRA:SRR5111159 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF056XTI/ released ENCFF128MAP fastq reads ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF237HET 718665338 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ade1f4c39cb7a7c2ec799d37ede1d76 SRA:SRR5111158 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF711IGJ/ released ENCFF157LOT fastq reads ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF871WGQ 613493560 Gene Yeo, UCSD 275647a99d92fbe2d76068580f876912 SRA:SRR5111159 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF711IGJ/ released ENCFF367EEH bam alignments ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF128MAP, ENCFF237HET 504018357 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02b39a59b4bb874cecb1b901a685af24 hg19 released ENCFF612RZN bam alignments ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF157LOT, ENCFF871WGQ 463750327 Gene Yeo, UCSD 923d6d2117eca76477de02007972055c hg19 released ENCFF351QXF bam alignments ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF128MAP, ENCFF237HET 495347583 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b0df23ccb29de3ef0db07caa7719c23 GRCh38 released ENCFF867TFQ bam alignments ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF157LOT, ENCFF871WGQ 456959927 Gene Yeo, UCSD 999de2037a4487b08ad5f6803540f689 GRCh38 released ENCFF934MCU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF612RZN 22603754 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a15e7feaf53d30e13a011ef42283fe0 hg19 released ENCFF577WGX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF367EEH 24459069 Gene Yeo, UCSD 36f7693292a15758b44a4b401e1d330b hg19 released ENCFF567VFQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF367EEH 25266766 Gene Yeo, UCSD fae108f1ab593c24003797c751a52852 hg19 released ENCFF211QBY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF612RZN 23403020 Gene Yeo, UCSD d45c7792561ec150c50a090ea1fc86c0 hg19 released ENCFF869HBJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF351QXF 24187226 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1029a205ccf83e2531282fe785b1c589 GRCh38 released ENCFF664JCH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF867TFQ 22398388 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c7c306673fda9384ec199025ae85dd2 GRCh38 released ENCFF029JEG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF351QXF 24946557 Gene Yeo, UCSD 54148bcc64a956321a194c3217302ec8 GRCh38 released ENCFF615YQJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF867TFQ 23138344 Gene Yeo, UCSD a420299443fe4e72bd727706e88db45c GRCh38 released ENCFF677MQI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF502YXG, ENCFF612RZN 2181071 Gene Yeo, UCSD adffbe33a3d7577806b001378ba865d4 hg19 released ENCFF479VZE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF367EEH, ENCFF502YXG 2393893 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca2f0b649f4a9bf551229d73c74684b1 hg19 released ENCFF341KSL bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF351QXF, ENCFF438IIB 2401613 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1367387d2b52821dbf80814721f8e34e GRCh38 released ENCFF971LCF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF438IIB, ENCFF867TFQ 2182475 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb9600c78d115a522487652556522e68 GRCh38 released ENCFF170LCY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF677MQI 4277163 Gene Yeo, UCSD e5bfeec7d4ae91e0f77ab30f3fa3ee46 hg19 released ENCFF430VKJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF479VZE 4677167 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0411945fca3b0ebcdbca0684ffe619fd hg19 released ENCFF375WFM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF971LCF 4276130 Gene Yeo, UCSD 184dd40824f2e03c4e0cb0205b0cbf5b GRCh38 released ENCFF114EYT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR128VXC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF341KSL 4671013 Gene Yeo, UCSD bcef597d1db5650eec14fc1be8ffea20 GRCh38 released ENCFF486ZOM fastq reads ENCSR096SZE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF939HBM 681244871 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68240d25783263b8a3a5fd9f09c04e44 SRA:SRR5111128 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF939HBM fastq reads ENCSR096SZE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF486ZOM 657758651 Gene Yeo, UCSD 628248c3364bef3e6deb13edf3dcd2db SRA:SRR5111128 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF365IYY bam alignments ENCSR096SZE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF486ZOM, ENCFF939HBM 594629026 Gene Yeo, UCSD 41f4ddd11c033b5093f793ecbae8d7d2 hg19 released ENCFF947MAG bam alignments ENCSR096SZE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF486ZOM, ENCFF939HBM 597154129 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a70d1e5c5794091218631d1bd6d7c2d GRCh38 released ENCFF928QRQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR096SZE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF365IYY 29212512 Gene Yeo, UCSD 27e03f680d2d894de712486223690762 hg19 released ENCFF527NLI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR096SZE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF365IYY 30351623 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3cb5427a506a2534b2be74524827c7d1 hg19 released ENCFF838JNU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR096SZE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF947MAG 29411052 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ace181c80d507d9c2d339c9d81fbe2c GRCh38 released ENCFF126WXL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR096SZE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PRPF8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB207WIC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF947MAG 30540691 Gene Yeo, UCSD 557095ce35a180eed79dfcf8e629c9f0 GRCh38 released ENCFF742YFO fastq reads ENCSR077KVG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF843CUY 314408152 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3fb95678455ad7ad0e7b691403d838e0 SRA:SRR5111071 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF843CUY fastq reads ENCSR077KVG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF742YFO 309768980 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1eb8310d22ccc4db7946cee5cabe5c1f SRA:SRR5111071 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF983FIG bam alignments ENCSR077KVG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF742YFO, ENCFF843CUY 155998569 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90cb4ed6da847cfe51e5088bddce0945 hg19 released ENCFF655LHZ bam alignments ENCSR077KVG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF742YFO, ENCFF843CUY 157172754 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd52827a796b9c5413ed729fcb72c097 GRCh38 released ENCFF580DZG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR077KVG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF983FIG 6404089 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1d8b584df0692e98f16c549830d9612 hg19 released ENCFF052DII bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR077KVG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF983FIG 6570859 Gene Yeo, UCSD 956d2aacae52a952bcc3db68b5a3d51a hg19 released ENCFF401NKA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR077KVG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF655LHZ 6449119 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6f3356ad3418e914a24c1e1f54f1091d GRCh38 released ENCFF295AAK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR077KVG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF655LHZ 6627640 Gene Yeo, UCSD 354623a13e28bb4c8a38d581238c6658 GRCh38 released ENCFF927DLO fastq reads ENCSR305IPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF517CRH 764143423 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68cd99827b59c1e2ef65af0f03c153b3 SRA:SRR5111391 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF517CRH fastq reads ENCSR305IPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF927DLO 701253022 Gene Yeo, UCSD 03e8cb13704a6f6cf3d504517d7b0c4c SRA:SRR5111391 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF644CKP bam alignments ENCSR305IPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF517CRH, ENCFF927DLO 686377226 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7751f06b7ce59c659e97d1cdfc5cc7be hg19 released ENCFF405WBU bam alignments ENCSR305IPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF517CRH, ENCFF927DLO 705957591 Gene Yeo, UCSD a88490de3baabff42964725a72275689 GRCh38 released ENCFF232EFV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR305IPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF644CKP 29275417 Gene Yeo, UCSD b82f893983f47874531390d08c7443de hg19 released ENCFF661IIQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR305IPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF644CKP 30332346 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4250f3ecbab0c982f6aebcfba85ec0a0 hg19 released ENCFF077JHQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR305IPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF405WBU 30440025 Gene Yeo, UCSD 47c2f102daae1ea3b8f1cb40b2a16377 GRCh38 released ENCFF665VEO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR305IPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF405WBU 31532566 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7604a2ab1eefb2f463a6e4b1e9483cff GRCh38 released ENCFF322VWH fastq reads ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF101IOW 1028831131 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11cfa2ce0571940e8043cdb5012b8bcc SRA:SRR5111667 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF196BNM/ released ENCFF007BPN fastq reads ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF769IXL 611818980 Gene Yeo, UCSD 400412d8b209dccd75e5c639bed8fac5 SRA:SRR5111666 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF196BNM/ released ENCFF769IXL fastq reads ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF007BPN 650835186 Gene Yeo, UCSD 881aa345191f476467b9ed4affa55f99 SRA:SRR5111666 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF269WBT/ released ENCFF101IOW fastq reads ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF322VWH 1082969212 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a41ddac4cebba1ec6009854a47fdb27 SRA:SRR5111667 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF269WBT/ released ENCFF642XMP bam alignments ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF101IOW, ENCFF322VWH 1108154086 Gene Yeo, UCSD 785e0795d6ae01c197b0d5da7f1c42c7 hg19 released ENCFF671VFZ bam alignments ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF007BPN, ENCFF769IXL 720454803 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6d9310b0e4fabbfbfe1eabdd5a4880ad hg19 released ENCFF132YAO bam alignments ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF101IOW, ENCFF322VWH 1075686247 Gene Yeo, UCSD 425169ce4bc342c94d392365701c95f2 GRCh38 released ENCFF476CPQ bam alignments ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF007BPN, ENCFF769IXL 686724677 Gene Yeo, UCSD d0d7b3b05660d7d75e08e89365338505 GRCh38 released ENCFF050OHC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF642XMP 46074667 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1cfdfa4403a428046815937996d2be6a hg19 released ENCFF887BFF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF671VFZ 31786430 Gene Yeo, UCSD b9dbf1f7bfb5805192dfb2045678f6da hg19 released ENCFF907DUD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF671VFZ 32793137 Gene Yeo, UCSD f089b48ba03b7975a2f9dc2415119f95 hg19 released ENCFF958DHS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF642XMP 47315035 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7b00c0a94fb32831c0cd20bb6b5503ac hg19 released ENCFF704AZS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF132YAO 45176816 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68d88eb426d3a7e6c6ce93181f2be9ed GRCh38 released ENCFF975XTM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF476CPQ 30728785 Gene Yeo, UCSD fb8421f8582cd51d6620a849dcee7aa4 GRCh38 released ENCFF063XSO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF476CPQ 31666119 Gene Yeo, UCSD 64b0f2633c2fc066e46b821dcb724258 GRCh38 released ENCFF012CKH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF132YAO 46361919 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6f0adcc1e089b8e1c0052ab2621e87fb GRCh38 released ENCFF305LRB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF352SQG, ENCFF642XMP 3407965 Gene Yeo, UCSD 79638d95e19643e8d3e10420f145d29c hg19 released ENCFF171KTG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF352SQG, ENCFF671VFZ 2567755 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb2e79f72f5b34a2c72444e280a1b179 hg19 released ENCFF573KHP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF151VWF, ENCFF476CPQ 2555207 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2e622b0018c219374e6c7588a946a92a GRCh38 released ENCFF022FGD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF132YAO, ENCFF151VWF 3423721 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8fd47d80bf11ac7894b4b53eb1178f1e GRCh38 released ENCFF022GSG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF171KTG 4998169 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe90cc8ef5c3c62cbc599d8d0b9fdaf0 hg19 released ENCFF769QQG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF305LRB 6370074 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c013389133ea3c535688a1aab49bab0 hg19 released ENCFF994NUD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF022FGD 6418833 Gene Yeo, UCSD e6f77c93e5c40954f48a01df2ee1e099 GRCh38 released ENCFF226OLL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR490IEE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF573KHP 4985100 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e5d345e0508e8acfea472606e86c3cd GRCh38 released ENCFF832UNJ fastq reads ENCSR750NTM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF591UZM 597314144 Gene Yeo, UCSD 208b4d7372c11064d0cbc308b4fa454e SRA:SRR5112063 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF591UZM fastq reads ENCSR750NTM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF832UNJ 587616312 Gene Yeo, UCSD ddc67608bc5d418ef77559c1e6119d45 SRA:SRR5112063 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF942TNV bam alignments ENCSR750NTM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF591UZM, ENCFF832UNJ 388695840 Gene Yeo, UCSD d600b3a785f4c045f51a5787fc5f44da hg19 released ENCFF222NYJ bam alignments ENCSR750NTM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF591UZM, ENCFF832UNJ 398651817 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92fd050786bdeca74065a763c2359e30 GRCh38 released ENCFF058UPC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR750NTM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF942TNV 17562556 Gene Yeo, UCSD e7243f89915ccd355a704e30d6aa0fe6 hg19 released ENCFF223RIV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR750NTM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF942TNV 18123177 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0e29bcb5ccc421700e3d68bf9988435a hg19 released ENCFF671UJO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR750NTM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF222NYJ 18083312 Gene Yeo, UCSD d67f953e7bb54b0fffd344431a86bd05 GRCh38 released ENCFF987PYU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR750NTM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens METAP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB441VBJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF222NYJ 18662789 Gene Yeo, UCSD b53931f4e7fbd2ac74331841576a8603 GRCh38 released ENCFF492WZW fastq reads ENCSR305KNE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF802HAI 846593512 Gene Yeo, UCSD 73f06fdf9caa8781c6902acb1c5e7853 SRA:SRR5111397 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF802HAI fastq reads ENCSR305KNE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF492WZW 806703546 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0655cf12a5509c323e028c861b1f38c8 SRA:SRR5111397 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF503WPM bam alignments ENCSR305KNE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF492WZW, ENCFF802HAI 539027446 Gene Yeo, UCSD 22d15dfd2ed2dc5c829b42a9275e390a hg19 released ENCFF735PKL bam alignments ENCSR305KNE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF492WZW, ENCFF802HAI 550351014 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10460453e8f359c94b46fdd9b3a5a9a0 GRCh38 released ENCFF586CAN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR305KNE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF503WPM 24015815 Gene Yeo, UCSD 25f49b3610e93c7e8cb6ce0c728e5ea9 hg19 released ENCFF627KBO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR305KNE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF503WPM 24798862 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc7800bc7b3f945c28077ee72ce5ade0 hg19 released ENCFF763PEV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR305KNE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF735PKL 24643444 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5265d58c293bf79c0f3db802efb57c4b GRCh38 released ENCFF002UEA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR305KNE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF735PKL 25438040 Gene Yeo, UCSD fdb909a89979b9307d23afaf1274dc81 GRCh38 released ENCFF096AKL fastq reads ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 49 paired-ended 1 ENCFF787FER 914092204 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c00b956134fe627489704712d0eb59d SRA:SRR5111467 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF434XME/ released ENCFF155EKG fastq reads ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 49 paired-ended 1 ENCFF807WFX 1612445901 Gene Yeo, UCSD 966e3ce5a50c081eff8603e7af099522 SRA:SRR5111466 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF434XME/ released ENCFF787FER fastq reads ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF096AKL 851264356 Gene Yeo, UCSD c81e4e6019ad2757cb10b42ff39f7f3f SRA:SRR5111467 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF545RPT/ released ENCFF807WFX fastq reads ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF155EKG 1505439553 Gene Yeo, UCSD c571d1c36748bee696c6dc2aa981ced4 SRA:SRR5111466 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF545RPT/ released ENCFF488QYF bam alignments ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF155EKG, ENCFF807WFX 726083057 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc55141dff4a2177a3c6071f4a49abd3 hg19 released ENCFF922LSS bam alignments ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF096AKL, ENCFF787FER 523977398 Gene Yeo, UCSD ebe6770004e080b4035b66f72bddd5d8 hg19 released ENCFF952TJF bam alignments ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF155EKG, ENCFF807WFX 713509175 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4fd34962a99a083a0875ebb84b77a0d8 GRCh38 released ENCFF903GDN bam alignments ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF096AKL, ENCFF787FER 515369263 Gene Yeo, UCSD 651cb32b44d52fdeb17a5bd0b7776b54 GRCh38 released ENCFF835BLS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF488QYF 33207197 Gene Yeo, UCSD ae92e617b1d74aab3227e78196dae3cb hg19 released ENCFF063RZA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF922LSS 26040327 Gene Yeo, UCSD f5b64872d263d293fa560613fc8e67d7 hg19 released ENCFF874RGW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF922LSS 26924945 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a6af6edb35749130a5aaacae24eedef hg19 released ENCFF483AGC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF488QYF 34354548 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd4c905efce379b44402181e76262759 hg19 released ENCFF016BUJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF903GDN 25473425 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff6cbbb42815f3cfa6601a5782a0a3fe GRCh38 released ENCFF618PQG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF952TJF 32917766 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3103b9599b3f5f72df2a98fbf2003b8c GRCh38 released ENCFF681XDL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF952TJF 34018466 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16613f718a8ebc27dd166798b35740f5 GRCh38 released ENCFF216ICY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF903GDN 26308586 Gene Yeo, UCSD e3a6438f2169dea29bef3aebb7a75dff GRCh38 released ENCFF912GTJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF488QYF, ENCFF886HUH 3279867 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0346c97a94f4b805476007e8c5a7d9e8 hg19 released ENCFF713NFZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF886HUH, ENCFF922LSS 2695930 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0d9aa5edd009dedb3addbe3dd96ac4d hg19 released ENCFF357UDV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF156WVL, ENCFF903GDN 2727062 Gene Yeo, UCSD 93ae53ed110335de37ed8bbe588019d5 GRCh38 released ENCFF660XGG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF156WVL, ENCFF952TJF 3311696 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c97c3fd5cd434ecc883dbe3d08e0e61 GRCh38 released ENCFF463FXX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF713NFZ 5189080 Gene Yeo, UCSD 331142810cb026a5131e1eeedae618ba hg19 released ENCFF957MJB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF912GTJ 6201091 Gene Yeo, UCSD 94a08ae8eaa76a08cd1b0cff71c4cc8b hg19 released ENCFF968TYL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF357UDV 5246526 Gene Yeo, UCSD bce10386d434ee6fe2579774d06d3d8c GRCh38 released ENCFF854UKV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR349KMG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens UCHL5-human ENCAB421XHI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF660XGG 6265420 Gene Yeo, UCSD 19028ba16d09d34642af7225d8b85f3b GRCh38 released ENCFF164ISP fastq reads ENCSR096YAP eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF303PXD 827719997 Gene Yeo, UCSD f511d832e45391794fc7ae9fab6d3493 SRA:SRR5111092 HiSeq 4000 released mismatched file status, biological replicates with identical biosample ENCFF273TMJ fastq reads ENCSR096YAP eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF864ELM 873392992 Gene Yeo, UCSD e7d3bf345def27c9c0dd01d1dec68567 SRA:SRR5111091 HiSeq 4000 released mismatched file status, biological replicates with identical biosample ENCFF864ELM fastq reads ENCSR096YAP eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF273TMJ 836101155 Gene Yeo, UCSD ddd35eca19a392c3c1312cdfc8aed799 SRA:SRR5111091 HiSeq 4000 released mismatched file status, biological replicates with identical biosample ENCFF515TVX bam alignments ENCSR096YAP eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF164ISP, ENCFF303PXD 323695203 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5370af09d760d7c4be35a68892327dee hg19 released mismatched file status, biological replicates with identical biosample ENCFF303PXD fastq reads ENCSR096YAP eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF164ISP 798476922 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4f21ab1c6d03204307a9d26faa7e8a30 SRA:SRR5111092 HiSeq 4000 released mismatched file status, biological replicates with identical biosample ENCFF932NWQ bam alignments ENCSR096YAP eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF273TMJ, ENCFF864ELM 247895203 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2ae8e3bd3745c3e40797fd4ff21998d4 hg19 released mismatched file status, biological replicates with identical biosample ENCFF195JRZ fastq reads ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF942SSU 323896393 Gene Yeo, UCSD 77fea905018216d119f844617d0ce1e5 SRA:SRR5111341 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF962DLT/ released ENCFF383SFO fastq reads ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF739PWI 369424328 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3242ab693b8e8cce065925e561574059 SRA:SRR5111340 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF962DLT/ released ENCFF739PWI fastq reads ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF383SFO 407359972 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7a4c3b3486586b597aa770f8e737f705 SRA:SRR5111340 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF149QMI/ released ENCFF942SSU fastq reads ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF195JRZ 335509826 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2ff9399ae30095f7308b8bb00813af75 SRA:SRR5111341 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF149QMI/ released ENCFF323IDR bam alignments ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF195JRZ, ENCFF942SSU 565730011 Gene Yeo, UCSD cdda33a63e053af5fdd6c41e7b616a0b hg19 released ENCFF979DWE bam alignments ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF383SFO, ENCFF739PWI 577714584 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c567104f1806cfdba0939e2255d4b81 hg19 released ENCFF125EPG bam alignments ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF195JRZ, ENCFF942SSU 561197346 Gene Yeo, UCSD 41ceabb5688ed1d06e7c465841ebc7b2 GRCh38 released ENCFF587PLY bam alignments ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF383SFO, ENCFF739PWI 583740977 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4227f33f613c6dc0808a84d1b89e7e1b GRCh38 released ENCFF040QAV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF979DWE 30606343 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c18db3c04ac0d1429d0ffad20fafca3 hg19 released ENCFF751WTI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF323IDR 30324759 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7dfb50e8c3ac82f1010995510b554a45 hg19 released ENCFF937XOB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF323IDR 31916596 Gene Yeo, UCSD b9bde6f31ac247fc860a8af7977cdccf hg19 released ENCFF677NVJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF979DWE 31763281 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ed8906882204708b5d18ddf6469c695 hg19 released ENCFF600ZSJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF125EPG 30185054 Gene Yeo, UCSD eed974ce8ebf1f67cab66101fcd77ff1 GRCh38 released ENCFF907BAD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF587PLY 30821821 Gene Yeo, UCSD b7284a0e4b16b397e314c30fb2085264 GRCh38 released ENCFF053XYY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF125EPG 31778287 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc5e1bb0719c3b10db1f333967481f17 GRCh38 released ENCFF958UYK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF587PLY 31990681 Gene Yeo, UCSD 85de971f12383851f9e6ba1732d867a7 GRCh38 released ENCFF024FCB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF323IDR, ENCFF424XSW 2961788 Gene Yeo, UCSD d705961337e0dd7d457e3ff1f9289276 hg19 released ENCFF587FNW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF424XSW, ENCFF979DWE 2923726 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67ed84cee46e689ca249dbba126918f5 hg19 released ENCFF382XRS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF027WDY, ENCFF587PLY 2997775 Gene Yeo, UCSD 595c6f9061b79ea24c7b846b1e9bea97 GRCh38 released ENCFF621JPQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF027WDY, ENCFF125EPG 2974250 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67dd8be17ef59942377b1e77bf441a64 GRCh38 released ENCFF861LOK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF024FCB 5422917 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0da616dc4d352f340f004fc559c86290 hg19 released ENCFF568MGU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF587FNW 5382776 Gene Yeo, UCSD dbd8ea40753be2eac3d418c38718d43c hg19 released ENCFF095IVK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF621JPQ 5451628 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c7473c2a842cf4407e6119620cb9927 GRCh38 released ENCFF021JPD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR240MVJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF382XRS 5512021 Gene Yeo, UCSD c4738ed2c5098b4385b6426401097bc9 GRCh38 released ENCFF558SOA fastq reads ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF660VTK 859442850 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca84c03a2af3359c0e0a406924709254 SRA:SRR5111357 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF374APS/ released ENCFF661HMQ fastq reads ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF430JKC 828450217 Gene Yeo, UCSD b01f94bc9d1e3f5deaa52d42d6ceae61 SRA:SRR5111356 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF374APS/ released ENCFF430JKC fastq reads ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF661HMQ 844316886 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7993d8f817c0907e2437b9b7c910fcc4 SRA:SRR5111356 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF837GYT/ released ENCFF660VTK fastq reads ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF558SOA 876138779 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21b819e21a9c184752313cbbc9c8bf75 SRA:SRR5111357 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF837GYT/ released ENCFF825FWR bam alignments ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF430JKC, ENCFF661HMQ 463155556 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9abc48555c465ea2f814bd07d833b2d7 hg19 released ENCFF470VYY bam alignments ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF558SOA, ENCFF660VTK 803368440 Gene Yeo, UCSD e67f45c1aa659a2f83c7cbc4760e23c4 hg19 released ENCFF144QQC bam alignments ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF558SOA, ENCFF660VTK 775852093 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4c285f8853590cf43513d1585348686 GRCh38 released ENCFF391WTM bam alignments ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF430JKC, ENCFF661HMQ 445636992 Gene Yeo, UCSD cfccb7023d19988ac9ce2be1600dd363 GRCh38 released ENCFF143UPB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF825FWR 23266581 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55c708734ead8789916175168b1da070 hg19 released ENCFF669IOB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF470VYY 37047691 Gene Yeo, UCSD 39a57bd7feef16e281cb7a61bebd9571 hg19 released ENCFF668QFJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF825FWR 24708967 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8731170f64227f9aad49b65d0f172102 hg19 released ENCFF858QEP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF470VYY 38326538 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89dd5e96fafc4996f5f4b264342df723 hg19 released ENCFF736CTI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF144QQC 36156846 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8300999d3e8c82592ba72dff0ab4bc4a GRCh38 released ENCFF930FSZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF391WTM 22482574 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6bf96f150b23a5aec666797868b47d89 GRCh38 released ENCFF250JMP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF391WTM 23560600 Gene Yeo, UCSD ed303b514fee835cfc5ecd9cb7842738 GRCh38 released ENCFF998EUA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF144QQC 37368908 Gene Yeo, UCSD 474e4bfdbe8650d6bf17b77f9f4bb7ea GRCh38 released ENCFF233SNH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF085NXC, ENCFF470VYY 3479868 Gene Yeo, UCSD c45b6c1dbe83f498aba2637bfb8ab0bb hg19 released ENCFF864UGQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF085NXC, ENCFF825FWR 2333475 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2cddd146481d2389fb267c19b425704 hg19 released ENCFF432EVC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF144QQC, ENCFF273RFL 3439354 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67b41f16742ba9a91cd096d5d0f90ba0 GRCh38 released ENCFF623DUI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF273RFL, ENCFF391WTM 2291921 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e31845c65a21a2b15a04ad89da7b22d GRCh38 released ENCFF902GSY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF233SNH 6412610 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9611e8ba50410cb2d3d8ed513d56d781 hg19 released ENCFF508JRE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF864UGQ 4477313 Gene Yeo, UCSD f961be461b6f09361eaf09af08dc6c93 hg19 released ENCFF781TYW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF623DUI 4411554 Gene Yeo, UCSD d64b7e2120afc394c4cb26b18d2b02e9 GRCh38 released ENCFF271UEZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR277DEO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF432EVC 6363129 Gene Yeo, UCSD d04b0792aafb12e44ee152e7914b7d8c GRCh38 released ENCFF398WKO fastq reads ENCSR368GER eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF517EXT 371043596 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c8720e108801a6afc8bed517e683d7c SRA:SRR5111499 HiSeq 4000 released antibody characterized with exemption mismatched file status, biological replicates with identical biosample ENCFF821SEE fastq reads ENCSR368GER eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF444KRB 587558694 Gene Yeo, UCSD fcd8e0a3a4047a8ecef220709d3e1e89 SRA:SRR5111498 HiSeq 4000 released antibody characterized with exemption mismatched file status, biological replicates with identical biosample ENCFF517EXT fastq reads ENCSR368GER eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF398WKO 396587750 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11a198bed6c5193d84b011e45f0f61b9 SRA:SRR5111499 HiSeq 4000 released antibody characterized with exemption mismatched file status, biological replicates with identical biosample ENCFF444KRB fastq reads ENCSR368GER eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF821SEE 631685636 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7b6d5ed54bc9dbc877297cebb2efe51 SRA:SRR5111498 HiSeq 4000 released antibody characterized with exemption mismatched file status, biological replicates with identical biosample ENCFF659VQW bam alignments ENCSR368GER eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF444KRB, ENCFF821SEE 483981851 Gene Yeo, UCSD 94dc7be8ff6995131657f7461c956fec hg19 released antibody characterized with exemption mismatched file status, biological replicates with identical biosample ENCFF324XHT bam alignments ENCSR368GER eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF398WKO, ENCFF517EXT 498284938 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3691fbee2ef1bfde49f56a3aefc3a0fc hg19 released antibody characterized with exemption mismatched file status, biological replicates with identical biosample ENCFF315MYF fastq reads ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF698SDU 626403380 Gene Yeo, UCSD 738e45fe67a4fd61676aa06051e10d03 SRA:SRR5112126 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF159ZFD/ released ENCFF505WTD fastq reads ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF249ULX 872862266 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec703fd960ca4cbdcc00c19a166f5824 SRA:SRR5112125 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF159ZFD/ released ENCFF249ULX fastq reads ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF505WTD 923072297 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f9e67dcd357e14abac8d12c7ac96cb1 SRA:SRR5112125 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF595YFZ/ released ENCFF698SDU fastq reads ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF315MYF 667745569 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10a00892f9b60e36fc5cb10c0b2eac6b SRA:SRR5112126 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF595YFZ/ released ENCFF236UYB bam alignments ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF315MYF, ENCFF698SDU 88925811 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e13d113bb8a3bc139c4ba95bf2b5697 hg19 released ENCFF694QCY bam alignments ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF249ULX, ENCFF505WTD 102947927 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72ce97f61dea12d587b03f2d6bc80f3b hg19 released ENCFF502RSZ bam alignments ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF315MYF, ENCFF698SDU 83609260 Gene Yeo, UCSD 942a3dccf74e2e98222a3954449808f0 GRCh38 released ENCFF692AEZ bam alignments ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF249ULX, ENCFF505WTD 98713069 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f4fb50c5dda0b75551a92129a4d586b GRCh38 released ENCFF279SZJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF694QCY 4956033 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f5a239f0505ea1276f090deec9d9b1e hg19 released ENCFF192GIC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF236UYB 4388252 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80f1ef222110046eee09f90bd4851d21 hg19 released ENCFF354UTQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF694QCY 5217646 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52c1d89b03caf455b126ab508eaf0d99 hg19 released ENCFF444EFX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF236UYB 4604666 Gene Yeo, UCSD c12cfec217c96d4a9e4c31d47a16032e hg19 released ENCFF388LRZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF692AEZ 4830484 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2f2619f3805d10692186f9aa3215320e GRCh38 released ENCFF500QFI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF502RSZ 4185234 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92a5f16841241947130df544a0be37c7 GRCh38 released ENCFF604TLE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF692AEZ 5040280 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1e253313395e1d648d65ea0f61baaa1 GRCh38 released ENCFF386NTN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF502RSZ 4425203 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ff58ef8b280fef358cff0420c97336c GRCh38 released ENCFF400HPZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF236UYB, ENCFF713BCH 801363 Gene Yeo, UCSD c452427336f114139283903017f15720 hg19 released ENCFF374VRV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF694QCY, ENCFF713BCH 914519 Gene Yeo, UCSD 06c97939bc3508d1d0aeb5fe74a5b814 hg19 released ENCFF883DWR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF273HDK, ENCFF502RSZ 750429 Gene Yeo, UCSD f0a4abb81ffcf7ab2b183a89603ba1ef GRCh38 released ENCFF684FVK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF273HDK, ENCFF692AEZ 881855 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1cd731ffd1d0d45a6738ee2546974a11 GRCh38 released ENCFF138HJK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF400HPZ 1484935 Gene Yeo, UCSD d51375fe963f06f42bca840c04b9602e hg19 released ENCFF596TWK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF374VRV 1643617 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8623ce322523764ead190c237be512bd hg19 released ENCFF432TQD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF883DWR 1406681 Gene Yeo, UCSD 228262832a9f0bc5ff998c4903c8e9f7 GRCh38 released ENCFF964FXU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR825SVO eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AARS-human ENCAB346SAT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF684FVK 1596737 Gene Yeo, UCSD ed1bee0a9fe2c8191d79538bf50fca82 GRCh38 released ENCFF537IFC fastq reads ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF683WKJ 343112411 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c3a4c03c877be9a5d4cb864deeba330 SRA:SRR5111406 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF013DLR/ released ENCFF699HKX fastq reads ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF723JSM 225550359 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f430bae37b5fc2c3b0c59e441ee3f60 SRA:SRR5111407 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF013DLR/ released ENCFF723JSM fastq reads ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF699HKX 240218657 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c2025aee3441a85a1ef3590c2f6c363 SRA:SRR5111407 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF566LOT/ released ENCFF683WKJ fastq reads ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF537IFC 366635352 Gene Yeo, UCSD 815369647a893b2c05081926fcd4c1a6 SRA:SRR5111406 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF566LOT/ released ENCFF118NIZ bam alignments ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF699HKX, ENCFF723JSM 144160075 Gene Yeo, UCSD 620f67834934b8d055a537e551cbc264 hg19 released ENCFF873WNB bam alignments ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF537IFC, ENCFF683WKJ 179456546 Gene Yeo, UCSD 56edae109f6dc5b8becae63d4385c6e8 hg19 released ENCFF626NQT bam alignments ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF537IFC, ENCFF683WKJ 177028183 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3170c956a4c2a5021ee960af3f9a205c GRCh38 released ENCFF996PFW bam alignments ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF699HKX, ENCFF723JSM 141879741 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8a58fe5e0e6c4b55eebc84f62cc2a089 GRCh38 released ENCFF447XAU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF118NIZ 8913655 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2665bdb8eaf7aa0e642cff5e01c46a0b hg19 released ENCFF577PGM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF873WNB 10640698 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4a08a7d94da316704ae469dff7430eb hg19 released ENCFF614FCA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF118NIZ 9469324 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d8067baf06b47a5c245be59535c4ba5 hg19 released ENCFF141IZT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF873WNB 11332102 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9176cc7e3508a471f0d339517e784978 hg19 released ENCFF285CJS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF626NQT 10603370 Gene Yeo, UCSD e099d475a2dfa70dec2c78e1b2a4d4ac GRCh38 released ENCFF414TML bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF996PFW 8885795 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3aac96704ebf48452e7242ee70cc7262 GRCh38 released ENCFF305TMB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF996PFW 9418341 Gene Yeo, UCSD 927965857d416699a1883d4ad28fa221 GRCh38 released ENCFF932YYV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF626NQT 11286411 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0166c4d6e590cad418efca54df151890 GRCh38 released ENCFF462XFB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF118NIZ, ENCFF551LIR 850799 Gene Yeo, UCSD d325561e4710221e23d903e3ffb6c657 hg19 released ENCFF512MNG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF551LIR, ENCFF873WNB 907073 Gene Yeo, UCSD 99650b2abab4a8fa67e82328e7930469 hg19 released ENCFF920LSC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF626NQT, ENCFF956SAT 907437 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89708fe8e1d1d4f497c98d4227332274 GRCh38 released ENCFF977COP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF956SAT, ENCFF996PFW 850989 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7fcca6b7cb1919fe382f81ad81554867 GRCh38 released ENCFF957YHP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF512MNG 1912410 Gene Yeo, UCSD 44c55cdb36640f872a7d09d0a8e06bcc hg19 released ENCFF858JIO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF462XFB 1793011 Gene Yeo, UCSD 541688e383fa98268ac161c3501c44b6 hg19 released ENCFF767ZTI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF977COP 1793795 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1146dc9c87d14e5cd685bab0f812d06f GRCh38 released ENCFF489PBJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR307YIW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EIF4G2-human ENCAB000BFJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF920LSC 1908867 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21702d9de367a8be4e2befbcfa145f43 GRCh38 released ENCFF225HCD fastq reads ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF567KSY 518597727 Gene Yeo, UCSD 886a3ec72af7b0645014a5cc7a97cd89 SRA:SRR5112213 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF507IXS/ released ENCFF724UQB fastq reads ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF111XRA 377967307 Gene Yeo, UCSD 28a976f96fd8b8fc92450863d99d50e8 SRA:SRR5112212 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF507IXS/ released ENCFF111XRA fastq reads ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF724UQB 378294056 Gene Yeo, UCSD 70c999b8248ed5ed08b383e59ed21781 SRA:SRR5112212 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF197INO/ released ENCFF567KSY fastq reads ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF225HCD 525802841 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6fc280e4968e500e63f7943a3c635ec4 SRA:SRR5112213 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF197INO/ released ENCFF223JNG bam alignments ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF111XRA, ENCFF724UQB 155219666 Gene Yeo, UCSD eddc76d737361a6f1eb72396368230e2 hg19 released ENCFF158VSM bam alignments ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF225HCD, ENCFF567KSY 254580745 Gene Yeo, UCSD b6196e9d6e8751dbecc6dd7b4f5032ff hg19 released ENCFF769KHB bam alignments ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF111XRA, ENCFF724UQB 152445751 Gene Yeo, UCSD bc6db24968a80d293a93ec9d062296fb GRCh38 released ENCFF278SLD bam alignments ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF225HCD, ENCFF567KSY 249998227 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc52d50286ea73018c777f2693a6c238 GRCh38 released ENCFF898XKM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF223JNG 5538016 Gene Yeo, UCSD 56fe94521068f5f671528086093ed0c2 hg19 released ENCFF840SDN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF158VSM 12794165 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5b55dbf3a2bdd8c3728e2a9c7164720 hg19 released ENCFF649KGI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF158VSM 13392499 Gene Yeo, UCSD b80e336b39ad30a3eb6b447be875ed74 hg19 released ENCFF661SDU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF223JNG 5778129 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34a083101d61c02f5ba552e857858fe0 hg19 released ENCFF965AJN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF278SLD 12682121 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90d39198b14f3032e8f3687e463569ce GRCh38 released ENCFF232TCE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF769KHB 5488967 Gene Yeo, UCSD ed32fa10d8e685dc2dea3f2e5edd8879 GRCh38 released ENCFF042LBO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF769KHB 5720316 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6619c3ec84e5fa69eeb5878f9713c542 GRCh38 released ENCFF505SKP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF278SLD 13268459 Gene Yeo, UCSD 901aaa12568d0157de179a5b79b777bd GRCh38 released ENCFF885BWV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF223JNG, ENCFF928RKY 624516 Gene Yeo, UCSD d8ddb24c0818081804c2bc082525ce52 hg19 released ENCFF943JBN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF158VSM, ENCFF928RKY 1223603 Gene Yeo, UCSD a18bbb9308b0467420fbc1a17ce48cf2 hg19 released ENCFF267DFP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF367FDD, ENCFF769KHB 619447 Gene Yeo, UCSD 86c3cf33cfadde4ce947352b86769066 GRCh38 released ENCFF718VRE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF278SLD, ENCFF367FDD 1224528 Gene Yeo, UCSD d38dd77822a26dc33ff10f7f1fe87851 GRCh38 released ENCFF548WUW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF943JBN 2099319 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d52c0a0168e97d511276c1b88b39049 hg19 released ENCFF045FDJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF885BWV 1176104 Gene Yeo, UCSD 693d85b1114a757dd032d5047f98284e hg19 released ENCFF025IFV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF267DFP 1169615 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1449d1f05ccc52ea146b641182282413 GRCh38 released ENCFF280KMG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR887FHF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FASTKD2-human ENCAB541LFT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF718VRE 2101708 Gene Yeo, UCSD b782da247ab83a58c493701690ccb7e0 GRCh38 released ENCFF692JAV fastq reads ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF661UCF 575254778 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e5c286099230e9855bc393011ce75cb SRA:SRR5112388 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF113HCY/ released ENCFF795YLW fastq reads ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF091DPF 412296291 Gene Yeo, UCSD af0a1ff2aa4a39e1d7913ddf9fdacb7d SRA:SRR5112389 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF113HCY/ released ENCFF661UCF fastq reads ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF692JAV 575491237 Gene Yeo, UCSD 177b6218b5328b55eec48c8148d51b9f SRA:SRR5112388 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF739MOT/ released ENCFF091DPF fastq reads ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF795YLW 420321590 Gene Yeo, UCSD d381794bb409e60c4f288befd87971ae SRA:SRR5112389 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF739MOT/ released ENCFF240HDP bam alignments ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF091DPF, ENCFF795YLW 177851567 Gene Yeo, UCSD 448e59e98edd7557043ac371ef1fdcf1 hg19 released ENCFF280ZCF bam alignments ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF661UCF, ENCFF692JAV 196517934 Gene Yeo, UCSD 23156a9405ab224d1b863e4bd7c356eb hg19 released ENCFF023VLF bam alignments ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF091DPF, ENCFF795YLW 174224811 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd8b5cec4bc34b95f91f26e6f8daadf3 GRCh38 released ENCFF768FYI bam alignments ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF661UCF, ENCFF692JAV 192946192 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f5dcebce49510dc9958aebc839ac608 GRCh38 released ENCFF342NDL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF240HDP 10641173 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5fbeeef083c2839c16afbfc77dca434 hg19 released ENCFF880YOU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF280ZCF 11773214 Gene Yeo, UCSD 557f71868a4d3708518ac4c5f013af03 hg19 released ENCFF940RTF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF240HDP 10928080 Gene Yeo, UCSD b6ff84577e47e7571acb8c8982fe2a78 hg19 released ENCFF153DCN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF280ZCF 12109020 Gene Yeo, UCSD 962915682d6a1e7990a9002b64a25bb8 hg19 released ENCFF792GUZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF023VLF 10525541 Gene Yeo, UCSD fac7722e19932ea715c3d6702e727280 GRCh38 released ENCFF279IBQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF768FYI 11658586 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1035a50506e4e12e883968ab42c2b21b GRCh38 released ENCFF357VDQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF023VLF 10802198 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4bac8074e030890961c8d9a273a7c7ed GRCh38 released ENCFF753RBY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF768FYI 11996130 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0fd27370925bf4acb3a698d42c19acc5 GRCh38 released ENCFF006KFT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF280ZCF, ENCFF327VQR 1186591 Gene Yeo, UCSD df1d3413667c91a0909a57638da6aeb5 hg19 released ENCFF354NUG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF240HDP, ENCFF327VQR 1142639 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a8edcafea2e4f6b28fba4ec8f77142b hg19 released ENCFF701ZYH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF023VLF, ENCFF407HUR 1154225 Gene Yeo, UCSD 98e3fb58d223822090d0202d28367c7d GRCh38 released ENCFF142OCF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF407HUR, ENCFF768FYI 1195284 Gene Yeo, UCSD d95c6cb104f5fd261193d721966a8dfe GRCh38 released ENCFF536KEA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF354NUG 2348680 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba107c2bbb9e57aebdf0a1567ade3a1e hg19 released ENCFF066CRM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF006KFT 2447629 Gene Yeo, UCSD 86c01c8d3fc7952b1bc0ad3a554b9d52 hg19 released ENCFF533TMN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF701ZYH 2365207 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e9bd79a71854a75fe50192acf863e1f GRCh38 released ENCFF517ZWJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR999WKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX24-human ENCAB988AYG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF142OCF 2464496 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7b2a32e49d4e661dd32ab1c293deeb9 GRCh38 released ENCFF484KWX fastq reads ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF244ADV 713524586 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67f45f16b59dfe0bf24a57a3179f12f5 SRA:SRR5112101 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF060CDK/ released ENCFF524KUN fastq reads ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF059FHR 683951741 Gene Yeo, UCSD 323b7cbeed8d79deb7237cf795332ac7 SRA:SRR5112100 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF060CDK/ released ENCFF244ADV fastq reads ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF484KWX 746922762 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16a4e622e0830c5de3df4a8b3378eef3 SRA:SRR5112101 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF220JYP/ released ENCFF059FHR fastq reads ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF524KUN 705898496 Gene Yeo, UCSD 202694fbbf23ef039022acf85ef2d99d SRA:SRR5112100 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF220JYP/ released ENCFF984UNN bam alignments ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF244ADV, ENCFF484KWX 279401472 Gene Yeo, UCSD b2970badaf824081395fe7b3716f1806 hg19 released ENCFF889OOU bam alignments ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF059FHR, ENCFF524KUN 142684552 Gene Yeo, UCSD a55d91f0820aab304ddbd313f5e806b3 hg19 released ENCFF402KOO bam alignments ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF244ADV, ENCFF484KWX 270657752 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7f57b73924a7827bf6204ab57ef6758b GRCh38 released ENCFF957SIF bam alignments ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF059FHR, ENCFF524KUN 134724428 Gene Yeo, UCSD a91847d6d17ffccf39b509906a828227 GRCh38 released ENCFF951KHO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF984UNN 15436274 Gene Yeo, UCSD b892cd22c067b56bd5473ef0ca0e1368 hg19 released ENCFF371HBY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF889OOU 6955390 Gene Yeo, UCSD e692611c54d2d5c73d192f1245476bab hg19 released ENCFF033UUP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF889OOU 7205987 Gene Yeo, UCSD f36b0333b4b5a83d9570e94b3abe3457 hg19 released ENCFF856BBW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF984UNN 15866952 Gene Yeo, UCSD e7a15bd581e5ac7740d7d2ca83650856 hg19 released ENCFF002LWJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF402KOO 15140584 Gene Yeo, UCSD 507f0e6479a2e75632b529cf465b5d81 GRCh38 released ENCFF392EOJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF957SIF 6719163 Gene Yeo, UCSD f71c9aa741cc873d541e711e9e8c78df GRCh38 released ENCFF110YPM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF957SIF 6974625 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4748f32362129b5acaaa50652f9bf9e8 GRCh38 released ENCFF878MOI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF402KOO 15559255 Gene Yeo, UCSD e0dce98065a56d2028fa53e314526868 GRCh38 released ENCFF798XQM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF440HUP, ENCFF984UNN 1345125 Gene Yeo, UCSD 420cad16b860fcdadb90cda2dbc88005 hg19 released ENCFF799ICU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF440HUP, ENCFF889OOU 809347 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3057390c6a709bb738b2428da33d0050 hg19 released ENCFF635SWD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF402KOO, ENCFF887TNO 1337323 Gene Yeo, UCSD ed2474a1482894f21c68bcb58d350e3b GRCh38 released ENCFF871UZO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF887TNO, ENCFF957SIF 783274 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52833caa6cf9ca6f32700557f7fe8cba GRCh38 released ENCFF500QBI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF799ICU 1737514 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3dd067db1919be96eebc6aa267d55a31 hg19 released ENCFF624DZN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF798XQM 2763752 Gene Yeo, UCSD 05f86e4b4e92ff84b508ab462e0885fa hg19 released ENCFF562CTF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF635SWD 2743632 Gene Yeo, UCSD da50877d9d003e3bff4db2786a568a35 GRCh38 released ENCFF336PLF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR648LAH eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX3X-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF871UZO 1688985 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62476b7bb141f75f22fa1a3b105d370d GRCh38 released ENCFF797NFN fastq reads ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF969FSD 683783086 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2426f48f2a34972a5b73015043fd4312 SRA:SRR5111782 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF618ASS/ released ENCFF831CXB fastq reads ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF827KOV 744032323 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8098dd31f531747919fa2575f2ccc806 SRA:SRR5111783 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF618ASS/ released ENCFF969FSD fastq reads ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF797NFN 684686855 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f20d0583c48f0a05719ef8b64f73587 SRA:SRR5111782 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF342RNA/ released ENCFF827KOV fastq reads ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF831CXB 740949745 Gene Yeo, UCSD a4a848a99e1d3530024d2346e3e42872 SRA:SRR5111783 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF342RNA/ released ENCFF259ZLG bam alignments ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF827KOV, ENCFF831CXB 225956576 Gene Yeo, UCSD b9f6e1e50483476ed3e26e92886b45b0 hg19 released ENCFF678OCJ bam alignments ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF797NFN, ENCFF969FSD 290369691 Gene Yeo, UCSD fde764c0555017c3b2e2d8bc3016983f hg19 released ENCFF705YYZ bam alignments ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF797NFN, ENCFF969FSD 280333750 Gene Yeo, UCSD fae30adcbba0a0d001fcc30fcb7ac5d3 GRCh38 released ENCFF809XHX bam alignments ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF827KOV, ENCFF831CXB 215465307 Gene Yeo, UCSD 762c6285546a9939e551e233380bf817 GRCh38 released ENCFF974MYW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF678OCJ 14648959 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9c29c4c014426ca3f2ef43495660b8cc hg19 released ENCFF172NCN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF259ZLG 11975827 Gene Yeo, UCSD 94cb9a8f5441b3baf437c377115cb0a3 hg19 released ENCFF061CZT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF678OCJ 14970752 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca9dc647f2c14f4f8292b56d540361db hg19 released ENCFF921CGQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF259ZLG 12158723 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7294074fe33cbae94e5ab499ce471019 hg19 released ENCFF686GZG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF705YYZ 14362430 Gene Yeo, UCSD 126a898af771d932be79cba767c140f2 GRCh38 released ENCFF183AUG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF809XHX 8722867 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b3f6fb21edecbcccb924e620d893814 GRCh38 released ENCFF718GOT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF705YYZ 14658610 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b8dd5e50a43949f24db80bce1e119c0 GRCh38 released ENCFF431RWW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF809XHX 8836966 Gene Yeo, UCSD 44aae3ede863bb239961389dffb58b1c GRCh38 released ENCFF506NPG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF259ZLG, ENCFF552GHW 998595 Gene Yeo, UCSD 223c5f3c9c54e365eb32c9e0b0ebfdab hg19 released ENCFF191HRQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF552GHW, ENCFF678OCJ 1287584 Gene Yeo, UCSD 50dd0f0c6aa799174da63ae3a155360e hg19 released ENCFF143TAM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF336UXX, ENCFF705YYZ 1265564 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd3db0994db1cc0890dccd65a16bac6f GRCh38 released ENCFF190UCK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF336UXX, ENCFF809XHX 963864 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c6b27b585fb123d6ffbbbdb93656cd2 GRCh38 released ENCFF049PPF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF506NPG 1779863 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6b43aaa4f25d38c08aa58772b08ccbcf hg19 released ENCFF914TDS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF191HRQ 2204743 Gene Yeo, UCSD a38048d332aaa45c6149d333ca24d7c0 hg19 released ENCFF523LNK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF143TAM 2171225 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c4d0c7992b14a8dd560da94c6418233 GRCh38 released ENCFF294OYP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR565DGW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DHX30-human ENCAB596PUY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF190UCK 1727196 Gene Yeo, UCSD 043f4ab1f1ccf96705a8b770c8ccc8e2 GRCh38 released ENCFF962AUM fastq reads ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF169NFE 1094539204 Gene Yeo, UCSD ea8c76e77e6fb462698a83503810efb0 SRA:SRR5111251 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF803XPM/ released ENCFF569EHE fastq reads ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF386BEJ 639432275 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42b565327a317e093adcb84d3c31a92f SRA:SRR5111252 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF803XPM/ released ENCFF386BEJ fastq reads ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF569EHE 651693389 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34d4ba02842cf86cf781146da8e94dc0 SRA:SRR5111252 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF088TKT/ released ENCFF169NFE fastq reads ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF962AUM 1123540265 Gene Yeo, UCSD dfde6eba6e1ff100d06a70416babbbec SRA:SRR5111251 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF088TKT/ released ENCFF169EUQ bam alignments ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF169NFE, ENCFF962AUM 562719756 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ea1f4ea58c39519b15c5c5a9ece48eb hg19 released ENCFF998TQA bam alignments ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF386BEJ, ENCFF569EHE 445380132 Gene Yeo, UCSD df0a7e0c6ee614029939dd57a101b9d6 hg19 released ENCFF096BLA bam alignments ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF386BEJ, ENCFF569EHE 431247756 Gene Yeo, UCSD 396f204d40e0aecb750c16a703b93578 GRCh38 released ENCFF732HBQ bam alignments ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF169NFE, ENCFF962AUM 544910565 Gene Yeo, UCSD b799e89ab941cd8fa0ae1a55cbbf45f1 GRCh38 released ENCFF362LLE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF169EUQ 26352329 Gene Yeo, UCSD abb60096f772a628ec3ed93d61bbb078 hg19 released ENCFF055BJX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF998TQA 22143939 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4163d52c485b7128f25282f2ae961b31 hg19 released ENCFF929HPV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF998TQA 23128885 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21db4fef08f28befcf674040868604bb hg19 released ENCFF608DJN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF169EUQ 27466223 Gene Yeo, UCSD fde9859c4c386332bcf7450c3449934d hg19 released ENCFF577IRX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF096BLA 21715547 Gene Yeo, UCSD d1e5ecf7922aabddf02194706cffbda4 GRCh38 released ENCFF779VXW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF732HBQ 25824153 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4336669f2f1b0f30de88a211415dd1d2 GRCh38 released ENCFF333UPO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF732HBQ 26880098 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4835844be0263c17087b4a18319987f GRCh38 released ENCFF106NME bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF096BLA 22671563 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8b671aea5c6abbc66ede8b613d02b4eb GRCh38 released ENCFF448TUI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF358UNB, ENCFF998TQA 2091673 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16a78dc6b997d97e9ed9ad0c5263dfde hg19 released ENCFF984DXU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF169EUQ, ENCFF358UNB 2494695 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6198879d3f0a06c01d6bdfd3b9bd3003 hg19 released ENCFF436FUS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF732HBQ, ENCFF880NLA 2484951 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8115b2d2e542473d9e4876f49ca6ee58 GRCh38 released ENCFF266NFK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF096BLA, ENCFF880NLA 2080162 Gene Yeo, UCSD ce9a8b5646a1ff8b44b9e86fa213ee61 GRCh38 released ENCFF333GSE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF984DXU 4840526 Gene Yeo, UCSD 22dc88c099630ec0103da1c556c08c69 hg19 released ENCFF166IJL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF448TUI 4188872 Gene Yeo, UCSD 933a8d14da583eab63f3a0d0f8037d84 hg19 released ENCFF300ZUU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF436FUS 4846150 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec971813002b750b391a46b58a94ae7f GRCh38 released ENCFF534XFQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR200DKE eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF266NFK 4163689 Gene Yeo, UCSD 50662047f2b36fe759827ecba9b00ed9 GRCh38 released ENCFF475LRP fastq reads ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF776ISN 673368407 Gene Yeo, UCSD 209e055aeeeae43dc7b8c5420173c539 SRA:SRR5111535 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF620NEF/ released ENCFF823SQL fastq reads ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF120WPV 1126754610 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6fcb01e36d44b88cfa9c721cf2661ec6 SRA:SRR5111536 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF620NEF/ released ENCFF120WPV fastq reads ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF823SQL 1116377170 Gene Yeo, UCSD cf83e64b0b9d778cda183725a46e8884 SRA:SRR5111536 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF647NVG/ released ENCFF776ISN fastq reads ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF475LRP 677343187 Gene Yeo, UCSD b1ab2f75915be2a9a6cd73521d36fa10 SRA:SRR5111535 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF647NVG/ released ENCFF494AKD bam alignments ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF475LRP, ENCFF776ISN 257301581 Gene Yeo, UCSD 01eeeef921e05a9cb4c7a6e98ca5bf51 hg19 released ENCFF372LCI bam alignments ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF120WPV, ENCFF823SQL 116543512 Gene Yeo, UCSD f3f67393c193b0962b5afab634bc6813 hg19 released ENCFF698BKX bam alignments ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF120WPV, ENCFF823SQL 114066026 Gene Yeo, UCSD 363a012a884fc28e4acc3e0f754f7d17 GRCh38 released ENCFF012WMS bam alignments ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF475LRP, ENCFF776ISN 251751249 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0ef2d6fa175032e1f6eafe0873461e09 GRCh38 released ENCFF640OEG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF372LCI 4691290 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e093671b7c3ad1d95fd4fe2d93d898e hg19 released ENCFF310GLH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF494AKD 11347851 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9644cb8a16e8ccec1b35e07653d31b18 hg19 released ENCFF162USL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF372LCI 4899538 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd5dba4f869e3bb1cbd0d14ff352d06f hg19 released ENCFF303OZO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF494AKD 11747128 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67750f8045d17f24e0ef6a4cf48dfafa hg19 released ENCFF678IFH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF698BKX 4638383 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0795bb0859277039aa8fe8f623f01e37 GRCh38 released ENCFF735OFZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF012WMS 11185937 Gene Yeo, UCSD bdcf0c1667c6240dc35cfb26cb7869ea GRCh38 released ENCFF815DJH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF698BKX 4837760 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34fd28fb69c0ba71405b4861ef77d065 GRCh38 released ENCFF715YVP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF012WMS 11560023 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02e84e4dc040519ebca66ffe898da8bf GRCh38 released ENCFF534JXG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF372LCI, ENCFF849FKQ 637771 Gene Yeo, UCSD af75e426d54017398f6935e96490ca87 hg19 released ENCFF963AMI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF494AKD, ENCFF849FKQ 976590 Gene Yeo, UCSD 974bc298a89db51a278549fb7c597b40 hg19 released ENCFF190XSX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF070RME, ENCFF698BKX 626511 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55661969f6eab54ae81c300933017ebf GRCh38 released ENCFF767WUU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF012WMS, ENCFF070RME 959769 Gene Yeo, UCSD 347071df49fb711d5e4b8e090456da37 GRCh38 released ENCFF765IFG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF963AMI 1700206 Gene Yeo, UCSD c4ea3ff12fe9d0a6f2c9af01b44c3f23 hg19 released ENCFF992VMD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF534JXG 1226760 Gene Yeo, UCSD f45febe191ecdd913cc64030e43a7b54 hg19 released ENCFF872LOO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF190XSX 1212815 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5dca7a8fbc60b1ce721bf0d59e8787bf GRCh38 released ENCFF938WRT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR366YOG eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF767WUU 1678972 Gene Yeo, UCSD e7b78dedcf7035a382f3be606984d645 GRCh38 released ENCFF016HQT fastq reads ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF120AAW 222126211 Gene Yeo, UCSD 215048bf99f511ba7d463df8f143055e SRA:SRR5112140 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF060FDD/ released ENCFF924WZQ fastq reads ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF118YMC 222589689 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6caf6aa36173ab0bcd24f350f129ce57 SRA:SRR5112141 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF555OUH/ released ENCFF118YMC fastq reads ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF924WZQ 222348873 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef331a3d0b61f474555d3038ddc88010 SRA:SRR5112141 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF060FDD/ released ENCFF120AAW fastq reads ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF016HQT 218406852 Gene Yeo, UCSD a30d9d7e181f7437ef795047503a46ce SRA:SRR5112140 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF555OUH/ released ENCFF457EXY bam alignments ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF016HQT, ENCFF120AAW 325301016 Gene Yeo, UCSD df26f5d0645ef1866e156cd01bae63c7 hg19 released ENCFF329QRR bam alignments ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF118YMC, ENCFF924WZQ 304793367 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6252d7feb571fa972434a6ce5cd376be hg19 released ENCFF553XCL bam alignments ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF118YMC, ENCFF924WZQ 303608555 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad32d5267e5aa230be83105aad0a4c40 GRCh38 released ENCFF198ISB bam alignments ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF016HQT, ENCFF120AAW 326086390 Gene Yeo, UCSD c62c4b5f5a4cd6da9702c3ed18278c13 GRCh38 released ENCFF073VAO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF329QRR 16989831 Gene Yeo, UCSD 112a93e5aa1132efacea724e05ea0802 hg19 released ENCFF608OWA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF457EXY 18912555 Gene Yeo, UCSD 37f6c58aebc5e47f8758505069de0da6 hg19 released ENCFF689WRD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF457EXY 19715372 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7060daaf165d1c501145d5fedd8a16a hg19 released ENCFF147EIS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF329QRR 17720811 Gene Yeo, UCSD e77efc08c1659c8e09a3acaa9c0ccc8a hg19 released ENCFF494CVZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF553XCL 16984829 Gene Yeo, UCSD 97c47151f950ee53391ff096724ba0ae GRCh38 released ENCFF234AEU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF198ISB 18991842 Gene Yeo, UCSD d773e544311eadbf426c7b205d1b9c30 GRCh38 released ENCFF404YRY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF198ISB 19784125 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f63e140b580a732a8baeaa82188fe4f GRCh38 released ENCFF078NBU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF553XCL 17701142 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5eae6007ce2ba0373543b2535329b73d GRCh38 released ENCFF877KBJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF457EXY, ENCFF538YHY 1793941 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc0abcb5cc2564c31d132b78f9c8addc hg19 released ENCFF556EBT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF329QRR, ENCFF538YHY 1566578 Gene Yeo, UCSD 804100ebe3ab7361b46c1da3a8cd5790 hg19 released ENCFF754XAQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF019JFZ, ENCFF198ISB 1818868 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a722c17508909a7b2398ae2ee89e9ec GRCh38 released ENCFF288MWL bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF019JFZ, ENCFF553XCL 1575893 Gene Yeo, UCSD 745f198fd99a29b4baac8e90d8d44eca GRCh38 released ENCFF861DAK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF877KBJ 3621896 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd574874837e5ce773f88b2d6fad493f hg19 released ENCFF159LAW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF556EBT 3176799 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8315789606ca23c362263ec8d3886d1f hg19 released ENCFF887CFI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF754XAQ 3686769 Gene Yeo, UCSD 00724839d32de7a3348b56c9ef96c88f GRCh38 released ENCFF052YOQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR828ZID eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF288MWL 3198945 Gene Yeo, UCSD d159cf50e7ae9d28ac44746482609a27 GRCh38 released ENCFF495FSA fastq reads ENCSR735MBZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF524AJF 316511812 Gene Yeo, UCSD c1248e617ba8333d06b3ca957e632542 SRA:SRR5112006 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF524AJF fastq reads ENCSR735MBZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF495FSA 297806860 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c68ceb16d32d0dcd81e6de7dd254a72 SRA:SRR5112006 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF328KAL bam alignments ENCSR735MBZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF495FSA, ENCFF524AJF 187528480 Gene Yeo, UCSD d074feb8298244e481c755c61937ebd0 hg19 released ENCFF140QVQ bam alignments ENCSR735MBZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF495FSA, ENCFF524AJF 188757249 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2ab0bc87f9c05f08ff979abc954858d8 GRCh38 released ENCFF227RQD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR735MBZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF328KAL 10843449 Gene Yeo, UCSD e248067f91b259e34e87e568547ee24f hg19 released ENCFF456EHJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR735MBZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF328KAL 11439808 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8974cf008c69cbaaddd9e90e73720bd3 hg19 released ENCFF233FKH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR735MBZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF140QVQ 10911658 Gene Yeo, UCSD 354db5af53a849c38aa0a069a19fb2cc GRCh38 released ENCFF813XOE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR735MBZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF140QVQ 11507542 Gene Yeo, UCSD a81185fd3c698fced5f40818d8bdcf11 GRCh38 released ENCFF361CSS fastq reads ENCSR060VZF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 51 paired-ended 1 ENCFF463PBP 397597006 Gene Yeo, UCSD ea15d0befab4b4eee84413927f031c49 SRA:SRR5112455 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF463PBP fastq reads ENCSR060VZF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF361CSS 388773800 Gene Yeo, UCSD 03c217dcf2333591d4bd2aebcd70efd1 SRA:SRR5112455 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF849LMJ bam alignments ENCSR060VZF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF361CSS, ENCFF463PBP 194067807 Gene Yeo, UCSD daca235d7a44b247d9dfb3a2059081f1 hg19 released ENCFF060BMG bam alignments ENCSR060VZF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF361CSS, ENCFF463PBP 196029189 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5073d7d199cae2a5096ed5d5c1f714ed GRCh38 released ENCFF078ESP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR060VZF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF849LMJ 9386630 Gene Yeo, UCSD 082e40243cfd147a16f20a326ba3ba5e hg19 released ENCFF442LIA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR060VZF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF849LMJ 9625974 Gene Yeo, UCSD bab863647f3d46c1d77dfea589ebbcf9 hg19 released ENCFF487XVX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR060VZF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF060BMG 9518686 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7f5b372cb679e6d20e80916d2a5c155e GRCh38 released ENCFF554CGX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR060VZF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF060BMG 9759789 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3021ccc0666323e7301d563677042231 GRCh38 released ENCFF035QUK fastq reads ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF065BIC 659614388 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6d283ba9fad1b12813fbbb8de822b406 SRA:SRR5111750 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF412YDY/ released ENCFF584MZO fastq reads ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF040BGS 846691855 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc770983ec1eebb4061bdb8ff7161ff5 SRA:SRR5111749 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF412YDY/ released ENCFF040BGS fastq reads ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 2 ENCFF584MZO 929258786 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62fdf4d628252735522e4193293ddf14 SRA:SRR5111749 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF357SNM/ released ENCFF065BIC fastq reads ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF035QUK 678149726 Gene Yeo, UCSD a908c83b913b9421b332ef85328b1bcd SRA:SRR5111750 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF357SNM/ released ENCFF869PNM bam alignments ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF035QUK, ENCFF065BIC 824030355 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90a60568f2ec49c07cfea93fa81ab74d hg19 released ENCFF736ZQQ bam alignments ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF040BGS, ENCFF584MZO 1126832924 Gene Yeo, UCSD f626b9aac2bb8ba4d651375255f2031f hg19 released ENCFF162FHQ bam alignments ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF035QUK, ENCFF065BIC 819109195 Gene Yeo, UCSD e923f9e8162b081a9181fe3ecdd6299a GRCh38 released ENCFF630YNF bam alignments ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF040BGS, ENCFF584MZO 1139754697 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51eade0ea16c8499ef86c3f1668ecc56 GRCh38 released ENCFF361VEU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF869PNM 40768879 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3f281e41aeffda400625c6cc7d47ba85 hg19 released ENCFF652VTM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF736ZQQ 57027490 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4a766a3973adddedfc48825480f8b9e8 hg19 released ENCFF705SJW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF736ZQQ 58765474 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55036928f03ec19d4acd5e420c79772f hg19 released ENCFF674FGK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF869PNM 41834174 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5d7fe1892701ce8f71a9270cfa8e7ec hg19 released ENCFF406EWT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF630YNF 57350065 Gene Yeo, UCSD f13dfe55467f3ef90cf3cbd276b43e5d GRCh38 released ENCFF891BFD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF162FHQ 40593147 Gene Yeo, UCSD 48175b856c44273aa04f5e4250c3c374 GRCh38 released ENCFF774JCA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF630YNF 59070382 Gene Yeo, UCSD e12f218f2ed4613479ea357e6e4fd85c GRCh38 released ENCFF930WRN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF162FHQ 41611711 Gene Yeo, UCSD 14cb3d4e2175c177de808b05128e8930 GRCh38 released ENCFF401SPQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF736ZQQ, ENCFF823ZZZ 6741616 Gene Yeo, UCSD cf7288d79ebfc35de56092ffc196ad6c hg19 released ENCFF738FJS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF823ZZZ, ENCFF869PNM 5130420 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3d2176d38f0f08f7dfb9e95705ec759 hg19 released ENCFF534YQS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF630YNF, ENCFF885KNL 6866326 Gene Yeo, UCSD b7206e73fb609092badd7253f0d19f65 GRCh38 released ENCFF230QOU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF162FHQ, ENCFF885KNL 5159081 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62c46d538025555a1527d9cef1cc8f37 GRCh38 released ENCFF576LCX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF401SPQ 11503539 Gene Yeo, UCSD fadcf62380a03c4d5a0938d76170fd4d hg19 released ENCFF260KPQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF738FJS 8968721 Gene Yeo, UCSD d21988cb04a90195b0e7c5b25ac639ed hg19 released ENCFF344JSD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF230QOU 9033629 Gene Yeo, UCSD 70a9dca856248cbfaf1c540ee3f23c16 GRCh38 released ENCFF006KTQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR550DVK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPC-human ENCAB275OHR RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF534YQS 11714965 Gene Yeo, UCSD 896d63366383a05d8413dc16d4e527b4 GRCh38 released ENCFF986GFV fastq reads ENCSR512EZA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF491PHA 732186285 Gene Yeo, UCSD 526bb395ddd6593b6bb58158a04eaf77 SRA:SRR5111702 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF491PHA fastq reads ENCSR512EZA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF986GFV 717123098 Gene Yeo, UCSD b2eadd94175cf2bed5ab7b30c4e2ce16 SRA:SRR5111702 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF365ZFZ bam alignments ENCSR512EZA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF491PHA, ENCFF986GFV 448742066 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3b96f2f3744caefa836df4a341d54307 hg19 released ENCFF083OHX bam alignments ENCSR512EZA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF491PHA, ENCFF986GFV 454362662 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2283a7525da58a41496c7593c1a92bd3 GRCh38 released ENCFF429NCV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR512EZA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF365ZFZ 19408836 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2727f992cd62a3f2a2d3a21b1432cde hg19 released ENCFF698NCA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR512EZA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF365ZFZ 20176436 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b206bf6cbfb8967924748f5beda95a0 hg19 released ENCFF741GJZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR512EZA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF083OHX 19721820 Gene Yeo, UCSD 29dfff20e7ee5960d3adb36db0ec217c GRCh38 released ENCFF469JBA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR512EZA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF083OHX 20482107 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa7304fb84940ac8467ae39d086e632a GRCh38 released ENCFF234LRU fastq reads ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF854FTL 464329999 Gene Yeo, UCSD c24dc6a4cd9983f7585d8176f9cd2b5b SRA:SRR5111246 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF221USS/ released ENCFF045ANJ fastq reads ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF427FOO 615301153 Gene Yeo, UCSD 74276d05723611a7a39648d23dec8ea1 SRA:SRR5111247 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF221USS/ released ENCFF854FTL fastq reads ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF234LRU 474167081 Gene Yeo, UCSD dda5846616b8ebfc5e99ef78483ac0f9 SRA:SRR5111246 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF932XAN/ released ENCFF427FOO fastq reads ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF045ANJ 628485392 Gene Yeo, UCSD 443a853af941890c784080ba0f52cf01 SRA:SRR5111247 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF932XAN/ released ENCFF194KZE bam alignments ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF045ANJ, ENCFF427FOO 594748090 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5149cc6950a4d643e78eaa41cd72866d hg19 released ENCFF601IBB bam alignments ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF234LRU, ENCFF854FTL 460348994 Gene Yeo, UCSD fcae4256f958e568d633336dab07c36d hg19 released ENCFF823SYP bam alignments ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF234LRU, ENCFF854FTL 446414073 Gene Yeo, UCSD 025777e5cf1823bbfd73bcdf619b368e GRCh38 released ENCFF648KRQ bam alignments ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF045ANJ, ENCFF427FOO 575828051 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7852e788b09913ebf55f021d02061087 GRCh38 released ENCFF659VVA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF194KZE 27615237 Gene Yeo, UCSD 738f1802e9e7fd8d2a7f53e9dbcd61dc hg19 released ENCFF926PKF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF601IBB 22634489 Gene Yeo, UCSD 18f20c996f7650b53e246d9294cd4ad9 hg19 released ENCFF326MGP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF194KZE 28457399 Gene Yeo, UCSD 460bcfa78f14e7ffa6e0b2876d651a08 hg19 released ENCFF387QWV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF601IBB 23433102 Gene Yeo, UCSD 01d522362c9978f9343a2fbfab6740bd hg19 released ENCFF605SJT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF648KRQ 27018878 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7b3e23e022fa1546216884c78a5d7296 GRCh38 released ENCFF366XQT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF823SYP 22202351 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2d89276a0d8ef74b414ec63ae35446b8 GRCh38 released ENCFF179UGN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF823SYP 22965123 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5b83c4ee9268db7debdb110541607601 GRCh38 released ENCFF277LUS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF648KRQ 27832464 Gene Yeo, UCSD a2d2c01ad453f51afa226b4e8b80b5b4 GRCh38 released ENCFF188XKC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF296UEW, ENCFF601IBB 1891959 Gene Yeo, UCSD caa1139389284e54cbef552415ef5e3a hg19 released ENCFF036ZXE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF194KZE, ENCFF296UEW 2434649 Gene Yeo, UCSD 53fbf527195b46f235c02bff82650587 hg19 released ENCFF220VDV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF459RGB, ENCFF648KRQ 2427622 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec7452cc2234e6ab518c8995d94216e0 GRCh38 released ENCFF987VIP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF459RGB, ENCFF823SYP 1870241 Gene Yeo, UCSD 71e1bb9065dcdff78b13cd4c3da73395 GRCh38 released ENCFF727EPC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF188XKC 2917056 Gene Yeo, UCSD e47ac153bfdecfb4a6072eb159d08f9d hg19 released ENCFF028OXA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF036ZXE 4600017 Gene Yeo, UCSD 91f6c00170250cfa28f548a2eae87786 hg19 released ENCFF178WNA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF987VIP 2888604 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4ecba83857ad922eb6d0c30a8cdfb23 GRCh38 released ENCFF410EMT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR197INS eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PPIL4-human ENCAB535ZKU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF220VDV 4594843 Gene Yeo, UCSD 680ba637184d16a1b54089708e09565c GRCh38 released ENCFF032DOJ fastq reads ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF107DSH 292966723 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4100797a1168b5975bc54d9bd6b39ef SRA:SRR5111916 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF624VHF/ released ENCFF963JOW fastq reads ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF096SEZ 201329571 Gene Yeo, UCSD 81c9851ac7ae8a0e2f2c24d8176d4620 SRA:SRR5111917 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF624VHF/ released ENCFF107DSH fastq reads ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF032DOJ 314762522 Gene Yeo, UCSD a175a588b6c4d7eb70dd8763ea90f9ec SRA:SRR5111916 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF449OPY/ released ENCFF096SEZ fastq reads ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF963JOW 215992288 Gene Yeo, UCSD 869705cce7ffb434888ea5f44faf0412 SRA:SRR5111917 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF449OPY/ released ENCFF630LQE bam alignments ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF096SEZ, ENCFF963JOW 193326048 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9388b13fb4d89223c8889cb8741c60c9 hg19 released ENCFF752ZYN bam alignments ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF032DOJ, ENCFF107DSH 246913943 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5cf5d0fa2a32773d3349e986318516c7 hg19 released ENCFF862IYK bam alignments ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF096SEZ, ENCFF963JOW 190764213 Gene Yeo, UCSD c477f4420ef58339cab872c20965451f GRCh38 released ENCFF794JUI bam alignments ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF032DOJ, ENCFF107DSH 243164005 Gene Yeo, UCSD c3e932b98be4c893527884e0d0f00e6b GRCh38 released ENCFF145QGJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF752ZYN 14255844 Gene Yeo, UCSD ed6ef7b8067863b1059d4d1b26acea97 hg19 released ENCFF769RZR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF630LQE 11776377 Gene Yeo, UCSD e9ca7d10d17092375cb59eeb18ac370e hg19 released ENCFF123QAQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF752ZYN 15099021 Gene Yeo, UCSD 39dac003406b582da123e87f7099275b hg19 released ENCFF273GAW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF630LQE 12508153 Gene Yeo, UCSD eaa209da591b94547975870038dff2a6 hg19 released ENCFF323ABS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF794JUI 14107759 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ad9ff4ae3790ff1ec2f42f089eb27ac GRCh38 released ENCFF729JHG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF862IYK 11706688 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2d9007c99001e2001ca5de84d49bb78 GRCh38 released ENCFF236VEU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF862IYK 12268581 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8514633d5f5d0fd39e69559c436883bf GRCh38 released ENCFF305SDT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF794JUI 14905661 Gene Yeo, UCSD ee72861b457f9ef84b760e36627ee33b GRCh38 released ENCFF167DBG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF630LQE, ENCFF651CUS 1021688 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e4b8f49416e03192f524b6aa6b08ed2 hg19 released ENCFF441GJR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF651CUS, ENCFF752ZYN 1258163 Gene Yeo, UCSD c85296f4857eea8a0f909bde53f30c44 hg19 released ENCFF276EIU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF768FYM, ENCFF862IYK 1020346 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e16b6e8c3a3858b5122a718a62a7af7 GRCh38 released ENCFF371PMP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF768FYM, ENCFF794JUI 1252961 Gene Yeo, UCSD 53d4db9d31543f5532d3597518ee1b90 GRCh38 released ENCFF808HAX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF441GJR 2590401 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7cb940fa09f2c7614840963970e5d458 hg19 released ENCFF802LGV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF167DBG 2128769 Gene Yeo, UCSD 204488c03f8abbdebd4bb68a835b8881 hg19 released ENCFF112LSG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF276EIU 2125696 Gene Yeo, UCSD b616fd28bc86f5d85ef2b670598aef51 GRCh38 released ENCFF525UQA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF371PMP 2585345 Gene Yeo, UCSD cbbc01e9cafc3edd69695e85d447b2bd GRCh38 released ENCFF688FME fastq reads ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF418DFE 645393073 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4f80672b4108f94df8176dccde5a3466 SRA:SRR5111244 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF584YFH/ released ENCFF418DFE fastq reads ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF688FME 678783198 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3585b37f399712f38edac74d46259d28 SRA:SRR5111244 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF933ORH/ released ENCFF008EYG fastq reads ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF452DMI 409111896 Gene Yeo, UCSD 82dfceba2bb5e7c54e2eb224de6327f0 SRA:SRR5111245 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF584YFH/ released ENCFF452DMI fastq reads ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF008EYG 433819952 Gene Yeo, UCSD 66c4c954a23132559a51ac5cbb6e3d29 SRA:SRR5111245 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF933ORH/ released ENCFF141MFP bam alignments ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF008EYG, ENCFF452DMI 282470646 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d1e5fd9a7369a9ca9865378794d0f6d hg19 released ENCFF532QNF bam alignments ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF418DFE, ENCFF688FME 546269824 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe40f86925a50a8622334a068eaf8d5f hg19 released ENCFF086HIT bam alignments ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF418DFE, ENCFF688FME 521121174 Gene Yeo, UCSD 698024fc7dad5b94d92ee4eace9c70ee GRCh38 released ENCFF739LLZ bam alignments ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF008EYG, ENCFF452DMI 272759574 Gene Yeo, UCSD 733fdc38d843eb2f44ec9c64fec9a4ef GRCh38 released ENCFF923WYZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF532QNF 25686308 Gene Yeo, UCSD 48e3074929322dfe70771765b95eaed6 hg19 released ENCFF038CWB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF141MFP 15258209 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca2531e4048c40e85e408f99e621114f hg19 released ENCFF264WQQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF141MFP 15866621 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11d02bdba08d30ddb1284e43401e4573 hg19 released ENCFF992HAL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF532QNF 26556026 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3d86af75c935f80147ad6535cd61d8b4 hg19 released ENCFF969UFE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF739LLZ 14919589 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07e61898221aac09a030fd025773afc9 GRCh38 released ENCFF097EGO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF086HIT 24918594 Gene Yeo, UCSD f935cccd519552952a9def993210e327 GRCh38 released ENCFF723XZC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF086HIT 25734659 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1e3cd1aa59c2752e1c9fe56e93f617c GRCh38 released ENCFF368JSN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF739LLZ 15500148 Gene Yeo, UCSD f4ee8b34361d7ec3b895fdc98278dda8 GRCh38 released ENCFF715SCF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF141MFP, ENCFF413OBS 1492516 Gene Yeo, UCSD c74c24afa75f678f6a8a3ac4e91ba9cc hg19 released ENCFF404OSK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF413OBS, ENCFF532QNF 2352617 Gene Yeo, UCSD a3b2866dd7fabea632b883d81dc0633f hg19 released ENCFF529RBH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF697LPT, ENCFF739LLZ 1483801 Gene Yeo, UCSD 670e1f7feaddf22c5c242781a10d2089 GRCh38 released ENCFF006CBO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF086HIT, ENCFF697LPT 2338540 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b04d7e0dd2c102515c6f43076e9e9fb GRCh38 released ENCFF543MDB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF715SCF 3034182 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e480dd3b66bc55b2fab5474524f5304 hg19 released ENCFF130EXN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF404OSK 4518868 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5699133016c70e9299c4539f42db6644 hg19 released ENCFF528TDT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF529RBH 3004755 Gene Yeo, UCSD 466c6f7abc3494b37324203235285a56 GRCh38 released ENCFF232LTR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR196INN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM15-human ENCAB626AJI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF006CBO 4498434 Gene Yeo, UCSD 918aee3407330116f8422385f2ef2b1f GRCh38 released ENCFF981SGX fastq reads ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF999SQE 218544861 Gene Yeo, UCSD a765bdd490c0df87a17272325fa51ff9 SRA:SRR5111388 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF672MVA/ released ENCFF163RYF fastq reads ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF080OLT 201640193 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ee1211eb8defaaa646a2ec444df1c91 SRA:SRR5111387 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF672MVA/ released ENCFF080OLT fastq reads ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF163RYF 224604055 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e7b0c0235eee770e8fbfa7fa9bdcc5a SRA:SRR5111387 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF135PIG/ released ENCFF999SQE fastq reads ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF981SGX 244039456 Gene Yeo, UCSD f104d0292f40d2d49dc8efe2d9e67ed8 SRA:SRR5111388 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF135PIG/ released ENCFF828HVQ bam alignments ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF981SGX, ENCFF999SQE 123556128 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5bc0af922900e691a905a0c2bcac9567 hg19 released ENCFF367YKB bam alignments ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF080OLT, ENCFF163RYF 128167286 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4e4cec585e1d36221c8896b6e013a327 hg19 released ENCFF045LAO bam alignments ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF981SGX, ENCFF999SQE 122169261 Gene Yeo, UCSD d621c5cde111191cc022a585805dbe80 GRCh38 released ENCFF391IBH bam alignments ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF080OLT, ENCFF163RYF 126764693 Gene Yeo, UCSD c406dc6475a47d4a7deb16afb8bc002f GRCh38 released ENCFF539JEK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF367YKB 5719718 Gene Yeo, UCSD ae4e72e089ce3ca4a90d02cc6108c200 hg19 released ENCFF211NZH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF828HVQ 5337359 Gene Yeo, UCSD f0780fb5a7dbb2a922031a04d5a433fd hg19 released ENCFF016HLD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF828HVQ 5552547 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ede90149d49c4edb4595b84a5e0bad4 hg19 released ENCFF634FPH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF367YKB 5913832 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5bba25c331cec8a68ba07565ac28784f hg19 released ENCFF280TBX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF045LAO 5309016 Gene Yeo, UCSD 677244ffdf95bf4d9d1e9c908c6d47f5 GRCh38 released ENCFF462WNO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF391IBH 5705622 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6f2ea816de36144105ba11147cafc487 GRCh38 released ENCFF175VFW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF391IBH 5887101 Gene Yeo, UCSD 79ec3686a4efc5fdf6cf38b64268ae10 GRCh38 released ENCFF013KNT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF045LAO 5510113 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f5826e1040d4e816c21c08278f6c01e GRCh38 released ENCFF074GNZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF556BXK, ENCFF828HVQ 437484 Gene Yeo, UCSD af5da18d03597513aa7366a1f3a4b2fc hg19 released ENCFF020UVE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF367YKB, ENCFF556BXK 507805 Gene Yeo, UCSD 94d8676ed7f910010b21db0c7b571b85 hg19 released ENCFF150ZOO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF045LAO, ENCFF802LNA 435123 Gene Yeo, UCSD 184aa52587581c2e6a7ec161a99f43de GRCh38 released ENCFF899HGF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF391IBH, ENCFF802LNA 506111 Gene Yeo, UCSD d1f9a99916a977e9bcdd3194e4fa8eff GRCh38 released ENCFF543MGV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF074GNZ 901108 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b6df1f3d3a8b40d4038b3dfce1f60dd hg19 released ENCFF023UKH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF020UVE 1021122 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd02e0a8836dec24f1096b1e714ccad2 hg19 released ENCFF184OKI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF150ZOO 898650 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9e35f95d2d379c0cf32588ba5bf436d2 GRCh38 released ENCFF980VDY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR295OKT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF899HGF 1018168 Gene Yeo, UCSD 06f0a5a60730942a0d10f251788c9859 GRCh38 released ENCFF107UYK fastq reads ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF546OAU 364375479 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5b909a16b18df1990e642c932e145d7e SRA:SRR5111183 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF895XZY/ released ENCFF352GSS fastq reads ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF850NCY 162678763 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34e1619b22b2362d4d823a5560055ab4 SRA:SRR5111184 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF895XZY/ released ENCFF546OAU fastq reads ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF107UYK 373375713 Gene Yeo, UCSD f0b4681f594223c016a4f37277ba0e2c SRA:SRR5111183 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF872NAM/ released ENCFF850NCY fastq reads ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF352GSS 168382489 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7fdc6708a1fee7c1b203832596adc5e2 SRA:SRR5111184 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF872NAM/ released ENCFF012EDL bam alignments ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF107UYK, ENCFF546OAU 521167959 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4bb868e3354dcadab91c6a62f2d0078d hg19 released ENCFF292CIT bam alignments ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF352GSS, ENCFF850NCY 226041416 Gene Yeo, UCSD a1722269a4d82ed5cf1703ba240c0fe7 hg19 released ENCFF571IRN bam alignments ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF107UYK, ENCFF546OAU 519716041 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1019a0f0a6a6230bd73544f40d9d56c6 GRCh38 released ENCFF876SGL bam alignments ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF352GSS, ENCFF850NCY 224462938 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb795315fe38169d64234e230d05573e GRCh38 released ENCFF997XKK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF012EDL 31057547 Gene Yeo, UCSD bca1274e2262013b3457b4938c87c81e hg19 released ENCFF480LJU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF292CIT 15386166 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c62a0c4f6f5be1c1160a3fea221c0fc hg19 released ENCFF018UJY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF292CIT 16109839 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9cf0e48125946f4ebaae08cc0a606376 hg19 released ENCFF697PSM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF012EDL 32438349 Gene Yeo, UCSD 439f7202e9ef87b313fd4569d4cd1b45 hg19 released ENCFF677OHD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF876SGL 15337813 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5b2386541e31d5767548fa7912f6bd1e GRCh38 released ENCFF520LTV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF571IRN 31038475 Gene Yeo, UCSD e0414526c794c80e09a3d5596f611e7f GRCh38 released ENCFF099FEV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF571IRN 32402596 Gene Yeo, UCSD a16cbead4c3216f63d6b500082ad0da6 GRCh38 released ENCFF401DKP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF876SGL 16042216 Gene Yeo, UCSD b482fd62e34c5a56bcd2b5c8ddb4ffc5 GRCh38 released ENCFF615KJU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF012EDL, ENCFF335HAD 3326928 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8fe679fc042c22fbe3210dd164c1a1ee hg19 released ENCFF174RLY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF292CIT, ENCFF335HAD 1320476 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07c1e1aad45ea3114599d918fd3c8500 hg19 released ENCFF100JBV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF494XRE, ENCFF571IRN 3371603 Gene Yeo, UCSD 702f85d9eeaea7d749179bdbc700fe14 GRCh38 released ENCFF902IDT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF494XRE, ENCFF876SGL 1328671 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ff5fc6077095f1c7c753eb9219f2e5e GRCh38 released ENCFF697CNE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF615KJU 5946844 Gene Yeo, UCSD bbc968316a0a81775a8482a12ab29bac hg19 released ENCFF537HGP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF174RLY 2146518 Gene Yeo, UCSD ade1151aa2fb01e439e26c21eb4a16e0 hg19 released ENCFF553MNY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF902IDT 2169009 Gene Yeo, UCSD e934f8a1984fdebc7413c05c82216835 GRCh38 released ENCFF549HTU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR154HRN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPA1-human ENCAB603WLW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF100JBV 6007639 Gene Yeo, UCSD 87abbcaa0f037f71dcf8f04092c5aaaf GRCh38 released ENCFF110KUU fastq reads ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF594JCF 340509306 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d8fb88268a30f4102448fcb80180396 SRA:SRR5112328 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF064SDM/ released ENCFF961JRQ fastq reads ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF557FKM 244637515 Gene Yeo, UCSD 35d5a4454884ec4883061aade551bfad SRA:SRR5112327 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF064SDM/ released ENCFF594JCF fastq reads ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF110KUU 393447076 Gene Yeo, UCSD 61da4290849b02e5fbf22b0535dcb3d3 SRA:SRR5112328 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF870VFV/ released ENCFF557FKM fastq reads ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF961JRQ 274108794 Gene Yeo, UCSD f9bfd423296f65018dba5eb22e4efcd3 SRA:SRR5112327 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF870VFV/ released ENCFF134BOJ bam alignments ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF557FKM, ENCFF961JRQ 239944842 Gene Yeo, UCSD 400a44b3d6bdcb30b8a9a52a485af60a hg19 released ENCFF103UQK bam alignments ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF110KUU, ENCFF594JCF 309883964 Gene Yeo, UCSD 75174d1ea09f826c755d582ff4322558 hg19 released ENCFF492GWE bam alignments ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF557FKM, ENCFF961JRQ 242463028 Gene Yeo, UCSD c568c270d28fa0f3ccd07086bc3dc2d8 GRCh38 released ENCFF068KXE bam alignments ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF110KUU, ENCFF594JCF 314601900 Gene Yeo, UCSD 406e2f4689ce7b8481c39410c76208ad GRCh38 released ENCFF659JYK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF134BOJ 13489362 Gene Yeo, UCSD 518c36f19ab079f33f8396dec9983eb5 hg19 released ENCFF954UYJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF103UQK 16450593 Gene Yeo, UCSD b92505537e23a00a7bcef443b6cf5ab8 hg19 released ENCFF946QER bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF103UQK 17022335 Gene Yeo, UCSD a305f3e6ac2735baf8d482305218c313 hg19 released ENCFF016VJL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF134BOJ 13888418 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd5039259aa1f9be5e74288b1ceae4c7 hg19 released ENCFF394QPB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF068KXE 16648055 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0dfabbe19abebb895e839cb84559b0ad GRCh38 released ENCFF493GWT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF492GWE 13617589 Gene Yeo, UCSD 46f0d2b301295f0a8713ec670efd6c07 GRCh38 released ENCFF430TNL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF068KXE 17219945 Gene Yeo, UCSD 39861720d658d98211b819b50a838914 GRCh38 released ENCFF857JIT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF492GWE 14000729 Gene Yeo, UCSD acae1bc84c4353a39da51b18b8d82b57 GRCh38 released ENCFF823WIW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF103UQK, ENCFF981KYA 1427454 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1178fae75d3b32196d2f92f59150c21f hg19 released ENCFF823UGV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF134BOJ, ENCFF981KYA 1191047 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4bebe8095b9b4477b04d42c611c192ff hg19 released ENCFF400LMM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF068KXE, ENCFF999MGM 1467112 Gene Yeo, UCSD 96c7ad72d8a4ace7d7210de92ea983c5 GRCh38 released ENCFF892DVI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF492GWE, ENCFF999MGM 1220105 Gene Yeo, UCSD b6bef72488a155a994ace7d2d6e29588 GRCh38 released ENCFF514PTU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF823UGV 2071333 Gene Yeo, UCSD bfc72175c0b093a6061717e315aec26e hg19 released ENCFF153RAR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF823WIW 2428432 Gene Yeo, UCSD 59ebfce2e009b6b623a6c267112c6f88 hg19 released ENCFF368HIO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF400LMM 2485966 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6f56e2fb90204eae790824c55c692eeb GRCh38 released ENCFF392ANV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR970NKP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens LIN28B-human ENCAB006PLV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF892DVI 2115509 Gene Yeo, UCSD 033e97a43143df991363283f9e4137da GRCh38 released ENCFF647ULQ fastq reads ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF111LIY 230344118 Gene Yeo, UCSD a317a7b8198da1c70ac01ef6d82fcb5f SRA:SRR5111448 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF495FSA/ released ENCFF319MIE fastq reads ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF217LJP 261588509 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2d5a374f26ad3fffafc78a91274ba82 SRA:SRR5111449 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF495FSA/ released ENCFF111LIY fastq reads ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF647ULQ 251685063 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7cd768c34b9de3b9cd635b8302422f1e SRA:SRR5111448 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF524AJF/ released ENCFF217LJP fastq reads ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF319MIE 286364269 Gene Yeo, UCSD b2a260707f6ea76264a986b736e4169c SRA:SRR5111449 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF524AJF/ released ENCFF736XNI bam alignments ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF217LJP, ENCFF319MIE 159121304 Gene Yeo, UCSD 333b400378f2e7cc737cd437d8b35d8e hg19 released ENCFF436TNC bam alignments ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF111LIY, ENCFF647ULQ 127619394 Gene Yeo, UCSD ada908a45395b658e3b486398aa23936 hg19 released ENCFF525EHR bam alignments ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF111LIY, ENCFF647ULQ 128357752 Gene Yeo, UCSD d687fcab25d041e382e6dafe55dafaa4 GRCh38 released ENCFF693DNX bam alignments ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF217LJP, ENCFF319MIE 161698131 Gene Yeo, UCSD c173233c8eb6a4694cfa8c87e8bc2294 GRCh38 released ENCFF907OCS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF736XNI 11340021 Gene Yeo, UCSD 43489debe3f5b63194251b8eb8441a80 hg19 released ENCFF310SIK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF436TNC 8816073 Gene Yeo, UCSD d8e801406b4d149b6c07875fcc00d0f0 hg19 released ENCFF734CGK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF436TNC 9090738 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c08497579f44cba3b0f523f8645f11a hg19 released ENCFF441DGZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF736XNI 11585748 Gene Yeo, UCSD b3060bcf60429863d8d73926d08b7129 hg19 released ENCFF928HDW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF693DNX 11479536 Gene Yeo, UCSD 509f995813af08fc233823c68605737f GRCh38 released ENCFF454HHT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF525EHR 8880890 Gene Yeo, UCSD 646c845bf5df68d836a281f96de18fe8 GRCh38 released ENCFF997CVI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF525EHR 9129839 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b9ee2b69ef9316c095b3b5759d7ca45 GRCh38 released ENCFF441ZDI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF693DNX 11713330 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2cfeb23432a092793188ac11731fab8 GRCh38 released ENCFF965SEZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF328KAL, ENCFF436TNC 956643 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8e6052f1fc8aa969eacbba3a31b94200 hg19 released ENCFF393YLO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF328KAL, ENCFF736XNI 1176886 Gene Yeo, UCSD c74d8c3801865927f88790dee90c2ccd hg19 released ENCFF457ETB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF140QVQ, ENCFF525EHR 973303 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7df9d36cec09dd0650c36a24f3c0c584 GRCh38 released ENCFF845EEJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF140QVQ, ENCFF693DNX 1209423 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd2bb5a00c2b3ffbd04a01548b976a2d GRCh38 released ENCFF898JKK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF393YLO 2498932 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0ddc49a45474258ce0eeb29e8717a9e5 hg19 released ENCFF092SIF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF965SEZ 1991011 Gene Yeo, UCSD 12dcb0dd09b2739201db894e97b3009d hg19 released ENCFF337OXN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF845EEJ 2563340 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6214be61667e114b4b60dd8217e57363 GRCh38 released ENCFF377LAA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR331VNX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FMR1-human ENCAB000BFK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF457ETB 2019413 Gene Yeo, UCSD 917bd92e725ac4b6b11aa9ecb9fefb8f GRCh38 released ENCFF389CTP fastq reads ENCSR616BTD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF933TIF 349798221 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff3a1e4aa593c88f7d20113c54a28126 SRA:SRR5111866 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF933TIF fastq reads ENCSR616BTD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF389CTP 349351161 Gene Yeo, UCSD e5fd7a5caeccf9533a912dc6c72b8e38 SRA:SRR5111866 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF291ITN bam alignments ENCSR616BTD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF389CTP, ENCFF933TIF 310593878 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8989d7b7b32669af12f4d349c879f318 hg19 released ENCFF379FKC bam alignments ENCSR616BTD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF389CTP, ENCFF933TIF 312612749 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6585e7a8e7ce0b4b1b11aba0c8bce015 GRCh38 released ENCFF917MFZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR616BTD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF291ITN 14921974 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5a2d8f4fb730ad1a5a6fb74044a6e3e5 hg19 released ENCFF500PPL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR616BTD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF291ITN 15449160 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4133e0ef10e46d36d5381252b0bceced hg19 released ENCFF544FVH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR616BTD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF379FKC 15061838 Gene Yeo, UCSD 557a69b4dad2177eca78745981ef93a6 GRCh38 released ENCFF757BQX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR616BTD eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF379FKC 15586404 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51b389f1b075318be870727913497206 GRCh38 released ENCFF056XTI fastq reads ENCSR435EVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF711IGJ 589247043 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ca7da6529af4a812fc3d957dd1ac167 SRA:SRR5111732 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF711IGJ fastq reads ENCSR435EVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF056XTI 568983057 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9df41950cca290f76ca442af832ce558 SRA:SRR5111732 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF502YXG bam alignments ENCSR435EVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF056XTI, ENCFF711IGJ 623585497 Gene Yeo, UCSD f437666dd8388c528d263db1909174fd hg19 released ENCFF438IIB bam alignments ENCSR435EVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF056XTI, ENCFF711IGJ 625006917 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6fa898d6e6e67f655bd9799ce133478d GRCh38 released ENCFF914JXE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR435EVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF502YXG 28003141 Gene Yeo, UCSD 954d38cc68129b7d1979da7cf01af5d1 hg19 released ENCFF127WBJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR435EVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF502YXG 28972803 Gene Yeo, UCSD d24c6985e6dc67103c8040af4b3e6286 hg19 released ENCFF153XAY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR435EVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF438IIB 28077291 Gene Yeo, UCSD 36eb889e9c9fa5dbd29a8d178f8cb618 GRCh38 released ENCFF501RLP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR435EVK eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SND1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB162GME RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF438IIB 29023248 Gene Yeo, UCSD f25ee11015d7ad64bfa4a74ba58485d6 GRCh38 released ENCFF014LLF fastq reads ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF973MWU 686239897 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68285aa7a5678381c5b708a3e9ab46e6 SRA:SRR5111577 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF927DLO/ released ENCFF538QCY fastq reads ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF901KIG 709765013 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10daa363b17c683d85ca0d58ffb29034 SRA:SRR5111576 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF927DLO/ released ENCFF973MWU fastq reads ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF014LLF 680683843 Gene Yeo, UCSD 13cff4b1f89687d209282242961b0d16 SRA:SRR5111577 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF517CRH/ released ENCFF901KIG fastq reads ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF538QCY 705669647 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d006d1297899188d5fac35f067ade80 SRA:SRR5111576 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF517CRH/ released ENCFF665BIZ bam alignments ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF538QCY, ENCFF901KIG 1201401225 Gene Yeo, UCSD 051dcba7ae7eca3ddc720cb136d6a954 hg19 released ENCFF133EJA bam alignments ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF014LLF, ENCFF973MWU 1132274336 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9cb79d866018062d552f1b8fdcd8c8da hg19 released ENCFF698TGL bam alignments ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF014LLF, ENCFF973MWU 1109294855 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7018325b268f9ffdd2540c928640680 GRCh38 released ENCFF394THC bam alignments ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF538QCY, ENCFF901KIG 1173261171 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4548e45ce2ce3fce5ad1adec5057a02d GRCh38 released ENCFF146GUU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF665BIZ 53596879 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6de23304806a976317715e79a894996 hg19 released ENCFF764CKI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF133EJA 64352341 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7697ec5a8057bde08b7f0fe7e70c9db9 hg19 released ENCFF900BFH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF133EJA 66075720 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0e62ea1fba382c9d4e33f5240e4b5325 hg19 released ENCFF094QVM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF665BIZ 55079009 Gene Yeo, UCSD f87676b517af7d54db124b28785ab67a hg19 released ENCFF393NCT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF698TGL 63617864 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62b48714b9dbac28e0647389157e67eb GRCh38 released ENCFF060SFT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF394THC 52701550 Gene Yeo, UCSD 554356e6186e41a2c90f8b24a8050ff2 GRCh38 released ENCFF034PXB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF394THC 54168401 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7f2f87362ec0d925ca987e2ff16e2509 GRCh38 released ENCFF860VTI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF698TGL 65336106 Gene Yeo, UCSD 53fde1c16bf0b02cbe9d3ba0ae3d2982 GRCh38 released ENCFF498QZQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF133EJA, ENCFF644CKP 4759421 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4a8e7518cc94974be09bf05b09453c0d hg19 released ENCFF531NDZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF644CKP, ENCFF665BIZ 4896258 Gene Yeo, UCSD 359057e74cfb6df17c398ffdefe438ea hg19 released ENCFF634TPL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF498QZQ 8299998 Gene Yeo, UCSD 631ede5398a34b2b095d6f777ce9f872 hg19 released ENCFF032LQU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF531NDZ 8517974 Gene Yeo, UCSD 28e72909299bab021add4c5f4d529049 hg19 released ENCFF768ZZP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF512ZBC 8611167 Gene Yeo, UCSD e8dfb37014788d53a210f0b03c17ef56 GRCh38 released mismatched status ENCFF249OVY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF066PCT 8319864 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5bfbc873c3dd1082932b83bccc29b4fc GRCh38 released mismatched status ENCFF374XQF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF394THC, ENCFF405WBU 4918788 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e8df3129794dd91f283a75987d2b2b0 GRCh38 released ENCFF127WMZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR438GZQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens KHSRP-human ENCAB531WWS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF405WBU, ENCFF698TGL 4770825 Gene Yeo, UCSD 258e1d839dfd06dee4d20509bf23cdee GRCh38 released ENCFF217PBP fastq reads ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF996KND 278187695 Gene Yeo, UCSD 03a03435059af170def2a0b8d78aa9ad SRA:SRR5112180 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF040BAA/ released ENCFF741BIN fastq reads ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF938BSK 305209691 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4f0b838d1148c5808bd3e6b84f18262 SRA:SRR5112181 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF040BAA/ released ENCFF938BSK fastq reads ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF741BIN 291963493 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d7d5c6b6d4c6296229b5d175597de61 SRA:SRR5112181 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF209VJW/ released ENCFF996KND fastq reads ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF217PBP 256131723 Gene Yeo, UCSD b25f83660e651e8326b985ad37718521 SRA:SRR5112180 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF209VJW/ released ENCFF415BMS bam alignments ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF217PBP, ENCFF996KND 44656164 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd4d55139154b7ff628d7e3ba0d4cd73 hg19 released ENCFF531FNJ bam alignments ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF741BIN, ENCFF938BSK 110240762 Gene Yeo, UCSD 28e81b7c00f970121ec06a484184abac hg19 released ENCFF945CYO bam alignments ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF217PBP, ENCFF996KND 43525273 Gene Yeo, UCSD e748214083e33bf53fb52f08862f3fa2 GRCh38 released ENCFF954XWJ bam alignments ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF741BIN, ENCFF938BSK 107306257 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a6b2f802b5f694ab091cdd52b4e9b10 GRCh38 released ENCFF586YCP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF415BMS 3109872 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa009d65bf35b6ad215d2be1197381dd hg19 released ENCFF821CJH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF531FNJ 5754455 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c6a38b96299e83421a9369a6d96d89f hg19 released ENCFF296SGC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF415BMS 3246474 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5144a16fb358f4aea2170464f39dacc0 hg19 released ENCFF167SMN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF531FNJ 6041094 Gene Yeo, UCSD 58372bef2d910e2e527609ae1762451e hg19 released ENCFF656YTJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF945CYO 3040686 Gene Yeo, UCSD f4f8110e97b585e19e15bab630e6b2ff GRCh38 released ENCFF092RGX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF954XWJ 5656064 Gene Yeo, UCSD 82a80bd7a13ba32aac9bb87bf2049873 GRCh38 released ENCFF161ISV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF954XWJ 5938385 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6564149cfc3a3af9ebd704063365ab81 GRCh38 released ENCFF763CJW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF945CYO 3202940 Gene Yeo, UCSD 376de7c75b40fe5d226aefd11fd380c3 GRCh38 released ENCFF743GIA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF415BMS, ENCFF494JUE 205572 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0a8da0921d867ee4f14f0bb4617cb9c hg19 released ENCFF392QAQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF494JUE, ENCFF531FNJ 394082 Gene Yeo, UCSD 734fda934530eaeeb04df2bf9f1f258b hg19 released ENCFF177GMP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF062ETM, ENCFF954XWJ 385012 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1698155b129f6b6e5f414cd54f4b2007 GRCh38 released ENCFF669BCV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF062ETM, ENCFF945CYO 201472 Gene Yeo, UCSD df44da62c7ec24b34ebdabb99ab9cb2d GRCh38 released ENCFF213IOD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF392QAQ 816689 Gene Yeo, UCSD da21badcf4e1d2d7814cb43e127473ff hg19 released ENCFF397HOJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF743GIA 437546 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6757a5a1caaf235c703c36e7f772f36c hg19 released ENCFF781GFB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF669BCV 432480 Gene Yeo, UCSD b99975465a8b63f108890e2834a8ee2a GRCh38 released ENCFF645QXB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR867DSZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF177GMP 802611 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2347c04b4c27c4c8d0043199e1837147 GRCh38 released ENCFF427GWM fastq reads ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF955NYU 489488056 Gene Yeo, UCSD a19a6b1a58cd471e6090a8289fa696e4 SRA:SRR5111937 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF015RNL/ released ENCFF948LDL fastq reads ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 1 ENCFF886HXX 609684134 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad4e52b5f8aa442e4610871928a2906d SRA:SRR5111938 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF015RNL/ released ENCFF955NYU fastq reads ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF427GWM 513467070 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8e3610af9cc59cc0e0c561fa5d5169af SRA:SRR5111937 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF632IKX/ released ENCFF886HXX fastq reads ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF948LDL 648177545 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3bc9536fd0f6ff7f2323023599e4e867 SRA:SRR5111938 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF632IKX/ released ENCFF163SXQ bam alignments ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF427GWM, ENCFF955NYU 339710760 Gene Yeo, UCSD a0d50233aa314f0e557454d36b0ac69e hg19 released ENCFF374FFC bam alignments ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF886HXX, ENCFF948LDL 272310673 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2300d795ac865b7751142cbeccaf6a3d hg19 released ENCFF338LOF bam alignments ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF427GWM, ENCFF955NYU 320596354 Gene Yeo, UCSD b62284682b0743656647bc837d054a62 GRCh38 released ENCFF059PZS bam alignments ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF886HXX, ENCFF948LDL 261135789 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8bc411bc90fd9838633aae7b4a846eac GRCh38 released ENCFF609LIA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF374FFC 6438981 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4a5db4b024fe4ba674ef38b706165d76 hg19 released ENCFF442HUJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF163SXQ 9942969 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f5d987b35348086b236a28f2a74440f hg19 released ENCFF712VQF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF374FFC 6593919 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6a4cc2331dca092a431a2d97aeccfce hg19 released ENCFF901NTZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF163SXQ 10256870 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd7eb56f604fae65e38888c248c0521c hg19 released ENCFF012QNB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF059PZS 6275126 Gene Yeo, UCSD a1d31f5ce81ba31989491faf9fc75bae GRCh38 released ENCFF071NER bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF338LOF 7374658 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62b176b111d515ac07f73dcfdf6d49ed GRCh38 released ENCFF844XOI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF059PZS 6420580 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4f62dc51611db856ea74e9698fadbf70 GRCh38 released ENCFF014TJW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF338LOF 9951880 Gene Yeo, UCSD 350737844a365304d1fa26232c4ac3c3 GRCh38 released ENCFF733VOV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF073MFR, ENCFF163SXQ 795828 Gene Yeo, UCSD d95aa32aa13cd907c18f6caa1ab5b943 hg19 released ENCFF451GQU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF073MFR, ENCFF374FFC 797964 Gene Yeo, UCSD 576d50e6055398d620cfd11014764cb2 hg19 released ENCFF219KHR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF059PZS, ENCFF229LHL 779056 Gene Yeo, UCSD ccb39c4ac93795a1db76342b033f954a GRCh38 released ENCFF236THW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF229LHL, ENCFF338LOF 781706 Gene Yeo, UCSD 20c0984445f366f4d9fa7789fa7b6333 GRCh38 released ENCFF731WXL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF733VOV 1398266 Gene Yeo, UCSD 538c954583cfbb342799cf740867bec4 hg19 released ENCFF251ECY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF451GQU 1424936 Gene Yeo, UCSD e21cf75f5a70d65758521e865c434c4c hg19 released ENCFF683IWD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF236THW 1373702 Gene Yeo, UCSD c58dd2153a5a30ac403ed4dcd5287d1c GRCh38 released ENCFF632PGX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR668MJX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRSF1-human ENCAB438AYW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF219KHR 1393886 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b83c1870aeb773e06249f539e411326 GRCh38 released ENCFF161GQY fastq reads ENCSR583KVR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF491CRL 898910800 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1483411c7989b1447bcf1dd6fb763ae SRA:SRR5111862 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF491CRL fastq reads ENCSR583KVR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF161GQY 821073754 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4efd3dc22277a75de006cbebbe8fd4da SRA:SRR5111862 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF039AMW bam alignments ENCSR583KVR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF161GQY, ENCFF491CRL 795593827 Gene Yeo, UCSD 70b3b202e7b69b0c0d2b59ff1468b64b hg19 released ENCFF986QCU bam alignments ENCSR583KVR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF161GQY, ENCFF491CRL 804086490 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff73b6689d01857dbbbf9ae65a94646a GRCh38 released ENCFF311IKR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR583KVR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF039AMW 35524947 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62801344b746b5ff1760057600345033 hg19 released ENCFF525ZJX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR583KVR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF039AMW 36155153 Gene Yeo, UCSD baea1afc6d7fb66286ab1828f87e68b9 hg19 released ENCFF842ISA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR583KVR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF986QCU 36308288 Gene Yeo, UCSD 89887409b6d2657660bdcee19c22baa1 GRCh38 released ENCFF351CZY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR583KVR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XPO5 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB769WTH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF986QCU 36528838 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3751c87886da61749757f2454bd9c893 GRCh38 released ENCFF794KAP fastq reads ENCSR182AEG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF782ZJI 635699443 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd5ccc8ae2b1374a200d874b2e777029 SRA:SRR5111227 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF782ZJI fastq reads ENCSR182AEG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF794KAP 596105221 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe24921dd81a26e28c3213eb9dadaa71 SRA:SRR5111227 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF506IYH bam alignments ENCSR182AEG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF782ZJI, ENCFF794KAP 541689380 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3996f8403d0664f6b9cfd15677e4a8d hg19 released ENCFF070DMZ bam alignments ENCSR182AEG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF782ZJI, ENCFF794KAP 553184573 Gene Yeo, UCSD f720a2f4ed6b6e874c6fb10f13ddccc8 GRCh38 released ENCFF024AYU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR182AEG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF506IYH 25411055 Gene Yeo, UCSD 57bed125ad937c8a68919e6e2dd5e48d hg19 released ENCFF827XRY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR182AEG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF506IYH 26197499 Gene Yeo, UCSD e48ebf5065d4ad9406026c4db7dad4bb hg19 released ENCFF360FFH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR182AEG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF070DMZ 25887496 Gene Yeo, UCSD a317c6f28f3bb1f8c5019288f037ee7b GRCh38 released ENCFF249LAM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR182AEG eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens AGGF1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB191KLA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF070DMZ 26669595 Gene Yeo, UCSD 951fa13fa8f8122bb105b8a2f782f217 GRCh38 released ENCFF374APS fastq reads ENCSR479XOI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF837GYT 765312715 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f2dfa950380d2796fae1615eb161128 SRA:SRR5111633 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF837GYT fastq reads ENCSR479XOI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF374APS 709618646 Gene Yeo, UCSD 686647aa62bd3b9ee2791f5344d08b9e SRA:SRR5111633 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF085NXC bam alignments ENCSR479XOI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF374APS, ENCFF837GYT 595080485 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1133ee64a3f59a4bdf8863c2421a05d hg19 released ENCFF273RFL bam alignments ENCSR479XOI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF374APS, ENCFF837GYT 608284608 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a52464569b64f5126568d4c6bba768d GRCh38 released ENCFF840LKD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR479XOI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF085NXC 27560593 Gene Yeo, UCSD a8e06fee76272b77bf1bcdd06635d624 hg19 released ENCFF489BZK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR479XOI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF085NXC 28495773 Gene Yeo, UCSD bb997441e9f78090e975c32c664298ff hg19 released ENCFF224SVT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR479XOI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF273RFL 28463371 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63688ab9ae6d8f30ffc9987fb94bd6ae GRCh38 released ENCFF053RMP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR479XOI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NKRF eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB893CIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF273RFL 29414964 Gene Yeo, UCSD 436fb7a6c54d025bf045719159685685 GRCh38 released ENCFF874PCG fastq reads ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF820TME 392462622 Gene Yeo, UCSD 53d89813c8854259575091dbef94bfed SRA:SRR5112242 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF161YHF/ released ENCFF352HXC fastq reads ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF094VBR 334139536 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42e50beb8ada421ff2019537f3b977a7 SRA:SRR5112241 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF161YHF/ released ENCFF094VBR fastq reads ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF352HXC 372253689 Gene Yeo, UCSD 85d3e05604d9c2a3de3b2e06e1a49d8f SRA:SRR5112241 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF897LLL/ released ENCFF820TME fastq reads ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF874PCG 439213016 Gene Yeo, UCSD e9098149f175bd460c6b9d2c0fca7787 SRA:SRR5112242 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF897LLL/ released ENCFF668AFD bam alignments ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF820TME, ENCFF874PCG 410917986 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3fbdc972805d05834eb50ce732067e05 hg19 released ENCFF225RJI bam alignments ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF094VBR, ENCFF352HXC 174781337 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7dee92b1d5fee87e085565dddaa497b7 hg19 released ENCFF499ZKI bam alignments ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF820TME, ENCFF874PCG 407195023 Gene Yeo, UCSD 248fd2a4a87f636eb93b27c659a93bbe GRCh38 released ENCFF184QYU bam alignments ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF094VBR, ENCFF352HXC 179253700 Gene Yeo, UCSD bdb0ab8e2f25c17192c722c61e6d9d3f GRCh38 released ENCFF318HXI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF225RJI 11999594 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f96eb3bcfd00fe0ab2dfe833157d56a hg19 released ENCFF161DFB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF668AFD 21059929 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6d1b0ae7c3a48d216cf7d9c2bb07b326 hg19 released ENCFF905XHS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF668AFD 22094914 Gene Yeo, UCSD e09b1f378061b8b219e914a3dd3ebc68 hg19 released ENCFF144SGR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF225RJI 12563384 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c653eaca6e9dfa4166070fa3cd9266d hg19 released ENCFF170VKG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF184QYU 12231313 Gene Yeo, UCSD 084efb5362cb9386f59c815cb03357da GRCh38 released ENCFF353KNB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF499ZKI 20965925 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9ca6551806c0758dfbc0471cedd45558 GRCh38 released ENCFF379MQJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF184QYU 12772952 Gene Yeo, UCSD 520bbdd866f3dbbf3ec6aae15c0288cc GRCh38 released ENCFF086NQQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF499ZKI 21944460 Gene Yeo, UCSD b049a4422c8e6a3cb4189a4eef1eb6c2 GRCh38 released ENCFF150KMB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF225RJI, ENCFF847OPT 935057 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9b1ac35f0ec600e621892f2e5d84727d hg19 released ENCFF901AAL bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF668AFD, ENCFF847OPT 1641232 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9331202223b1b5c4b51f74beb0b5d699 hg19 released ENCFF188HFB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF184QYU, ENCFF948CVQ 968824 Gene Yeo, UCSD db4d5fd3f988cc5c29b8ef587e9ed228 GRCh38 released ENCFF016RWW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF499ZKI, ENCFF948CVQ 1662653 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4a3a9afec48161b221116f08bc9354f GRCh38 released ENCFF220URC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF150KMB 1882883 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9190c845f0c6d711b169fd427cb29e0f hg19 released ENCFF973OEK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF901AAL 3096527 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ba5219e9271d9aab9a670b8af78c851 hg19 released ENCFF984DLZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF188HFB 1942867 Gene Yeo, UCSD 18a3589f4a37c252d93b37b00dc5d803 GRCh38 released ENCFF116XFB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR006OEQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF016RWW 3144537 Gene Yeo, UCSD d89197fce3292c018de512a7049fe586 GRCh38 released ENCFF305DED fastq reads ENCSR835ZOK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF138IDT 718400686 Gene Yeo, UCSD 800a55dcb2b174bef581b1bfb1a72616 SRA:SRR5112160 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF138IDT fastq reads ENCSR835ZOK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF305DED 683241171 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9ac67f75c49592eaf382ee9c1818f971 SRA:SRR5112160 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF403RNH bam alignments ENCSR835ZOK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF138IDT, ENCFF305DED 616965171 Gene Yeo, UCSD de07806af1830ec75ebdac774ca20cf6 hg19 released ENCFF950JUB bam alignments ENCSR835ZOK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF138IDT, ENCFF305DED 625958824 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9ccf6cfd5523fd32f4fb520ee18aec97 GRCh38 released ENCFF842JTZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR835ZOK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF403RNH 27185126 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe46b108a11ac30d5dceb55df7139576 hg19 released ENCFF112YNS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR835ZOK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF403RNH 27631410 Gene Yeo, UCSD e243056ca955ed9a8d75d5254e00b0fa hg19 released ENCFF732COU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR835ZOK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF950JUB 27853116 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3109ad80d1ee7f12645d823393937022 GRCh38 released ENCFF677YGL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR835ZOK eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF950JUB 27986764 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8ba5c94b1286002530a4e6d946aa68b2 GRCh38 released ENCFF035HRR fastq reads ENCSR660VTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF131CGH 725760294 Gene Yeo, UCSD e7b878c777464a85a542b65dd44f9b52 SRA:SRR5111918 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF131CGH fastq reads ENCSR660VTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF035HRR 725450076 Gene Yeo, UCSD d22442af785ebf2cda03e3e61c5cc56f SRA:SRR5111918 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF405CXK bam alignments ENCSR660VTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF035HRR, ENCFF131CGH 432805043 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80032249d762d97e0d85d25ecd508af3 hg19 released ENCFF409LAD bam alignments ENCSR660VTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF035HRR, ENCFF131CGH 441561363 Gene Yeo, UCSD 49fbb7e5957a1f0826d9b97d4ef88ac3 GRCh38 released ENCFF338RSM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR660VTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF405CXK 18702299 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ffcde169350c084a826ed665c9d4dda hg19 released ENCFF274LIF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR660VTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF405CXK 19445706 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba06fa6c4e7fb4add997d2e2ceb2b1ac hg19 released ENCFF787CHX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR660VTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF409LAD 19094400 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4875dc0da16b7abf3a369c7a2960d0e GRCh38 released ENCFF329IEX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR660VTT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens YBX3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB021IRD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF409LAD 20028326 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e827774ed6790200f5541826c609ff5 GRCh38 released ENCFF426NRC fastq reads ENCSR454OFD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 56 paired-ended 1 ENCFF284VKE 647754206 Gene Yeo, UCSD d6a4727badc768f1c8f6f4b8cb09f92e SRA:SRR5111680 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF284VKE fastq reads ENCSR454OFD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF426NRC 583148617 Gene Yeo, UCSD 88db2c5179c0bb9e7519cd94ae6806dc SRA:SRR5111680 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF419WYK bam alignments ENCSR454OFD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF284VKE, ENCFF426NRC 552313742 Gene Yeo, UCSD 33c10be2799b8d06dd60c356784120f1 hg19 released ENCFF525BGY bam alignments ENCSR454OFD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF284VKE, ENCFF426NRC 565378061 Gene Yeo, UCSD ab3ee0f67b3eb1ffcac5df4ed76248a9 GRCh38 released ENCFF372ONC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR454OFD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF419WYK 25334400 Gene Yeo, UCSD 59edf90a59395228461f6746e76e3374 hg19 released ENCFF188HQX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR454OFD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF419WYK 25771624 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a6e7ed7c3a8b439db91a9778bc63581 hg19 released ENCFF635CCR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR454OFD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF525BGY 26200909 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4acc8009a90ca135749caf7ab8285a3d GRCh38 released ENCFF227AUX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR454OFD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens DDX55 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB812HQG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF525BGY 26612159 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7e69de0e536a20e3e5915011cd4f492a GRCh38 released ENCFF821KVN fastq reads ENCSR393STP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF216XJZ 947259703 Gene Yeo, UCSD 833453c22c7c489b7daef9072bb56d79 SRA:SRR5111531 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF216XJZ fastq reads ENCSR393STP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF821KVN 846713152 Gene Yeo, UCSD 474077f15d2ac338ea2e31abfdc71bc3 SRA:SRR5111531 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF914HZF bam alignments ENCSR393STP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF216XJZ, ENCFF821KVN 764205771 Gene Yeo, UCSD 78bd3b5f351d050c9dd39c3644de365b hg19 released ENCFF333OLY bam alignments ENCSR393STP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF216XJZ, ENCFF821KVN 783374996 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07abb3c0147a3edc59e5dd58140cbf24 GRCh38 released ENCFF365XIH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR393STP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF914HZF 32632212 Gene Yeo, UCSD c6317b0ea9208bc0eaec219e6fa02275 hg19 released ENCFF159YLX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR393STP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF914HZF 33632735 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5104d11a52553e57fc55d7e5832fa359 hg19 released ENCFF405MAR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR393STP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF333OLY 33465369 Gene Yeo, UCSD 94167938d72cf6b9cc0cf84f2ba71e5d GRCh38 released ENCFF438MJE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR393STP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GPKOW eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB445RKH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-10-31 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF333OLY 34502055 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7dae0375a6c06eb495862d48d24b9d2b GRCh38 released ENCFF503KDE fastq reads ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF817WMP 301087078 Gene Yeo, UCSD 98d830a9b768fa74fee7b11e4a6489cb SRA:SRR5111363 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF374BGY/ released ENCFF600EOC fastq reads ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF136GAI 282636592 Gene Yeo, UCSD e0d49feba6e30329524690db8303979e SRA:SRR5111364 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF374BGY/ released ENCFF817WMP fastq reads ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF503KDE 306602627 Gene Yeo, UCSD 454811759412d4fad4d56a44e91bf3bc SRA:SRR5111363 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF302HGT/ released ENCFF136GAI fastq reads ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF600EOC 279744537 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc90e82f3c010f5998dabe89138bae60 SRA:SRR5111364 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF302HGT/ released ENCFF160MZO bam alignments ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF503KDE, ENCFF817WMP 383769832 Gene Yeo, UCSD def2cb5868f42d7dd93bec5fd2f2d290 hg19 released ENCFF450IJF bam alignments ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF136GAI, ENCFF600EOC 214632407 Gene Yeo, UCSD 899f0359ad974fd200f64b8b6f3c6d88 hg19 released ENCFF633FLY bam alignments ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF136GAI, ENCFF600EOC 212843432 Gene Yeo, UCSD 45708d93460382cf05ed7ca9f65f39c3 GRCh38 released ENCFF950RRY bam alignments ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF503KDE, ENCFF817WMP 380220620 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3a5b7de284374e6bc64ae182d4fad345 GRCh38 released ENCFF705MCO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF450IJF 16307273 Gene Yeo, UCSD 95054a87b01ab04c006f59d6b541611f hg19 released ENCFF433NXX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF160MZO 23096184 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7d0fcd95b37c87fb6dee8adc5bbe3dd4 hg19 released ENCFF243EVT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF160MZO 24681879 Gene Yeo, UCSD ddefab885e643a796cffa52535cfab88 hg19 released ENCFF165ISL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF450IJF 17228064 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a50c3bfcd20e5d9c7ca16ad5950c5b4 hg19 released ENCFF758BBB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF633FLY 16255011 Gene Yeo, UCSD bfbfc95fae28bd5e1823723e154635ba GRCh38 released ENCFF324IMR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF950RRY 22950039 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6be5e9c45a5d5c5849007292668e423 GRCh38 released ENCFF058AGC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF950RRY 24506289 Gene Yeo, UCSD 03305717c5d24f341ea1035b99eb0477 GRCh38 released ENCFF429MCF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF633FLY 17167834 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c540a0ef1c897c95b35b6b55b2f6eb1 GRCh38 released ENCFF542FRX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF381PFB, ENCFF450IJF 1799813 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8b49aec437fec16266a050d5aaf080f7 hg19 released ENCFF040JSC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF160MZO, ENCFF381PFB 2531756 Gene Yeo, UCSD 482081f0854c8022339c28a714089dd3 hg19 released ENCFF501TRY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF355NYZ, ENCFF950RRY 2547456 Gene Yeo, UCSD e499c1088ab49c8dc93fa79f6d219b27 GRCh38 released ENCFF175VJO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF355NYZ, ENCFF633FLY 1819267 Gene Yeo, UCSD a35df1f4a9bd170fc7d835e6cfd37130 GRCh38 released ENCFF131SXQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF040JSC 4651703 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8d287e9e521fe761bddde3b6560a20ba hg19 released ENCFF504DZY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF542FRX 3476267 Gene Yeo, UCSD ce37dfc9ce56ef9c694e8ddb6567dcdc hg19 released ENCFF146ZKF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF501TRY 4681332 Gene Yeo, UCSD afb614570ec70f5a9f98320513a9a45e GRCh38 released ENCFF448EIC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR267UCX eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF175VJO 3509116 Gene Yeo, UCSD d72e86d290d3b0c17bc14b6f223a6be9 GRCh38 released ENCFF592FNJ fastq reads ENCSR125CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 51 paired-ended 1 ENCFF672RWL 263797810 Gene Yeo, UCSD 746fcb5ebc83c74f93a717232a2d1b81 SRA:SRR5111162 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF672RWL fastq reads ENCSR125CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF592FNJ 256689341 Gene Yeo, UCSD c300b08db82e85ed68f96277af860b06 SRA:SRR5111162 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF425DPU bam alignments ENCSR125CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF592FNJ, ENCFF672RWL 182219086 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a681c20a918a5f176ba813a24a77630 hg19 released ENCFF982JPX bam alignments ENCSR125CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF592FNJ, ENCFF672RWL 183166324 Gene Yeo, UCSD a2d1af27c074927ea1dad327b352d63d GRCh38 released ENCFF187LSM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR125CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF425DPU 7536134 Gene Yeo, UCSD df1464bba096cbbc0a9b7e79e8d3b079 hg19 released ENCFF347HAW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR125CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF425DPU 10388705 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a018e8f248e336b1e9fa5c755307e2a hg19 released ENCFF828HOS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR125CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF982JPX 7601997 Gene Yeo, UCSD bc89e7e5af0dff887e5d9d99843b4d3e GRCh38 released ENCFF609BRP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR125CLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF982JPX 10455884 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6590eec5520948ad9f4229d420dc25f6 GRCh38 released ENCFF803XPM fastq reads ENCSR927XDB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF088TKT 696790321 Gene Yeo, UCSD cc18e6ea979cbf5d19e02400e6a7d22b SRA:SRR5112285 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF088TKT fastq reads ENCSR927XDB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF803XPM 658756377 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ae49ec7d3052e83b011225531dc7bf9 SRA:SRR5112285 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF358UNB bam alignments ENCSR927XDB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF088TKT, ENCFF803XPM 564588070 Gene Yeo, UCSD e172c97eea8484f88b59db3062526f41 hg19 released ENCFF880NLA bam alignments ENCSR927XDB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF088TKT, ENCFF803XPM 573123007 Gene Yeo, UCSD efcbaad0f4ada852c788b863a65d1b09 GRCh38 released ENCFF810MJN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR927XDB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF358UNB 26330263 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0c6df4d95606cd6ba8fb401d5be1159e hg19 released ENCFF883FHA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR927XDB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF358UNB 27254232 Gene Yeo, UCSD bdc977db99be2eddde02acb23b627d1c hg19 released ENCFF540KPA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR927XDB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF880NLA 26745219 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1447471de18b257ef96cfb069c532b4c GRCh38 released ENCFF464CQX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR927XDB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens MTPAP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB235DTM RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF880NLA 27664751 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11ff467bb26aaaa53d1ba6fc8fb79986 GRCh38 released ENCFF414YHF fastq reads ENCSR056RZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF024OZW 471813534 Gene Yeo, UCSD b198941955382a77d8200245816703ec SRA:SRR5112451 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF024OZW fastq reads ENCSR056RZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF414YHF 425194873 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b193fb57aa56698e7cc47eac7a85ac0 SRA:SRR5112451 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF370QJE bam alignments ENCSR056RZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF024OZW, ENCFF414YHF 364361906 Gene Yeo, UCSD 29aff17c13df23c1e344aa4715ff8c23 hg19 released ENCFF878TBN bam alignments ENCSR056RZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF024OZW, ENCFF414YHF 370061284 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7bf031430edf2ae549384652a7eb4f9e GRCh38 released ENCFF889KML bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR056RZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF370QJE 16591062 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3d38e2d442cc9bd39f1f05092c750ed6 hg19 released ENCFF041QFN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR056RZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF370QJE 17008128 Gene Yeo, UCSD 49bd45e286b1e7e6f56f95c9e3341e5c hg19 released ENCFF802EVV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR056RZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF878TBN 16833518 Gene Yeo, UCSD 76f143928e0b2e08d9c460929e42f216 GRCh38 released ENCFF864ZGV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR056RZV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FUBP3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB964AJF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF878TBN 17243985 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5b0cca5e4f65ada3fe3ac235d730e20 GRCh38 released ENCFF006DQH fastq reads ENCSR028CRL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF768GAB 596835054 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1252fc229fd38922daf019b09525ad0a SRA:SRR5112421 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF768GAB fastq reads ENCSR028CRL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF006DQH 539664700 Gene Yeo, UCSD d0f8fd963c0b94c4fdc7f02b097b18d8 SRA:SRR5112421 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF697EJY bam alignments ENCSR028CRL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF006DQH, ENCFF768GAB 466214588 Gene Yeo, UCSD a03a140e8083d8ce6224d62af34588e8 hg19 released ENCFF057VZS bam alignments ENCSR028CRL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF006DQH, ENCFF768GAB 471106793 Gene Yeo, UCSD d021c20009bf3214d8bf788ae1b080bc GRCh38 released ENCFF051BYG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR028CRL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF697EJY 21432431 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9099b4757f31fbc34aa27d2b982b7b3d hg19 released ENCFF106OWX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR028CRL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF697EJY 22141972 Gene Yeo, UCSD bac397f80e0b6e2183178f2e96872e5a hg19 released ENCFF724CMM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR028CRL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF057VZS 21672831 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0eb7fb47fa24469d21f11fec113cb2c1 GRCh38 released ENCFF098VCG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR028CRL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX3X eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173JTT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF057VZS 22373117 Gene Yeo, UCSD 50c6e8dff2df87326f05d51e78fa2d16 GRCh38 released ENCFF741GZP fastq reads ENCSR550SGC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF534UAZ 654000846 Gene Yeo, UCSD 150a0b8dd98d1a063cab484186776119 SRA:SRR5111751 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF534UAZ fastq reads ENCSR550SGC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF741GZP 613072730 Gene Yeo, UCSD d0a718a43702fb8247a03f850b49cc83 SRA:SRR5111751 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF057WTV bam alignments ENCSR550SGC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF534UAZ, ENCFF741GZP 573712164 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02f3075828d55e24f7a1a629bedd2b2e hg19 released ENCFF013ZUT bam alignments ENCSR550SGC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF534UAZ, ENCFF741GZP 587754840 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d859ecfc38db04a4ec40c5b2e21e243 GRCh38 released ENCFF670KXN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR550SGC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF057WTV 26509218 Gene Yeo, UCSD 25c2734c9a17c218b65cbf52c4fae5ab hg19 released ENCFF635VSR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR550SGC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF057WTV 27378109 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7a1fa67168254abc47afcdadfb4c0d46 hg19 released ENCFF201GQO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR550SGC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF013ZUT 27164002 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c8b65da4dde5eb3938dce494e6631ff GRCh38 released ENCFF533NOD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR550SGC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AKAP8L eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB936VHC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF013ZUT 28045642 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5e196269872b652a89e214d42e18eae GRCh38 released ENCFF384BDA fastq reads ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF175TMY 474592493 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2d6258aecdbaa6ec44da200e2c80a8f2 SRA:SRR5111323 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF064TEN/ released ENCFF175TMY fastq reads ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF384BDA 485448543 Gene Yeo, UCSD ed961454fb540efb7a2b0c41b119520f SRA:SRR5111323 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF381NWX/ released ENCFF921PTG fastq reads ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF447WDR 602900702 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8963a0f5e9adbb0cc348145df14fd292 SRA:SRR5111324 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF381NWX/ released ENCFF447WDR fastq reads ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF921PTG 576558570 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4846ecda6ba7de60d938b14223ec35be SRA:SRR5111324 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF064TEN/ released ENCFF410UTY bam alignments ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF175TMY, ENCFF384BDA 180680102 Gene Yeo, UCSD 66078b5e9658bdb0d80c11b5f53b8650 hg19 released ENCFF620MFE bam alignments ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF447WDR, ENCFF921PTG 270111566 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6609203d5bf6035d1204acd65c8a35e6 hg19 released ENCFF091VCD bam alignments ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF447WDR, ENCFF921PTG 262824613 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2d06ff0d9f5f2b545469e37d5a6f8eb9 GRCh38 released ENCFF072KEM bam alignments ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF175TMY, ENCFF384BDA 169424780 Gene Yeo, UCSD 77b277116ac849111555d97985294cdb GRCh38 released ENCFF148IOT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF410UTY 10811353 Gene Yeo, UCSD a63a5dda2a51d198a7038f4cbceb07a0 hg19 released ENCFF456SGZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF620MFE 14627886 Gene Yeo, UCSD 51a81f7cd08b78af717a7cff85c458fe hg19 released ENCFF258KDH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF410UTY 11309620 Gene Yeo, UCSD c0550238959a00ab37a3b01fe19eccc1 hg19 released ENCFF260XAL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF620MFE 15525878 Gene Yeo, UCSD e4c2fcd7fc61e8341e8586abac9d4c7d hg19 released ENCFF791QDL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF072KEM 7833452 Gene Yeo, UCSD fb3ae2fab68603be67aa54b4947afeac GRCh38 released ENCFF141DSU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091VCD 14369595 Gene Yeo, UCSD f3ff3f1d0035cacfdadbd9c56e6a115f GRCh38 released ENCFF992XQV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF072KEM 10835957 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f179548b7cce47ee1e08fcddfc7796a GRCh38 released ENCFF287BQY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091VCD 15051473 Gene Yeo, UCSD 86a088cc54a5b746af58c66af9925252 GRCh38 released ENCFF594WHT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF605CQT, ENCFF620MFE 1363115 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2d649f0669201a4a0da50bee8cb56dd1 hg19 released ENCFF083ZYT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF410UTY, ENCFF605CQT 961209 Gene Yeo, UCSD f9c10f451c4f9f69ad18205b4554ac0d hg19 released ENCFF182RWR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091VCD, ENCFF945AUF 1349675 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a5c8bd5b11bbbdcb66023113648daf6 GRCh38 released ENCFF151VUB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF072KEM, ENCFF945AUF 916372 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe4cdd4c29bc14e89464eea2eac5b8f2 GRCh38 released ENCFF533RZJ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF594WHT 2788904 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f4d729a5e8db375ebe6a8608c2cdd07 hg19 released ENCFF038WBZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF083ZYT 2075995 Gene Yeo, UCSD be47e1233a233be03f8012bc4a5413ba hg19 released ENCFF016THS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF182RWR 2764942 Gene Yeo, UCSD c8e411fa7f850191781f77d47f4d4e9d GRCh38 released ENCFF391ZFR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR238CLX eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens GEMIN5-human ENCAB395KQN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF151VUB 1985850 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a67f907650c42e5beec2bcb8ee2dc41 GRCh38 released ENCFF489IRY fastq reads ENCSR595PFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF645ZNG 690630250 Gene Yeo, UCSD b780b8c9d550bedd827832abcc2dfc6c SRA:SRR5111827 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF645ZNG fastq reads ENCSR595PFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF489IRY 598063761 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07c2ac4e185f300777f2dc46e41f3d80 SRA:SRR5111827 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF112GWP bam alignments ENCSR595PFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF489IRY, ENCFF645ZNG 469796325 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd5468c2400a4cd021f63716f4b61ead hg19 released ENCFF568SAI bam alignments ENCSR595PFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF489IRY, ENCFF645ZNG 481257720 Gene Yeo, UCSD 77623c5ba473f6d8e4d2d2fa02ec094a GRCh38 released ENCFF840IMU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR595PFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF112GWP 21601410 Gene Yeo, UCSD 94a409a5d5927f395f5b6a2d025bcb34 hg19 released ENCFF244XCT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR595PFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF112GWP 22317540 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1197971b120d1314419488481b86c473 hg19 released ENCFF450ZCN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR595PFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF568SAI 22094970 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5961514e0fe754e89741c6b6954653ad GRCh38 released ENCFF596OTS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR595PFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NSUN2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB643VMO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF568SAI 22819021 Gene Yeo, UCSD a68f61a372c387a12042d5383ea7b5f5 GRCh38 released ENCFF110AGV fastq reads ENCSR067UKU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF130YYP 546870128 Gene Yeo, UCSD 95078272ce446102dd8d2a2c7d695c38 SRA:SRR5111055 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF130YYP fastq reads ENCSR067UKU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF110AGV 494183733 Gene Yeo, UCSD b73eaec3e83475c959ecf808cb89a18c SRA:SRR5111055 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF485UCP bam alignments ENCSR067UKU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF110AGV, ENCFF130YYP 368306794 Gene Yeo, UCSD e035fc9ed5b93a64197df4a1079b2cc7 hg19 released ENCFF810PWF bam alignments ENCSR067UKU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF110AGV, ENCFF130YYP 376530248 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f36f3d151d75d4ab2bb924ce844cc9e GRCh38 released ENCFF323NPX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR067UKU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF485UCP 17198530 Gene Yeo, UCSD ca4b00e787f98860b7fb542ddd54d9e0 hg19 released ENCFF351VQX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR067UKU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF485UCP 17844963 Gene Yeo, UCSD b1a0baeae13dfe107fdac7210c9bfca9 hg19 released ENCFF695GDV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR067UKU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF810PWF 17639824 Gene Yeo, UCSD 245f160160440fdf75baacf9bd0577fd GRCh38 released ENCFF116KIF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR067UKU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens EWSR1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB366VTK RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF810PWF 18289876 Gene Yeo, UCSD b6effd50b5a8fbc648f8b0a92c994b6a GRCh38 released ENCFF304ECY fastq reads ENCSR257OYO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF016MTU 664466275 Gene Yeo, UCSD 977852ee47190156f0037505ca20647d SRA:SRR5111328 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF016MTU fastq reads ENCSR257OYO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF304ECY 653465450 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0c320c023eaad0f336a39f16c1645f9e SRA:SRR5111328 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF232YSX bam alignments ENCSR257OYO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF016MTU, ENCFF304ECY 342822548 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef5ac7c2a9530d35d2c9fcc40cb91e3e hg19 released ENCFF838MYV bam alignments ENCSR257OYO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF016MTU, ENCFF304ECY 348154787 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6ca8d4c3bf381fb8a7ced663206c1a85 GRCh38 released ENCFF870FZW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR257OYO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF232YSX 14628658 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3cc3a96bc96c98c449ca974ddb9698c hg19 released ENCFF244JYE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR257OYO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF232YSX 14971632 Gene Yeo, UCSD f9755e889009d8daeb96bd57c2bccd17 hg19 released ENCFF124RGI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR257OYO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF838MYV 15028451 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7e9242c8b95a8fe2def90c202f301df8 GRCh38 released ENCFF388GHK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR257OYO eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens NCBP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB039KCI RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF838MYV 15215505 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0584edbf6819eef16f6e02bf7a990b08 GRCh38 released ENCFF956TOZ fastq reads ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF133DNM 442772860 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc8a78b24ef686116768ec102ca86c38 SRA:SRR5112019 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF616FCF/ released ENCFF041KJT fastq reads ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF462SCV 477047754 Gene Yeo, UCSD 35588c3c96505857489e417b16d3ced0 SRA:SRR5112018 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF616FCF/ released ENCFF133DNM fastq reads ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF956TOZ 442031892 Gene Yeo, UCSD 083448a664d6c576204c11342bd4d300 SRA:SRR5112019 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF495ZPY/ released ENCFF462SCV fastq reads ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF041KJT 473257982 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8808b9361b047c01245f955baf128bf3 SRA:SRR5112018 HiSeq 2500 /files/ENCFF495ZPY/ released ENCFF280ONP bam alignments ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF041KJT, ENCFF462SCV 229282966 Gene Yeo, UCSD 04838f53b528923858814aef7c3eb196 hg19 released ENCFF177VQI bam alignments ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF133DNM, ENCFF956TOZ 118935050 Gene Yeo, UCSD 77af07ed8e4303c468ec7db5c23ecb82 hg19 released ENCFF732EQX bam alignments ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF041KJT, ENCFF462SCV 222814501 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0eac465636e58bd0a352ab966ee0ac45 GRCh38 released ENCFF231WHF bam alignments ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF133DNM, ENCFF956TOZ 113325576 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2694a27bf92336f3c4576a81bf8556ac GRCh38 released ENCFF079UZP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF280ONP 14049073 Gene Yeo, UCSD 95de8dd42cdf7964e33d02cd562f7b10 hg19 released ENCFF902VHV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF177VQI 5904638 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ea39e426722abfbf1ccc98202617069 hg19 released ENCFF406SXD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF177VQI 6148337 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1491d77e4720ad7d46a3f3cc5d413a9c hg19 released ENCFF730KQX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF280ONP 14616215 Gene Yeo, UCSD a37badbadd8c38260879c199afc1cb8f hg19 released ENCFF452BKL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF231WHF 5727737 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10ff3d8c5ad4300f83ff22a7ecf218a6 GRCh38 released ENCFF657MOM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF732EQX 13800669 Gene Yeo, UCSD 934ab6b2132949c2dacc11a1698da7db GRCh38 released ENCFF769SCB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF231WHF 5959198 Gene Yeo, UCSD b29e08b65e2e0a84431564a95bba6fc4 GRCh38 released ENCFF133NMP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF732EQX 14332379 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5d59d4505007e7564f2a930444d1855a GRCh38 released ENCFF091HXE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF043ERY, ENCFF177VQI 964970 Gene Yeo, UCSD 858ce7d6baa5b2c84cfcea82cf045329 hg19 released ENCFF262JRE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF043ERY, ENCFF280ONP 1215041 Gene Yeo, UCSD 84c1c3682d47fd3e194c09fdb9191817 hg19 released ENCFF662CVN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091HXE 1725529 Gene Yeo, UCSD 96c25ab4077d38d10792ebd374492799 hg19 released ENCFF285IAZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF262JRE 2575433 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2e068fbffd0b44ba29e64c59ba68069d hg19 released ENCFF223ACT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF446GYQ 2559203 Gene Yeo, UCSD 460c5e1594f7c742654ec2597a930d3f GRCh38 released mismatched status ENCFF673PJB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF440FWO 1690609 Gene Yeo, UCSD dbedf30f45a8332ff26a2c51099d0c4f GRCh38 released mismatched status ENCFF141SVY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF732EQX, ENCFF786ZZB 1207117 Gene Yeo, UCSD ade91366da07ff10c486ca21db379db5 GRCh38 released ENCFF372VPV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR661ICQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUM2-human ENCAB818JWN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF231WHF, ENCFF786ZZB 940779 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8553b2d63cf84d523a5f6e27d5f86de8 GRCh38 released ENCFF451BKG fastq reads ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF933DLG 672095856 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6f613ee47749375d9aafac676bd5c9ca SRA:SRR5112278 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF305DED/ released ENCFF500BLJ fastq reads ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF874PLO 715301020 Gene Yeo, UCSD d5dc5fe4f7f7da77f9e4446221dd1e7c SRA:SRR5112277 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF305DED/ released ENCFF874PLO fastq reads ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF500BLJ 766853180 Gene Yeo, UCSD e52c58739325cdf25a9c58c97ace968b SRA:SRR5112277 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF138IDT/ released ENCFF933DLG fastq reads ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF451BKG 714610207 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9579c28a68cf0a533ab04a928b5135df SRA:SRR5112278 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF138IDT/ released ENCFF449TUS bam alignments ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF500BLJ, ENCFF874PLO 1008267327 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52417502d5e1d98a0e7e64105ee8efa6 hg19 released ENCFF459XDE bam alignments ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF451BKG, ENCFF933DLG 981018819 Gene Yeo, UCSD 149fa0293906f4559c1551b25b3f88ff hg19 released ENCFF591FGE bam alignments ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF500BLJ, ENCFF874PLO 979222446 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9858933a8e99b432c0ebb79349b325ae GRCh38 released ENCFF869UTD bam alignments ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF451BKG, ENCFF933DLG 938850509 Gene Yeo, UCSD 74a7dfd206d65c4a056c4c749c17efa8 GRCh38 released ENCFF176DKY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF449TUS 38770608 Gene Yeo, UCSD f383078c30c351da22a27b4f69d8f6ba hg19 released ENCFF045SJZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF459XDE 39140152 Gene Yeo, UCSD 691cf1413b000f9d19449dce7a713f27 hg19 released ENCFF860FQU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF459XDE 40255162 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4d386a3a27aa6c34718c0593a6667490 hg19 released ENCFF144KIK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF449TUS 39893675 Gene Yeo, UCSD a372951f0b30ff3a958077790c520a08 hg19 released ENCFF007UFF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF591FGE 38055097 Gene Yeo, UCSD 91082636ddd58242fd8a2d701016a023 GRCh38 released ENCFF421MOI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF869UTD 38011619 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21a65213897b75d986aff695fc404a33 GRCh38 released ENCFF692OWU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF869UTD 39075984 Gene Yeo, UCSD e7de6bcd658b747d7a8d8fd76ee1830d GRCh38 released ENCFF013JOY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF591FGE 39136670 Gene Yeo, UCSD 75be61a03cc375625e739df222417234 GRCh38 released ENCFF689GDA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF403RNH, ENCFF459XDE 3230029 Gene Yeo, UCSD 668e8178cae4a59b8832d1ac8d1ecba7 hg19 released ENCFF735YNV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF403RNH, ENCFF449TUS 3250539 Gene Yeo, UCSD 447428c370430bac7c3a4a64fa8c48f4 hg19 released ENCFF886MOW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF591FGE, ENCFF950JUB 3271052 Gene Yeo, UCSD 996795c0384997fe2aa4f3b52a8ab2df GRCh38 released ENCFF971KUU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF869UTD, ENCFF950JUB 3224423 Gene Yeo, UCSD dcf34facb397d0ae354544bda5c0e541 GRCh38 released ENCFF227BWP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF689GDA 6103761 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65b757790580a3de0f892004de97cd76 hg19 released ENCFF790FPO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF735YNV 7545273 Gene Yeo, UCSD c8a834fafc899d527fc90f801d14d20e hg19 released ENCFF964TTL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF886MOW 7564376 Gene Yeo, UCSD db06e9b75733f416d46f2ccc20dce4b3 GRCh38 released ENCFF429WEY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893NWB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GRWD1-human ENCAB573ZJV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF971KUU 6095874 Gene Yeo, UCSD 31fd7007a68726e97101baea14dca7ff GRCh38 released ENCFF337AFM fastq reads ENCSR859PUB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF370RMU 822483340 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4bbe42da73613af750bf1207eb597b8b SRA:SRR5112219 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF370RMU fastq reads ENCSR859PUB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF337AFM 731623880 Gene Yeo, UCSD 32d5b5351f26868a8a35e9c3f09e7ac9 SRA:SRR5112219 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF514RHC bam alignments ENCSR859PUB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF337AFM, ENCFF370RMU 753847154 Gene Yeo, UCSD c31f061303d74f574feacb9baa70664b hg19 released ENCFF037LUF bam alignments ENCSR859PUB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF337AFM, ENCFF370RMU 768871941 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2c7c3f16106803d160eb31b922a72c7 GRCh38 released ENCFF029QFY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR859PUB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF514RHC 31867969 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ca4e06c9b67535be25def4562d16e75 hg19 released ENCFF068IUX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR859PUB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF514RHC 32688107 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62a5b774185132e33ba2c45bce332f0e hg19 released ENCFF060XZQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR859PUB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF037LUF 32586025 Gene Yeo, UCSD c81c7a825c813e1c77bbe70010269d56 GRCh38 released ENCFF542KNE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR859PUB eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3A3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB757ZZH RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF037LUF 33410649 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7795fb038c896e1ee9515061d3561153 GRCh38 released ENCFF024EQI fastq reads ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF957IOQ 766833990 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7846a831839535880ea7a43717734e48 SRA:SRR5112441 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF576RGH/ released ENCFF851SIK fastq reads ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF329LNT 757711745 Gene Yeo, UCSD 81707e71033dbfe9240f5ef2d79f4185 SRA:SRR5112442 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF576RGH/ released ENCFF957IOQ fastq reads ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF024EQI 819414552 Gene Yeo, UCSD e55ffd4f2ac00ab418952c15a27e2ed2 SRA:SRR5112441 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF432GMP/ released ENCFF329LNT fastq reads ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF851SIK 802509657 Gene Yeo, UCSD b7be67590bc64e24aae48d8a49403bfa SRA:SRR5112442 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF432GMP/ released ENCFF187PCO bam alignments ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF024EQI, ENCFF957IOQ 811796582 Gene Yeo, UCSD af1f0103a329499d872f519236be42b6 hg19 released ENCFF005VCE bam alignments ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF329LNT, ENCFF851SIK 933572752 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8b6918d2bfc9400bab942ea3334ba7a7 hg19 released ENCFF576OQO bam alignments ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF329LNT, ENCFF851SIK 902588629 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c85680a4819ba1801be78fe3f30755b GRCh38 released ENCFF678TXO bam alignments ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF024EQI, ENCFF957IOQ 772890948 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c0640d1c9d80eb516b8d3e43988cb37 GRCh38 released ENCFF010OYC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF187PCO 36180667 Gene Yeo, UCSD 000cf2349e60d26904cf67b2c92de8a2 hg19 released ENCFF344JTJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF005VCE 41614192 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9376c1e0fcd095fd21550daee497212f hg19 released ENCFF462ECY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF187PCO 37500034 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1dac8a814deb91f6a5361a7b1f913288 hg19 released ENCFF991QIX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF005VCE 42540680 Gene Yeo, UCSD c217fc69b513e2bdaabf20270f112bda hg19 released ENCFF048OWX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF576OQO 40664734 Gene Yeo, UCSD 64fb64f636cd4f8ae5746a2457d5d197 GRCh38 released ENCFF300MMN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF678TXO 34961036 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5312038d1bf504f3b2ba8d4e53844a73 GRCh38 released ENCFF351MQG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF678TXO 36205882 Gene Yeo, UCSD aef0081125783106a6b58900cb3cf738 GRCh38 released ENCFF845XMT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF576OQO 41535061 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b6ad1842a8e51ab0a4c7070a43d2d6f GRCh38 released ENCFF650RVF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF187PCO, ENCFF400HLC 3525068 Gene Yeo, UCSD 41fc8b6c082758c970f56fc4532d0c45 hg19 released ENCFF738CPK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF005VCE, ENCFF400HLC 3958741 Gene Yeo, UCSD 865903f49270d6fea2120ccdbdd6d105 hg19 released ENCFF891XHE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF222TZU, ENCFF576OQO 3924768 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b760482d35de3dc30d1f2709def38a2 GRCh38 released ENCFF286YIR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF222TZU, ENCFF678TXO 3452957 Gene Yeo, UCSD bfe351c40d1874e5bee56ff77e5f63a8 GRCh38 released ENCFF197CXZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF738CPK 7436173 Gene Yeo, UCSD a1bff8c62352fd3e79812e36d9d1071d hg19 released ENCFF099DYI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF650RVF 6708565 Gene Yeo, UCSD a91a39b511399cf6649e16213fd49cb7 hg19 released ENCFF104YAE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF891XHE 7372426 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f3e42175a3e2f699c365dc96a570156 GRCh38 released ENCFF733BQQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR041NUV eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF286YIR 6588596 Gene Yeo, UCSD bea0cb2e3f28982dd8e44c0be9a1fa00 GRCh38 released ENCFF065END fastq reads ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF142LPF 242842701 Gene Yeo, UCSD f40233325db843e19c0703b7fd9b1519 SRA:SRR5111485 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF995SCZ/ released ENCFF958NRC fastq reads ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF208JVP 293989718 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f0bfbbc9d375eaf3470a71ec74b3fd7 SRA:SRR5111486 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF995SCZ/ released ENCFF208JVP fastq reads ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF958NRC 304500620 Gene Yeo, UCSD eca79de2ae96500fe5916f2e3d16c580 SRA:SRR5111486 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF489KGX/ released ENCFF142LPF fastq reads ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF065END 250793659 Gene Yeo, UCSD a7d877a5e6fa9459ad0096091a696cdf SRA:SRR5111485 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF489KGX/ released ENCFF125BHF bam alignments ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF065END, ENCFF142LPF 150048625 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72b3debad1e70b4c1591f432c6cfce5a hg19 released ENCFF736YMC bam alignments ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF208JVP, ENCFF958NRC 379116543 Gene Yeo, UCSD 12628503826baae191151b58305a9b25 hg19 released ENCFF021KOR bam alignments ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF208JVP, ENCFF958NRC 375842164 Gene Yeo, UCSD c04c0b07f0212fc22d3c0bb788c9d86e GRCh38 released ENCFF201XIY bam alignments ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF065END, ENCFF142LPF 148866440 Gene Yeo, UCSD 803e0904d1200174fe6dea5a65fd8acf GRCh38 released ENCFF663JSG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF125BHF 7862937 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2b4326f162fec3b80ac18d598e21eed hg19 released ENCFF086FAD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF736YMC 21162729 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34b9113bfd66e773f4a5d89b1d7d628d hg19 released ENCFF991OLB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF125BHF 8078420 Gene Yeo, UCSD d37dafdce2c97e0fe323ef95ec203944 hg19 released ENCFF613KGS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF736YMC 21690020 Gene Yeo, UCSD 77fa3747c6008991c0b7c751c10ab54c hg19 released ENCFF105HLP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF021KOR 21055852 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92dbf2d27d507a16aa89ad389a72929e GRCh38 released ENCFF629HGT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF201XIY 7827294 Gene Yeo, UCSD 389ba4429ed16c42438c507ba7d3821c GRCh38 released ENCFF447RUX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF201XIY 8050001 Gene Yeo, UCSD 10eabad30aba078c2a2e5a2fef4e6b05 GRCh38 released ENCFF082MTD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF021KOR 21581454 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8687b41ca2cba19ef4de393401435fb1 GRCh38 released ENCFF870XZV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF125BHF, ENCFF262DRT 779097 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92efa1bee99e651b84dfe1980e47a4d6 hg19 released ENCFF892IWC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF262DRT, ENCFF736YMC 1795890 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4c9a1b27ff3b5d5b156cadffa03e048 hg19 released ENCFF957GRM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF021KOR, ENCFF596UYR 1804459 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c4a79a9c941716aa4a21950c3e1de71 GRCh38 released ENCFF725FNJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF201XIY, ENCFF596UYR 779350 Gene Yeo, UCSD bfb2b2d2c60a06cf5fbb2da010d582d1 GRCh38 released ENCFF487JJR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF870XZV 1365443 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d354263069ca208cf5203cc66f9b0d4 hg19 released ENCFF510GIR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF892IWC 3428107 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2bd7fc88565dc8ec2331cfa3c5d05098 hg19 released ENCFF214GAX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF957GRM 3447398 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7d898ec3ec247efdb7bd8057470cfaea GRCh38 released ENCFF636UAR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR351PVI eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF725FNJ 1364077 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c325235cc0372ea488f17abccf58699 GRCh38 released ENCFF610HNX fastq reads ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF535GCE 397267157 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0ae0bf05811e7f09a64ea259ab218d93 SRA:SRR5111281 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF610KTQ/ released partially characterized antibody ENCFF318VMS fastq reads ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF365GCF 393685941 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1cd73512f41929b05ea425c61d03375f SRA:SRR5111280 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF610KTQ/ released partially characterized antibody ENCFF535GCE fastq reads ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF610HNX 424386800 Gene Yeo, UCSD e35ff54f24a0b254a552417dd83aa8d0 SRA:SRR5111281 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF589AOK/ released partially characterized antibody ENCFF365GCF fastq reads ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF318VMS 411382779 Gene Yeo, UCSD 274678e7075e5244068f246b83b4ac5f SRA:SRR5111280 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF589AOK/ released partially characterized antibody ENCFF664OEF bam alignments ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF535GCE, ENCFF610HNX 233106968 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a963bec0aaf5b57567aec8111fa7685 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF432YJK bam alignments ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF318VMS, ENCFF365GCF 220940169 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62a4409bb4b882bca9feaeb8f9d7701d hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF410RRL bam alignments ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF318VMS, ENCFF365GCF 208587427 Gene Yeo, UCSD a2009819e28db23de95d98f85531d903 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF992CWC bam alignments ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF535GCE, ENCFF610HNX 225583550 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c0a3376faf8d08166f2d33e7be0ae8a GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF290ONW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF664OEF 10708901 Gene Yeo, UCSD 616d62a9d810f670d51698eae3897b37 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF100OQK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF432YJK 12412637 Gene Yeo, UCSD 74a08918dddf8437ab8cc0c6e97692bb hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF713GQR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF432YJK 12774532 Gene Yeo, UCSD 640ba818c61b9ae8489cf9be72b33e22 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF562KRX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF664OEF 11010579 Gene Yeo, UCSD 733e9e174141201be3f1482b7b1975d1 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF560RWF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF410RRL 11919450 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4cd24aaf3a63c5a076cdf2c36a74ac9f GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF754SGO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF992CWC 10451633 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1d049eb842891a4c4b9f95bddceeb69 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF007ZTE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF410RRL 12093262 Gene Yeo, UCSD 54a18f8f88dc6bbe13d3c3dee4d80f0d GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF991NNM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF992CWC 10736552 Gene Yeo, UCSD eeb85be32d43434a7b95711a0b7b3b8d GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF828ZTE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF432YJK, ENCFF454RJH 875345 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9d5359628d9d77251ebd3ee0c01aae71 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF606TBH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF454RJH, ENCFF664OEF 877893 Gene Yeo, UCSD 15384c855a780016386e8623b3be1ba7 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF136TBE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF269WSV, ENCFF410RRL 833255 Gene Yeo, UCSD a820a30ac579f6bd70b73c7bef75be8e GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF348APX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF269WSV, ENCFF992CWC 856178 Gene Yeo, UCSD db2c00810d9c5a2f6ef87a8fdcc9bd24 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF159LIE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF606TBH 1559627 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7eb895daa19e337e0102b72ab067bca4 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF987SFI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF828ZTE 1536357 Gene Yeo, UCSD 607d239f1ca6a1821ff89251621d5e7a hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF903SXT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF348APX 1530333 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6874ab6118e9564304969afda0531dd4 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF084EGZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR218NAB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF269WSV, ENCFF410RRL 1473195 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e377359e4e977dba0eed42179454843 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF040BAA fastq reads ENCSR468ZQA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF209VJW 514167110 Gene Yeo, UCSD c08e12c36633164ed588884c05d99a36 SRA:SRR5111657 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF209VJW fastq reads ENCSR468ZQA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF040BAA 454185195 Gene Yeo, UCSD bdf8ce7a73569d40bf0b735bcfae889b SRA:SRR5111657 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF494JUE bam alignments ENCSR468ZQA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF040BAA, ENCFF209VJW 276151070 Gene Yeo, UCSD 28f0578b96dd98999550c065ded0f295 hg19 released ENCFF062ETM bam alignments ENCSR468ZQA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF040BAA, ENCFF209VJW 276089087 Gene Yeo, UCSD bac11e2bd923892fcdadec540ac8f749 GRCh38 released ENCFF240BEY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR468ZQA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF494JUE 14805874 Gene Yeo, UCSD 24066c39c41b7b93e3c61892a84cedaa hg19 released ENCFF607JJN bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR468ZQA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF494JUE 15370740 Gene Yeo, UCSD 32b31d3e55c4d886395a2272413ee583 hg19 released ENCFF850UAL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR468ZQA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF062ETM 14869173 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1bd105e07a6ce13d8f79663eecf6baef GRCh38 released ENCFF655PPJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR468ZQA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens NPM1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB881HTO RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF062ETM 15424761 Gene Yeo, UCSD 826d7e50b0b4fd36f4bf34b1ca8f986f GRCh38 released ENCFF595TEO fastq reads ENCSR451HMR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF251NBU 503217192 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7109851c45d69a086ccd794ad6a83225 SRA:SRR5111596 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF251NBU fastq reads ENCSR451HMR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF595TEO 453259818 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d28eea82067368fdce505795832948c SRA:SRR5111596 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF435UZZ bam alignments ENCSR451HMR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF251NBU, ENCFF595TEO 408085069 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3928ab54477ee370c132d15ece32136f hg19 released ENCFF962TBZ bam alignments ENCSR451HMR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF251NBU, ENCFF595TEO 415562061 Gene Yeo, UCSD 63e5d0475aef8cb178951cf62ccfcb48 GRCh38 released ENCFF764PHQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR451HMR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF435UZZ 19075500 Gene Yeo, UCSD 13c68d261163bc2e90d8ec24ac472b1e hg19 released ENCFF946KUV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR451HMR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF435UZZ 19505582 Gene Yeo, UCSD 813a08dc0f3440cc2fedbd1db3b49070 hg19 released ENCFF622JFU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR451HMR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF962TBZ 19431198 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba22e047874d45de87a97ba1db265cd4 GRCh38 released ENCFF017TUA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR451HMR eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens GTF2F1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108WPN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF962TBZ 19835539 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5a4aadef724d56b21a08a4dfce2b5055 GRCh38 released ENCFF576RGH fastq reads ENCSR755PSW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF432GMP 856095273 Gene Yeo, UCSD df949268dda64dc1bfe8f0ef9976f3b4 SRA:SRR5112034 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF432GMP fastq reads ENCSR755PSW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF576RGH 824725839 Gene Yeo, UCSD bf942b1b5a83e623e1ac62047f540b18 SRA:SRR5112034 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF400HLC bam alignments ENCSR755PSW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF432GMP, ENCFF576RGH 761231037 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f6794da3c04e06b476cc9f38891f16d hg19 released ENCFF222TZU bam alignments ENCSR755PSW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF432GMP, ENCFF576RGH 776105538 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7ae32937be2425a0e0d365fc9de950d8 GRCh38 released ENCFF419ATF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR755PSW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF400HLC 31306345 Gene Yeo, UCSD e68b8e4d096242561f1e0515632ddad5 hg19 released ENCFF615NKF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR755PSW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF400HLC 31842610 Gene Yeo, UCSD 43a5fab1ebe3a95ef39efe57d247b172 hg19 released ENCFF491VMT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR755PSW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF222TZU 32208084 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8e3b6665de6cc81602aabfdd0c6a17c0 GRCh38 released ENCFF281FID bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR755PSW eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens EIF3D eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB626JLZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF222TZU 32400505 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a736436cf5d9a069dd2e4b26fafc1b7 GRCh38 released ENCFF049SUS fastq reads ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF320HAD 722836579 Gene Yeo, UCSD b54e0be44f8ec78f3895637e15f95376 SRA:SRR5111396 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF339KXC/ released ENCFF906EMD fastq reads ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF479SQA 216642313 Gene Yeo, UCSD b25d9bbeca78751da7d056f7b3474e9d SRA:SRR5111395 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF339KXC/ released ENCFF479SQA fastq reads ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF906EMD 236776318 Gene Yeo, UCSD d66461d90a86fa2623668a094143fe08 SRA:SRR5111395 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF586BVD/ released ENCFF320HAD fastq reads ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF049SUS 787462503 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2d616f0de3fb2f991bc997e554932f6 SRA:SRR5111396 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF586BVD/ released ENCFF489AEX bam alignments ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF049SUS, ENCFF320HAD 182422767 Gene Yeo, UCSD a70476ec585bf114b9608c5c632fab74 hg19 released ENCFF334MWZ bam alignments ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF479SQA, ENCFF906EMD 49373312 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5bc093624f85a47ab89ff339cfe6d5ce hg19 released ENCFF098UHH bam alignments ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF049SUS, ENCFF320HAD 174762247 Gene Yeo, UCSD e5b988e365f081d73a1611038c4268ac GRCh38 released ENCFF824TUZ bam alignments ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF479SQA, ENCFF906EMD 48153803 Gene Yeo, UCSD b9557ed53e6ae903bc3af99727eb4f4f GRCh38 released ENCFF256TFB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF334MWZ 2685798 Gene Yeo, UCSD 516c4f38cf5696f04f88dc274861d17e hg19 released ENCFF951UFE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF489AEX 10051974 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc39c2dfe8db8bbb97009e9c69cff0d2 hg19 released ENCFF053SPH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF489AEX 10519183 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c4d179d50b76f22fd77b692693ddd1c hg19 released ENCFF567WPT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF334MWZ 2855372 Gene Yeo, UCSD c709f19708a87110083999b59e829641 hg19 released ENCFF985YQV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF098UHH 9684691 Gene Yeo, UCSD 88b7a8a6172d6d1a05e0ae75b3369037 GRCh38 released ENCFF761HNN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF824TUZ 2631429 Gene Yeo, UCSD 05bfe4486133f4463c6bdded4291cdc8 GRCh38 released ENCFF552FLR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF824TUZ 2815857 Gene Yeo, UCSD e98721aa2782f7376ae8fc0791e36560 GRCh38 released ENCFF509ACI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF098UHH 10220249 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5a2bb504110780ee6145bcede57bba59 GRCh38 released ENCFF990JXJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF283DWL, ENCFF334MWZ 192386 Gene Yeo, UCSD 93a8a12ef28e67458cbe3c9ad40a1ad7 hg19 released ENCFF268XIE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF283DWL, ENCFF489AEX 789412 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa6520ebdd0e51d6e607b43ae650ef16 hg19 released ENCFF389JHH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF292NQE, ENCFF824TUZ 188109 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5bdebfe00be11b81e89b3cc5996f66e9 GRCh38 released ENCFF904FWY bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF098UHH, ENCFF292NQE 758914 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd4d0256f66c626c33c9faa1515d4a7f GRCh38 released ENCFF877UIT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF990JXJ 404171 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa23aaf5b6569b38a8f8ed7bffe696af hg19 released ENCFF603CDW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF268XIE 1417854 Gene Yeo, UCSD 951f499290f9854063d5e9359121a666 hg19 released ENCFF064GVD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF389JHH 398411 Gene Yeo, UCSD b0bfdf9f63c14ac90fb3a19a284c484b GRCh38 released ENCFF129INC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR291XPT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens PUS1-human ENCAB680DCY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF904FWY 1374215 Gene Yeo, UCSD be2c406d5dca3a7617799518480546d3 GRCh38 released ENCFF196YUL fastq reads ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF092NLI 256381701 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68e6a7ab56a888ffb223f7f696608c04 SRA:SRR5111798 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF409TRK/ released ENCFF450GCJ fastq reads ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF032CWK 296457041 Gene Yeo, UCSD 78d7cd6b619394c0a98f1e98bffbcc5e SRA:SRR5111799 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF409TRK/ released ENCFF032CWK fastq reads ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF450GCJ 317844865 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2217608dd7329c92186d31fe176091cd SRA:SRR5111799 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF037AIE/ released ENCFF092NLI fastq reads ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF196YUL 276396408 Gene Yeo, UCSD daa1bf0d50b70e27e65d2a964e84f914 SRA:SRR5111798 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF037AIE/ released ENCFF337FDR bam alignments ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF032CWK, ENCFF450GCJ 167359160 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62aef226f501943fa42b1f11bd22b097 hg19 released ENCFF920GHG bam alignments ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF092NLI, ENCFF196YUL 142957426 Gene Yeo, UCSD ac491f7d9f0c50464755369a51fa5c6c hg19 released ENCFF220NDA bam alignments ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF092NLI, ENCFF196YUL 141140384 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5512c9b99ebef0c83463dcd6e580689b GRCh38 released ENCFF106FPU bam alignments ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF032CWK, ENCFF450GCJ 165482767 Gene Yeo, UCSD 88af752286478508031b1a4eae140431 GRCh38 released ENCFF155RZO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF920GHG 6939234 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff1719f6e668db8295cd6fac95f44987 hg19 released ENCFF441HHV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF337FDR 10604054 Gene Yeo, UCSD 02d2f2ca7b0a5c9ba9fc9f23ef2de703 hg19 released ENCFF932WUK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF337FDR 11108274 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c88aea1821e56e2c9cec462d42ba26b hg19 released ENCFF847LWE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF920GHG 7339967 Gene Yeo, UCSD e37646d0410c05ec1e90bf1a235c8e26 hg19 released ENCFF890IGS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF220NDA 6889958 Gene Yeo, UCSD 87bb63667f9964c0ea4ab1426daa642b GRCh38 released ENCFF193HOO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF106FPU 10422396 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd4c2724c4316ec2f4e832c50887a0dd GRCh38 released ENCFF755FOC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF220NDA 7278102 Gene Yeo, UCSD c86111d883a64f40c1a40805717f5ac3 GRCh38 released ENCFF008GNX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF106FPU 11014786 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b0218bfe66b069e4f421f29da71e839 GRCh38 released ENCFF615THP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF623MFK, ENCFF920GHG 760291 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3d4fcdf12b2ab62324e3693e39032ef0 hg19 released ENCFF874RBP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF337FDR, ENCFF623MFK 948985 Gene Yeo, UCSD 670b50c8cfe59255517ef61da91664ca hg19 released ENCFF981ZPT bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF106FPU, ENCFF378IEN 944089 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b98b5d984dbf967fa410b24d3d9154e GRCh38 released ENCFF028IXB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF220NDA, ENCFF378IEN 756783 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f0271374c1a1aede3387d9f16a47517 GRCh38 released ENCFF172BNP bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF874RBP 1633747 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb2997ae6a8da00c3a2ff76b27c3da97 hg19 released ENCFF411XIQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF615THP 1355022 Gene Yeo, UCSD c8bfbb768845e08ca820f9004fea6589 hg19 released ENCFF821OQU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF028IXB 1352248 Gene Yeo, UCSD ebaa091f7adb7407ccd5c82bc53d8698 GRCh38 released ENCFF868JHW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR576SHT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF981ZPT 1628082 Gene Yeo, UCSD 004e0881697e81c3c94d1dbab41567b7 GRCh38 released ENCFF687SEY fastq reads ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF319ICK 413541196 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6685420cdc16dd1f88f2253b430b9e8d SRA:SRR5112350 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF869DFG/ released ENCFF545IVO fastq reads ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF815UFF 332335734 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2c88b636b8d848e8f79d4f8009d35f7 SRA:SRR5112351 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF869DFG/ released ENCFF319ICK fastq reads ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF687SEY 448488037 Gene Yeo, UCSD e479e1aa501de4b5b2730a74c90e0107 SRA:SRR5112350 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF903ZBT/ released ENCFF815UFF fastq reads ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF545IVO 357560560 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90197b3b65fa074ea3e01114df0d2010 SRA:SRR5112351 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF903ZBT/ released ENCFF105IAX bam alignments ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF319ICK, ENCFF687SEY 483337250 Gene Yeo, UCSD bd46810a18e4b1e2916004f1de3d00a9 hg19 released ENCFF599VUS bam alignments ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF545IVO, ENCFF815UFF 430329370 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72cb38a38c655a7fd6fa17fd985654d7 hg19 released ENCFF889YGM bam alignments ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF319ICK, ENCFF687SEY 481155425 Gene Yeo, UCSD 520780705d34fb4cd1bc01d2d628e1ab GRCh38 released ENCFF704TQZ bam alignments ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF545IVO, ENCFF815UFF 428241495 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8b8de550a12d83c3df799faac21fcfaa GRCh38 released ENCFF354DCE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF599VUS 20591728 Gene Yeo, UCSD c1c0d814168aa1a0f0f3c99b4c7fe5d6 hg19 released ENCFF354PCR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF105IAX 23956463 Gene Yeo, UCSD 61063611c1f18d8f9d4122ecc03a0da6 hg19 released ENCFF537VIU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF599VUS 21464544 Gene Yeo, UCSD 534b49f998bcba682e2281df116d0c9c hg19 released ENCFF445AUC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF105IAX 25060035 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa67cf1c51ee99a32a1fadc4f11dc590 hg19 released ENCFF947QMJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF704TQZ 20547776 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0bb567482f696ba308a3af532ba458e3 GRCh38 released ENCFF037FOV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF889YGM 23929160 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1976826a16ca8e155df2a1caa44e3bae GRCh38 released ENCFF624JEI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF704TQZ 21425884 Gene Yeo, UCSD 11b22cb27e587f0e4b20dd4dc6083c8e GRCh38 released ENCFF781UYD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF889YGM 25005705 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b9473fb7411aae207b2eaa26013c3f5 GRCh38 released ENCFF511SXK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF105IAX, ENCFF333KJO 2294600 Gene Yeo, UCSD fe53e0944f0599f597123fafafa2109b hg19 released ENCFF287ADK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF333KJO, ENCFF599VUS 1961980 Gene Yeo, UCSD 31f32d2885cc941fe80e7a91d656f874 hg19 released ENCFF786BCU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF186RBL, ENCFF889YGM 2315576 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2cccb9ba27a692e022c87c070f74e1ea GRCh38 released ENCFF389LEX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF186RBL, ENCFF704TQZ 1983349 Gene Yeo, UCSD dfa4ae1c8f7b7c2fcc1e56b402e98a9e GRCh38 released ENCFF658NFU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF511SXK 4280021 Gene Yeo, UCSD 45788c13a977a6286786ed26b4e7186b hg19 released ENCFF560JGB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF287ADK 3708847 Gene Yeo, UCSD b37f19f5a88a4632e6163f504556319d hg19 released ENCFF887RRI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF389LEX 3744750 Gene Yeo, UCSD dcff15675a6905a4b40c471f334f3c10 GRCh38 released ENCFF037CYW bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987NYS eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens FAM120A-human ENCAB468JSB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF786BCU 4317627 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a91e3c7c9cc497238bf00c91706b657 GRCh38 released ENCFF228HUK fastq reads ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF169OLG 216168612 Gene Yeo, UCSD c33be29223d7aa10f1f00f539719bc6d SRA:SRR5111380 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF223QBU/ released ENCFF335HRO fastq reads ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF900FEK 162201174 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9fb87e6f3fb970421d944d460bb18828 SRA:SRR5111379 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF223QBU/ released ENCFF900FEK fastq reads ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF335HRO 186474945 Gene Yeo, UCSD f3e7cfa512525068887564bb39306872 SRA:SRR5111379 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF280QZL/ released ENCFF169OLG fastq reads ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF228HUK 261593030 Gene Yeo, UCSD 190407c4d7d619f8746c2d879a0d3521 SRA:SRR5111380 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF280QZL/ released ENCFF525XIM bam alignments ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF335HRO, ENCFF900FEK 187777612 Gene Yeo, UCSD f721327af2a77ab75d84d9bde7ef3bc9 hg19 released ENCFF049KXT bam alignments ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF169OLG, ENCFF228HUK 275548946 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1ad63417b99da56742730afc14d9923c hg19 released ENCFF894NKS bam alignments ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF335HRO, ENCFF900FEK 187176995 Gene Yeo, UCSD c1f09c6195bcbcaf511d34c171367b92 GRCh38 released ENCFF405ESF bam alignments ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF169OLG, ENCFF228HUK 275987492 Gene Yeo, UCSD f47590b17bfd2e66ea8a968c5cc82fd9 GRCh38 released ENCFF890SLG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF525XIM 8337713 Gene Yeo, UCSD 36ac258c8ad9dcca2bd6dcbeebb6069e hg19 released ENCFF926VXD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF049KXT 14392293 Gene Yeo, UCSD f18843c788f3776847997cfdafa44cc3 hg19 released ENCFF353ZBK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF525XIM 8841941 Gene Yeo, UCSD 46e502272cf21ba555b2e1c58f98c8ea hg19 released ENCFF156HRW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF049KXT 15153674 Gene Yeo, UCSD 46fa02ef92ea3a7c0b970479706deed3 hg19 released ENCFF131UIL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF894NKS 8356840 Gene Yeo, UCSD b61137c546b8b61ae39b4b920e792e24 GRCh38 released ENCFF562ZXX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF405ESF 14494302 Gene Yeo, UCSD 27fc2c2860c13f0ccf4a3a7f9bc192bc GRCh38 released ENCFF071EBB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF894NKS 8819525 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7dec91df84d158fde3f669c41948340c GRCh38 released ENCFF378VYJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF405ESF 15202734 Gene Yeo, UCSD 75f0ecd6ef6d356333f5b20134ea28e2 GRCh38 released ENCFF769QNG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF049KXT, ENCFF742LSN 1096272 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8083eed85219944063c0e5ef0e73cae5 hg19 released ENCFF079MYZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF525XIM, ENCFF742LSN 813948 Gene Yeo, UCSD e9a1a335be5a63dc0e289d644b6b5f12 hg19 released ENCFF824IDO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF399CEH, ENCFF405ESF 1111532 Gene Yeo, UCSD abf3543159168118482eb3ee8cd3196c GRCh38 released ENCFF241AOZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF399CEH, ENCFF894NKS 819558 Gene Yeo, UCSD e1f07978dd79006919c7e395e83cc0a7 GRCh38 released ENCFF636QVD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF079MYZ 1448320 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f35334dcfd994d8bdbcff9687b8efb9 hg19 released ENCFF449ANI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF769QNG 1843156 Gene Yeo, UCSD a31ef58c6a6afc87c8ade37974dea063 hg19 released ENCFF818LIK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF824IDO 1868674 Gene Yeo, UCSD 58a4090b18620d201967a46a406beabd GRCh38 released ENCFF592UVI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR268ETU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPK-human ENCAB000BFN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF241AOZ 1459521 Gene Yeo, UCSD c31b5dddc3a259f3c793bbeca7ab409e GRCh38 released ENCFF046KYE fastq reads ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF082KBD 595503368 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7a0b16676d17da44d5a95440d0c1da06 HiSeq 4000 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF919UCQ fastq reads ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF554LXY 554679411 Gene Yeo, UCSD f6b6315f953438da0b6621a47f794cbf HiSeq 4000 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF082KBD fastq reads ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 2 ENCFF046KYE 613619060 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c09bb75e23e3d20958faa99dc18c322 HiSeq 4000 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF554LXY fastq reads ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 2 ENCFF919UCQ 568903826 Gene Yeo, UCSD c4ee058a151e552fca797e7826d36a5a HiSeq 4000 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF089DGF bam alignments ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF046KYE, ENCFF082KBD 24630918 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5eb2c6a9b884936a06fb2db911490a46 hg19 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF290GRL bam alignments ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF554LXY, ENCFF919UCQ 29647703 Gene Yeo, UCSD 78aaf65d5266663bfaa44ec08a307d85 hg19 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF792SBH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF089DGF 1345453 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6481b6b2d984c253b1317c6fd5bc05b3 hg19 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF361LBV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF290GRL 1595307 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5e1b24ffa980941750eacc85410811b hg19 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF550AXO bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF209IJE, ENCFF290GRL 495580 Gene Yeo, UCSD f16f0d5fc47d7e39335885ffaefb80e9 hg19 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF234ECH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF290GRL 1275137 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9491936e98b0febb9498e55fd30db724 hg19 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF753UBO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF089DGF 1103520 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e703809fcd91fef1d2b1a63926df7cc hg19 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF965WTN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF048MKH, ENCFF089DGF 499471 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9274b4145996cbd870aa068fe6be0d49 hg19 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF245APR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF965WTN 850598 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6afc91b0bb9627ce4acfb89c69a08b43 hg19 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF137OPB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF550AXO 857030 Gene Yeo, UCSD 321836ee5c546a97796a17c98712f303 hg19 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF450HVR bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF465QEM, ENCFF803LFC 477047 Gene Yeo, UCSD 59674c44575cfce9543d54151a7a0674 GRCh38 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF712XLM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF302YYD 1565719 Gene Yeo, UCSD b6fb879d9c63b0e7757743254b4d3987 GRCh38 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF880BDZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF002WPT, ENCFF302YYD 485507 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1fbcd19d0f1bc5a5c86ffcb3d0590248 GRCh38 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF250AME bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF450HVR 821073 Gene Yeo, UCSD a29bbd3b2d15b8b2d5b341dae9750cd4 GRCh38 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF987FWR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF880BDZ 844825 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7f322084ac91351f48a2eaa4d33be260 GRCh38 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF302LIU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF465QEM 1296874 Gene Yeo, UCSD ddf78a09bfb9c632e9e51a49e71d063b GRCh38 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF975UQD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF465QEM 1063333 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e3e2a2524e2e8c8262a7263f25ccbf4 GRCh38 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF326VDF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF302YYD 1234459 Gene Yeo, UCSD e8d93719ba3cbd2cf95e46a7a4565287 GRCh38 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF465QEM bam alignments ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF046KYE, ENCFF082KBD 23191869 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5b911e9738650e4fc4f902ec3550c1a0 GRCh38 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF302YYD bam alignments ENCSR634MFO eCLIP UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland tissue adult male 37 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2017-04-10 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF554LXY, ENCFF919UCQ 28580535 Gene Yeo, UCSD 45951514a2f162c052fb9da1b94955c7 GRCh38 released antibody characterized with exemption experiment not submitted to GEO, biological replicates with identical biosample, mismatched status ENCFF192LYD fastq reads ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF929QLP 180783791 Gene Yeo, UCSD f175b26d29568978469604e2d490a3d0 SRA:SRR5111652 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF494AAJ/ released ENCFF835QFU fastq reads ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF833YXA 246544531 Gene Yeo, UCSD bf6bcd951a6fdb375fd0bc836905f71d SRA:SRR5111651 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF494AAJ/ released ENCFF929QLP fastq reads ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF192LYD 189894400 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa368fb980d585b9c59a8a9103e2942b SRA:SRR5111652 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF296EON/ released ENCFF833YXA fastq reads ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF835QFU 256051328 Gene Yeo, UCSD 37a23b4ffe500997b776bfe14d66232e SRA:SRR5111651 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF296EON/ released ENCFF036FAN bam alignments ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF192LYD, ENCFF929QLP 13864839 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2f6328dc8a834d9d6eae2a1e55e61597 hg19 released ENCFF013SZJ bam alignments ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF833YXA, ENCFF835QFU 37442017 Gene Yeo, UCSD 09937b8c3a1647df69219efa3a6de7f0 hg19 released ENCFF218ZEI bam alignments ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF833YXA, ENCFF835QFU 37129990 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4135a40c4dbd2f2193644ef3c3252c36 GRCh38 released ENCFF511HSJ bam alignments ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF192LYD, ENCFF929QLP 13710651 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2042a7cd154ae5245cab3ad86dd9bae4 GRCh38 released ENCFF635FOV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF036FAN 919553 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5d37c8ab3fb7275ef7d4ed736bc3d49a hg19 released ENCFF957MKS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF013SZJ 1893236 Gene Yeo, UCSD 01882bececae61ab1a0b7362f05f78a6 hg19 released ENCFF822CCR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF013SZJ 1994425 Gene Yeo, UCSD 84354196ea2557651bc1b0184e17f86d hg19 released ENCFF816TIW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF036FAN 962119 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7cda0ddcbf9731f2102f3caa30f1230d hg19 released ENCFF791FVU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF218ZEI 1889682 Gene Yeo, UCSD 451c6e064a5bbb1556ec0e7a4226fadf GRCh38 released ENCFF121TWZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF511HSJ 915673 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad10e55031915c0eff3759b7053cf481 GRCh38 released ENCFF546UYO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF511HSJ 957415 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1eee66cf1db1c04e527750c56186437e GRCh38 released ENCFF613ACW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF218ZEI 1984658 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c0e0375c58ae7dc23dd89873765859d GRCh38 released ENCFF874WRG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF013SZJ, ENCFF913HKF 145545 Gene Yeo, UCSD e2277e6d35d8fc244b53c1a6fc94a075 hg19 released ENCFF397VAA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF036FAN, ENCFF913HKF 107376 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8717a9ddb2d71cebed485766e040fb28 hg19 released ENCFF683EWG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF511HSJ, ENCFF879UID 106553 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8276bb17331eef92c7a4017d06377364 GRCh38 released ENCFF127WAK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF218ZEI, ENCFF879UID 145952 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef7018bd6356b0419c21802f8f83dfd7 GRCh38 released ENCFF845LMZ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF397VAA 234180 Gene Yeo, UCSD 279944bdf119eb8281265baa3bc5faa8 hg19 released ENCFF086ZSG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF874WRG 340787 Gene Yeo, UCSD d31e61f46ef0300cd3619da32d999fc5 hg19 released ENCFF274ZJK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF683EWG 233596 Gene Yeo, UCSD 15980dbd1ac46e10631d183846b77a39 GRCh38 released ENCFF060VZB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR483NOP eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SLBP-human ENCAB000BGB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF127WAK 341719 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c904bcb66c715d12c7c72d32a659efb GRCh38 released ENCFF258APN fastq reads ENCSR376KLZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF708EUI 629778117 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0386487a2fbedd31727bba8b079ca983 SRA:SRR5111528 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF708EUI fastq reads ENCSR376KLZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF258APN 567805258 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f176b0ac3e12612f4f2a62c124028d9 SRA:SRR5111528 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF737MAB bam alignments ENCSR376KLZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF258APN, ENCFF708EUI 641336384 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f39455a64eeed2db55976a3ac66e98d hg19 released ENCFF369GNR bam alignments ENCSR376KLZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF258APN, ENCFF708EUI 650248599 Gene Yeo, UCSD f16813db9db40a50229bcec3d57cf7cc GRCh38 released ENCFF142AIM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR376KLZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF737MAB 28718952 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3bc7c2721f5aa3cc0ab952bd08645e17 hg19 released ENCFF021OMD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR376KLZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF737MAB 28876750 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1653dc619cd29976b99f5e0c7cc40c1b hg19 released ENCFF504PBT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR376KLZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF369GNR 29106230 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4d641a279efa34f8700e9743761b172a GRCh38 released ENCFF295JKG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR376KLZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SUPV3L1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB067CNB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF369GNR 29547733 Gene Yeo, UCSD a8f20802d31667cba6914c73388268b0 GRCh38 released ENCFF610KTQ fastq reads ENCSR800LOQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF589AOK 503315737 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6fd6acb060fff1a7fd23bfcdb78a8ab1 SRA:SRR5112094 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF589AOK fastq reads ENCSR800LOQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 40 paired-ended 2 ENCFF610KTQ 434498292 Gene Yeo, UCSD ee7eff64d3eacddcff56111812587ccd SRA:SRR5112094 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF454RJH bam alignments ENCSR800LOQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF589AOK, ENCFF610KTQ 513688257 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a1b5596ee273de9982cd0e8ee58883c hg19 released ENCFF269WSV bam alignments ENCSR800LOQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF589AOK, ENCFF610KTQ 519956441 Gene Yeo, UCSD d6387a57e25859a39f5b125a8f7e2c33 GRCh38 released ENCFF799MQY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR800LOQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF454RJH 24685055 Gene Yeo, UCSD c337ee3915b053ac37f52f0de6b71a5b hg19 released ENCFF200UDC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR800LOQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF454RJH 25530045 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0bda3ef4b4419fd3208f767be77973aa hg19 released ENCFF053HET bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR800LOQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF269WSV 25045450 Gene Yeo, UCSD a21f677561782f9fcec42fb1448e138a GRCh38 released ENCFF591CQB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR800LOQ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TNRC6A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGD RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF269WSV 25881475 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6e0a373eba56acf30c117ca1532d68de GRCh38 released ENCFF444DES fastq reads ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF746GSO 1069431551 Gene Yeo, UCSD 546fc60a5b323749cc5fef4aa57f01e0 SRA:SRR5111900 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF974DXZ/ released ENCFF540VOG fastq reads ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF180SZL 1113120226 Gene Yeo, UCSD 20422411b2f534f9d9dee4fb930a6852 SRA:SRR5111901 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF974DXZ/ released ENCFF746GSO fastq reads ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF444DES 1134736043 Gene Yeo, UCSD 662ba50dc4d79bc1d8aa67c2a7319d37 SRA:SRR5111900 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF702IDH/ released ENCFF180SZL fastq reads ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF540VOG 1163467735 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42ba9dc027f2d914bc42e9e61316d7ab SRA:SRR5111901 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF702IDH/ released ENCFF081ZJS bam alignments ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF180SZL, ENCFF540VOG 363432355 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2b022ef246ece93d3a26403611811b2 hg19 released ENCFF179YDO bam alignments ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF444DES, ENCFF746GSO 604709946 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4b24342eba7407c099e88a9b91304c0e hg19 released ENCFF567ADV bam alignments ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF444DES, ENCFF746GSO 582092144 Gene Yeo, UCSD 98c684dff526951245400c29980acbbe GRCh38 released ENCFF862YVK bam alignments ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF180SZL, ENCFF540VOG 338874134 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a20ef85e422c27a8624fbdcddb6cdad GRCh38 released ENCFF810CHK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF179YDO 27301845 Gene Yeo, UCSD d7d53520e159ed86066acf14d7097a8a hg19 released ENCFF683OAO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF081ZJS 19273452 Gene Yeo, UCSD da85da595b73f60b045989dfb2781f36 hg19 released ENCFF723OPP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF179YDO 27849298 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c9fd657b34bcf56dd424165a9e306c3 hg19 released ENCFF542XZB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF081ZJS 19771910 Gene Yeo, UCSD 311fa8dbdb14610367d8778672eeb1a4 hg19 released ENCFF452EOC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF862YVK 18410278 Gene Yeo, UCSD 099d3f2f5d19f9a126f94bcb24886bdc GRCh38 released ENCFF860YHG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF567ADV 26583660 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6c51c4741a836f54adceaddaffe96518 GRCh38 released ENCFF074DRB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF567ADV 26737836 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4480f98e2dd0c3d26ded39c76e9b4dd GRCh38 released ENCFF420RBU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF862YVK 18881953 Gene Yeo, UCSD a1f90dfb0662970c911753124fa947d0 GRCh38 released ENCFF525PZA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF081ZJS, ENCFF365AGK 2252732 Gene Yeo, UCSD 186ab0d8c3987f004db595becd871c44 hg19 released ENCFF459ANM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF179YDO, ENCFF365AGK 2950995 Gene Yeo, UCSD 32791f1c9cd30b0bdbd68af5b95fbaa5 hg19 released ENCFF815XNW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF015GLL, ENCFF862YVK 2148439 Gene Yeo, UCSD 56c4e8a1cffbb46892b727236eb0618e GRCh38 released ENCFF551IJQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF015GLL, ENCFF567ADV 2895360 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6da25d227f8ae215d4f422deba7c1d4d GRCh38 released ENCFF183VLS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF459ANM 5656785 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e481e49535e4cae32bce06e62432574 hg19 released ENCFF887ZND bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF081ZJS, ENCFF365AGK 3594518 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9e0bdaaaf75308e1be603f03a07bf324 hg19 released ENCFF594IKL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF815XNW 3453753 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2630372eb64daae1188c3c55f495ab11 GRCh38 released ENCFF984WOV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR570WLM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF551IJQ 5575997 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2955fecba0daad82949811b0c30bc1cd GRCh38 released ENCFF008SMT fastq reads ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF017XXT 636397886 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2110d47676e68d9f99920276b4cfa83 SRA:SRR5111949 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF147FKV/ released ENCFF470XOZ fastq reads ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF184DUX 516944066 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8de7bc73d126503cca5a2ee83b4a167e SRA:SRR5111950 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF147FKV/ released ENCFF017XXT fastq reads ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF008SMT 674380920 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c4f4d32f6433efcadcd8104037f17c0 SRA:SRR5111949 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF947NEA/ released ENCFF184DUX fastq reads ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF470XOZ 541720127 Gene Yeo, UCSD ee87a23fbacb95a378f9407b3207f31a SRA:SRR5111950 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF947NEA/ released ENCFF307RJJ bam alignments ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF184DUX, ENCFF470XOZ 183708388 Gene Yeo, UCSD 30819846b74b79e5e23780bb0827cc4a hg19 released ENCFF260PAC bam alignments ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF008SMT, ENCFF017XXT 618270952 Gene Yeo, UCSD 08570dd9097a292192a51c44a728b1d8 hg19 released ENCFF584DZW bam alignments ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF184DUX, ENCFF470XOZ 178683756 Gene Yeo, UCSD c60633df43e3f65d63f5709ca01d71ef GRCh38 released ENCFF689OKB bam alignments ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF008SMT, ENCFF017XXT 601883895 Gene Yeo, UCSD d651631917b93dadcc0739212a798e82 GRCh38 released ENCFF482YSR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF260PAC 31203691 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a28115d821c6b428fb06bf8303b22bc hg19 released ENCFF859SGL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF307RJJ 10007611 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6105f1f965abae6d3e13fc169e62f75f hg19 released ENCFF104WLX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF307RJJ 10330743 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd005434689b424c17b11fd0ce6baab2 hg19 released ENCFF886MNU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF260PAC 32822802 Gene Yeo, UCSD 644cdfc4ce3bbce0e89e002d5a932b8f hg19 released ENCFF782AAU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF689OKB 30610350 Gene Yeo, UCSD a6290ce7663b892de50d0720eaf7e964 GRCh38 released ENCFF410YOZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF584DZW 9814182 Gene Yeo, UCSD 48b7340fe51f769b9b654c09ffe4c143 GRCh38 released ENCFF723HML bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF689OKB 31761197 Gene Yeo, UCSD 632681b778c1f59c4570cc78f8ad5eb7 GRCh38 released ENCFF509GIQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF584DZW 10142733 Gene Yeo, UCSD 88e754d5317ba13b0f61e267553b9c4c GRCh38 released ENCFF845EBP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF307RJJ, ENCFF723GEY 1261290 Gene Yeo, UCSD d1f7503a26a372e14b06c815ea01224f hg19 released ENCFF944KMN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF260PAC, ENCFF723GEY 3458821 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0f625489da0698a5b76d823fbdb9055b hg19 released ENCFF963GMC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF561NXC, ENCFF584DZW 1250224 Gene Yeo, UCSD 75119022b10b835bd1c1d06df37b3c31 GRCh38 released ENCFF492OPF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF561NXC, ENCFF689OKB 3423203 Gene Yeo, UCSD ab8e04d58181786b601557bc3a91f965 GRCh38 released ENCFF762LTO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF944KMN 6399914 Gene Yeo, UCSD a86fa8b75a8c2f98c981875f484dacdf hg19 released ENCFF633AFR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF845EBP 2598560 Gene Yeo, UCSD cdca24b38da2513ce2c15d0a19887bfb hg19 released ENCFF811KFU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF492OPF 6347412 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef160cadf00d69bef294419d2321c0df GRCh38 released ENCFF844JTH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR655NZA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens XRN2-human ENCAB995BMT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF963GMC 2570698 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c028e786a4e449e99d5b62a34d8442d GRCh38 released ENCFF518ZYS fastq reads ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF333RHN 388358022 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3be48e06b76c3ffa09d36c2b35badabf SRA:SRR5112364 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF742YFO/ released ENCFF768LZF fastq reads ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF860PRT 331992567 Gene Yeo, UCSD be51510c4357538c182ca1530ba7b512 SRA:SRR5112365 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF742YFO/ released ENCFF860PRT fastq reads ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF768LZF 350712441 Gene Yeo, UCSD 318c113d161c5b449613bd3d18973dd6 SRA:SRR5112365 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF843CUY/ released ENCFF333RHN fastq reads ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF518ZYS 408934724 Gene Yeo, UCSD 498355e692a44be5c80019be3c5627a2 SRA:SRR5112364 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF843CUY/ released ENCFF163VGP bam alignments ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF333RHN, ENCFF518ZYS 430648154 Gene Yeo, UCSD a9cf056854fc31a4798c1ba3eb00e1b6 hg19 released ENCFF957CDL bam alignments ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF768LZF, ENCFF860PRT 301426623 Gene Yeo, UCSD 466643a0c2eb6244f729f3d94e553ad5 hg19 released ENCFF270FPU bam alignments ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF333RHN, ENCFF518ZYS 429393608 Gene Yeo, UCSD af05c1177178efeb9cc5a5b7ba0a3383 GRCh38 released ENCFF015NHN bam alignments ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF768LZF, ENCFF860PRT 300282577 Gene Yeo, UCSD 13ab0615afa5eee761845b05e34b93c3 GRCh38 released ENCFF358BAW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF163VGP 19832046 Gene Yeo, UCSD d46e2ea1e043703183c74a58167ff43e hg19 released ENCFF386MJS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF957CDL 15195650 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1b864af2796e0592968351bbda01bae2 hg19 released ENCFF655ZEC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF163VGP 20369214 Gene Yeo, UCSD 377d945c1ef318aa8f0b598310e6a6bf hg19 released ENCFF889AZG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF957CDL 15681979 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8bfafc9980bc56824e96993172ca53a9 hg19 released ENCFF225YAS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF270FPU 19868422 Gene Yeo, UCSD b3f69a8c5a424a3723c904211b80da45 GRCh38 released ENCFF119VBJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF015NHN 15214389 Gene Yeo, UCSD 59b09bafc1ee502c64369c52cb7d3ca8 GRCh38 released ENCFF656OKM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF270FPU 20402332 Gene Yeo, UCSD ac3ac4fe136d63aafc77688f6ba22417 GRCh38 released ENCFF152MMM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF015NHN 15684132 Gene Yeo, UCSD feaf4b5d051a175022b6d6212cbc0be1 GRCh38 released ENCFF858ZLX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF957CDL, ENCFF983FIG 1375705 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b61d758f403c728583c02703ec1633e hg19 released ENCFF175PMW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF163VGP, ENCFF983FIG 1788309 Gene Yeo, UCSD bda6ca8058e1667f55ae3c25d79707da hg19 released ENCFF998WZW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF015NHN, ENCFF655LHZ 1396752 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4f2991c4cf9802f650ded85f862aad4c GRCh38 released ENCFF076GHL bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF270FPU, ENCFF655LHZ 1816018 Gene Yeo, UCSD d0bf83ac7d2b4853e60fdbdd31e4c263 GRCh38 released ENCFF631PRH bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF175PMW 3452342 Gene Yeo, UCSD 81018d23eb36206a316e4936163921b2 hg19 released ENCFF049ZWL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF858ZLX 2756441 Gene Yeo, UCSD c6cd43cc5a19c8f6373e3131cddc4ba1 hg19 released ENCFF932BHQ bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF076GHL 3499751 Gene Yeo, UCSD 82d89a66a9bbeca8d3d7e69d73db473c GRCh38 released ENCFF351DRD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR993OLA eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP3-human ENCAB934MDN RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF998WZW 2792819 Gene Yeo, UCSD 229d592d72b840ae0aaad584e3b51490 GRCh38 released ENCFF981COP fastq reads ENCSR631CJA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF842VFC 661584794 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6cc3cd4113d36e9d1124a143b598df3e SRA:SRR5111894 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF842VFC fastq reads ENCSR631CJA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF981COP 589476152 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0bb78fb61dcf522f99f114b614afa1eb SRA:SRR5111894 HiSeq 2500 released ENCFF918AAS bam alignments ENCSR631CJA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF842VFC, ENCFF981COP 360720811 Gene Yeo, UCSD 738f884706012f4db385cda50f17d621 hg19 released ENCFF364ZNC bam alignments ENCSR631CJA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF842VFC, ENCFF981COP 365110530 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72cf74ca69e8b109af887b2e74ab88a6 GRCh38 released ENCFF716JKI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR631CJA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF918AAS 16332860 Gene Yeo, UCSD 591aef1c9bc27bee6f6b6b94d0a60877 hg19 released ENCFF930MIS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR631CJA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF918AAS 16939361 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9aa5851d59b4aea6ab23963fae3665fe hg19 released ENCFF822QAR bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR631CJA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF364ZNC 16777573 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc38271cd311f872b547f53e4211b0d9 GRCh38 released ENCFF030CUC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR631CJA eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SMNDC1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB616ASE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-12-16 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF364ZNC 17399477 Gene Yeo, UCSD 739b3d8b830d4a53ea82b9c3852e33d4 GRCh38 released ENCFF827TLD fastq reads ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF433TMO 962494020 Gene Yeo, UCSD 283ecff348d75ba0819da46424e1e253 SRA:SRR5111637 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF273WXJ/ released ENCFF125EJB fastq reads ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF210HLS 653357377 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2bf49912d53f588c29b8b6ae13d0d950 SRA:SRR5111638 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF273WXJ/ released ENCFF210HLS fastq reads ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF125EJB 685683284 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2fc9e0c5739a763285112a2e7f10af5a SRA:SRR5111638 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF936IFL/ released ENCFF433TMO fastq reads ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF827TLD 1006393287 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f6f88f12a5b74cd7de53cb4f7ffde87 SRA:SRR5111637 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF936IFL/ released ENCFF743SKO bam alignments ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF433TMO, ENCFF827TLD 463999332 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd6fbf254da8ece198d8a4e88903da26 hg19 released ENCFF755XIB bam alignments ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF125EJB, ENCFF210HLS 235234606 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07c03f9b5472f60202e7e5868259d4c3 hg19 released ENCFF051SNH bam alignments ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF125EJB, ENCFF210HLS 223704604 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1e5272ea72ec60d9aeefa9cb096fa77c GRCh38 released ENCFF169EKN bam alignments ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF433TMO, ENCFF827TLD 447322642 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8bef535f34d11cdcd6692d37dbcb8f74 GRCh38 released ENCFF648ZQM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF755XIB 13556583 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7d29ed68bb0354ed827c98a1e4a3d0b4 hg19 released ENCFF274HEE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF743SKO 23886327 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9253b3b78b6890f8ee413a9fe7829b3a hg19 released ENCFF990FKM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF755XIB 13975315 Gene Yeo, UCSD a35d75e0eb9ca1743a9cb0cf4668ddb2 hg19 released ENCFF812GPZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF743SKO 24861870 Gene Yeo, UCSD 419161f532cac73bed5feb48e518593f hg19 released ENCFF474WPV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF051SNH 13134553 Gene Yeo, UCSD f8e4edf1518abe1d8cf16018cdc9a380 GRCh38 released ENCFF101GGU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF169EKN 23267105 Gene Yeo, UCSD a4a36077de51d25347e6efd8d960b777 GRCh38 released ENCFF538RDD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF051SNH 13541899 Gene Yeo, UCSD 323811dcfe4b5bb30e3e4c838cc09257 GRCh38 released ENCFF479BEK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF169EKN 24238327 Gene Yeo, UCSD a05948cef507d09ef2dc21265b61fc56 GRCh38 released ENCFF353XWS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF091VIF, ENCFF743SKO 2538079 Gene Yeo, UCSD b9a3408682070bc18c064ae2ab26ed95 hg19 released ENCFF990UNN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091VIF, ENCFF755XIB 1376742 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6b1ea38f9962a27e032e1b24f9c8c621 hg19 released ENCFF545NBF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF051SNH, ENCFF615UKX 1331431 Gene Yeo, UCSD b1375a13c5ac077ec256c8a556ad0935 GRCh38 released ENCFF253ZSN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF169EKN, ENCFF615UKX 2502240 Gene Yeo, UCSD d447b3950027fda4dc7f8d2841901b6e GRCh38 released ENCFF104SVF bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF990UNN 2356943 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1a3f43c6f9d05543cd4cffdac39c228c hg19 released ENCFF026YRT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF353XWS 4980086 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65c9eadcff5f21bc4fc1606e2d29e599 hg19 released ENCFF983BUY bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF545NBF 2289336 Gene Yeo, UCSD 19acc4d77cfb7f243ff2acb67c4e85c1 GRCh38 released ENCFF052LHG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR456JJQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBM22-human ENCAB476CFS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF253ZSN 4920858 Gene Yeo, UCSD ebeda6deccd2bf39409e88f43ee8ad01 GRCh38 released ENCFF894RPF fastq reads ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF345TKW 721191534 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8c487da958b31e8c232611282056469d SRA:SRR5111689 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF986GFV/ released ENCFF399OEH fastq reads ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF582GSU 785289849 Gene Yeo, UCSD c0e4737311538fbfba5295b2f121de87 SRA:SRR5111690 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF986GFV/ released ENCFF582GSU fastq reads ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF399OEH 824714851 Gene Yeo, UCSD 42777c13b14046fbdb84a5b3d5d1739a SRA:SRR5111690 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF491PHA/ released ENCFF345TKW fastq reads ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF894RPF 754643731 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa3ba0fc23d289643c1dd4fb676aa9f5 SRA:SRR5111689 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF491PHA/ released ENCFF910QNU bam alignments ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF399OEH, ENCFF582GSU 153311431 Gene Yeo, UCSD c09dfca0c5af032e6c983754cae46f64 hg19 released ENCFF307XYP bam alignments ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF345TKW, ENCFF894RPF 250625794 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3447d7b4fac2ab521eca281a61e91e91 hg19 released ENCFF273ZJR bam alignments ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF345TKW, ENCFF894RPF 237853159 Gene Yeo, UCSD 410e7b38645baf0e909f5de75bb55696 GRCh38 released ENCFF259AFA bam alignments ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF399OEH, ENCFF582GSU 148149312 Gene Yeo, UCSD 884da57d2134a39dc0f31e1b4d3a1a65 GRCh38 released ENCFF740LLA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF910QNU 6612348 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9c027c238f0873e0ef61c942c60ab694 hg19 released ENCFF769QMS bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF307XYP 13214190 Gene Yeo, UCSD 342a15d5f9d8b395c1d5eb097c39b6a3 hg19 released ENCFF445ALF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF910QNU 6998788 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4215abc268dd721faca0e3a933de9617 hg19 released ENCFF371AWB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF307XYP 13840309 Gene Yeo, UCSD 73a6f9b5182a31429803ba1018208d89 hg19 released ENCFF687IPT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF259AFA 6458996 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68aa2096ca8c2c192930b9f5dffc5588 GRCh38 released ENCFF003ZMM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF273ZJR 12635431 Gene Yeo, UCSD 00235b2d3d1f0f85003fe222c2981569 GRCh38 released ENCFF165REA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF273ZJR 13369828 Gene Yeo, UCSD d864287c100e96fc22ab7f3f9076d837 GRCh38 released ENCFF412KGD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF259AFA 6823451 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd393a5cfb969481704538267fb7a40c GRCh38 released ENCFF033ZLA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF365ZFZ, ENCFF910QNU 1240318 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5158909b2399d18458524217f0c379c hg19 released ENCFF040CEA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF307XYP, ENCFF365ZFZ 1392298 Gene Yeo, UCSD d37f3758037123e82fcb1148d583324c hg19 released ENCFF734UNZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF083OHX, ENCFF259AFA 1208261 Gene Yeo, UCSD f5de21fa0b8f60ea3bed506224264847 GRCh38 released ENCFF813VYB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF083OHX, ENCFF273ZJR 1331617 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6173a2117979db657acd6b4a21cba336 GRCh38 released ENCFF577BHE bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF033ZLA 2098513 Gene Yeo, UCSD 72832b6fc71435644df811f4caa50194 hg19 released ENCFF475YXN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF040CEA 2292297 Gene Yeo, UCSD 20ac82cbe04b6d6361551833ac02b4a2 hg19 released ENCFF302CMM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF734UNZ 2055306 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8083b3c6563554844fa18cfee02dbfd2 GRCh38 released ENCFF433EPL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR506OTC eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TBRG4-human ENCAB890JXZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF813VYB 2213196 Gene Yeo, UCSD de8494ee45967accf6b428c91693c60f GRCh38 released ENCFF529AAI fastq reads ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF005MIK 530169551 Gene Yeo, UCSD 060287cead49437ab60df0dba04a5f68 SRA:SRR5111958 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF626LUV/ released ENCFF890BOX fastq reads ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF241RKD 987087722 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3a7c088f0e3c99e9d7c4b812e357321a SRA:SRR5111959 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF626LUV/ released ENCFF241RKD fastq reads ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF890BOX 1044727457 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5c10532a0d41333b3d6034d087636809 SRA:SRR5111959 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF795SBP/ released ENCFF005MIK fastq reads ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF529AAI 558529096 Gene Yeo, UCSD e1276af551504402b3a472df427e9023 SRA:SRR5111958 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF795SBP/ released ENCFF216ACB bam alignments ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF005MIK, ENCFF529AAI 506742791 Gene Yeo, UCSD 883111f47709160a944d60114c7b19ad hg19 released ENCFF388PIX bam alignments ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF241RKD, ENCFF890BOX 519088585 Gene Yeo, UCSD 01a135dfa899a8b06113ce6e2ea14eca hg19 released ENCFF934JXI bam alignments ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF005MIK, ENCFF529AAI 480949729 Gene Yeo, UCSD 14f014e01cebdf2dbe9a6af6a3b4f5bb GRCh38 released ENCFF259ZHT bam alignments ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF241RKD, ENCFF890BOX 502032555 Gene Yeo, UCSD ae557f73a269c41bf2e1ac5d638a9f49 GRCh38 released ENCFF356JJT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF388PIX 22291851 Gene Yeo, UCSD 537d872009e7d4266c0d9c3571664444 hg19 released ENCFF134QVX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF216ACB 21810822 Gene Yeo, UCSD b928f434a509928abb8d19a3a999da71 hg19 released ENCFF554YEF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF216ACB 22545804 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ccfb7e405ab7d6a179fab1edb729bef hg19 released ENCFF727FDI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF388PIX 23042866 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9738550c27699019bc01d2f46dc87aa5 hg19 released ENCFF087IME bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF259ZHT 21777404 Gene Yeo, UCSD 066195512dea9beec5603d1969fda4f1 GRCh38 released ENCFF177VMJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF934JXI 21022673 Gene Yeo, UCSD affbae179ff146356e9b2c082c00a233 GRCh38 released ENCFF869NWQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF934JXI 21706005 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8f58897a7dd5061d41c95f4536aa4228 GRCh38 released ENCFF167ADU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF259ZHT 22492300 Gene Yeo, UCSD ff9116be4000f2a862ddabccc329fa8b GRCh38 released ENCFF177JVW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF216ACB, ENCFF790DUN 2382077 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90edabe7cb6078a6e97c807f698fca90 hg19 released ENCFF567UXH bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF388PIX, ENCFF790DUN 2740643 Gene Yeo, UCSD 999035fcc18c7cfb3ea27c1d22de0665 hg19 released ENCFF389TCM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF091KVP, ENCFF259ZHT 2736926 Gene Yeo, UCSD 267961f87ff639cef99769cbf59d2fbb GRCh38 released ENCFF282VKB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF091KVP, ENCFF934JXI 2365054 Gene Yeo, UCSD c5b906486c22ace1c45ee96af7777a97 GRCh38 released ENCFF416UBT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF177JVW 4531086 Gene Yeo, UCSD eccff1b7c5004c902e3e651d260ad171 hg19 released ENCFF525LEL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF567UXH 5229084 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92a6a514936784496199589f9496ea42 hg19 released ENCFF799JDN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF282VKB 4507480 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3c45aabdb7e8c7ab01aaa804d9284664 GRCh38 released ENCFF280WXN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR657TZZ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ZNF622-human ENCAB041OEQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF389TCM 5211797 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2da896b5460abf0576a17307649ea5a7 GRCh38 released ENCFF976JEU fastq reads ENCSR544CTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 51 paired-ended 1 ENCFF411KJR 221543671 Gene Yeo, UCSD c55c3ee244ad61bb02276a5ce0ae2fe3 SRA:SRR5111772 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF411KJR fastq reads ENCSR544CTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF976JEU 214231389 Gene Yeo, UCSD 21955fa684b4762488267a7137a4d961 SRA:SRR5111772 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF413FAM bam alignments ENCSR544CTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF411KJR, ENCFF976JEU 181792780 Gene Yeo, UCSD e7830cec9bf613f08d4a0b0fbf32292a hg19 released ENCFF867ISO bam alignments ENCSR544CTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF411KJR, ENCFF976JEU 182697075 Gene Yeo, UCSD dca7525f15de30b4af83f2e1ded39304 GRCh38 released ENCFF541PUE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR544CTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF413FAM 9321058 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7c8bb1e86b45982d6578c3f18f9ebcfa hg19 released ENCFF457YDW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR544CTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF413FAM 9450710 Gene Yeo, UCSD dfc3d25f8d887b8138bddaf530098537 hg19 released ENCFF084UZN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR544CTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF867ISO 9400527 Gene Yeo, UCSD 201220a47d770f992be1f9f3c609aa43 GRCh38 released ENCFF655QGU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR544CTM eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF867ISO 9523805 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9311667395391de92b479ed1d4d22884 GRCh38 released ENCFF018ESM fastq reads ENCSR212ILN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF589IKK 291741060 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8bbbbb4a7d33627b5cc5248271afec28 SRA:SRR5111299 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF589IKK fastq reads ENCSR212ILN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF018ESM 274997028 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0d594385d271448c9ca7437035ac3af9 SRA:SRR5111299 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF030ZRP bam alignments ENCSR212ILN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF018ESM, ENCFF589IKK 220127073 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6a244c86754c188a5e7d3908f58c35bc hg19 released ENCFF532ADX bam alignments ENCSR212ILN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF018ESM, ENCFF589IKK 220985134 Gene Yeo, UCSD 724ff3b476c80f6b05b50532c1e14366 GRCh38 released ENCFF081LPZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR212ILN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF030ZRP 12859248 Gene Yeo, UCSD daffceae3945cce3fba82159138602b4 hg19 released ENCFF731UYI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR212ILN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF030ZRP 13581004 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0b4590a8e84e37439c8fa1cf6f1378da hg19 released ENCFF295DVP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR212ILN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF532ADX 12887441 Gene Yeo, UCSD a665cf699ff2f8e66aa756a09a9357f4 GRCh38 released ENCFF340UMQ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR212ILN eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens HNRNPM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB792TQV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF532ADX 13578684 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9fb23a0118ff036dba2e5ffee10107f9 GRCh38 released ENCFF409TRK fastq reads ENCSR200SAU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF037AIE 456935133 Gene Yeo, UCSD bf531bb7644ca5f2b2cd3b3ba015e78c SRA:SRR5111313 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF037AIE fastq reads ENCSR200SAU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF409TRK 437478590 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2726812aff20482cd23513689f489dd0 SRA:SRR5111313 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF623MFK bam alignments ENCSR200SAU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF037AIE, ENCFF409TRK 395505036 Gene Yeo, UCSD 30664cd409ed58f00b1d8be2d370882c hg19 released ENCFF378IEN bam alignments ENCSR200SAU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF037AIE, ENCFF409TRK 396384406 Gene Yeo, UCSD fd0d6f040f29a01f37be6c9c97ae6b61 GRCh38 released ENCFF847PAT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR200SAU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF623MFK 20202736 Gene Yeo, UCSD c2e815803943e4d519f555ac6d0b3589 hg19 released ENCFF581XBE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR200SAU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF623MFK 20967733 Gene Yeo, UCSD 536837daee8bdec1fa3d2f60d53685b8 hg19 released ENCFF254IMV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR200SAU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF378IEN 20255335 Gene Yeo, UCSD b347fcb68f31c1bc4d9eb947479c7dc1 GRCh38 released ENCFF379ULH bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR200SAU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX42 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB455YJZ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF378IEN 21006003 Gene Yeo, UCSD f552bf60c094844f84e46714df4fbb39 GRCh38 released ENCFF207TDD fastq reads ENCSR205ZCE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 51 paired-ended 1 ENCFF389YBN 439488045 Gene Yeo, UCSD 991ae5fdbaef66e99700ba9430d89000 SRA:SRR5111254 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF389YBN fastq reads ENCSR205ZCE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF207TDD 424705899 Gene Yeo, UCSD b3adadf785995c67528ef44af615b0cc SRA:SRR5111254 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF772RXA bam alignments ENCSR205ZCE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF207TDD, ENCFF389YBN 238619380 Gene Yeo, UCSD e9967587598780320f14abbee2a4813a hg19 released ENCFF032OPL bam alignments ENCSR205ZCE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF207TDD, ENCFF389YBN 242581060 Gene Yeo, UCSD b74e2fb597ab005b0fbdef7309f313f7 GRCh38 released ENCFF699NWF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR205ZCE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF772RXA 9527167 Gene Yeo, UCSD d402a952937ffb489a65b53888fd8164 hg19 released ENCFF162ZOL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR205ZCE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF772RXA 9801241 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2f1d32aced2af19a1a6247bce7bd2934 hg19 released ENCFF546UAX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR205ZCE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF032OPL 9713190 Gene Yeo, UCSD 29babe444918c1eba7d61239bd67eade GRCh38 released ENCFF444KWD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR205ZCE eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF032OPL 9997449 Gene Yeo, UCSD 06e58d1cef58e8b4148f8288a42610d7 GRCh38 released ENCFF912JVC fastq reads ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF354DZK 292463027 Gene Yeo, UCSD ef4bc259b0361f58604cc3d89f992fc7 SRA:SRR5112078 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF361CSS/ released partially characterized antibody ENCFF038QQM fastq reads ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF589NCU 239553320 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0dcab683202037fdec2c99c327d96850 SRA:SRR5112079 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF361CSS/ released partially characterized antibody ENCFF354DZK fastq reads ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF912JVC 309736678 Gene Yeo, UCSD 013d7d53f2827e783a31a6a01aa4e8fc SRA:SRR5112078 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF463PBP/ released partially characterized antibody ENCFF589NCU fastq reads ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF038QQM 249863244 Gene Yeo, UCSD e494dc7c842a710f08d770eb8a7118de SRA:SRR5112079 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF463PBP/ released partially characterized antibody ENCFF593PCX bam alignments ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF354DZK, ENCFF912JVC 272906593 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6046c22c49ba73fb09b9afad192970a4 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF709HAD bam alignments ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF038QQM, ENCFF589NCU 213545757 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16329595dc6cd9869c6c3df554382074 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF651VGM bam alignments ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF354DZK, ENCFF912JVC 272740461 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4bafea51e2b24bb357e01338ed6582a8 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF460TAE bam alignments ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF038QQM, ENCFF589NCU 213412707 Gene Yeo, UCSD e52b3f6405b435681f4768abbbecc4df GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF500JQA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF709HAD 12656746 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ea5309c6b6b2b53d99e74a700194c52 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF328SYC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF593PCX 15070199 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0bb433823faa91b01fb769dc5ce80241 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF071WZV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF593PCX 15585527 Gene Yeo, UCSD a145dd237bdf1147a6c707cebde65cbb hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF133GHS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF709HAD 13128604 Gene Yeo, UCSD 0c5fa79a617c21cef01f8cfa58dceb15 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF413CWK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF460TAE 12668755 Gene Yeo, UCSD 201f78b0313e9fb2b539c5aecd3a9676 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF236WOT bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF651VGM 15112774 Gene Yeo, UCSD b86c66ca92135cef52e5095445c7e54f GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF853NSA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF460TAE 13137019 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1cbe9db362bba2dad077a13bcb028358 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF207BLP bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF651VGM 15634079 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7963521f463f7f93e0f98ae51711d645 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF125UVA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF709HAD, ENCFF849LMJ 1136574 Gene Yeo, UCSD 986223d5c2e40e4de2b0f29966b0de53 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF409GPI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF593PCX, ENCFF849LMJ 1508904 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8d24d6c5e9c42bd9570f8f6f1aad6756 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF327JJE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF060BMG, ENCFF460TAE 1149142 Gene Yeo, UCSD 25d337a16105108e4e5d8e88507ea42c GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF432ASF bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF060BMG, ENCFF651VGM 1530355 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2a5da26a2e8d43ebc1755ffe74a1ee2e GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF946ENX bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF409GPI 3079228 Gene Yeo, UCSD e02d2d13897515a8e27c5cc779624df7 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF636PHB bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF125UVA 1928305 Gene Yeo, UCSD 04cfa6dfcaae9ca38e52cbfc836d35d8 hg19 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF481BSO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF327JJE 1954444 Gene Yeo, UCSD 74e79d13e6a8073deedc45131121987f GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF573SHV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR773KRC eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF9-human ENCAB278ULX RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF432ASF 3118437 Gene Yeo, UCSD bdcacc2254ba9194da69e1107d954774 GRCh38 released partially characterized antibody ENCFF943QCL fastq reads ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 48 paired-ended 1 ENCFF362JFX 283920939 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1358aab783a0485485093c0f0b1ee981 SRA:SRR5112015 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF207TDD/ released ENCFF437VOG fastq reads ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF539YWE 208282406 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5ac19c00ca6796855c6262bd5560a11a SRA:SRR5112016 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF207TDD/ released ENCFF362JFX fastq reads ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF943QCL 300520197 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8d64e14b4df9280c044d1f9256bc3125 SRA:SRR5112015 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF389YBN/ released ENCFF539YWE fastq reads ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF437VOG 218907466 Gene Yeo, UCSD c59089993ee65e1534c548c232282022 SRA:SRR5112016 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF389YBN/ released ENCFF059OSQ bam alignments ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF437VOG, ENCFF539YWE 262621329 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ecf6ba5550a4722088850f3ea58d2ab hg19 released ENCFF438FSK bam alignments ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF362JFX, ENCFF943QCL 320784172 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a38bbee4bfc9221efa6d73a156e6a50 hg19 released ENCFF427IMN bam alignments ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF437VOG, ENCFF539YWE 260143564 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8461b0d3344efae7d35644eec0dd54e2 GRCh38 released ENCFF777OWL bam alignments ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF362JFX, ENCFF943QCL 319050364 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2f89c2eeb2cf9cd17c0fb5b5bb049d2b GRCh38 released ENCFF081XSP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF438FSK 15178271 Gene Yeo, UCSD f6fcd9db38dca56f7ba01c5090752699 hg19 released ENCFF906EOC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF059OSQ 12616992 Gene Yeo, UCSD fcaf1ae02061fcb830a503bdd8c0facc hg19 released ENCFF426PJF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF059OSQ 12925738 Gene Yeo, UCSD a5772b025c2768b861e8f7f2286c5075 hg19 released ENCFF079OER bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF438FSK 15677614 Gene Yeo, UCSD b8935aba49ef5c9c2e953f15dab861cd hg19 released ENCFF026VOV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF427IMN 12571397 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e85e56bd9bf172241ce14c59e3f2df0 GRCh38 released ENCFF725BUB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF777OWL 15152287 Gene Yeo, UCSD eb1c54c24af6f0b8acd8b47cbec3ec74 GRCh38 released ENCFF398TNM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF777OWL 15648256 Gene Yeo, UCSD 642365953583cf765ef584bc0bf9ddc6 GRCh38 released ENCFF370PYL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF427IMN 12869584 Gene Yeo, UCSD 413a883a9a3145c28cbe19df5ba0b1ce GRCh38 released ENCFF976DBP bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF059OSQ, ENCFF772RXA 1278391 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1313b84a61e15065d4009cc61b143963 hg19 released ENCFF486BXN bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF438FSK, ENCFF772RXA 1566157 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7232dd83740d476ae9514e24d8f07ab2 hg19 released ENCFF705SDK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF032OPL, ENCFF427IMN 1291359 Gene Yeo, UCSD a43791b76a5e7c691066758852306425 GRCh38 released ENCFF145YYK bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF032OPL, ENCFF777OWL 1592887 Gene Yeo, UCSD d8b21ea5007bd3fedc5a7eb527f5804c GRCh38 released ENCFF068FVA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF976DBP 2520469 Gene Yeo, UCSD f8dfd53580e17268a66c5d75af2b663d hg19 released ENCFF047WLR bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF486BXN 3041213 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2c942622da02f59f2ea0a9a869d9c087 hg19 released ENCFF408OWO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF145YYK 3094633 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5fb20b0df6fd6769f0346a3bcadca360 GRCh38 released ENCFF358CZV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR744GEU eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF705SDK 2542436 Gene Yeo, UCSD 90d94deecd4ad39fee5ed2767a8c0fff GRCh38 released ENCFF969KXX fastq reads ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF162KZD 207565514 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc550c2a7d972051785babbfafa27e23 SRA:SRR5112310 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF389CTP/ released ENCFF370UVC fastq reads ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 39 paired-ended 1 ENCFF905DBX 222306396 Gene Yeo, UCSD 042d9336fef1984cd5881d5b8f2a9cfb SRA:SRR5112309 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF389CTP/ released ENCFF905DBX fastq reads ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF370UVC 262586424 Gene Yeo, UCSD ab0f71dd1798c5581460ac7dad9cc3e5 SRA:SRR5112309 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF933TIF/ released ENCFF162KZD fastq reads ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF969KXX 238824902 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8cdc3f014e2bddf93a21c4812c5ee1e0 SRA:SRR5112310 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF933TIF/ released ENCFF614EMY bam alignments ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF370UVC, ENCFF905DBX 193781838 Gene Yeo, UCSD c6e5792834dc90e739b69d9025ab2e58 hg19 released ENCFF491LUG bam alignments ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF162KZD, ENCFF969KXX 182374628 Gene Yeo, UCSD b5c064abc6f24330b66e190034508a94 hg19 released ENCFF843HDQ bam alignments ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF162KZD, ENCFF969KXX 181469635 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7859a73b58bbef31ac6d95b4fef31938 GRCh38 released ENCFF023RGT bam alignments ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF370UVC, ENCFF905DBX 193143554 Gene Yeo, UCSD c08d3aaebb72210909a676222077c09a GRCh38 released ENCFF945ITD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF614EMY 10616941 Gene Yeo, UCSD 95c1c6a4384d849f8c7da87bd6df51a3 hg19 released ENCFF799FTL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF491LUG 10369730 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9f7ba6f4481800ab66adc40bd659fdad hg19 released ENCFF303NPB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF491LUG 10786561 Gene Yeo, UCSD c60997a2b56e88ae50658e15a652c96d hg19 released ENCFF601RGF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF614EMY 11083463 Gene Yeo, UCSD 466619a1aaf1493e90c08ffa497ba519 hg19 released ENCFF311HEG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF843HDQ 10338454 Gene Yeo, UCSD 565b8d251db4529e06b77f4daacb705a GRCh38 released ENCFF402WTV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF023RGT 10586774 Gene Yeo, UCSD e6c47a80f60bdaf1748c62c55eafc485 GRCh38 released ENCFF321LLR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF843HDQ 10737179 Gene Yeo, UCSD 57d72fd25894430130f2c84a59a5a279 GRCh38 released ENCFF555GID bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF023RGT 11025068 Gene Yeo, UCSD c6a9692aa7b73675f7da842807080254 GRCh38 released ENCFF887LSX bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF291ITN, ENCFF614EMY 748114 Gene Yeo, UCSD b11962d4c517c7f1d5a640a219031d3f hg19 released ENCFF735UHA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF291ITN, ENCFF491LUG 656719 Gene Yeo, UCSD dc1cc2191d2bed5a20808ac633ee2d37 hg19 released ENCFF264ODZ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF379FKC, ENCFF843HDQ 655190 Gene Yeo, UCSD d547ed63813e5a1204122be98bb2ceab GRCh38 released ENCFF141IID bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF023RGT, ENCFF379FKC 749068 Gene Yeo, UCSD c90b33e6e99aa7c6f57c6be94fc4ebd2 GRCh38 released ENCFF799XKD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF735UHA 1205551 Gene Yeo, UCSD 12ad8815657bdae7f53eae8fde564f46 hg19 released ENCFF015KTU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF887LSX 1341343 Gene Yeo, UCSD 14fd1e9a3262547b9e8491c6e8bf458c hg19 released ENCFF719GZA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF264ODZ 1207469 Gene Yeo, UCSD 824480647b1a75b8e6afbe7d6a6f1770 GRCh38 released ENCFF682SYA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR947JVR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DGCR8-human ENCAB462ILE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF141IID 1346673 Gene Yeo, UCSD 989c6fb86501c81660abebe4d3bf1a4a GRCh38 released ENCFF962DLT fastq reads ENCSR614VYQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF149QMI 495343552 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3919b83de083531f291db3ec4cef7f1b SRA:SRR5111855 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF149QMI fastq reads ENCSR614VYQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF962DLT 473787270 Gene Yeo, UCSD db614aed50aa8eb9a3009a16dd5cc9c6 SRA:SRR5111855 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF424XSW bam alignments ENCSR614VYQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF149QMI, ENCFF962DLT 371817925 Gene Yeo, UCSD 37439f5bf27b723130d2efc5f9dcb1dc hg19 released ENCFF027WDY bam alignments ENCSR614VYQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF149QMI, ENCFF962DLT 376477203 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad15965f324e398959f11ad395e30d02 GRCh38 released ENCFF855ECL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR614VYQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF424XSW 18743216 Gene Yeo, UCSD 193a4bc76c0af00415615fa9ade2c25c hg19 released ENCFF234DPO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR614VYQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF424XSW 19186673 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f2b912b2b22d98b5b162a2756c6cd11 hg19 released ENCFF474XPU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR614VYQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF027WDY 19046589 Gene Yeo, UCSD 307d3def4630e800bc6da514ef4dd950 GRCh38 released ENCFF672MVL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR614VYQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens HNRNPU eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB502MPG RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF027WDY 19474488 Gene Yeo, UCSD ffc58a40018f65a3c34cbf7e63aed601 GRCh38 released ENCFF996LKZ fastq reads ENCSR655BRZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF371GVL 341845487 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6f98a9c511b3731c096d484731b903e8 SRA:SRR5111911 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF371GVL fastq reads ENCSR655BRZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF996LKZ 328737648 Gene Yeo, UCSD 158e656ff82beafe9a5056606923bbb4 SRA:SRR5111911 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF421BZA bam alignments ENCSR655BRZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF371GVL, ENCFF996LKZ 120618049 Gene Yeo, UCSD 59df65c5df7a0e3dc9cb102fde2c3d2a hg19 released ENCFF487PQZ bam alignments ENCSR655BRZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF371GVL, ENCFF996LKZ 122200407 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4c26b889085c3a4fdd70480abdeb5fbc GRCh38 released ENCFF636XDP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR655BRZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF421BZA 5886872 Gene Yeo, UCSD ce4bffe6e2026eb40fbc07526ecb0d23 hg19 released ENCFF500SVA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR655BRZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF421BZA 6032992 Gene Yeo, UCSD d81934b147bb94899a75a7285b56a193 hg19 released ENCFF216CAI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR655BRZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF487PQZ 6019293 Gene Yeo, UCSD f9248699e8b9fc420e40e11e7a87e421 GRCh38 released ENCFF945LNO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR655BRZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens BCCIP eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB586MIB RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF487PQZ 6168897 Gene Yeo, UCSD 900af5329a4239b26c0f111fce4bb141 GRCh38 released ENCFF325JZX fastq reads ENCSR871RTL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF303MYY 322464413 Gene Yeo, UCSD d77723df765c183991864665f52af1c5 SRA:SRR5112210 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF303MYY fastq reads ENCSR871RTL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF325JZX 322980011 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3840f03df2effe6d29f9aa539462130f SRA:SRR5112210 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF097VMD bam alignments ENCSR871RTL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF303MYY, ENCFF325JZX 161151734 Gene Yeo, UCSD 00c03ed915b82e873aecca4695b11161 hg19 released ENCFF227TON bam alignments ENCSR871RTL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF303MYY, ENCFF325JZX 161351040 Gene Yeo, UCSD 65a41870d139c937760fd2abf5ed24ab GRCh38 released ENCFF498CTW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR871RTL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF097VMD 7238116 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc1291b8ebb871ee705f7e48e0971647 hg19 released ENCFF780WFJ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR871RTL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF097VMD 9864889 Gene Yeo, UCSD 35ed0ef6060aafb11bd5117e95c5676d hg19 released ENCFF945AJC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR871RTL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF227TON 7271184 Gene Yeo, UCSD d6559ab9c356717cb6d9e7567244fc54 GRCh38 released ENCFF126CZT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR871RTL eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens U2AF2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB511TCT RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF227TON 9874490 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3784a8f8b2bf9c5422ffdb4ab13615b2 GRCh38 released ENCFF939IUP fastq reads ENCSR387RGT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF610LIH 285344290 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8be982a2dc0e96108b42e3dde02147fa SRA:SRR5111525 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF610LIH fastq reads ENCSR387RGT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF939IUP 274545197 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e124c7cddb467e717d1f606db98674b SRA:SRR5111525 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF011HZT bam alignments ENCSR387RGT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF610LIH, ENCFF939IUP 178164303 Gene Yeo, UCSD f64919a4cf8648cb87d47a621c9a3143 hg19 released ENCFF819GBX bam alignments ENCSR387RGT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF610LIH, ENCFF939IUP 179103700 Gene Yeo, UCSD 837f9a7748110513ff32655379798d9c GRCh38 released ENCFF491AKD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR387RGT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF011HZT 10941962 Gene Yeo, UCSD f68b010268c0a82578c9f990480be860 hg19 released ENCFF426FUU bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR387RGT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF011HZT 11379245 Gene Yeo, UCSD c77a17313c8cc0856909c955e2aa6de8 hg19 released ENCFF810PVM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR387RGT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF819GBX 10964988 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3fec7c7100b57e49851e23bea6b5ae9e GRCh38 released ENCFF647SFR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR387RGT eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP2 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB597TIV RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF819GBX 11403624 Gene Yeo, UCSD ce80c6987a80993d73ca81fe4ff6111f GRCh38 released ENCFF753WOC fastq reads ENCSR943ZKM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF596PFP 554400876 Gene Yeo, UCSD 499813dad9e1d7a361de027a84fc07c7 SRA:SRR5112303 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF596PFP fastq reads ENCSR943ZKM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF753WOC 544839476 Gene Yeo, UCSD df106999e5a7b4d3f4a9e126418f189d SRA:SRR5112303 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF219NJE bam alignments ENCSR943ZKM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF596PFP, ENCFF753WOC 168255320 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1211eacf2dbd591caad925c25d97e85c hg19 released ENCFF894EVA bam alignments ENCSR943ZKM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF596PFP, ENCFF753WOC 169274906 Gene Yeo, UCSD b048e6b903315349631393ad68a4892e GRCh38 released ENCFF713UCX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR943ZKM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF219NJE 7618934 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9ffe46a15dae024fb4fffa79c3eb244f hg19 released ENCFF831WEA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR943ZKM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF219NJE 10475807 Gene Yeo, UCSD d07d7b2808eb897e395d80a4c6f0af57 hg19 released ENCFF225ZYL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR943ZKM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF894EVA 7692325 Gene Yeo, UCSD 86a85e6b8db1c02ab34d50afe5198496 GRCh38 released ENCFF443FBY bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR943ZKM eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens AUH eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BFE RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF894EVA 10561007 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6683ebf3d7e5e6f69124deb47f62ad8e GRCh38 released ENCFF267TXP fastq reads ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF253TTK 154266326 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34407ce9e7c5a8a42af5269065c51cd6 SRA:SRR5111426 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF976JEU/ released ENCFF836WPZ fastq reads ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF065AKB 98623082 Gene Yeo, UCSD 52776750f1343b1923154cb365ca143b SRA:SRR5111425 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF976JEU/ released ENCFF253TTK fastq reads ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF267TXP 160330229 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2dcdb1625dc101f0ac4b7cb386412fd8 SRA:SRR5111426 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF411KJR/ released ENCFF065AKB fastq reads ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF836WPZ 101468619 Gene Yeo, UCSD 87f24023f065a191e818591cae851902 SRA:SRR5111425 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF411KJR/ released ENCFF693CSS bam alignments ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF253TTK, ENCFF267TXP 153531440 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5b752a1d70caf498d4f5376faf6be333 hg19 released ENCFF832CEI bam alignments ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF065AKB, ENCFF836WPZ 85552565 Gene Yeo, UCSD 35450a384df7a04fa32a9ad80817fece hg19 released ENCFF372BZV bam alignments ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF253TTK, ENCFF267TXP 152532533 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c1ee3a8c290eed016949208b265d804 GRCh38 released ENCFF745EHU bam alignments ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF065AKB, ENCFF836WPZ 85362307 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3da43051c0b1765da7bbdfed8e6a766e GRCh38 released ENCFF783XOO bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF693CSS 6975620 Gene Yeo, UCSD 305acc861c780d6a6e8b7c4ae672af2d hg19 released ENCFF330ILC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF832CEI 4543976 Gene Yeo, UCSD 637aa64650d930beb8d682284a0bcf74 hg19 released ENCFF592LJE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF832CEI 4661528 Gene Yeo, UCSD e37a7fb1deee9aa5c48bafa1a9869e10 hg19 released ENCFF042FJI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF693CSS 7129035 Gene Yeo, UCSD e84ef8e7197268c7f8fe5cd70f5ee858 hg19 released ENCFF741CKV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF372BZV 6944367 Gene Yeo, UCSD a2c7a25b8cf1062272d8dceb2fa6bbc9 GRCh38 released ENCFF637SFZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF745EHU 4549982 Gene Yeo, UCSD 550f46cb24db07b2a499efad272e4e86 GRCh38 released ENCFF124ZCK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF372BZV 7098346 Gene Yeo, UCSD c598d79093034bdbe344bf01db3f25da GRCh38 released ENCFF744BVM bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF745EHU 4667265 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad4e745135ab48814607ff80ad805d2a GRCh38 released ENCFF210QRC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF413FAM, ENCFF693CSS 734327 Gene Yeo, UCSD f0a86ee42a132a576ac01f25d4ed7bd1 hg19 released ENCFF955HGE bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF413FAM, ENCFF832CEI 391415 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9a1e9087ea9933dec84bf9b6f2ad4055 hg19 released ENCFF966KQG bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF745EHU, ENCFF867ISO 392815 Gene Yeo, UCSD 60662eac66a38d6cce983897d0cb1e1e GRCh38 released ENCFF105GZJ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF372BZV, ENCFF867ISO 737233 Gene Yeo, UCSD c96855d21528865b1c15ea8c1443a9be GRCh38 released ENCFF903ULN bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF210QRC 1355984 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3012230d230b176fb0369247eda69fba hg19 released ENCFF028DNT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF955HGE 813828 Gene Yeo, UCSD 39067c919af5690ee04ace5c7e12aa9a hg19 released ENCFF944NHL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF105GZJ 1359273 Gene Yeo, UCSD 24760dcf4bb49f7c1930d2960e1716d1 GRCh38 released ENCFF157EDM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR314UMJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TRA2A-human ENCAB683DWW RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF966KQG 817227 Gene Yeo, UCSD 586ddbba737fe3256a725b3fb72ed5f0 GRCh38 released ENCFF181GFC fastq reads ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF643ZXH 304209612 Gene Yeo, UCSD ed1bb8134fd0ed6778214a3b53addb49 SRA:SRR5111906 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF678FPJ/ released ENCFF482SRR fastq reads ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF506BUC 252190875 Gene Yeo, UCSD db734f42caeeab213e7d6833ce4f5b84 SRA:SRR5111905 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF678FPJ/ released ENCFF506BUC fastq reads ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF482SRR 254642885 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5342efe4dc179a60da770794c3f5347a SRA:SRR5111905 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF805EWQ/ released ENCFF643ZXH fastq reads ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF181GFC 307665811 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa49316c0066db124385617f9cc8a50b SRA:SRR5111906 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF805EWQ/ released ENCFF485LRS bam alignments ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF181GFC, ENCFF643ZXH 457392867 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9be2a7d7dca51c3f681c36e4f2a13bf0 hg19 released ENCFF878IQT bam alignments ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF482SRR, ENCFF506BUC 351124247 Gene Yeo, UCSD 981356ca6ee503fdd980a48ccbd40ddd hg19 released ENCFF681JJG bam alignments ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF181GFC, ENCFF643ZXH 458384632 Gene Yeo, UCSD c287a071ec93a54dc9ca9d0de3b1bca1 GRCh38 released ENCFF258DPQ bam alignments ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF482SRR, ENCFF506BUC 352719227 Gene Yeo, UCSD a70c497229d00105fc64ef8947ab7110 GRCh38 released ENCFF562ANK bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF485LRS 23380066 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8244289f9684271f1db45129e9348161 hg19 released ENCFF962KME bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF878IQT 18907073 Gene Yeo, UCSD df3ffa63883e57ecb122f339ea994ff7 hg19 released ENCFF494TGK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF485LRS 24134959 Gene Yeo, UCSD 48170fbc7386bd9aa7ee33dc3a71afce hg19 released ENCFF797HXR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF878IQT 19762209 Gene Yeo, UCSD 00191ac69f13d5ed2bbac6f9cf3a4e0c hg19 released ENCFF951BGZ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF681JJG 23466423 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6cfb926fb6f8a6abfd6c9d7fc62e8673 GRCh38 released ENCFF573VNX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF258DPQ 19336765 Gene Yeo, UCSD 49e13b56d52892f5cdeddbe9ee140f57 GRCh38 released ENCFF996GFV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF681JJG 24210793 Gene Yeo, UCSD c3d119340e86e8153ab485efae061a53 GRCh38 released ENCFF306MBI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF258DPQ 19933261 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4cb5ad728ac275eef02451b1464d260 GRCh38 released ENCFF055IIM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF482VTM, ENCFF878IQT 1849310 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5330b20fdadfa0089607af705a9bc301 hg19 released ENCFF358SGV bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF482VTM, ENCFF485LRS 2485388 Gene Yeo, UCSD 44f847be4512ad1440719fa24a131254 hg19 released ENCFF856EHA bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF258DPQ, ENCFF269QNL 1880985 Gene Yeo, UCSD ba0a449b06a82ebfdc3b3b187e0ddc5a GRCh38 released ENCFF378HWC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF269QNL, ENCFF681JJG 2523594 Gene Yeo, UCSD 15dd2ee0138d2ebd52ee5630674d13e0 GRCh38 released ENCFF251QBU bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF055IIM 2843067 Gene Yeo, UCSD d266386a2aecd0bf863e378a0292b50a hg19 released ENCFF784SLC bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF358SGV 3662118 Gene Yeo, UCSD b75ae44b60325e18d221a564ea9cbc1d hg19 released ENCFF159BSL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF856EHA 2886644 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6845c6a60e581d3eea6f69e2cdf8a0c3 GRCh38 released ENCFF323DFS bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR623VEQ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens TIA1-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF378HWC 3722730 Gene Yeo, UCSD 59fbec1de58933b7fc77e3b4d964bb80 GRCh38 released ENCFF997VKX fastq reads ENCSR752YLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF012GQR 516481897 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5588023d7ba0257c15432359629d5d34 SRA:SRR5112021 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF012GQR fastq reads ENCSR752YLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF997VKX 507946174 Gene Yeo, UCSD 735154b2378e6426db93c4fe061e325b SRA:SRR5112021 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF257CGL bam alignments ENCSR752YLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF012GQR, ENCFF997VKX 299927797 Gene Yeo, UCSD cb47c0ee45895052ad784d261419ed60 hg19 released ENCFF166ZIY bam alignments ENCSR752YLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF012GQR, ENCFF997VKX 305346152 Gene Yeo, UCSD f78de5b2ba06aefe37181021916467d0 GRCh38 released ENCFF783AZJ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR752YLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF257CGL 13484461 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2b9ce4f20ffc57d79b58165d0a5534f6 hg19 released ENCFF736OAS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR752YLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF257CGL 13889317 Gene Yeo, UCSD 13ef2da418685878ebcd517fdf238239 hg19 released ENCFF407AHP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR752YLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF166ZIY 13731739 Gene Yeo, UCSD c490eea6ea64cc932c80ede63cc093c5 GRCh38 released ENCFF070MKB bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR752YLF eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens SERBP1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB229RIQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-09-21 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF166ZIY 14135376 Gene Yeo, UCSD 558671afe6efbd5ae025209cfe6b7947 GRCh38 released ENCFF441RYK fastq reads ENCSR356GCJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF504YTU 1898084050 Gene Yeo, UCSD fcb7d2f10d0c90668d9ac49f93fed6e1 SRA:SRR5111478 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF644ZWS bam alignments ENCSR356GCJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF441RYK, ENCFF504YTU 463844160 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc6806213f0062b0db648261cda2ed9a hg19 released ENCFF504YTU fastq reads ENCSR356GCJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF441RYK 2101053622 Gene Yeo, UCSD a88f6213f937bb3b07387c08066900f2 SRA:SRR5111478 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF910OEJ bam alignments ENCSR356GCJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF441RYK, ENCFF504YTU 467080341 Gene Yeo, UCSD ec69c4c4c696c30474081938938e6b91 GRCh38 released ENCFF892JNM bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR356GCJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF644ZWS 28420934 Gene Yeo, UCSD 53081d3a32523d40011bac16604f892a hg19 released ENCFF402DIC bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR356GCJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF644ZWS 29431564 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4c8c6fba8ebb0f9a280acb0fd528383 hg19 released ENCFF523SWX bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR356GCJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF910OEJ 28968059 Gene Yeo, UCSD a16e95d3a8b9afd479f327d25e2b2570 GRCh38 released ENCFF698IQD bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR356GCJ eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens TIA1 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB000BGC RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-08-19 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF910OEJ 29981436 Gene Yeo, UCSD 488e9ec4ed4ee76f57d0401c75562049 GRCh38 released ENCFF620NEF fastq reads ENCSR615AAW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF647NVG 715668637 Gene Yeo, UCSD 382755c24fec42248bf1c10a95cdfe73 SRA:SRR5111850 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF647NVG fastq reads ENCSR615AAW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF620NEF 684737258 Gene Yeo, UCSD fc04ba173f972e62ccd1648d64d3ebd4 SRA:SRR5111850 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF849FKQ bam alignments ENCSR615AAW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF620NEF, ENCFF647NVG 441118974 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2f3376e304bb15bce5b4c279898ab418 hg19 released ENCFF070RME bam alignments ENCSR615AAW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF620NEF, ENCFF647NVG 448252678 Gene Yeo, UCSD 4ed1325d10c48adaab089ef01bac66ea GRCh38 released ENCFF430SHW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR615AAW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF849FKQ 20633305 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6af9aad38730d02423f1633bc011d966 hg19 released ENCFF100KVV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR615AAW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF849FKQ 21346828 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16696b5f4887e14ce44f1fbd8589a226 hg19 released ENCFF362AGG bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR615AAW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF070RME 20990652 Gene Yeo, UCSD 23ceddde9901b47e9eb9904a186c4626 GRCh38 released ENCFF296LXE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR615AAW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF070RME 21698495 Gene Yeo, UCSD edbb2ce4c9dd0269b8a01f156a70f24f GRCh38 released ENCFF702IDH fastq reads ENCSR130TOJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF974DXZ 639550946 Gene Yeo, UCSD 16f473af5fc3aa75bc9a27fe0105e4aa SRA:SRR5111165 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF974DXZ fastq reads ENCSR130TOJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 55 paired-ended 1 ENCFF702IDH 668333896 Gene Yeo, UCSD 67d3d96022b5ca76571d81b32ad00971 SRA:SRR5111165 HiSeq 4000 released ENCFF365AGK bam alignments ENCSR130TOJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF702IDH, ENCFF974DXZ 548529512 Gene Yeo, UCSD 88e249a7752cf55f4508446cf7ededb8 hg19 released ENCFF015GLL bam alignments ENCSR130TOJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF702IDH, ENCFF974DXZ 559962825 Gene Yeo, UCSD da9ef3c5bced11c816d4b9019e66f50a GRCh38 released ENCFF368GUP bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR130TOJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF365AGK 23472075 Gene Yeo, UCSD d31ebc3c33ec29e6f6553ec4f2a9ce9e hg19 released ENCFF578ENS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR130TOJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF365AGK 24053103 Gene Yeo, UCSD 493688dec9b1a7cc4477e9b7382afd15 hg19 released ENCFF387NSQ bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR130TOJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF015GLL 23978285 Gene Yeo, UCSD 79161684254ffb558237b808e6aa1e41 GRCh38 released ENCFF436PYT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR130TOJ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens QKI eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB494QSS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF015GLL 24542476 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9fb0164c23b57bf919eb561558887fb8 GRCh38 released ENCFF995SCZ fastq reads ENCSR670UPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF489KGX 427506695 Gene Yeo, UCSD efa2c599deb63496d4b5078d7cade13f SRA:SRR5111942 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF489KGX fastq reads ENCSR670UPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF995SCZ 402387582 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8eafbfe6117900e806c1305b70f78afa SRA:SRR5111942 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF262DRT bam alignments ENCSR670UPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF489KGX, ENCFF995SCZ 478037702 Gene Yeo, UCSD e048092925530fa072d5e7aa965b5d86 hg19 released ENCFF596UYR bam alignments ENCSR670UPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF489KGX, ENCFF995SCZ 481175042 Gene Yeo, UCSD 07e2d2fe6a40b4c7f5b9116f3cd312ff GRCh38 released ENCFF956MVA bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR670UPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF262DRT 24678904 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1fa5d78534f4fbe1ef86b4b155fba05b hg19 released ENCFF171JWT bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR670UPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF262DRT 25131260 Gene Yeo, UCSD efb7e45e5b19e80ce5f9a77627ac3c73 hg19 released ENCFF876NHB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR670UPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF596UYR 24888766 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2bee9d55abed7276303467cf04a302e7 GRCh38 released ENCFF514JKI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR670UPZ eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SLTM eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB526HXQ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF596UYR 25346679 Gene Yeo, UCSD ae7f8ab07113ef42db5e0b10b97cfbba GRCh38 released ENCFF335AAR fastq reads ENCSR194AVW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF278YMV 467254137 Gene Yeo, UCSD aa4286ea95819e1a9e50d0aec2df9981 SRA:SRR5111253 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF278YMV fastq reads ENCSR194AVW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF335AAR 453221531 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6867ee527ef750a15bf903629f040cc8 SRA:SRR5111253 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF987MIH bam alignments ENCSR194AVW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF278YMV, ENCFF335AAR 340996116 Gene Yeo, UCSD 01beeba5c49de2c64403583fcd4ccef3 hg19 released ENCFF465FAY bam alignments ENCSR194AVW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF278YMV, ENCFF335AAR 343966039 Gene Yeo, UCSD a557e107aaf0f4113ab41f9c7376f80f GRCh38 released ENCFF056GQE bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR194AVW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF987MIH 14010756 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3ab2764738ce1a5a7ff91483940ce16d hg19 released ENCFF779PCX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR194AVW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF987MIH 14493910 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1f1c9af47ce8a20fbc5a4335f32abd27 hg19 released ENCFF058NSN bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR194AVW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF465FAY 14222672 Gene Yeo, UCSD e91104869c42456ee1e5397fb7c09e82 GRCh38 released ENCFF736KLS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR194AVW eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens RBM27 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB173QUF RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF465FAY 14703796 Gene Yeo, UCSD bb760e875db8b0d0bf27fdd2ed9162e9 GRCh38 released ENCFF772NLB fastq reads ENCSR886YYD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF673XBX 415574361 Gene Yeo, UCSD b52d64ef1c8c5bec7b1bc02580986075 SRA:SRR5112214 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF673XBX fastq reads ENCSR886YYD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF772NLB 410777289 Gene Yeo, UCSD 045111388c56b001b083b4c49b62af98 SRA:SRR5112214 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF976CQJ bam alignments ENCSR886YYD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF673XBX, ENCFF772NLB 126730421 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1102e3e0559a9fca831420d0b982a9ef hg19 released ENCFF072CLZ bam alignments ENCSR886YYD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF673XBX, ENCFF772NLB 128548358 Gene Yeo, UCSD 68f11e40fbc88f1a56716d649fe3c312 GRCh38 released ENCFF347FPD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR886YYD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF976CQJ 6084958 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5377d14a3e985c6ae98890be299f4a43 hg19 released ENCFF270IHA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR886YYD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF976CQJ 6288904 Gene Yeo, UCSD f8ea26161e32c87ffb74af2a4185bae7 hg19 released ENCFF783VBB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR886YYD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF072CLZ 6169912 Gene Yeo, UCSD 44f7b4e099b5588fe51f36f1f60f52b7 GRCh38 released ENCFF477FYI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR886YYD eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SF3B4 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB647CFU RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF072CLZ 6435238 Gene Yeo, UCSD b04e1b42102f68a5bcb2a7d5ed47e16b GRCh38 released ENCFF611KBN fastq reads ENCSR629MQN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF043KVQ 341286047 Gene Yeo, UCSD 56a721f30d79d0ee3566fed03c904dc5 SRA:SRR5111875 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF043KVQ fastq reads ENCSR629MQN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF611KBN 332821404 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1c6ae66208a478bbdb211049a83bb59a SRA:SRR5111875 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF586AZF bam alignments ENCSR629MQN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF043KVQ, ENCFF611KBN 188773915 Gene Yeo, UCSD 25df500ecfe87740dbdc1ad8fea8b345 hg19 released ENCFF160TWL bam alignments ENCSR629MQN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF043KVQ, ENCFF611KBN 189274926 Gene Yeo, UCSD d6514044b3a3779f357da44b4c8a41c9 GRCh38 released ENCFF733ZLW bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR629MQN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF586AZF 6642821 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9c1de335d20d5f0f106b0786e85b25c7 hg19 released ENCFF965POO bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR629MQN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF586AZF 6821676 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5eb4fc9afeb15b6fea06e4aea4d32998 hg19 released ENCFF678FIY bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR629MQN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF160TWL 6677747 Gene Yeo, UCSD 92bc456c52510c8812fe6f65772f89c5 GRCh38 released ENCFF826HSS bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR629MQN eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens SRSF7 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB910DVS RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF160TWL 6853060 Gene Yeo, UCSD 61e70ff9286f3f4af216f2a668773812 GRCh38 released ENCFF495ZOZ fastq reads ENCSR760SFB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF535YZW 558246790 Gene Yeo, UCSD 48df2b93e1cec45c2124cd6784dec762 SRA:SRR5112050 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF535YZW fastq reads ENCSR760SFB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF495ZOZ 556952825 Gene Yeo, UCSD 87cc7db4db20d6bb9682a1972b960135 SRA:SRR5112050 HiSeq 2000 released ENCFF715OWV bam alignments ENCSR760SFB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF495ZOZ, ENCFF535YZW 519558036 Gene Yeo, UCSD d5130899837b0dc6b45eae17269296fa hg19 released ENCFF184AQO bam alignments ENCSR760SFB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF495ZOZ, ENCFF535YZW 521236593 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7f3e7010e50c798517270bc3434cd8c4 GRCh38 released ENCFF556NKL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR760SFB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF715OWV 23188328 Gene Yeo, UCSD 8dca424ca0bd6ade59ba8ee79746bd15 hg19 released ENCFF629QUA bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR760SFB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF715OWV 24040779 Gene Yeo, UCSD dd16177344bc8264ce3c3a7ac740a4b9 hg19 released ENCFF753HRL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR760SFB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF184AQO 23255912 Gene Yeo, UCSD a48436b9350bd7214971b7741dc83eca GRCh38 released ENCFF900PEG bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR760SFB eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens ILF3 eCLIP mock input-human ENCAB198ZHJ RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-11-09 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF184AQO 24091046 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5e50f0ac3ddfdc30d92e2c4f1adac2d8 GRCh38 released ENCFF024VZT fastq reads ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF163DCH 609492842 Gene Yeo, UCSD 9257cac7df36d9b106571b406734067f SRA:SRR5112223 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF301TAX/ released ENCFF259KOV fastq reads ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 50 paired-ended 1 ENCFF915SRQ 700677740 Gene Yeo, UCSD 909714c89a6662fdf1ce2ce0efe4ec8e SRA:SRR5112222 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF301TAX/ released ENCFF915SRQ fastq reads ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF259KOV 702462793 Gene Yeo, UCSD f2893377090c4913b36f2a88a60eef7d SRA:SRR5112222 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF510SNL/ released ENCFF163DCH fastq reads ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 45 paired-ended 2 ENCFF024VZT 623897109 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1073c345729a96ffd683c4f475896ac8 SRA:SRR5112223 HiSeq 4000 /files/ENCFF510SNL/ released ENCFF457JWB bam alignments ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF024VZT, ENCFF163DCH 133422904 Gene Yeo, UCSD 645075b7d73341e0a237ecdd4eb6d951 hg19 released ENCFF766EMG bam alignments ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF259KOV, ENCFF915SRQ 320737806 Gene Yeo, UCSD 231ac34b6b68c366441b3963574febc7 hg19 released ENCFF515CUN bam alignments ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF024VZT, ENCFF163DCH 129957989 Gene Yeo, UCSD 807b267f2913f7d6fd80b0f3bb57339b GRCh38 released ENCFF242MDU bam alignments ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF259KOV, ENCFF915SRQ 314047383 Gene Yeo, UCSD 34964f738ff7ebb74a306aaa4eb54996 GRCh38 released ENCFF234TZD bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF457JWB 6097031 Gene Yeo, UCSD b4d1530a6f27499cf7b4b828a29ee75d hg19 released ENCFF159GZL bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF766EMG 16891151 Gene Yeo, UCSD 62bd831d307a6e4de14b31ff7a82f69d hg19 released ENCFF662STV bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF766EMG 17904694 Gene Yeo, UCSD 040f7e6a8e2d105bdaeb99603004eec9 hg19 released ENCFF082NYI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF457JWB 6474696 Gene Yeo, UCSD 12aae7d17baae71675c86ae2bc841d3d hg19 released ENCFF869SIH bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF515CUN 6007642 Gene Yeo, UCSD 1d0e0fa74de19eb38e0c8772c4e01167 GRCh38 released ENCFF278AZV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF242MDU 16692757 Gene Yeo, UCSD d0ee954495ccc35cfba762be3fdf5585 GRCh38 released ENCFF142GNL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF242MDU 17659569 Gene Yeo, UCSD 28b356125e65fd3144f1c71296323144 GRCh38 released ENCFF625EKI bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF515CUN 6320376 Gene Yeo, UCSD b91935aece143596e02b3d40e8a25d91 GRCh38 released ENCFF906PBB bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF766EMG, ENCFF982ORK 1829739 Gene Yeo, UCSD 97dd3078c9d63ee843f9758c5829ab33 hg19 released ENCFF626UUD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF457JWB, ENCFF982ORK 945402 Gene Yeo, UCSD d13cb191337de65dfc7f5ca54d17df1c hg19 released ENCFF747NRM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF515CUN, ENCFF593SPI 931495 Gene Yeo, UCSD 599a1c2d577fddadf7806ddcf51a02af GRCh38 released ENCFF608UGQ bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF242MDU, ENCFF593SPI 1830075 Gene Yeo, UCSD 433b12047278f8518ee56c5e1d64c9cf GRCh38 released ENCFF037HOV bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF626UUD 1640674 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2ec2c1756f7f0843fa62b1471db0f92c hg19 released ENCFF948ZLM bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF906PBB 3635958 Gene Yeo, UCSD e4d512618a971ad0444cc1e747d982eb hg19 released ENCFF590NER bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF608UGQ 3640446 Gene Yeo, UCSD b8a046ef45ef03a9c175086c5ee436bd GRCh38 released ENCFF312AIG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR893EFU eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens DDX6-human ENCAB348UON RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2016-04-26 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF747NRM 1622124 Gene Yeo, UCSD 26a637e50bf0ec80b376d749e009a732 GRCh38 released ENCFF399XVR fastq reads ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF088JXR 230316565 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5d07e3ab7efe2c04927edee3f04bd434 SRA:SRR5112331 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF592FNJ/ released ENCFF383VVS fastq reads ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF271KYF 178695219 Gene Yeo, UCSD dff2fff665a3cea9aed826c2f5e6afc8 SRA:SRR5112330 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF592FNJ/ released ENCFF088JXR fastq reads ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF399XVR 232396956 Gene Yeo, UCSD b77213da4dede6ea0ef728e59ee2425b SRA:SRR5112331 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF672RWL/ released ENCFF271KYF fastq reads ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF383VVS 180297835 Gene Yeo, UCSD c99603bc5b65753e48c6e1a1bc1708b7 SRA:SRR5112330 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF672RWL/ released ENCFF002KWR bam alignments ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF088JXR, ENCFF399XVR 276834805 Gene Yeo, UCSD b2cbb72e96d2fc6801bdc4e31d721aa4 hg19 released ENCFF956NTH bam alignments ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF271KYF, ENCFF383VVS 196345398 Gene Yeo, UCSD 435c8b657bf46b9a03cab0a52b070567 hg19 released ENCFF449VXW bam alignments ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF271KYF, ENCFF383VVS 195926047 Gene Yeo, UCSD b98cd5dbc18e68cdbc5b7b5f8bec997d GRCh38 released ENCFF544NQL bam alignments ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF088JXR, ENCFF399XVR 276522464 Gene Yeo, UCSD 5f55bf4b2fd45fbd4304aae60a80c08c GRCh38 released ENCFF238DNC bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF002KWR 14301615 Gene Yeo, UCSD d2df8a93d53dd8330aa273c7142ea73a hg19 released ENCFF792IKF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF956NTH 12163636 Gene Yeo, UCSD 05264f5bdc719228c7688fcc759fff98 hg19 released ENCFF326QAR bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF002KWR 14931634 Gene Yeo, UCSD 270658ac42249b44d338147b022d8669 hg19 released ENCFF726PXZ bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF956NTH 12689555 Gene Yeo, UCSD e385b981709cbc5bc2f49130bdbd7131 hg19 released ENCFF142XLV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF449VXW 12166564 Gene Yeo, UCSD e93e0c71e423981812ec8bad67962f1b GRCh38 released ENCFF540OLV bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF544NQL 14331800 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7793f34b332f6f15e17ec2c0deeaee0b GRCh38 released ENCFF810AIK bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF544NQL 14917713 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3e9cbf86ca65b46af4990e801eb21b12 GRCh38 released ENCFF733OIX bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF449VXW 12667898 Gene Yeo, UCSD 566ffe7d214c14803fea9a0b647ea4d2 GRCh38 released ENCFF435MEM bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF002KWR, ENCFF425DPU 1337076 Gene Yeo, UCSD a8f56ddc9a20bbc17b9c2327ba63c8ad hg19 released ENCFF701YCW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF425DPU, ENCFF956NTH 1076176 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7003f76abfe0da5d649398fcd09ab1d3 hg19 released ENCFF853FGC bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF544NQL, ENCFF982JPX 1362501 Gene Yeo, UCSD 09aa6af1c1ed84cf641fcda06e15af91 GRCh38 released ENCFF185IDD bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF449VXW, ENCFF982JPX 1098132 Gene Yeo, UCSD cd7c94fa387077ba92b9ce7d2ad81c76 GRCh38 released ENCFF228PAK bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF435MEM 2639092 Gene Yeo, UCSD 91a8dc4f603aa1f323f93251dc42ba15 hg19 released ENCFF324IWT bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF701YCW 2221385 Gene Yeo, UCSD c37c1421855940b7889ab682afe23709 hg19 released ENCFF197PZA bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF853FGC 2674819 Gene Yeo, UCSD e0e5f38129b313a8c56d018d7579b3fd GRCh38 released ENCFF304RKO bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR975KIR eCLIP EFO:0002067 K562 immortalized cell line adult female 53 year Homo sapiens IGF2BP1-human ENCAB108MXA RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF185IDD 2258612 Gene Yeo, UCSD 6770953a6da3358d1ebce518bb839917 GRCh38 released ENCFF591SSP fastq reads ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 44 paired-ended 1 ENCFF289OFA 329966162 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2111e51a208a81550a4280760565ece9 SRA:SRR5112362 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF264UQQ/ released ENCFF172GUS fastq reads ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 43 paired-ended 1 ENCFF647KDW 328684234 Gene Yeo, UCSD a502dba02408170afc8da298ac2dbfbd SRA:SRR5112361 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF264UQQ/ released ENCFF647KDW fastq reads ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF172GUS 350864310 Gene Yeo, UCSD d4ff546d3f9efd5ca349a58c16828d6e SRA:SRR5112361 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF648TWD/ released ENCFF289OFA fastq reads ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 46 paired-ended 2 ENCFF591SSP 353974767 Gene Yeo, UCSD f148f3c7a590f503a23b894099c443de SRA:SRR5112362 HiSeq 2000 /files/ENCFF648TWD/ released ENCFF994WPX bam alignments ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF172GUS, ENCFF647KDW 383183079 Gene Yeo, UCSD 2e0754be30d5e2dc58f91686a89b4ae3 hg19 released ENCFF154BQS bam alignments ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF289OFA, ENCFF591SSP 376339189 Gene Yeo, UCSD b6e5026390e5a04adeb7d337556125e5 hg19 released ENCFF239CML bam alignments ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF172GUS, ENCFF647KDW 381425464 Gene Yeo, UCSD b9e69f61aec8bb4c8f4cf890ab4793fd GRCh38 released ENCFF170YQV bam alignments ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF289OFA, ENCFF591SSP 373157016 Gene Yeo, UCSD ad56fe4df04dc9755db3f20aecdff002 GRCh38 released ENCFF939GCU bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF994WPX 17524972 Gene Yeo, UCSD 3b28eb4d25b06ae46dc042ced76d7d8a hg19 released ENCFF252QKI bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF154BQS 17366713 Gene Yeo, UCSD b3b76c9b203eee77ebc5f494070de9ef hg19 released ENCFF074HHE bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF994WPX 18672580 Gene Yeo, UCSD f1db15598ece120741af12987dc85c7c hg19 released ENCFF980ZNW bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF154BQS 18544703 Gene Yeo, UCSD b263a343f619e100ab104ba6f25aea2c hg19 released ENCFF752HWB bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF239CML 17458105 Gene Yeo, UCSD 7f5a1806c20b11c4e5ccb1392b89980b GRCh38 released ENCFF177ZTF bigWig minus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF170YQV 17271884 Gene Yeo, UCSD abbfe1dee9c13bdfd954ddde904eefe4 GRCh38 released ENCFF240NTF bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF239CML 18607448 Gene Yeo, UCSD 80a9ed6d3dba0f0444c9b40999ac4392 GRCh38 released ENCFF274QRL bigWig plus strand signal of unique reads ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF170YQV 18447543 Gene Yeo, UCSD 748222d28c3388355acf40d1259b5366 GRCh38 released ENCFF639MYI bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF590UCY, ENCFF994WPX 1850003 Gene Yeo, UCSD a1b5f9808ef5e879d8d81ff1d44fa3b1 hg19 released ENCFF664WCU bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF154BQS, ENCFF590UCY 1741862 Gene Yeo, UCSD 58a04cb563942d73e4446818fba5758a hg19 released ENCFF082QGS bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF170YQV, ENCFF515BTB 1747745 Gene Yeo, UCSD 25b50c4c6fd5acb8342f6e3b4a2b2abd GRCh38 released ENCFF390PJW bed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF239CML, ENCFF515BTB 1862091 Gene Yeo, UCSD 55047c894789e97c9daa016e95e2625c GRCh38 released ENCFF639WJL bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF639MYI 3558742 Gene Yeo, UCSD fa707a9e9b0608c522fa451019cc718e hg19 released ENCFF668JDG bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF664WCU 3415250 Gene Yeo, UCSD 661a02b6078c7739b7b8b0d3d68283ee hg19 released ENCFF429HUD bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 2 1 ENCFF082QGS 3424917 Gene Yeo, UCSD abcbe5fe3fe9687931a80a3fbb0219ba GRCh38 released ENCFF311VRI bigBed narrowPeak peaks ENCSR987FTF eCLIP EFO:0001187 HepG2 immortalized cell line child male 15 year Homo sapiens RBFOX2-human ENCAB592TEY RNA see document see document ultraviolet irradiation True 2015-07-15 ENCODE 1 1 ENCFF390PJW 3581807 Gene Yeo, UCSD d3636980cf436621362620ec2c0b8eae GRCh38 released